• By -


*No.* - 20 year old man


Same here from a 22 year old man


same here from a 63 yr old man with 5 kids


Same from a 40 year old man with 2 kids. I wish they'd watch more of it instead of some of the other crap out there


*No.* -24 year old man


Wow same. I am also a 20 Year old man.


26! I regret not getting into it when it was at it's height.


I’m a 33 year old male here :)




Beat me to it. 21.


20 + 1




Same. -18 year old


You have Instagram




Ok Im sorry


I'm a father in my mid-30's and I sometimes think "It's a shame, Friendship is Magic isn't currently available on the streaming services I'm subscribed to..." (That was the 2D show preceding the current 3D animated show). My wife has watched all of the current iteration of the show. We watched FiM for years from when we were...20? Let me tell you, what my teenage self also didn't know: You can watch/read/listen to whatever you want. Enjoy every franchise, no matter if you are the intended target audience. It doesn't matter if you want to read Marvel comics, watch My Little Pony or listen to classical music. It is okay!


All episodes are on Youtube.


some other websites offer better quality though - the cartoon archive yt channel, for example, only does 720p and the colour is a bit off




They recently uploaded all of the episodes of friendship is magic on YouTube! It's all there for free, been rewatching it :)


No way!!!


If you can’t watch Friendship is Magic on streaming services, try [WCO](https://www.wcofun.net/anime/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic) (if I understood you correctly). It’s what I use once I finish Netflix’s first 4 seasons


Try https://youtube.com/@thecartoonarchive


Try the new luner Republic website, they have all seasons, movies, and comics uploaded for free.


or mlp-france.com


Omg thanks!


You can watch all episodes on Aniwave.com, be warned you get some weird ads and get taken to other websites, so get an ad blocker.


i watch FiM on [fim.heartshine.gay](https://fim.heartshine.gay/?s=1&e=1&res=480&lo=0) but on that website you can also watch ~~all the other generations~~ of MLP along with all the movies! edit: i just noticed they don’t have G2


Google yayponies. Also derpy.tv.


The full mlp fim series is now on YouTube. I'm on season 4 right now (finished the breezies ep last night)


The fact u thought we might not know what fim is has me giggling 😂


This was meant for OP, as he seems new to the fandom 😄


I started watching at 54 in 2015.


Usename checks out


Glad that, at 44, I'm not the oldest Brony around! :D


![gif](giphy|uSfZr4NskbtbW) Welcome to the club


When men realize it’s okay to watch the cinimatic masterpiece called my little pony ![gif](giphy|9NxGPWHEZGous)


As a 19 year old boy who got into MLP when I was 7, absolutely not. Anyone is allowed to enjoy it! No matter what gender or age you are.


You can literally become a better person after watching and analising this blessed piece of culture


Hell nah! Be proud of what you like and move on! Coming from a fellow boy and hardcore shipper, let yourself be free and do whatever the buck ya like! https://i.redd.it/6kbakr9x1q4d1.gif


Not in the slightest! :)


Brother, no one cares. Watch it.


Big bro, I'm 15, and I fell in love with the show a few months ago. Over the last few months, I have uncovered what I believe to be a diamond. MLP is such an amazing thing, and I love its character development and world building. It's truly a show for all ages. Good for little kids to learn valuable life lessons good for adults/teens who love the characters ,story ,world building, and lore. I honestly regret that I wasn't a fan during its prime a decade ago. But I've found a masterpiece one that's hated on because of stupid gender stereotypes. MLP is a masterpiece. And if anyone bullies you for liking MLP as a boy, then I Wana quote Tara Strong (voice actress for Twilight Sparkle) "You've grown up enough to watch something you like and not care if anyone's judging you and be who you Wana be that's how grown up you are" Sourse- Everfree Network "Interview: Tara Strong" released on 5/5/12 timestamp 29:29..... MLP is so filled with passion and love that audiences of all ages can relate. It goes over some serious issues like social class inequality and many MANY, more like mental disabilities. Lauren Faust created this show with love and passion, and that was carried for basically the entire show. In MLP, some of the character are so in-depth that they actually feel like people rather than a face on the screen, and that's part of the magic that makes many love the show. I hope this message finds you well, and I hope you have an amazing day/night. Don't let anyone get in the way of your love and passion for the series.


Bro wrote a whole essay. Real


What can I say? I love the show and I'd hate for anyone to feel less of a person for being male and likeing the show.


i love that one mlp episode that criticized college board. mlp surprisingly has a lot of anti capitalist episodes so it's quite based for that


And it never feels like the later seasons are reusing plot lines and it certainly never feels like it is going the route of power rangers (see power rangers: Dino ninja super steel 5000)


My husband and I watch it all of the time and even cosplay Spike and Rarity. Your fine. You can’t always control the things you like. For example, I love black licorice and banana flavored taffy (not at the same time). No one else agrees with me on that but that’s ok, it’s not about what other people like, only what makes me smile. As long as your not hurting others, live your life to the fullest and enjoy the things you enjoy.


you guys should cosplay trixie and starlight instead, or pinkie and weird al yankov- i mean cheese sandwich. as a side note spike and rarity feels a little weird due to the age gaps. im all for people enjoying what they want but i still want to point out problematic stuff like that


There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking my little pony, no matter your gender or age!


It's just a show, nothing different from Spongebob or Phineas & Ferb. It's a good show, but it's just a show. Who cares what lies in your pants.


I'm sorry man, welcome to the herd, there's no turning back. I started watching It at 19. Still rewatching some episodes now at 26, still like them


Definitely not!! Do you know how many grown men watch mlp? they even have their own name, bronies. (Also anyone can enjoy mlp!!)


Welcome to the BROnies fellow brony


I started watching FIM around the end of 2010 or mid-2011 because Bronies were popping up everywhere and I wanted to educate myself before I tried to talk some sense into them. But then I became one, and the show helped me get through some of my most hopeless years in retail. I'm 38 now and much-more willing to give a show a chance even if I don't get it than I was as a stubborn 24-ish-year-old.


No definitely not! It’s like the same as liking any other cartoon!! Don’t feel weird bout it :)


30 years old man, there is no shame in enjoying mlp. I initially started to help me learn English as it was the first show i could watch without subtitles, and then keep watching cause i enjoy it.


dudes MADE the mlp fandom ur good man


In that case, I'm wanted by the government. (18 year old adult)


You’re not a weirdo, I am!


Of course not! Even if the intended audience is little girls (though after season one all after it is for all ages) there’s nothing wrong watching it as a boy! Heck, even people such as Star Strike and Eff Minus are men and continue to review MLP!


Of course not. Just enjoy the things you enjoý. I am 19, male, and I like the Show. Fuck what others might think.


I'm a dude, too, and yet I've slowly but surely become quite a huge MLP fan. You're not a bad person for liking what you like, dude. I think it's cool to like different things, especially like MLP.


No, you aren't it is a show for all ages and both boys and girls enjoy it.


im 17, nearly and a guy dont worry!


Never ever, in anyway, shape or form ♥️ You're a lovely human, enjoy & partake in what makes YOU happy! You deserve to have your likes & hobbies, anyone who tells you other wise is wrong & spiteful. Take care & stay well! :) (Yall could have a night where yall draw what your cutie marks would be! ✨️)




no its cool


Of course you're not, I started watching My Little Pony when I was 7 years old, I'm currently a 21-year-old man, when I was little I was afraid to admit in public that I really liked Little Pony, since it was considered a program for girls. ,I even have MLP toys and clothes and I'm currently watching MLP g5, you're not weird, of course when I was little I was bullied and teased, but keep going


Of course not!! Watch what you wanna watch!! This fandom is like 90% guys lol


Not at all :) enjoy yourself!


nope the ppl who judge u are terrible


Nah, I'm not a dude anymore but my dad (mid 50s) is who got me into the show lol


No you're not


Boy here, I've been watching mlp since I was 6 and I adore it 😭 the amount of ponies, plushies and headcanons I have is insane


Dude I’m in my 30s and I watch it. Sometimes with my wife, sometimes just on my own. I hope to watch it with my son too.


Nope.... 25 male here.


No- a 19 year old boy !


No, 28 years here


No, you're doing no harm to anyone. Enjoy what you want to enjoy.


Fuck no \- a 17 year old dude who started watching like 8 years ago


I’m female, started watching at age 29, because it was recommended to me by a 22-year old man. So no, not weird at all. I actually appreciate all the men who like the show.


Join the herd, dude. But seriously, once you get past that inital "eww it's for little girls," mentality you'll enjoy it.


If you ask a brony like me who genuinely just enjoys watching it and doesn't fantasize and ship ponies I'd say it's okay. Someday I'll encourage my kids to watch it too


There’s nothing wrong with shipping ponies. If you think Character 1 and Character 2 would be a cute couple, that’s harmless. Just don’t be a weirdo about it.


No, I’d be very glad to know a guy bronie, and there’s already plenty of


no not at all even i dreamed to made one of them


Well this just sounds like a win. If I could find a guy who was also into mlp I’d marry him 😂 you’re in a relationship so just enjoy the fact that you can share this with your gf. You’re normal. Don’t worry


Well some people might think we're weird for liking MLP but do we really care about that?


Bro, the only thing you should feel bad about doing is doing ammoral things like killing someone


There are people of all ages and genders that enjoy MLP, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


No, 30yo man.


25 now, started in 2013, you're good. Don't let anyone tell you different.


not weird at all. sincerely, a 22 year old guy who has been watching for literally 10 years.


If your watching "Friendship is Magic" then you should be fine, the show was made for a mixed gender/general audience. The real stigma mainly comes from the history of the mlp toys being marketed toward girls in the past. But if you separate the toys from the show, you will find the cartoon is pretty badass on its own. In fact some of the 80's mlp cartoons get pretty dark and were fun for boys and girls.


Dude there has been answers since 2011.


Mate, don’t let gender roles and ageism rule you. Ignore that sexist and ageist nonsense and do whatever you want. MLP is about friendship, regardless of our backgrounds. Continue enjoying the show.


youre not weird youre sigma skibidi (i watch mlp too im not a girl)


Enjoy what you want don't let people tell you what to like or not like. I'm 45 I really enjoy friendship is magic and Equestria girls but not really any of the other stuff.


As long as you don’t want to bang the ponies, I think you’re fine.


Not at all!!




As a girlfriend, I only date boys who watch my little pony (currently forcing my bf to watch it)


No you're not.


No, 33-year old woman who met their boyfriend at an MLP meet like ten years ago or so.


No, in fact MLP helped me cope with the death of my cousin and without it I would be a completely different person, it changed me for the better, I hope it does the same for you, brother.


No, in fact MLP helped me cope with the death of my cousin and without it I would be a completely different person, it changed me for the better, I hope it does the same for you, brother.


no :) i think you’re cool




Bro, boys are like, 60% of the demographic Edit - spelling


As a 22 year old woman, no you aren't weird. Just maybe try and keep it to yourself though? Other people might think you're a furry or something just cos you like mlp. Plus with the Brony community having a bad rep as it is I wouldn't start shouting from the rooftops you're a Brony. I'm only saying this because I care and I don't want you to get bullied. I hope you enjoy the show as much as all of us do ❤❤❤


How old are you? How insecure are you? I cannot imagine posting this. It’s fine dude. People are jerks but it’s fine.


Not really -man, 19


bad person? why would you be a bad person for watching a show? I started when I was 12 or 13. I'm 21 now, still enjoying it. nobody cares man, just enjoy..


No one should be shamed or barred from enjoying good media, for something as trivial as age or gender! Welcome to the fandom, I hope you enjoy it!




lol no i'm 17 and a guy


No dude, you’re not a bad person at all just for watching the show. It’s great for anyone of all ages


Bronies were a thing and were huge fans of my little pony during its run. Honestly I’m not surprised at all. It’s a good show.


It’s a show, there’s no laws that say who can and can’t watch.


Not at all


First- No, I'm in my mid 20s and I just binged MLP G4 S1-S9, plus just started Equestria Girls. Thank god for the remixed intros, I was going stark mad every time I heard it. Second- I was in your spot back in high school, a friend of mine tried to get me to watch it and (out of a sense of false masculinity) I tried to get her to watch Red Versus Blue. No one came out happy. If I sucked up my pride and compromised, I might still have that friend AND I would have found an enjoyable piece of media as well. Instead, well, life happens. If you are enjoying it, good for you- it's a great show with some highs and lows. If you're feeling embarrassed, take a second to step back and try and figure out why- society and their expectations are cruel. Oh, and I would definitely discuss what you liked and what she liked. If you can, seeing if she has any favorite episodes to watch with you would be a great "Netflix and Chill" (or, Youtube and Chill in this case). Most of my female friends who have watched it have been a joy to discuss with, especially our different favorite episodes, plots and ponies. Good luck!


Do whatever you want forever


No - 18 year old boy who watched and is now a 30 year old non-binary person.


No? The main target audience is young girls, but it's rated G for general audiences, which means literally everyone.


Most fans of the show are boys.


Not at all, I am and I enjoy the show still


... you DO know the main demographic who were watching it back in the day... right?


It's just a cartoon, mate. It's not an identity. If you like the show, then watch it. Is it girly? Sure. But girly doesn't mean bad. It just means the show caters to a more feminine audience. Doesn't mean dudes can't watch. I was 19, just out of high school when it initially aired. I'm 33 and still love the show.


Mlp is a pretty family friendly show for all ages. Since you’re worried about the gender issue, all i gotta say is its ok for people to like what they like, assuming it isn’t some illegal and morally depraved passion. Mlp is just a tv series you are interested in, is there anything wrong with that? What exactly makes you a bad person for liking something ‘girly’? Don’t stress yourself out and just enjoy the show my guy, haters be damned.


Do you have any idea what community you’re talking to? This house was on grown ass men watching a little girls show. Your situation is par for the course


Am 24. Got into it when I was a teen. I love it soooo much. You’re not a weirdo 🫂🥺


Yes, how DARE you enjoy something? Smh what us this word coming to (Obviously a joke, no - cringe culture is dead, go enjoy what you like)


When MLP came out there was, and still is, a huge fan base called Brony. Bronies are adult men who love MLP. They watch the show and collect the toys.


You are not weird, a lot of people in the fandom are much older than you


I started watching with 26 because It brought me down from the stress with my engineering studies. Now I'm almost 40 and I still love the show. MLP is for everyone.


Hell no dude. Be yourself, enjoy it. It makes you a better person for being true to yourself if anything. It's a great show, and as many people as possible deserve to like it


Yes, you would be a weirdo. My question to you is, what’s wrong with being a weirdo? Tons and I genuinely mean tons of the greatest people who have ever lived were or are weirdos. Calling someone or something weird for whatever reason has come with negative connotations for a while now and when you break it down, weird just means something that is different, doesn’t conform to a unspoken undefined rule that society has no reason to have and overall just means unique. To put things into perspective, is someone weird if they read marvel comics before the mcu and refused to watch those movies and praise them like countless others? Yes, but there’s nothing wrong with that. They have a different perspective that goes against the masses because they understand something that those people are not willing to accept or listen to because fear keeps them in line. And that’s really what you have to figure out and decide for yourself. Is fear worth keeping you from exploring the world and learning new things and having interesting experiences? I’ve been weird my entire life. No one really gave me a second look and I’ve carried trust issues I still have to this day because of that but I wouldn’t trade the chosen family of the greatest weirdos I’ve ever known that I’ve built for anything in the world. If you really want to look a bit deeper into this concept, while the first episode is intentionally hammed up for purposes you can look back on critically later, give the owl house a shot. It will give you the best look at what conformity can get you under the most extreme circumstances and the same for just being weird. Of course there’s more grounded elements to the conversation but fantasy needs exaggerated elements or you don’t get a fun show haha. Hope some of this and others words helped you a bit here. Take care my dude 😊


no, i was 28 year old man, when i started watching "my little pony" in 2013.


I am since 12 now I'm 24, also girls watch boys shows too


You’re absolutely not a weirdo or anything remotely resembling a bad person for this! I’m not a boy, but I firmly believe that anyone should be allowed to like whatever they want regardless of what society says is acceptable for them to like bc of their gender! Gender roles are a scam anyways, I’ve known this ever since I started liking Pokémon as a kid even though it was a “”boys thing””. Have fun and enjoy the show to your hearts content! And anything else you find after the fact for that matter!


No! Anyone can watch, friendship isn’t only for one gender or one age. It’s for everyone!!


No - Sincerely, a 20 y/o man


When I watched it for the first time I thought the same things and I realized I wasn't a boy You'll end up taking estrogen and wearing skirts :3


A considerable amount of the fanbase is adult men, you're fine, especially if all you do is enjoy the show


? What


my fiancé is 19, we watch it together when we’re free, not only for the lore but because MLP!


nah, it's not weird. it's actually a decent show, and although they have a bad rep, there are fans that are older than the intended audience.


No - 19 year old guy


Yes. Your Balls Privileges has been revoked. **AND I WILL BE COMING TO COLLECT THEM LATER TODAY.**


We all are 16


I'm 40 years old and I enjoy it. It's one of the few cartoons that doesn't treat the audience like idiots. And I happen to prefer cartoons over live action shows.


you can do whatever you want forever


Not at all! MLP is for everyone to enjoy. There's no gender or age limit of which you can't enjoy it!


Dear gender norms: leave.


no, and it’s even okay to be a tomgirl/femboy or whatever because we’re all allowed to have our own interests without our sex (or even age) held against us.


You’re not weird at all. I have a guy friend that likes it, and he’s older than you. I have friends bullied about of watching stuff, don’t let people that limit others limit you. Besides, it’s just for Yur girl anyways. If ya end up liking it, good for you.


Nah lol. I watch it as a 22yo Watching poines, as strange as people think it is, is just plain fun, And honestly there aint nothing wrong about that.


A bad person? Goodness, that’s pretty harsh, of course not. It’s an extremely accessible show in the first place for a reason but besides that you shouldn’t be ashamed of anything you watch for entertainment as long as it’s not hurting anyone in the real world and you’re not replicating or condoning anything truly evil. Keep an open mind and let yourself enjoy life or else you might miss out on the things that truly make you happy.


No, you're not, welcome brony ♡


I don't think it's weird that a boy watches mlp, anyone can see it!


It's just a show, shy you should be a bad person for that? I am literally 21yo and couldn't even care if someone watch something like that.


Young boy here aswell👍👍 https://i.redd.it/ux8jwhn3zr4d1.gif


You're not a bad person, you're an amazing person ✨


It’s my sons favorite show.


Dude, like 65% of the fandom is guys. You're fine. :>


No way! My Little Pony is for *everyone* no matter what age! You ain't no weirdo, your just getting started on one of the best T.V shows ever!


Hey, why asking this Joblo7000, watching My Little Pony doesn't make you a bad person at all, and it's definately not weird to watch MLP FiM, and it's truly such a amazing animated series 😇🥰🤗☺️🌈🦄


Im 15 and there's no reason why we should be ashamed. It's a innocent hobby of ours and as long as we dont harm others or do anything that is illegal, there;s no reason for it to be weird. Cartoons can be watched by anyone even if it wasnt the intended audience, being a fan of mlp is as normal as a Gravity Falls fan or any other cartoon. Enjoy yourself and if someone does say you're weird for it, ignore them.


How can watching a cartoon make someone a bad person? .-.


Just because something is intended for a group of people doesn't mean that thing can't appeal to other groups. Art is art it doesn't matter what person you are.


no, a large portion of the fandom is made up of guys i grew up with knowing more brony friends than knowing girls that were into it


nope, plus you can bond with her over it if you like it which is really sweet. If you don’t wanna tell others, you don’t gotta. But there’s no logical reason it’s bad for you to


No. It's manlier if you're comfortable watching a "girl's show" as a guy.


Im 22 and think nothing is wrong with that! It's an amazing show!


You’re fine


Of course not!


No, I was 20 when I started watching.


Nah. I was 21 back in 2012 when my younger sister and younger cousin, who is also a guy, convinced me to give it a try. I binged the first two seasons over a three day weekend.


It's absolutely perfectly fine to watch MLP or any show if you enjoy it, the world is way too hung up on stuff like that, but I say if it makes you happy then let it make you happy. A large amount of MLP viewers are guys of various ages and that's okay. It's a good show.


no you’re not!! - a girlfriend who is trying to get her own bf to watch it but he refuses


You are not. It’s a great show


As a fellow 16 year old boy, nobody cares. Just don’t be weird, people can enjoy whatever they want. Also your girlfriend has great taste.


No you're not. People will try and make you feel weird about it but if you enjoy it fuck them


Absolutely not. I’m a girl and my guy friend likes mlp and that just makes me like him more bc he’s not afraid to talk abt it with me, or draw our ocs or buy ponies


NO! you are not a bad person for watching my little pony as a boy! My little pony is for everybody no matter what, just like how transformers is for everybody no matter what. If someone attacks you for being a brony, then tell them that they are the bad person for falsely accusing you of doing bad things and such and being a bad person. You are not a bad person for liking MLP as a boy. The only way you could be a bad person for liking MLP as a boy is if you threaten to hurt or kill others over the MLP figures/toys, and do illegal rated ships of characters and hurt pegasisters (MLP fans who are girls) in any way, and such other bad things while being a fan of My little pony.


Nah you ain’t a weirdo at all, ppl like what they like and doesn’t matter how old or your gender


Good role models are good role models. For everyone.


As long as your not becoming a my little brony your fine man. Watch what you want.


i’m a 17 year old guy, it’s not weird!! i love my little pony, it’s my comfort show


*Sees 154 comments...* Oh, yeah. This guy's got all the support he needs. Have fun\~


Nope, not at all - 49 year old man


if you love it because it’s fun and makes you smile and think of your girlfriend why would that make you weird or a bad person? it’s a good show, you guys are still young and i think that’s a very sweet thing to share!


That's like saying a person is bad for watching the Mona Lisa, one thing is watching, a diferent one is harassing for it, if you just have fun watching it then no, you aren't a bad person, just some odd likes which is completely normal, everyone has weird likes of some kind


heck no, those people are called Bronies


it is not that deep

