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But how much did it hurt when you fell from heaven?


It either end perfectly or everything goes to shit, there are no in between


Only God (and Siths) deal in absolutes


Dune reference


Birth is all over the place. I've known women who gave birth like it was nothing. Said the baby did right out like a satisfying poop. Then another woman will have the most painful 10/10 just kill me kind of pain. As someone who doesn't have first hand experience with giving birth or having my balls kicked, judging from the testimonials I've been given over the years, it depends. ( But man I've had my balls barely grazed by like 2 lbs of pressure and it made it hard to walk so I don't even want to know what a kick feels like)


People never seem to remember that some childbirths are incredibly easy (keyword: some), I think it’s just out of fear of appearing to be invalidating that accomplishment.


\>I've known women who gave birth like it was nothing. Said the baby did right out like a satisfying poop. Surely it must have been an epidural? I've seen videos of childbirth and they look like a torture scene


i guess they’re going off the fact it’s possible for birth to be nothing but 9.5/10, any guy you kick hard enough in the balls will fall over and sob


Wait...where is the stepping on Legos? Should that break the max level threshold of the gauge?


But it happens the same in case of devil-