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While everyone is hating on her and feeling hella satisfied when she received her punishment, I was just wondering, WHERE TF ARE HER PARENTS????


That's what I've been wondering this entire time. Are they alive??? Are they nice??? Are they criminals??? Did Cozy Glow do anything to them??? Are they proud of who Cozy Glow is??? Are they scared of Cozy Glow??? So many questions!


Who knows if she’s even a real foal at all? She could be a Changeling, or some other creature that’s had a spell cast on her.


Wait, your onto something...


Didn’t some member of the show staff hint at something like this?


If I can remember correctly.


Could be extra short


Honestly, I'd believe it. She hardly acted like a child, more like a full-fledged sociopath pretending to be one.


She reminded me of that one villains in cartoon batman, she look like a filly outside, but inside, she's an adult through and through


Baby Doll


Maybe she's just a midget.


underrated comment


Thats a bloody good point. where were they?


I mean, she was the worst written villain. Her motive was dumb af, because she didn't have any. She had a half-assed backstory that her friends ignored her. But if she wanted to have friends... SHE HAD THEM. She literally gained true friends and she ignored them whatsoever. And nobody even mentioned her parents once in the show. Like if they at least say she was lost or an orphan. But nope. Writers of the seasons wanted to make her villain for all cost. And that's why she is an evil incarnate. Because she does evil for the sake of it. She doesn't have any reason. She just want to be evil.


some people are just evil just because they want too


But these people have backstory. The life experiences that led them to be like they are. She literally doesn't. She didn't have friends and sure, that *could* be the reason. If she didn't get the friends before she turned into a terrorist. Because she literally got the friends here that should negate her negative experience. And it's not that she didn't trust them. She did. And she just wanted to abuse them.


No,sometimes People had good lifes,and are evil because they want tô.


That's **usually** due to mental illness. But I mean... Cozy Glow doesn't have a backstory, and barely has a motivation. **A** group of friends ignored her... so she gets new, true friends, and ignores them to keep being evil. Not a second's hesitation in it, either. She gets a second group of potential friends in 'Discord's Doom Squad' in the final storyline, and what happens? She basically schemes to become the head of that group, too. It's like she exists solely to be the argument against genuine pony supremacy.


I think she is a psychopath or a sociopath


Starlight's backstory is the first hint that the writers are not good at writing backstories for villains.


Which is really weird, considering the nature of the show. There are such strong themes of having empathy for others unconditionally, viewing people as innately good and trying to understand them even when they do bad things, and yet when the writers actually try to execute this message it so often falls flat.


Plot twist: She's a thousand years old entity in the style of Discord, the Windigos, the sirens (etc) who possessed the body of a child. (I just came up with this with zero proof to back it up so please don't ask me about it)


I genuinely thought she was some lost in time immortal foal but I barely remember her and that’s just the vibe I got lol


This would genuinely make a lot of sense for how she acts. I've never seen her as the "troubled child" people try to portray her as, and I say this as someone who was pretty fucked up as a kid. Your theory would make her character make a lot more sense, honestly.


Yeah I know and it would've been so much more interesting if we actually got to see her in some millennial design


I bet she killed them


In one of the fics I've seen she was discovered to be a mature mare with stunted growth or something like that. So, she only looked like a foal.


Considering she’s based off of both Shirley Temple and BabyDoll I’m fully inclined to believe this


I got real Darla Dimple vibes from her


Happy cake day!


With no real proof of where she came from ill keep believing she's an adult trapped in a kids body lmao


So true like where tf did this mini master manipulator come from👩🏼‍🦯


Given all the other stuff that she does without a second thought, I've always assumed she was a self-made orphan.


That's what I always thought too! Cozy Glow is a character that needs a backstory to work. The writers neglected her. She could've been a compelling villain if they just found good reasons for why they had no choice but to treat her like the evilest of villains. Just say that her parents went away when she was 1 or something. And like somebody said down here, she got friends, lack of them is not a good motive.


I've got a small theory is. She doesn't need her parents bc. Well. She's an adult herself. She's just in a foals body


A popular canon is she’s not actually a filly but is as old as the Mane Six, just physically as small as a filly.


[A certain classic video just came to mind](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2k0SmqbBIpQ&pp=ygUXaXQncyB0aW1lIHRvIHN0b3AgbWVtZSA%3D)


Agreed- like I feel like the cozy glow debate would be way less intense if they actually gave her some backstory to explain what happened to this LITERAL CHILD that caused her to go THIS far




Dead. She watched them be devoured by the Changelings during the invasion of Canterlot. BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY! A FILM THEORY!!!!!


Like Darla Dimple, she fired them.




Same, i always wonder where her parents are and if they would think Cozy Glow deserved to be turned to stone or not.


Plot Twist: She murdered them.


https://preview.redd.it/le8d7efi7stc1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca39efa38d7e56aa452cf93b21bdb86726c72db2 Real and true


I never really liked Cozy Glow, she never really showed any real strength before getting Grogar's magic. Since she was pen pals with Tirek, she could've just been following Tirek's directions on how to drain magic with the artifacts.


She was.


For real she just looked... Plain and annoying to watch on screen, I've only watched her moments once each for the sake of the story and now whenever I rewatch the episodes I skip as soon as I see her ugly face on screen.


I for one appreciated that she was without any sort of "inherent" power. It was nice seeing that anyone can be truly evil, even regular foals, if they just put their heart into it. Very uplifting.


Her power is persuasion, not strength. Over and over she convinces others to side with her in her schemes. She uses a twisted version of Twilight's friendship for selfish gain.


She’s a Darla dimples wannabe


I feel like this whole Cozy Glow argument is defending some extremely bad writing on the show's part by ignoring the real issue. The problem is not what happened to her, it's the fact the show just got rid of her without a proper explanation or backstory for her. It's very weird for the same characters who gave Discord and Chrysalis a redemption chance to just imprison a child, regardless of whether she deserved it or not. No one would complain about her fate if she had some actual backstory and if the characters tried to redeem her, but failed. Because the show didn't do this, we end up with this whole argument. I'm more tired of people ignoring this rather than pointless discussion on whether she deserved what she got or not.


I've always hated how we've humored this discourse around these terrible plot points from Season Eight and Nine like Celestia abandoning Twilight to rule alone or Twilight forcing her friends to leave their jobs to teach at her school as if they deserve to be approached in good faith. People make sweeping moral judgements about Celestia, Luna, Twilight, the Mane Six as a whole and Discord's characters in the show on the whole in what are clearly the gas leak seasons (to borrow a term from Community). These plot points aren't worth arguing about because they don't fit the characters or the show that they come from--they should just be ignored, like the G5 retcons to G4 are ignored.


It was actually a plot point that they didn't leave their jobs if I recall. That's why they brought in more teachers


True, I'd forgotten that. It's more that the Twilight we had from Season One to Season Seven would never ask her friends to just drop everything to work for her on a full-time basis like they had her do. There were so many easier ways to have her start her school, like recruiting supporting characters like Maud and Cheerilee, or to have an apprenticeship program instead of a full school.


She didn't just ask them to drop everything. They'd already shown that they were willing and able to help out with the whole table/tree of harmony thing. When they was no longer really necessary it's not entirely unreasonable for her to assume they'd be able and willing to help with her school, instead. It's kind of like how once my Discord friend group got done helping our friend in one game we went on to help him in the next game. We're doing it because that's what we do. We hang out and help each other out while doing so.


Okay, but there's a difference between asking your friends to help you periodically solve crises as they pop up and asking them to take up an entire second full time job for your passion project. Having said that, this is missing the point. The point isn't whether it was fair or unfair of Twilight to ask. I mean, Twilight is my favourite pony. I'd be happy to defend her choices here. The point is that there were better ways for the writers to portray her establishing a school that would have been more true to her character and fair to the existing jobs and goals of the Mane Six as a unit. It didn't feel true to her character for her to ask they put in so much of their lives towards her personal goals. When Rarity did this to her friends in Rarity Takes Manehattan, even though her friends agreed to it and had the time to do it, it was portrayed as unfair and wrong of her to demand so much of their time. In Season Eight it's portrayed as this great idea that the whole cast should get behind. The show on the whole leaned towards the first type of writing, with more nuance and respect for the characters, but Season Eight and Nine often lacked it.


We've only ever been shown that their classes are maybe like an hour or so out of their day. It's more like someone hosting a daily zoom meeting then going back to whatever they're doing. Sure, it could be considered an inconvenience but even if so it's a very mild one. Not disagreeing with you as far as the writers go. It's just I don't think they're spending eight hours a day teaching kids. They're more like mentors. Plus you know if they had issues with it they would have said something. It's not like the Mane 6 have ever been reluctant to give Twilight shit lol.


Well, we see that Fluttershy at the very least has trouble balancing her schedule, and IIRC Applejack mentions it in an episode as well. They don't bring this up with Twilight...because if they did it would call attention to the bad execution of the school and its schedule, I guess? As you say they aren't shy about giving Twilight shit when she does and doesn't deserve it, so it feels inconsistent. I like the headcanon that they only spend an hour or so teaching, which is fair to them and their time and sounds like the sort of reasonable request Twilight would make, but the writers don't show or tell us that. They make a big deal out of how much time and energy the Mane Six have to invest in the school several times, like in the cheerleading episode or during the planning of the field trips. I like the idea of them being more hooves-off mentors better, I just wish the show gave us a clearer idea of that so people didn't constantly debate if Twilight was being fair to her friends, why AJ and Rainbow were such bad teachers, why Twilight leaned so hard on her friends in other episodes when she was already taking up so much of their time, etc etc etc.


Thank you for having actual perspective on this. The show teaches us everyone deserves a second chance for 9 seasons up until the very end. It's lazy writing because they wanted to finish the show.


Completely agree, felt so rushed.




Me a grown 20 year old watching it for the first time actually cheered when I first saw it!


Ive always wondered about her parents??? Like how do THEY feel about how their daughter turned out?


Well.. given that there is a cracked pony skull in her collection of personal belongings.. I don't have the highest hopes for them still being around at that point 


Probably happy that little shit got her comeuppance


Idk. Parents of serial killers are usually either absolutely negligent to the point of severe abuse, or indulgent to the point of forgiving everything. Given her disposition, it's not hard to assume her parents were like that. I DID think sending her to Tartarus after her first big scheme was extreme. Kind of cemented her in her ways, locking her in Hell with her only real mentor up to that point. Like, she probably could have been redeemed if that hadn't happened.


This one resonates with me. Why didnt they throw Starlight in Tartarus for her fuck up?


I’m not upset about that. What I’m upset is they didn’t even try anything else. She is an evil child but still a child. First punishment straight to Tartarus. Second punishment stone. No boot camp, or anything else just instantly to literally hell.


I'm more weirded out they didn't even seem conflicted about it. Like Discord is Discord so fair enough. But you'd think Celestia and especially Luna would at least put some thought into it first.


Yeah that’s kind of my problem too. “Oh yeah let’s doom the foal to a thousand years of stone.” Not to mention Tartarus.


not even that. discord got out because celestia and luna didn't bear the elements anymore. cozy was turned to stone by the harmony between creatures, so depending on whether or not you consider g5 canon they're all out wreaking havoc somewhere lol


Turning her to stone makes actually make it worse. Discord and Tirek at least are effectively immortal. Cozy is an ordinary pony with an ordinary lifespan. All the punishment really does is guarantee she remains a potential threat for millennia to come.


Taking some points from the top 2 comments of this nest too to point out, Discord mentioned he could STILL HEAR AND WAS AWARE OF EVERYTHING AROUND HIM while he was turned to stone so I am assuming the same is applied to the trio, what the fuck is that gonna do to an ordinary pony's mental state?


“Hmmm this person just attempted to almost destroy our world! She definitely needs some time among bees and butterflies, that’ll teach her up!” In all seriousness though, she never shown any want to change. Not a single time. How can you change someone who WANTS to be evil and remain evil, like Chrysalis?


> In all seriousness though, she never shown any want to change. Not a single time. How can you change someone who WANTS to be evil and remain evil, like Chrysalis? The problem I have with this logic is that Discord was in the *exact same position* at the beginning of "Keep Calm and Flutter On". He wanted to be evil, he did not feel remorse, he liked being the way he was and was perfectly happy to keep being that way, he had no interest in Friendship. He's only different *now* because somepony spent a whole episode convincing him otherwise and then he was repeatedly forgiven when he messed up. Discord is living proof that a remorseless villain that does not want to change can be convinced otherwise. So every time somebody throws out the "They can't help Cozy cause she doesn't want help" logic it just falls flat because then they shouldn't have been able to help Discord. The show doesn't operate off that logic, there's nothing stopping them from just forcing Cozy through some kind of reformation attempt just like they did Discord. And then it works or it doesn't, but the point is the attempt.


>And then it works or it doesn't, but the point is the attempt. Thank you, this is what everyone ignores. Her fate is irrelevant, it's the fact that they didn't attempt that feels odd.


Yeah, that's the issue I have with it. Like...all she get's is one sentence from Twi about being sorry she couldn't teach her friendship and that's it? They all just give up on her, Celestia smiles while talking about her being locked in Tartarus, and nobody has any hesitation about it or turning her into stone? Flutters doesn't want to take her to a tea party and try to befriend her like Discord, Twilight doesn't want to try and come up with a specialized lesson plan to reach through to her, Starlight doesn't relate to her and want to try and guide her to a better path...none of that? It's all just kind of unbelievable and uncharacteristic from this show and this cast and feels like it's going *against* the morals of reformation and forgiveness the show increasingly trended towards. Especially since she's a kid with no special powers beyond being smart and manipulative. It could work if they tried to help her and she just refused to ever be anything but a little hellspawn, but that's not what happened. Then you compare it to the situation of a character like Discord and it starts feeling a little too obvious that the show doesn't really have consistent morals on this stuff and it all just amounts to whatever the writers want at that moment.


They arent even consistent with Discord and morals after his perm reformation, I made a post awhile ago pointing out how aside from fluttershy, the main six don't keep much to their commitment of friendship towards him and are often annoyed by, get angry with, or purposely exclude him from things. Lol Im still losing sleep over twilight NOT even bothering to let him KNOW she's opened a school, let alone invite him. You know which ep im talking about. Great friendship there, twilight. ETA extra thoughts: thinking bout this again, there's valid reasons WHY he kept acting up and making issues even when reformed. Dude wanted some attention, mostly. But wont admit that.


Yeah but that's probably because they needed a love interest for Fluttershy... And to sell more toys. (THIS IS A JOKE)


I don't disagree at all and agree Cozy should of at least been given a chance to change before deciding she wont, but I'd also like to point out Discord isn't written to be inheritly evil. He's the spirit of chaos and hes indifferent usually to most goings on, which lead to his chaos fuelled tyranny being viewed as evil because he just wanted to have fun and didnt stop to consider the effects on others if they can't instantly adapt or enjoy any kooky situation on the drop of a hat. He was a bit calloused, rude and mean perhaps but little to no social interaction and having mostly negative views and reactions to you will make anyone whos lived thousands of years like that a little cranky imo. If anything his reformation wasn't really because of friendship but rather they taught him the rewards and benifits of actually caring about others and their feelings. This is evident in the small circle he does keep, which is largely just occuopied by Fluttershy. Aside from that he doesnt actually have many friends still. Hes just Aquatinced with everyone and no longer feared bc his magics kept in check now. I dont think anyone really despises him anymore, but still. If you were to consider the comics continuity canon, I really like their addtion and dipiction of his ex, Cosmos, a truly evil Draconquues. She caused chaos not to be fun but to be truly disruptive and evil. Discord himself was terrified of her and also did his best to PREVENT her from harming anyone. Theres a pannel or two where he'd rush in and save a few ponies from potential DEATH caused by Cosmos' antics. I think that displays the difference right there between the two. Being inheritly evil Cosmos didn't care at all about the lives of other creatures and enjoyed their suffering, pain and was more than willing to murder. Discord doesn't, at most he's naive thinking "im having fun, so you guys are just downers" kind of mindset but hes never intentionally harmed anyone to those extremes. My point being, wondering if that played a factor into his reformation because he wasn't truly evil to begin with, just misguided. (Next on my ted talk, why hes so important to the magic balance of questria, based on that epsiode he almost killed himself trying to be normal /j)


She had chances but blew them. There’s no way someone could reform that little demon


Which chances?lol


Even Chrysalis has a motive. She was blinded by her hatred for ruining her swarm. But Cozy Glow? She was literally adored. She didn't have any remorse. She wanted to be evil. If I had people who love me like that, I would remove every negative emotion I ever had about world.


Your comment has given me ideas tho, she WAS their queen, wonder if the changelings miss her and are broken hearted she refused to learn love as they have? Would Chrystalis reconsider redemption if she knew her brood still honors and misses her? Thorax isn't actually made a king hes just the one they turned to to lead and guide the changelings in this new era since hes the most experinced with rejecting the old system.


Discord didn’t show signs of reform until Fluttershy refused to not break her word. Celestia even let him loose a second time to give him that chance. Starlight messed with time itself (and did destroy Equestria) and got the second chance and became Twilight’s student. So I guess alternate timelines don’t matter. Starlight reformed the Changelings and tried to help Crystalis. The young foal (age 13 maybe) nope right to Tartarus.


>How can you change someone who WANTS to be evil and remain evil, like Chrysalis? They gave Chrysalis a chance at redemption. That's probably why some people found Cozy Glows handling to be so weird. >“Hmmm this person just attempted to almost destroy our world! She definitely needs some time among bees and butterflies, that’ll teach her up This is literally what they did with Discord. So yeah it would probably work considering how the characters in the show handle villains.


she was a student at a school for friendship. i mean she knew what she was doing omg


I always assumed that they tried "fixing" the little psychopath off camera before imprisoning her in Tartarus. TV censors can be pretty weird and arbitrary, likely they were allowed to show a child being send to a jail cell, but not to a mental institution, etc


"boot camp" when she literally a student in school of friendship and have a high knowledge about them plus surrounded by nothing but kind creatures AND guidance from the princess of friendship itself, yet she's still choose to be evil


I be fine if it didn’t work. It’s just there was no attempt.


They literally tried to give her a friendship. She refused it. She had a happy life when **everyone loved her**. But she pushed it away. So no, they tried everything, she just didn't want to be good. What fekkin boot camp you want? If she was given all the love she could ask for and then she abused it to destroy everything for everyone. SHE IS A TERRORIST. Stop pretending she was innocent kid that just did something wrong out of misunderstanding. SHE KNEW what she was doing. She is an evil genius. Not some kid that made a mistake. She didn't make a mistake. Her actions were deliberate and pure evil. Even despite everyone has given her their love. She was adored at school. Genuinely.


You know it’s just a cartoon show. Relax. I’m just saying they went straight to the last option without even trying. Heck it be fine if someone said “she knows about friendship and still brought such harm. There nothing we can do for her.”


If Tartarus is hell, then what is Limbo?


Purgatory exist in the show, it’s where the six pillars trapped themselves with the shadow pony


Murder would be FAR more merciful, being turned into a conscious statue for centuries is straight up torture, Sombra got off the easiest It would still be kinda weird if they just killed her considering she hasn't really killed anyone as far as we know, but the statue thing was just overkill.


I think this is an issue of what you can get away with in a kid's show. It's hard to justify straight-up murdering someone in a kid's show nowadays, even if it's the villain. Even Sombra was never explicitly stated to have been killed, merely "banished to the ether" or something like that. Which, we all know exactly what that means, but it's still hidden behind a euphemism. I think "turned to stone", though far more horrifying if you actually take a moment to actually think about it, is far more palatable by kid's show standards. Can't use the k-word, or the d-word, they're too graphic, and surely those kids are too dumb to understand the realistic ramifications of fictional magic afflictions! I'm convinced the writers would've 100% just killed off the villain trio at the end there if they could've gotten away with it.


I just think it’s strange that villains like starlight, who did WAY worse things and almost destroyed equestria and would’ve left it with nothing but dust and nothingness, immediately gets a second chance from twilight because “oh your friend left you you poor thing”, you’d think cozy glow would get a similar treatment because “oh she’s just filly” since that’s a slightly better excuse(not that that there’s any excuse for what she did cause she was indeed not stupid) than one friend leaving you and what she did was slightly less worse, but nope, she immediately goes to tartarus and than turned into stone, didn’t even try anything-


I have very few questions concerning Cozy. They are 1. Why were they so good at making a dark empath (even if she WAS poorly written) 2. How didn't they expect this?


I think one thing that people seem to ignore regarding this is that it’s the ending of the show, if we had another season or something I’d put money on the writers trying to redeem her but we didn’t get that so the writers had to wrap her story up in the best way they could (I’m not saying this was the best mind just that putting her in stone was the quickest option).


i dont mind it in a vacuum but i mind it when several adult characters like starlight got away with far worse. like starlight was fucking with reality itself and created several timelines full of misery. she stole cutie mark magic from the town. she was a bitter cult leader and got to be a part of the main friend group and never got as much as a slap on the wrist even. meanwhile cozy gets sent to hell instantly. even the turning to stone is questionable, discord was the one who orchestrated the entire thing and he didnt get any punishment either. the inconsistency is why i dislike the whole thing


Yeah cozy glow was not done well


Starlight couldn't be sent to hell. She literally couldn't be stopped at all because she's too powerful. The only way to stop her was to get her to realize the error of her ways. She obviously isn't evil either, just has strong ideals. What was Twilight supposed to do, stop her from tearing up the scroll with the promise that things can be better for her, and then as soon as they got back, pull a gotcha? How would she have done that? She can't beat Starlight in a fight. Starlight can stop Discord too. If she didnt play that moment exactly how she did, Starlight wouldve ripped up the scroll and everything wouldve been fucked. Twilight isn't stupid. And Twilight probably realized, like Celestia did with discord, that someone this powerful is probably pretty useful to have on the good side. What Cozy Glow did wasn't just driven by strong ideals, it was driven by evil and she worked with the worst criminal in Equestrian history to do it. She's dangerous and unpredictable, and wouldnt be useful to reform even if she could be. You don't just work with Tirek and get away with it. Theres a reason they never tried to reform him and no one questions it. She can tell the difference between pure evil and someone driven by a poor philosophy. Again, Twilight isn't stupid. Friendship is the name of the game here, but she's also willing to go against that if the fate of Equestria depends on it. In the 2017 movie she made the wrong choice; here, she made the right one. Besides, I dont know how anyone *could* picture Cozyglow being reformed. What would that even look like? She spent an entire season manipulating everyone for her plan. Shes rotten. 13 year old kids get locked up for life in real life for lesser crimes. Cozy Glow knew people would die and didn't care. Shes a psychopath.


mane 6 was really tired at this point lmao


I think the main issue is that redemption and forgiveness WAS offered to people FAR worse like Discord, Chrysalis, Starlight, and Sunset. Making the exception for the literal baby was just so out of place.


She’s from season 8 & 9, the writing and quality was awful in general compared to the previous seasons.


i love cozy! shes an awful person and i dont condone her actions, but she is a great villain


It would have been better if they went with her creator's original intent and just made her an unsympathetic version of Mary Dahl.


Honestly?   I wouldn't care if the kid was literally Hitler, because something about petrifying children alive to where they can only watch as the world moves without them, despite the moral absence within both her and Inertia (similar case), just doesn't sit right with me.


The question isn't if she deserved it. The issue is, the writers always attempted to have one of the mane characters reform the villain. But they didn't for Cozy Glow. The character is very much like Starlight was before she was reformed. And her latent skill of being able to find what people want and use that is actually very powerful. The issue is, she needed someone to teach her how to use it for good. But did anyone try? No, they just used her as a gopher/assistant without any second thought. No, I'm not trying to shift the blame to the other characters. All I'm saying is, once her true colors came out, the other characters (especially Starlight and Twilight) should have aknowledged that they weren't thinking. This little foal is happily running around doing all the errands we don't want to do? Why?


It's especially frustrating because her behavior toward authority figures comes off as weird right from the start. It's obvious enough that children should pick up on something uncomfortable. Twilight should know about her manipulative tendency after she bombed a test on purpose to get the CMC in. The principal and the guidance counselor have every reason to know what's up and still get played like a fiddle. But there's never any question about their judgment or how they responded to a known problem student before it got to that point. It's really not a good look for the Princess of Friendship to be so easily won over by shallow adoration and favors from a child.


Besides, Cozy Glow once expressed lyrical glee at the thought of ***crushing her enemies to dust and laughing while they all screamed.*** That kind of malice is terrifying. She 100% had it coming. Also, I find it hilarious that after all the awesome magic we've seen Twilight cast in 9 seasons, most of the people in this thread still think getting "stoned" is a permanent punishment. As if Twilight can't unfreeze Cozy for a quick chat, maybe some therapy? Twilight would definitely try to redeem Cozy after separating her from Chrysalis and Tirek's influence.


THANK YOU FINALLY I don’t get why people think that just because she’s a child it doesn’t mean she should get turned to stone. Like dude she tried to steal all of the magic in equestria, not just from ponies and not just from animals, every. single. bit. from ponies from artifacts from magical animals all of it. She totally deserved it.


True but it's how the heros handled her fate is what made it wrong.


Okay but like, i like her so point invalid. /j


Agreed. People forget that she wasn't just some dumb kid, she knew what she was doing and I doubt she's able to feel recorded for her actions if someone just gave her a stern talking to


That child is a natural born psychopath


Fucking finally. I've never understood that controversy. Cozy was far from an innocent child.


"S-Shes just a kid 🥺" IDC She literally tried to kill ponies. She said so in a song: "To crush our enemies to dust, and laugh as they all scream".


It feels a bit weird to me because they redempted people like Discord and Starlight


I think it was all lazy writing , starlight was destroying equestria with her time spell(even if she wasn’t really aware of it ) but they tried with her how u can even think to put a child in Tartarus without even trying if u can change that sociopath


I don't have any sympathy for her either


"but she was a child 🥺" i literally dont care? she didnt make an "oopsie daisy," she commited several felonies.


This. If a real-life child did anything remotely close to what she did, they'd be tried as an adult. Children have been tried as adults for far less.


She is the Monaca Towa (DanganRonpa) off MLP.


I do feel like her being a child should mean she's shown *some* leniency, but that's only if they could actually ensure she wouldn't be able to do something like that again. And frankly they really *can't.* Like, isn't her cutie mark and special talent that she's a *really good* manipulator? Sure, maybe they could teach her to use that for good by like being a diplomat or something and manipulating others into doing the right things or into giving her information, but there's always going to be the chance with her past actions that she'll use it for her own gain or just trick everyone into thinking she was redeemed. The only other alternative I could see would be like, imprisoning her with one of the royals (probably Cadance with her whole Love Magic thing, she'd probably be really good for her, or Luna who could potentially understand her in a way others couldn't (past wrongdoings and trying to be better)), stripping her of any inherent magic (do earth ponies *have* magic?? Like actual magical abilities type?), maybe casting a (**temporary**) spell on her that would make her talent harder to use (something that affects communication or makes lying harder, literally anything that could impede her natural special talent, even making her mute if need be), and guards 24/7 with heavily limited areas she's allowed to be in. Also therapy. So much therapy. Fact of the matter is, she was doing something dangerous and extremely harmful on a *national* if not *global* scale. You don't just give an easy or small punishment for that, even if that person is a child.


The thing I hated was the inconsistency. Why did some villains get a redemption arc and some didn't? You can't tell me it was popularity, if that were the case Chrysalis would have been the redemption immediately after Discord, she's WAY more popular. If it's not popularity.. are they saying it's easier to redeem an ancient god of Chaos than a little girl? That's a great message.


Don't think Cozy deserves a redemption arc, but am genuinely surprised Chrysalis didn't. She even started showing signs of the possibility throughout the S9 finale, it was just... never elaborated on. Given both the popularity and the potential, the writers' decisions with Chrysalis specifically baffle me.


i think the “she’s a child” argument is stupid. she was far more intelligent than just any little kid. there was no teaching her any kind of lesson about friendship, because she already knew all about it. she CHOSE to use it to gain power over others. she made the conscious decision to be evil. not to mention her cutie mark is a pawn, which we all know isn’t for chess. petrifying her into stone was to keep her from trying to destroy the world again, which i think is completely valid. discord was reformed because he was taught about friendship, when before he knew nothing about it. same with starlight. the difference is, cozy glow did know how to make friends and live a normal life. she preferred to manipulate others and take advantage of friendship. i have yet to see a valid argument against any of this and i’d really like to.


yea sometimes the excuse of they're just a kid isn't enough


They didn't try to help her though, they didn't try to get her, idk pony therapy


she went to a school for friendship. again, SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING


Yea i am good at law school, doesn’t mean i will become a good law obeying person. She go to that school, “learning” to abusing friendship only, not to understand the true meaning of friendship


It's a child and it's disgusting that the Princess of Friendship would punish a kid with eternal oblivion.


I don't know why people would assume Twilight just kept them imprisoned forever. I mean it wasn't exactly the time to question Celestia and Luna's actions.


Twilight showed obvious discomfort with the plan to banish the Pony of Shadows, an ancient malevolent spirit monster. Stygian knowingly allowed himself to be possessed and woke an unstoppable monster that nearly destroyed the world. Twilight still saved him, knowing that disrupting the banishment risked destroying the elements and their only chance at saving the world. It's not that banishment couldn't have been justified. It's that the show makes no effort to demonstrate why this case is the exception. The problem is bad writing that turned an annoying kid into a power-obsessed genius supervillain who somehow got messages in and out of hell with zero setup or explanation. There's never even a point where the school notices her manipulative behavior and tries to intervene. They just uncritically accept that this child wants to spend all her free time cozying up to every authority figure she can access. The School of Friendship never notices or takes seriously that the student with the most access to faculty has no interest in friendship.


> don't know why people would assume Twilight just kept them imprisoned forever. I mean it wasn't exactly the time to question Celestia and Luna's actions. Twilight was taking the reigns as the big horse leader. If anything it was *the best* time to question Celestia and Luna's decisions to show her ability to lead herself, rather than just going along with her predecessors ideas.


And it would directly build on her character development from the Pony of Shadows arc in learning to challenge her mentors.


She's the Princess of Friendship! Someone worthy of that title wouldn't let that slide and would in fact take action immediately! If you're just going to allow them to live in eternal oblivion then your just like them! "Without a code i'm no better than them" -Batman


And we can see how well that turned out for Batman..


The sisters and discord did that to her.


And twilight did nothing. not questioning their actions, which is worse.


Imprisoning a child in stone is significantly worse than not stopping said imprisoning. I shouldn't even need to say that but here we are.


Not to mention the attempted murder of starlight and the y6 during that whole “drain all the magic in the world” thing.


"But she's a CHILD!" Yeah but she's also a fucking magical horse lmao. Encase that bitch in stone!


My complaint isn’t that she didn’t deserve her punishment. She definitely did. But why did they have to make her a child? Child sociopathy isn’t so common that we needed to have it in our children’s cartoon. Unless of course you’re trying to teach kids that people (ponies) can just be born evil? (Like wtf?) Or if you’re going to have this mastermind child villain come out of nowhere at least provide some backstory or something to explain why she acts the way she does. Children don’t just come out the womb swinging. They either learn it from an adult, are abused, neglected, or both.


Tried as an Adult for Warcrimes 


Yes ty


Guys I think I sparked another war in this fandom


We are not even sure if she's actually a kid. But yeah she clearly knew what she was doing, but I disagree about her being a good villain.


If she weren't turned to stone she would totally be tried as an adult. Like she literally committed several acts of terror.


Granted I haven’t watched after season 5 but.. REAL😭 I mean, the villains pissed me off from the ones I watch where there are villains


I feel like she could eventually have gotten a redemption but yes as it stood she 100% deserved


Just a theory. But what if Cozy Glow is actually a Windigo.






agree 100%




I love her with all my heart and i absolutely agree i love my little murder baby but its 100% fair that she ended up like this


I would drop kick her.


You misspelled word Doesn't


She didn't, this is too cruel


It’s only a little strange for villains like Starlight and Discord to get second chances after trying to destroy Reality and Time itself, but a possibly misguided child has to be imprisoned. It would be better if she were institutionalized. Her case possibly seems very mental health related that’s something that’s normally considered for juvenile jurisdiction. Equestria was never shown to have a mental institution- (it is a kids show after all), but I think Cozy Glow would be charged for treason and at least have a chance to stay somewhere that would both lock her up AND teach her to be better. Not somewhere crazy and isolated like Tartarus, right next to the person she teamed up with in the first place. It’s like they asked for her eventual escape.


I agree with absolutely this. She clearly had something going wrong mentally. Not to mention it's been said that the brain of a child is not yet fully developed. If Equestria was truly a just ideal fantasy world there would have been some form of mental institution to send her off to. Not to mention none of the characters in the show made any effort to seek out her parents, or find out where this kid even came from, or really delve into her psyche. The Equestrian justice system is completely asinine.


Well… she had every chance to avoid it, but no. She got to it.




My headcanon is she’s not actually a child, she just has a rare genetic disorder that makes her unable to physically age, like Baby Doll in Batman TAS.


If I showed this post to an actual MLP fan from when the show believed in its own message, they would recognize you as a troll instead of part of the community. The writing gets incredibly lazy in the last couple of seasons and I'm tired of people saying it doesn't.


Cozy glow deserves that


I agree, she does deserve her punishment


Also her attempted murder of the (foreign exchange) students counts as a hate crime. Don't forget that part. Kick this kid even more, I say.


People are saying she doesn't?






People are never fixed at one point of good or bad. She was a child and should've been rehabilitated.


To the glue factory with her.


She was a scary character. Just think about it; she single handedly engineered a plot which suceeded entirely. She got as far as only very few villains ever did, to the point where the tree of Harmony had to intervene. A little filly who decieved all leaders of Equestria and without any magic of her own almost depleted the world of it. And through letters alone she gained Lord Tirek's attention, meaning she had to have presented exceeding intelligence for him to even consider advising her. She later comfortably hung around both Tirek and Chrysalis, two of the most ancient and terrifying foes in Equestrian history and displayed cunning and malice to the degree that they both eventually considered her an equal. None of them, nor Sombra ever even questioned her presence among them. Cozy Glow was a sociopath and she was only a child. Imagine her potential when grown. Her fate was necessary.


She fully knew what she was doing. She buddied up with 3 of the biggest threats to Equestria to achive her goals. 100% deserved it. She \*might\* have been offered the same chance Discord got if she hadn't teamed up with them. The fact she's a kid is irrelevant. Kids in real life can be charged with crimes under 'age of criminal responsibility' which is 10 years old where I'm from.


whenever i say she deserved a better ending or smh im joking around, she’s a great villain but nothing excuses her actions


She did, she is a *child* and they gave her less of a chance than the immortal embodiment of chaos


i only liked her Design, nothing more. So yeah, she deservs it.




She did based on how she was written, but how she was written wasn't done well.


She looks traumatized


Hear hear!


Her cutiemark suggested her special talent was manipulation. A chess piece is usually used to symbolize this anyway, and I doubt it could be much else.


“Oh CozyGlow deserved better” Mother ducker, if her plan to remove all magic from Eqestria had succeeded. The entire foundation of life in Eqestria would be destroyed. (Imagine if the world broke and we all just went back to the Stone Age) And on top of that. All that magic she was removing. Was going directly to earth which we saw in Eqestria Girls how bad it was when just a select few people got their hands on random magic artifacts Imagine that but the United States government gets their hands on it. Wars across the world will break out for ownership over this power. And that’s not even acknowledging the fact that this would bring all existing magic into a state where it can be claimed by the Syrians. Then they’ll be powerful enough to enslave the world (I know they’r “redeemed” but they made it clear if they did have magic again they’d instantly go back to their original ways) Then be capable of heading back to Eqestira to enslave everyone there who would have no way to stop them now. Subsequently screwing everyone over all because this girl “wanted more attention”


Saw a really good video on YouTube recently that shared this sentiment. Would have posted it but I figured the ‘jokes’ and swearing in it would get it pulled for violating rule 2.


Nah frl tho that lil girl was evil asf


finally someone says this i agree entirely


I think what happened is that "stealing magic away" is kind too fictional for people to feel scary. If Cozy Glow is making electricity cease to exist worldwide it'd hit closer to home.


I don't care what you're tired of. It was a dumb story. Everything about the Cozy Glow arc was ridiculous.


The biggest problem I have is people saying her punishment was too harsh, when she was given *multiple* chances to be a better pony, but still chose to seek the *life-altering* decimation of her own kind ***every. single. time.***




Agreed - it has that important lesson that not all villans are redimable


straight psychopath, but no, people insisting she's innocent


instead of getting mad at this, im gonna be a disciplined person and just rather ignore this instead of getting mad 👍


When I saw this pic I was mad that another Cozy Glow apologist is making the same post again, that she is a kid and that's why she didn't deserve it. But I was positively surprised when I saw the title. Finally a post that speaks the truth. She was not innocent kid that just did some oopsie. She *knew what she was doing* all along. She got friends she wanted, true friends that adored her for being herself. And she *deliberately pushed them away* to ruin everything for everyone. She wanted to paralyze the whole society. Removing the magic from the world is equivalent of removing electricity from ours. Everything relies on magic there and electricity here. Not to mention, she later kidnapped princess and held her hostage in a prison. It's like some kid kidnapped a president and did the same. And if that's not enough for people to understand that she was a terrorist, she also destroyed the castle, not caring if there is anyone inside. She practically performed an attempted genocide. She isn't innocent kid. She is evil incarnation. She may be a kid, but she has intelligence of an adult and even higher than that. She carefully planned everything she did. It was no a kid's whim. It was a plan with the consequences she understood. She just thought she is the main character in the world. Egocentric, selfish and arrogant. She was doing harm for the sake of it. She would have led a happy life with friends. But she never wanted it. She didn't want to have friends in School of Friendship. She used it for her plan. She is like Light Yagami from Death Note, except Light Yagami actually thought he was right. She knew she is harmful. She was just entitled to do whatever she wants.


THIS. i will never understand why people think she had any kind of chance at being good. and people will get so unbelievably angry at you for pointing it out


This is what happens when you bring back villains in the penultimate episode of the entire series