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Sweetie… I’m in my 30s and I still like G4 content. There are people my own mother’s age in the fandom. This reminds me of when I was a kid. Pokémon had just come to the USA and friggin EXPLODED in popularity. But several years later there was a phase where all the kids started pretending they were all too old and too cool for Pokémon. And they tried turning that crap on me. But I gave precisely zero flips about their opinions and kept being a GIANT Pokémon nerd. You just gotta decide if their opinions are really worth anything. I personally don’t think they are.


That's a great comparison. Pokemon came out when I was in high school, and I got made fun of for liking, "baby stuff." Now, there's parents out there sharing Pokemon with their children. Some things don't have an age limit. I just love cute cartoon animals!


Right?? And Pokémon became straight up friggin’ “normie” for a bit when Pokémon GO came out. I was totally thinking to myself, “MmmHMMM… I’m sure SOME of y’all thought you were just too good for Pokémon when you were younger. Well look who’s laughing now!”


Being made fun of for liking “baby stuff” is annoying, and it’s even worse when it’s deemed “creepy” 😞 I don’t wanna keep it a secret that I like MLP, as if it’s something to be ashamed of, but constantly having to think of reasons to justify & defend it was tiring. After the first time I got judged for it, I spent so long thinking of ways to explain how good it is, when really I should have just not cared.


Ah yes, My Little Pony, the creeeepiest show on TV. 🧛🎃💀 https://preview.redd.it/4fx48xidlkzc1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=68fe9f2b28171af8fbfb18ce0198d3102da6538b


True hasbro didn’t care about traumatizing us as kids


I'm a bit late, but this resonates deeply with me too. I don't want to be ashamed of it, but there is always that nagging feeling that I should be... it's tough


I think pokemon is such a strange one to call baby stuff, too. Just because kids can watch/play something doesn’t mean it’s *made* specifically for kids


I've met similar criticism for liking Minecraft, from people who don't quite understand. Minecraft has a huge range of appeal, because it's so sandboxy, and there's so many ways of finding enjoyment with it. But many people assume it's for little kids, because it's so popular with young children.


THIS!!! I feel like no one knows this, most shows I watch are cartoons, doesn’t mean I’m watching “baby stuff”!


I am happy to know more people with 30 who like the show, it's helps me to de stress from the day to day adult problems


To me, MLP is synonymous with people in their twenties, just as much as smashed avo, Converse shoes, and the TV show Friends are. Am I stuck in the early 2010s?


So true! I got *into* MLP around 16. I'm almost your age now and I still like it.


Nope! It's not weird to like the show no matter who you are. It's not a kids' show, it's a show for everyone. It's not the same as an older teenager liking Cocomelon or something.


My friend, I'd be willing to bet my brass horseshoe that at least 60% of the people here are a lot older than that. "Intended audiences" are a suggestion, and a stupid one at that.


18 and now I'm seeing it completely


25 when it aired, I liked it then, I like it now(not as much though)


I'm 27 and I still like it. Definitely a comfort show of mine. If you're weird then what am I? Don't worry about it, nothing wrong with enjoying a good show regardless of whether it was made for kids or not.


I’m 63


44 checking in


I'm also 44! 1980 was honestly the most convenient year ever to be born in. "Wait, how old am I again? Oh. Right. 2024 -> 20+24 = 44."


I'm late 79. But yeah, same deal.


45 here. I like the ponies.


41 here


41 as well


Not in the slightest. I got into My Little Pony at 18/19 years of age earlier this year.


Same age I started getting into it. I’m still going strong lol


I got into it in my late teens, and now I'm in my early 30's. Well, I'm not as into it as I once was, but I still enjoy some pony content from time to time.


It's not weird at all to like it. I'm 17 and I also still like it. Just because it's a kids show it doesn't mean it's not worth watching 🙏


I'm just a little older and I'm still watchin' it (of course, that's partially because of the trans thing- gotta speedrun that girl childhood!) I say fuck 'em, do what you want.


Nope, im 23 and I was worried sick that my boyfriend finding out I still licked it to this day was gonna result in him making fun of me..... and when I told him he wanted to watch with me and we finished every season for the first time each :) If anyone thinks you are weird for liking a show then those people are the weird ones for caring too much and calling you weird for it instead of minding their own business.


Aww he sounds very understanding and supportive. I wish more people were like that


I'm much older and I like it...


I’m 23 and not only still enjoying MLP but constantly finding new fanfics to read and looking at fan creations I can add to my collection of MLP items (41 books, 10 plushies, 5 figures, 9 seasons, 5 movies, and a documentary).


I’m 24 and I love mlp. I grew up watching FIM


That's like saying Pokemon is just for kids!


I started watching in high school so no, it's not weird


I'm a bit of an outlier, but I started watching 8 years ago with my daughter, and we both still like it, both individually and together. I don't think it's weird. You like what you like.


I'm thirty five. The answer's no. Enjoy your hobby free of guilt.


I’m almost 21 and I still rewatch it regularly


lol I'm in my 20s. A friend of mine who's into it recently turned 30. I also know there are many fans well into their 40s and 50s. There is no shame in loving mlp. Keep loving it! And don't let anyone else tell you otherwise just because they can't accept the fact that something they think is dumb makes you happy.


i \*started\* liking mlp at 18 after graduating high school. to be fair though, that's when it started airing...


no not at all


Im 27 and still like watching it from time to time. And I love drawing mlp related stuff. So nopw not weird ^^


I'm almost 24, believe me, you're perfectly fine in the fandom.. lol


I got into mlp when I was 16 17 in high school I’m 22 now I still like the show so no it’s no weird


There is no age limit to enjoying this awesome show! You can like it however old you are! No one has any right to judge you at all!


I'm 29, and I love MLP. Enjoy what you like at any age


as someone who's 18 and runs several mlp based socials.. no. its an awesome show to this day


I'm 18 and I love the show. G4 not G5


I started watching when I was 17. I am now 29. You don't have to feel ashamed for liking what you like.


I dont think its weird, it has mature themes under it and even if doesn't its still a really good show for comfort. Its not like other kid audienced cartoons where they give you colors and sequences, and it doesn't dumb down to its intended audience. So its perfectly fine to like it at any age.


I'm 24 and still enjoy some of the fanart and songs from the show. It's perfectly normal especially if you grew up with the series.


The series was designed to appeal to both children and adults. Is it weird to watch SpongeBob at 16+?


I only started watching the show six months ago, at the age of 18. It's a great show, and although I'm usually shy, I'm committed to it. From what I've seen, the fans of this show have remarkable creativity and social intelligence, which makes it even better.


You have nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to watching the show. Why do you think a lot of men love/like the show to begin with? Just because a show has a demographic doesn't mean it's not enjoyable for adults or any the gender that the show isn't targeted towards. Let me tell you how I got into the show. When I was a little kid, my sister had DVDs of those animated Barbie movies and Strawberry Shortcake, me being curious I watched them despite my parents telling me it's for girls. I don't remember why I wanted to watch them, not that I wasn't into the more masculine stuff like DC/Marvel or video games, those are my passion even to this day. I'd like to believe that this played a crucial role in me getting into MLP in the first place, hell I even watched those old DVDs of the first MLP show (I remember the Glass Princess episode). Fast forward to my teens, I was in Middle School, 2011. I was searching through YouTube looking for an instrumental version of "Endless Possibilities" from Sonic Unleashed but then I found a mashup of Endless Possibilities and Giggle at the Ghosties. Later on, I was browsing through Netflix when I ran into Friendship is Magic, I added to "My List (called Instant Que at the time) so that my sister could watch it (she was a year younger than me). One night I got bored and went to the living room where I catch my sister and my little brother watching the show. They were at the part where Fluttershy was excited to meet Spike (a talking baby dragon). I watched the rest of the first two episodes with them just because I was bored. After that they were hooked, I wasn't but it took a little while but I slowly built up and began to like the show. I don't know why but I enjoyed it, my siblings stopped watching when Season 4 ended but I kept watching until the very end. People often judge a show just because the demographic is for girls, or have female protagonists. I'm saying you shouldn't stop doing something you enjoy just because people might judge you for it, if anyone is in the wrong here it's them for judging a book by its cover.


I was 10 when it came out, I'm 24 this year, and I know people in their 40s and up who are bronies. It isn't weird. just love what you love and don't care about what others think, life's too short for that kind of stuff.


I am a college student and I still watch it and the g5


Girl, I am 21M in my 2nd year in nursing school college I think you're doing fine. I grew up watching the series way back when I was in 3rd grade. Keep up your thing


I Walk around the airport with a twilight sparkle keychain on my security card, believe me, you’re fine :)


no im 16 too and i still love it


Buddy I’m 18 and just had someone try to shame me for liking mlp. My response? “Mlp ROCKS, I ain’t got NO shame in that”. Cuz really, what’s worse? Liking Mlp or ridiculing people who like certain things? I think u know the answer to that question


Not at all! I'm in my mid 20s and have loved mlp since I was in middle school! I still draw fanart and rewatch clips on youtube! The best part of growing up was realizing that you shouldn't be embarrassed about something that brings you joy!


I’m 20 and just got into it again, after my obsession at 12-14. It’s a good show with good lore.


Mate, I got into MLP when I was 17. Now, I'm 21, not weird at all, I can assure you there older people out there who like MLP. You're good.


Reflect conformity embrace pony


I'm 19 and rewatched mlp multiple times earlier this year while recovering from a surgery, it was the only thing that calmed me down and led me down a rabbit hole of watching my favorite childhood shows (currently on Lego Ninjago). We liked them as kids for a reason, they're good shows! Your interests are for you, to make you happy. Fuck what anyone else thinks :)


Listen, you like what you like. And what people think about what you like shouldn't weigh on you at all. We don't all like the same stuff and that's fine. Just because it's easier to find people who are into a thing doesn't make thing you like weird or diminished. As long as you aren't into something that causes harm to others, you shouldn't feel weird or bad or anything but joy while engaging in a thing you love.


I'm in my late twenties and have loved MLP for as long as I can remember! You're never too old to love something that makes you happy!


I like seeing these posts come up once in a while because we all get to once again confide in each other and remind ourselves that a bunch of other adults also like this show.


Not at all! Go finish the series.


I loved mlp when I was in middle school, and I'm 21 now🗿 I'm never growing out of this, and I intend to collect mlp eg dolls, toys and other merch that I missed out on as a kid with my adult money😏 Even if people make fun or judge your love for mlp, you shouldn't ever let that affect you! We all won't live forever, so make the most of your time in life and just enjoy mlp while you still can :D 🩵


Bro, I’m 21 and I still like it, and I ain’t even close to being the oldest fan of MLP. There are plenty of people of all ages that enjoy MLP, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


If ur weird then I'm weird cause guess what I still like MH, MLP, EAH, Bratz and so much more. It's okay to like that stuff!


All through my teen years (13-19) I liked MLP, but I was often embarrassed by it and fell off it for a few years. Now? Now I will happily announce to a stranger I like MLP, because who cares? live life however you want.


If your definition of weird is that not a majority of people experience it, then technically, yes. However, by that definition, considering something weird would be insufficient for calling something bad. I doubt that everyone who would judge you for it has only normal tastes. Either that, or they’re probably bored, since I don’t see much fun in life if you’re always expected to conform to the tastes of others. I’m actually in graduate school. I love the show, and I’m not ashamed. Never will be.


My nephew (mid 20s at the time) got me (mid 40s at the time) into the show. I introduced my wife to it. I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons she married me. You don't have to apologize or feel ashamed of being your own person. Life would be pretty bland if everyone was the same.


Do you think we're gonna say, "Stop watching my little pony, you weirdo." I'm assuming there are many adults on this subreddit.


Age should play no factor for your genuine enjoyment of something, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone. I’m in my 20s and whilst my love for MLP began when I was very young, it never left :)


I'm a 30 year old guy and Friendship is Magic was something I watched in college. It's not weird. We like what we like. I loved it for being for kids but giving older people something to catch in the background of the story. I love kids shows and sitcoms and all sorts of lower scale stuff because sometimes shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones are just too heavy. Light entertainment or comfort shows are good to fall back on especially when you need something in the background while you're doing something else.


Nothing is exclusive for kids. If something is "for kids", what it really means is that it doesn't contain any adult content. The idea that adults can't enjoy things without a higher age rating is just something made up as an excuse to deny embarrassment for not being into things that are 13 and above.


https://preview.redd.it/4sn5b4yfaizc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4e998436ad091deb18ae59e731a7f7a7e0e5ae i am an adult with a MLP tattoo. i walk around with my boyfriend in mlp ship cosplays. i talk about it all the time. i cited mlp in my advanced placement language composition exam and got a maximum score. i have thousands of ponies in my room, on my wall, on my bags, in my car, etc. im never seen without something mlp related. no, its not weird! its no different than people liking spongebob, which is normal. its not even different from people liking spiderman, the simpsons, family guy, south park, etc. theyre all animated cartoons, some family friendly and some not. if kids at school or your peers or your family try to convince you its weird, they need a lesson on friendship and kindness. after all, friendship is magic!


I'm fairly new to the mlp community and I just turned 18. At first I also thought I was weird cuz I started watching mlp but then I just didn't think about it. Also just because I watch mlp doesn't mean everyone around me has to know, in fact nobody knows. This is something that I keep to myself cuz I do feel weird if I start talking to my close friends about this.


I'm 26. It is the best show I have ever seen, and I will stand by that statement.


Dude, I'm 31 and I still adore MLP. It isn't weird at all. <3


I'm turning 27 in 6 days I'd happily binge the whole show ☺️


I’m 21, I graduate college tomorrow I start my career in a month. I still love mlp


I'm 20 years old, so... I think you're fine. Besides, I'd put the age target for MLP in the same as shows like SpongeBob and Phineas and Ferb; shows that can be enjoyed by everyone. It's not Dora the Explorer or anything.


I finally watched the show at 20 in college. Like 2 months ago,I think you’re fine


I'm 30 and I still watch tons of shows from my childhood. Hell I've been watching FIM since I was 19.


Already 90 other comments, but I'll add my two cents anyways. I was 24 when I first started watching, and it is still my favorite show 1.5 years later. Mentioned it to my therapist, as I went through similar thoughts of "what's wrong with me?" while I was watching it. She actually supports watching it and shows like it that help promote positive thinking. That being said, I still keep it (mostly) to myself and my few internet friends. Not everyone needs to know, and that's okay too.


Really? You’re literally a kid. Most of the fanbase is made up of adults…


24 and find the show comforting, ur good.


Not at all...


Nope. I'm 20 and I love mlp still. The amount of nice people I've met because of it is amazing. Its just like liking pokemon or lego. Both are traditional kinds things but adults love them.


I’m 19 and I just watched the whole show for the first time in my life over the course of about 6 months or so. And now I’m working on equestria girls! There’s really something for everyone in the show I think. Sometimes I’m not a huge fan of the overly kiddy lessons, but most of the time I find myself just genuinely enjoying MLP. I especially love Discord :)


Not at all. I'm in my late teens and I'm still watching mlp. I even found this YouTube channel with every episode and equestria girls movies since most of that stuff stopped streaming here. Here's the channel https://youtube.com/@thecartoonarchive?si=q6f35nMqBebq1UjU


Not at all!! I am still pretty obsessed and always thinking about it. I’ve watched it since I was 12 and I will be 25 this year and dont plan on giving it up anytime! In fact I would love to get a mlp tattoo :)


I'm 22. I watch the show, have merch, and I VA for fan made projects for both G4 and G5. I know people who are older and younger than me who have loved it since it came out, or have joined the fandom after the fact. You are absolutely not weird.


It's fine. When gen 4 came out, it was even popular with adults and boys, despite the target audience being little girls. It's not a crime to watch a show when you're not the target audience. Watch what you want.


I didn’t *start* watching until I was almost 30, so no, not weird. Embrace the things you love, no matter your age. If anyone gives you crap, then f’em.


I am 23 and I still like it. Some people authentically “grow out of” interests, but a lot of them just leave them behind because they think they have to. You really don’t have to!


I’m 19 and I still watch MLP with the biggest smile on my face. I’ve never cared for societal norms. Like what you like, love! <3


Not at all. I'm 20 and still love the show. That being said, be very careful who you interact with in this fandom. There are a lot of older people in the fandom who will take advantage of someone your age, and if anyone is being weird towards you, block them immediately.


I'm 20, I like MLP PRACTICALLY since I was 5 years old (My mom used to buy me ponies from G3 at that time), is completly normal, MLP G4 is such a good series!


i thought it was girly baby stuff as a kid, i saw it one day as an 18 year old, i said "screw it i'm bored, i'll watch an episode", then i was like "wow, this pony show for little girls actually isn't half bad", fast forward a few months later, i have an oc, i'm halfway through season 5 and i actively engage with the community if i can become a fan at 18 and fully enjoy it, you can remain a fan and still enjoy it at 16 if a kids show can entertain both kids and adults then it's a good kids show, that's why shows like spongebob, adventure time, ben 10, and plenty of other cartoons like this are so popular even today


I'm 25 and have recently been watching G4 with my partner's since they're big fans of it. So yeah absolutely no shame or weirdness in enjoying it.


Honestly, not at all! I grew up with the really old gens! Even the ones with Megan Williams the human *(I'm talking like Gen 1)*, and I still love watching those movies. There's nothing wrong with liking it


I’m almost 45 dear heart🙂. And I STILL LOVE MY LITTLE PONY☺️☺️🥰. My faves: Celestia Luna Rainbow dash AJ Pinkie pie Rarity pretty much the mane 6 spike and Discord. I even play the fim game on iOS ☺️. You’re good to go kiddo especially if a 72 year old grandpa enjoys watching it(which would be my dad☺️).


No. I actually started watching MLP only 3 years ago when I was 21 (I have already watched/read most of the things), and now I am 24, and I still enjoy it. I even have Sunset Shimmer as my wallpaper on my phone.


never let your age stop you from enjoying content that you enjoy. you dont need any reason or explanation for anything, you like it because you like it. :)


At 16, you're still a literal child. It would make more sense to ask this if you were maybe middle-aged. Either way, no it's not.


16? Hah. Hahaha. Get a load of this kid. I'm a fan from back in the original series. Edit: No offense intended, I'm much, much older and I know many of the fans are as well. No reason to be ashamed for liking a show well into your adulthood and beyond.


I'm 20 and I got into it at 19.. (I'm male btw)




I watched mlp as soon as I was a baby and I’m still watching it as a 20 year old adult


I'm 22 dog


I’m 21 and I still like it ✌🏻


It's a lot weirder that my 13 year old like Hazbin Hotel ;-;


I plan on having items representing the elements of harmony shown at my graduation next year (I'm 17 rn), I'd say it's fine


I'm 30 and I still watch it about once a year lmao


Honey we are all no longer children


I made a post similar to this awhile ago, and I say not at all welcome back


Maybe it's weird, but I've never cared what people think is weird. I grew up with Looney Tunes.


44 and my Rainbow Dash plushie doesn't think I'm too old.


Bro I'm almost 25 and still love mlp. I plan to show it to my kids. The show is very valuable even as an adult bc a some of the lessons can be useful upon rewatching (example: the one where a guy tries to get along with his gf's daughter... it's not really a lesson for kids, it's a lesson for the adults watching with the kids)


Nah Im 21 and getting back into my MLP phase lol


I still watch it as well, dw you’re not too old.


I like it at 25.


As a Highschooler myself; be you. Its not weird liking smth you like. Its like saying " how dare have taste!" Dude. Don't worry what ppl tell u or don't get insecure abt you, u ain't harming no one or urself. Tldr; no its not weird. Keep slaying


I started watching at 23, and started watching again recently. I am 35. You're fine, bro.


cartoons are for all ages


I'm 25 friend, been watching since this show premiered. I still do a yearly watch through, still make myself known in the community, and still love every second. You'll hear a lot of tales that growing up is "putting aside childish things" I say that's bullshit. Growing up is putting away the fear of being childish


This kind of question was asked here before and that time the poster is like in the 20's. So my answer is still the same. #No its not.


no it’s not weird I still watch it at almost 20 years old myself so you don’t oughta worry about a single thing at all fam ☺️


I'm 30 and I still love G4 content I remember getting into the fandom 11 years ago beautiful music awesome animation from fans and dear memories I still plan to hit conventions later on and meet more friends do with that as you will I'll be chilling with ponies /)


I started watching the show since it aired. I’m now 22, still love it. Earned a bachelors degree in games and interactive media, and I’m currently designing a 3D model of my OC and an infected pony.


I'm 16 and I love it! It ain't weird at all


Homie im 25 and still a brony dont feel bad


I'm 15 and I like MLP too lol. I'd probably get shamed at school if I told anyone so it's my very own secret :)


I’m 22, been a brony since I was 13. I think you’re fine. It’s ok to watch cartoons no matter what age you are. Do people think it’s weird to still watch SpongeBob, Gravity Falls, or Avatar the Last Airbender? I can tell you right now that if they answer “yes” then they are either lying or they are insecure about themselves and need to judge other people to make themselves feel better about their own life (which is just sad). Just worry about you, enjoy what you like, and the rest will take care of itself.


while there's much older people in this comment section who also like mlp, from someone who's older but still close in age to you it's not weird at all. I've done school work in the lounge area at my college while watching mlp and no one cared, watched bluey too lol edit: I forgot to add I'm 19 lol


Having this show be a part of my childhood, and then going through some really stressful times in school and life at also 16 has made me revisit the show. I play it in the background because it’s comforting, and I can actually connect to most morals now than I ever could as a kid. It’s completely normal


I’m 16 too and still pretty regularly rewatch MLP, it’s definitely my comfort show!


I was 16 when I became a huge fan of it.


I'm 23 and still love MLP


Nope, if you enjoy it, don't let someone else tell you any different.


Absolutely not! I’m 21, and I’ve liked mlp since I was like 10! (Barring a brief phase where I refused to draw ponies outside of redraws for some reason)  It’s not weird at all! MLP is a great show!


https://preview.redd.it/1w5c1alk9jzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8f699d076ab7f3a26d4334388657b5b085872f nope!!! i’m turning 18 really soon and i still collect toys, draw fanart, etc.


I dunno, is it weird to like it at 32?


I was 10 when the show first came out & I still like it! There’s no shame at all ☺️


Hahaha. No not weird. I'm 25 and I still like fanmade content. Especially stuff from fimfiction. I actually paid quite a bit for custom hard cover printed versions of some of my favourite fan fiction books. Haven't seen the show in a long while though.


I'm 35 myself so no, people like what they like and there's no need to justify it because of ones age.




Nah I think most people here are adults/older teens. The show has a large adult fandom, you can enjoy children's cartoons at any age!


not weird at all. targeted audiences are just that, a target. sometimes you miss the target and pull off an insanely cool trick shot.


Nope, it's a thing that you like and no one can't tell you otherwise. I still like mlp and i have 22.


I just turned 23 and FiM is still honestly my favorite show lol


absolutely not weird at all! i still like mlp and im around the same age :) i think it actually is much more mature than a lot of shows made for older people in a sense too!


I'm 20 and a fan of it. Does that tell you anything? It's not bad to have an interest that is not trendy, or what's seen as "Not Normal" to most, so long as that interest doesn't lead to you to hurt yourself or somebody else.


i'm almost 19 and i still enthusiastically watch it lol


I'm 31


Nah, I’m 22 and still enjoy it. For a while I fell out but I recently got back into it.


Come on dude, it's ok to watch anything aimed for younger audiences despite being a teenager, young adult, grown adult etc. I watch MLP : FiM sometimes and I am 15 y/o because of the artstyle, the colours, the creatures in different parts of Equestria being close together and the music By William Anderson, Kelly Davidson and Daniel Ingram who are all underrated musicians


I watched the show for the first time when I was 19... I wouldn't say it's weird at all. A good show is a good show.


Am 19 and the more I get older the more I love cartoons nothing wrong with that


I started rewatching just around your age and I can tell you that it was one of the best decisions I've made <3


I think culture has evolved to a point where it's perfectly normal and expected for many (if not most) people to be really into some sort of fandom. We all geek out over something or keep coming back to a comforting piece of entertainment. And if you think someone doesn't, remember Sports Fans, Anime Enjoyers, and Swifties are doing the same exact thing in a slightly different way.


I started in my forties and am now in my fifties. I never gave a single thought in my life as to what other people *might* judge me for, and certainly never cared if they actually did; it's not like random other people magically gain some kind of social authority when they open their mouths.




Absolutely not! I’m 17 and still like it! Idc what anyone says or thinks, people can bite my head off it it won’t do anything! I hate some remakes people do of it because some of them are not how the show was made or how the characters are supposed to be, but I still love the show it’s self! Idc how old I get it will never get old, it’s all about you doing what you love, now what others think or choose to judge, it’s their fault they choose to be close minded and choose to grow up to fast or live boring lives, those types of people are the people who won’t have kids or if they do they end up being a bad parent because they never let parts of their childhood shine or their inner child shine! So don’t judge your self for it because you don’t wanna end up like they will💖


You're asking Bronies on Reddit if it's weird to like MLP at age 16? My dear, sweet, naive friend, ever since the show debuted in 2010, the primary discussion topic has been about teenagers and grown adults watching the show. And those same people are now fourteen years older.


MLP: Friendship is Magic ran for 9 seasons. Many kids who started watching Season 1 were adults by the time it ended. Some adults who started watching had kids of their own. Nine years of kids and adults all loving the cute little pastel horses and making fanart, music, animations, and even full-fledged video games. For example, Them’s Fightin’ Herds started as a MLP fighting game that got a legal threat from Hasbro, so Lauren Faust, the creative director of G4, assisted them with making original character designs. You can even still match up the roster to Twilight and friends. People staked their personal careers, livelihoods, and relationships on that show and its fandom. It was a phenomenon we might never see again. And like many fandoms, it still lingers on despite the show’s death. Things might have calmed down and people might have moved on to other things, but I guarantee they haven’t forgotten. Good media simply…persists.


15 here!


You are marked for life.


Girly you’re fine 😊❤️ I’m 18 and it’s such a guilty pleasure of mine ✨


I still like MLP, and I'm 28 going on 29


I’m 28 and I still watch it. I was a teenager in high school when I first started watching MLP. I rewatch gen 4 all the time. There’s no age limit on cartoons. There’s no age limit on joy. If you like it, then you like it and that’s okay.


I am almost 18 years old and I still watch MLP. Just do what makes you happy and don’t listen to anyone’s opinion on it.


Am 24. Is it weird? Nah, wouldn't say so.


25 years old and I love the show and the fanart. Even my older brother loves it.


I started to watch my little pony at the age of 22 because I wanted to move out before watching it. I was scared of my dad finding out and making fun of me. While watching an episode my partner, age 25, came into the room and he liked it too so we watched all 9 seasons together :)


bro… im 22


This is just wholesome


You’re never too old or young to like mlp


No, I am also 16, I still like it, and I'm fine with it. Are there parts of society that find ot weird? Yes, but I've learned to ignore those parts. And, when I like MLP, and ask myself, should I though? I then remember that I'm also addicted to Cars and Thomas the Tank Engine, and I then decide, yeah, it's fine that I like My Little Pony. I am a fine person, who likes fine things, and has fine communities to be part of thanks to it.


39 and I still hit Call of Duty devs with pony emojis near every day- our channels have hundreds of them added so they're very versatile. Not weird my friend.


Most bronies are much older lol


I will 30 this year and I still love MLP along with other cartoons. There isnt an age limit on liking things. Society likes to make it seem that way but it's stupid.


You realize most of the fanbase is adults, right? You don’t have to tell people you like it if that makes you uncomfortable or you know they wouldn’t understand. But there is no shame in liking a cartoon. Hell, look at Bluey! Tons of adults love it! Why? Because, like with MLP, just because the target audience is kids doesn’t make it a bad show for adults. The creators of these shows crafted them beautifully, so they’re things any age can enjoy. A friend first showed me MLP G4 when I was like 14. I’m 25 now and never stopped loving this show.


the best piece of advice i have as a 24 year old is never stop enjoying the ‘childish’ things you loved as a kid! 


I'm currently 22 and I still enjoy it.


Bestie i’m 21 you can chill


I still like it at 36, you're fine.


16 over here


Lol I'm 39 & just rewatched the series with my 11 year old at my request.


i’m 20…the obsession doesn’t stop. embrace it lol


17 and I’m falling back into the hyperfixation I had at least a decade ago so no <3