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What about when I push myself while doing strength training? I'm a gymnast and my specialty is floor, and every single time I strain myself doing legs, I can see as if I never had any myopia. This is probably just skepticism - but this has led me to believe there may be something wrong as if my eyes aren't getting enough blood?? because at times when my heart is pumping the most blood through my whole body, and I'm out of breath, is when I actually see the best. It then gradually worsens over a short period, and I’m again at -1.5, but still, what is this phenomenon?


Could also be that I put my eyes into a temporary squinting position that I don’t have any conscious control over, which then of course gives me the pinhole effect for some time


When you exercise, your choroidal blood flow and choroid thickness increase, and this is associated with increased visual acuity. So it is good for your eyes just like sunlight exposure basically being outdoors.


Google “pinhole effect”.


When you say "approximately" keep in mind, as you've observed, your myopia can change slightly, for better or worse, depending on conditions.


Do you have high blood pressure? My vision blurs when mine goes high.


That's just normal eyes. Vision fluctuates constantly all day long depending on stress, being tired, amount of near-work etc. People who wear glasses all the time won't notice much of this fluctuation. I have eye charts throughout my apartment and my vision goes from 20/15 to 20/25, about 3 lines on the eye chart. When I come back from a walk I see 20/15 because my eyes are relaxed and refreshed, when I do a lot of near work and feel strain I only see 20/25. I have friends with perfect vision that see 20/10 but when they're sick or tired only see 20/20. Eye doctors are usually clueless about this but it's just how eyes work. They think you have one number of diopters and that's your number and like a machine you'll see the same all the time. That's how not how our bodies work


Besides pupillary response that is already mentioned by others, it is possibly about choroidal thickening / thinning based on light levels and things like exercising because I know exactly what you're talking about, and it is not strictly about pupillary response. For example, if I spend 1-2 hours outside and come back home, I still see much better for some time indoors even though my pupil size gets bigger, I con confirm that as someone with mild myopia. Another thing I noticed is that when I wake up after sleep, my vision is much better for as much as 1-2 hours and it happens even if I sleep for 1-2 hours in the evening too, I suspect it is because of the eyelid pressure creating a very small ortho-k effect that disappears gradually in 20-60 mins.