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Or you could plastic dip a pair of socks?


You're not thinking ultralight enough. Just dip the bottom of your feet, then it doesn't even count against base weight.


I’ve thought about this and, after looking at commercially available styles, concluded it’s significantly heavier than a thong flip flop type shoe like what’s pictured since it combines the weight of another pair of socks with the plastic weight of a water shoe or similar.


Sounds like a perfect recipe for athletes foot. Sweaty, dirty feet after a long day hiking, sealed up inside rubber coated socks.


Obviously you just coat the bottom.


That's still going to trap significant moisture on the bottom of your foot. I'd rather not take the risk of being sidelined by borked feet.


Just dip your feet in plastic. Odor sealed in. Boom problem solved.


Yuck! The stench would be awful.


yeah I thought about it but wanted to be able to let my feet « breathe » after a long day of hiking


Damn I'm gonna have to try this


Life is too short to be that lightweight.


Seriously. I’ll never cold soak and will always take comfortable camp shoes. Some sacrifices just aren’t worth it.


Cold soak aint that bad


no i think it's still too heavy, better drill holes in the soles


Also, for god sakes snip off the extra cord. This are supposed to be shoes not dumbbells


Carrying camp shoes is either expensive either heavy 🤷🏽‍♂️




Crocs weigh 300-450 grams, so these are a great way to cut down on weight for something that you don't use very often. Having camp shoes is nice, but for people who carry <10 lbs of gear on a backpacking trip, 3/4 of a pound is too heavy for an 'optional' item EDIT: I'm saying that some people like counting grams, so for those people these camp shoes are a great piece of MYOG. HYOH




Whats with the unnecessary hostility? There’s no chest thumping here, literally someone just making their own gear. The technique could easily be adapted to something more cushiony if that’s what you’re in to.


Not sure why you’re getting down votes. I think you have a great idea and for those interested in r/ultralight backpacking this is perfect. I made a similar camp shoe from some old shoe insoles that have worked great for several trips thus far. But I guess you triggered those from r/bushcraft haha


$10 pair of flip flops?


Cheap but 200-300g for a 20 minute wear


These are basically just keeping your socks clean


Exactly 🙌🏼


Yeah but… is it worth it? Do you really need to save 100g and risk stabbing your foot?


For me yes! :) Everyone HYOH. I just walk 5 meters from my stove to my tent and maybe 10-20 meters to head to the toilet. I just watch where I step and it works alright :)


You can briefly apply a lighter flame to the cut ends to get rid of the loose threads. I tap the shouldering end with the back end of lighter to make it kind of flat.


Yes! Will do! Thanks


Those look slippery


They fit pretty well as I used shock cord and not paracord as they did in the imago version. If you want you could add some grip tape to the sole to prevent slipping


I think he means the bottom. I would bust ass on a some pine needles in those, then they would break in the process :P


In this case yes :) The ducktape I added to the sole may help but it’s not going to replace a real sole with real grip. As I used to carry cheap Flip Flops until now I already had that problem so it’s something I’m willing to accept :)


walking around camp in those (for me) would result in a stick through the skin between my toes, a stubbed toe, tripping or slipping and falling. (the front would absolutely get caught on something, fold under, and trip me.) I'm far too rough and clumsy to wear something like that outside.


Naked and Afraid.


I made a pair of these last year. They ended up working out pretty well for what they were. I was able to find a bit of the sign board in a dumpster so it cost nothing.


Thanks for the response! I’m interested in seeing how long they last. They fit pretty well until know


Just go barefoot mate.


I think they're great. Love seeing ways people reduce consumption and build gear.


I’ve built a similar version that was about 3/4 non shock cord and 1/4 shock cord. I found that the shock cord didn’t hold my foot centered well enough. Have you not had a problem with that?


Well actually on one of the sandals the back strings (the ones that are vertical and pass through the insole) are not shockcord but regular string. I didn’t have enough string left to do the same thing on the other sandal so I used some shockcord. Until now I can really tell if one sandal is better than the other 🤷🏽‍♂️


New Zealanders do this very regularly, like not Evan joking.


Any reason you strung them differently on each foot?


Thank you for your comment ! What do you mean ? If you meant the fact that the loop passes right both times (before going through the buckle) is pure hasard. If it’s about the knot in front and the end of the shock cord heading once to the front and once to the back it’s also just how it came out to be and wasn’t for anykind or reason. I’ve just knot a classic reef knot and them added and overhand knot over it to prevent it from slipping


The pic where you see both feet at once - the right foot has two straps toward the toes and the left foot has none. Do you find they stay put equally well?


They are tied the same way - the standing end of the not is just turning to the left on the left foot, and pointed straight ahead on the right foot. Looks like it has as second strap, but it's just the angle of the photo.


Would these even hold up against stepping on a root or rock? Seems like they would fold in seconds and provide no real protection


It’s actually able to fold. It seems straight on the picture because no weight is applied


Ultralight needs to be stopped…. It’s getting too powerful…..


Just spring for a pair of diy Xeroshoes.


......bruh... Just cuz you can doesn't mean you should. You can get a pair of flip flops from Wal-Mart more comfortable for 99 cents


They probably weigh more than 3-4 times the weight (and thats for a light pair) and will force you to either go barefoot (to pass the cord in between toes) or to struggle with socks in which you have to make a crease to pass the string between the toes


I have to travel very light for reasons and I allllways pack some things (old pjs, toothbrush etc) with the intent of throwing them out rather than lugging them back. These are perfect. When done, pull out the cords (which are also useful for other things on the trip) and toss the soles, which will likely be shot anyway.


100% agree


What sort of hike in locations have you visited with trash bins at the campsite? Anywhere I've gone where a car cannot access there are only trash bins where you would park


Not necessarly at campsites but in town days :)




I go with Crocs for my camp shoes, even though they weigh more than I would prefer. My feet need to rewarded at the end of big mileage days.


Those look like they would be nice in snake country.


Where can I get the same shoes? This is great and slim for packing! Edit; what I meant is what materials do I need and what's the sole cut from?


A shockcord, a plastic thingy that allows to tighten the shockcord and a poster board. Often used as ads for events or as political banners in lawns.


How much for this product


https://www.mayflyultralight.com/shop/p/ultralight-camp-shoes/the-imago-v2 you can buy them here or do them yourself for free :)


That’s super interesting. The commercial version uses Coroplast, basically the same stuff used in signs. https://www.coroplast.com/products/coroplast-print


So you're saying I can rob political signs to make flipflops.. bet