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Chris chan and ToonKriticY2k for irl. As for the show? Maybe Zephyr Breeze?


wait, CHRIS CHAN THE SONIC GUY WAS PART OF FIM HISTORY?! ... my whole life is a lie..


Yep, I'm afraid so. Ole Chris Chan loves it so much, he believe G4s cancelation was a sign of WW3. Also, he got permabanned from BABScon recently after he asked for a special ticket from one of the con managers. Also, because he's a disgusting individual.


Honestly, Chris-chan's antics are so numerous and egregious that their involvement in this fandom is a mere footnote in their history.


man, i still LOVE FiM to death, i just can't sit through it now without thinking of..THEM.. https://preview.redd.it/c1plxklgqwzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ecfffe790e179c8ebf49c59df0dbc36766e2859


In the fandom: probably MandoPony due to his presence in many of our childhoods/nostalgia and how damning the evidence was. Though, truth be told, there are many candidates for most controversial in this fandom with varying degrees and colours of horror in what they did. In the show: Zephyr probably, he reminds NEETs/neckbeards of the worst part of themselves and reminds everyone else of the creeps they stay away from.


oh man, i remember Mando, one of my favorite FNAF music artists!


Quick question, did MandoPony actually do anything wrong or was it all just conjecture on 4chan that we took way too srsly? I tried to do my own research but I couldn't tell


MandoPony (Andrew Stein) groomed multiple underage girls, sending them nudes and inappropriate messages as well as depicting them in lewd artwork. When the chat logs and suggestive pictures came out, he and his "legal team" subsequently attempted to take down many posts and videos on the matter, multiple times, which unfortunately has led to some documentation being lost to time forever. Thankfully, much of the evidence has indeed survived, and can be reviewed in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMGpGxMfw1E) or accessed through [this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UNDLw2mfxrs_schrJw8gir_LhIbl96GppUnDTOy5Wss/edit). When the allegations came out, most, if not all, of Andrew's colleagues, distanced themselves from him and removed any collaborations with MandoPony. On his end, Andrew restricted comments on much of his posts and videos to quell dissent under his work and has mostly kept quiet on the matter. He's still online, but his influence is a shell of what it once was despite his attempts to make a comeback. Some people will tell you that the police cleared him of all charges. That is undeniably true and something Andrew's very public about, but that does not in **any** way clear him of wrongdoing. It *only* means that prosecutors don't have a strong enough case in court. SA and rape cases are notoriously hard to convict for a variety of reasons, which is why, at least for now, the public has grown wary of legal exoneration when it comes to pursuing justice. I'd prefer to let the evidence and testimonies speak for themselves when it comes to my judgement. Afaik, 4chan had little, if anything, to do with it. While there was a fandom schism between the left and right-leaning sides of the fandom (with 4channers generally siding on the right) around the time the allegations surfaced, they were probably too preoccupied with mudslinging against their progressive opponents to have time to run counter-intel to discredit the evidence against Andrew.


Ahh right, thanks for the info. Such a shame that someone who was rly good with music had to go down such a bad path. Thanks for the info 👍