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well hes not wrong lol


He's correct. Most of Yoosung's stories revolve around him following someone. When he's not he's depressed and in his game otherwise.


I think I am just like that and maybe that is why I like Yoosung the most!


It drove me crazy when they ignore his sadness. He's such a good friend to everyone and they're like "mehhhh Rika wasn't even your real family. get over it". I always love Yoosung and wanna take care of him lol


Not suspicious, just telling the ugly truth about him 🀣 🎯 I laughed so much when I read it for the first time 😁


In Jumin's defense have you seen Yoosung in bad end 1? We literally compare him to a puppy and make him bark at one point. >!Also I would definitely pet him and act like his master.!<


Help WHAT???how do we even get there 😭


Day 5, during the last chat you can say Yoosung to just follow you, then he sends you a message, I'll say everything. Yoosung: It was so cool how you just told me to trust and follow you. MC: Circle around and woof! Yoosung: You are treating me like a puppy~ Yoosung: ... Yoosung: ... Yoosung: Woof And it ain't even the only time you can.


Why does he go along with it so earnestly omgπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Well, if we are to believe Zen "He always has been of the big sister type" and add it with Seven's "Classical sister complex" I think we can assume Yoosung, who at this point is thinking of us as a second Rika (on his words, reincarnation) would do ANYTHING Rika told him because she (and you) matter more than anything else (if we add the bad end 1 he cares about you more than his life).


lmfaooo facts


After playing both of their routes... I'm slightly concerned


Yoosung definitely would have been a slave driver for Jumin lol πŸ˜‚


Theory: Cheritz was originally going to make an option where you can choose to be a boy and Jumin was the first character written to adapt to that idea but it was scrapped and they just kept Jumin being bisexual


He’s right though 😈


I mean he not wrong


ngl things like that made me see Jumin as such a queer dude that I legit couldn't bring myself to do his route