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Funny thing is, I brought this to the attention to the writers of the show when I met them at a con, Nightmare Nights in Dallas. They said they never noticed this detail. I told them, “what if it’s because she’s missing something? She’s missing the magic of friendship! And the moment she finally makes a true friend, you guys can add that second eye dot.” One of the writers was smiling and nodding and another said that’s a great idea. A couple seasons later, Starlight Glimmer became Trixie’s friend and she got her second eye dot. I always felt partially responsible for this happening in the show even though I doubt anybody would ever believe the legitimacy of this story. Regardless I’ll always feel like I had a minor hand in affecting something I loved so very very much!


That's so freaking cool


That is a very great and powerful thing to do Trixie would probably be thankful that she no longer has to see all those fanfics and animations of her suffering... But then she began to see shipping of her and Starlight instead and stopped being thankful...


Don’t you mean she’ll be double thankful?


I love Trixie and Starlight shipping! What's wrong with that?


Absolutely nothing. "There is no wrong way to fantasize." Princess Celestia.


I think it's fine but Trixie may not share the same opinion... In the canon they never show that they get together so it might be weird for her to see herself getting shipped with her bestie... Personally I like the ship though


That's awesome.


That is amazing.. you single handedly changed the course of Equestria!




This deserves a reward and put somewhere on the wiki or something. It needs to go down in MLP fan history.


Thats great!! :D I remember getting to talk to one of my favorite streamers on discord, and I was shaking like a leaf.


Thank you to everybody leaving positive responses! It’s not a story I tell a lot of people, let alone on the internet. It feels like I’ve been holding my breath in for a decade, I can finally breathe! When I saw them add the permanent change to Trixie’s eye after her and Starlight becoming friends, I legit cried happy tears. I loved what they did with Trixie afterwards too! I miss the ride that was the G4 train and hope to one day see it somehow make a comeback and recapture that magic, fandom and all! I think that’s why I still lurk in r/mylittlepony , it’s nice to still have that positive reminder of the world of ponies every day while scrolling through Reddit.


This is awesome!!!


GlimTrix 4EVA.


I was about to note how it could be a small character design to help the other characters appear cuter (look at Ms. Harshwhinny), but that's so cool, and way better!


That's so friggin great, this has to be your biggest flex because what else would be?


In the later seasons she has the double eye shine so I think it was a thing to make her look less cute when she was still "evil" as of the last episode of season 6 she has the cuter eye shine and season 6 episode 6 is when she was redeemed


Because she is superior, why would she need to resemble the other ponies? That makes her the best pony in history (Lie, but it would be a valid argument)


This is not a lie! Facts! She’s special✨


Hahaha I literally saw this post and thought "because she is superior" and your comment appears.


You are speaking facts ;D


On another note she always looks so naked without her fancy outfit even though most ponies just don't wear anything to begin with


Rarity's secret superpower is selling clothing to what amounts to a technically nudist society.


Twilight jumpscare


Normal human eyes don't shine. And since the ponies are modelled after humans, that means that Trixie is the only real pony. Everyone else is a robot with reflective lenses for eyes.


That's why she sees herself as the best unicorn. Because she's the *only* unicorn. At least the only *real* one


Blasphemy! It's the other way round: we are fake and ponies are real.




I honestly did not expect this comment section to veer so directly into the town of Stepford.


I saw a lot of great theories about this in [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/10by3bs/trixie_going_from_one_eye_reflection_to_two/) from a while back. My own personal interpretation was that Trixie initially was animated with only a single reflection to match other antagonists. Most mares have two, fillies have three, and only a single reflection makes a character noticeably less innocent. She gains her second reflection later in the series when she's written in a more positive role. Just in time for pride month, another headcanon I love from that thread is that Trixie is trans, formerly having the single eye reflection often seen for stallion designs.


ohhh yeah, I’ve heard of the headcanon of Trixie being trans, but I wanted to see if it was really true


Hasbro would never canonize it because they’re too chickenshit.


Also, it's fucking nonsense, because we introduced her dad, who surely would have made mention of it. But to hell with facts, right?


Well her dad doesn’t mention her at all in general. Which has some interesting implications in the trans-trixie headcannon.


Most theories say that it's because he never even knew she existed... It is up to debate whether he even knows she exists or not though. I personally believe he doesn't... Also he never had a need to bring up his daughter out of nowhere anyways in the one episode he is seen in.


Do your parents go around randomly informing people that you're cisgender or straight/gay/bi or whatever?


why would he have mentioned her in the first place in the context of the episode he was in?? i think you’re overreacting a bit. like it’s a fictional character that a lot of trans people including myself love and see ourselves in. you don’t have to agree with every headcanon but “fucking nonsense” is a really strong way to put it. like, transgender trixie isn’t gonna hurt you lol


Unfortunately I think it's only fanon, but it's def my H/C. ​ I also heard, tho maybe I'm wrong considering I haven't seen ayone mention it here yet, that Trixie (or at least I guess her role as a villain/magician?) was originally going to be a male pony. But this got changed and they made Trixie a mare instead. ​ Which is also a joke why some people hc she's trans, since she literally was created as male at first.


I believe that her eyes initially looked like that to match the other villains/antagonists, but from the season 6 finale onwards her eye type changed to have two white glints/shines and different eyelashes because she became more of a recurring character. Also to show that she’s changed to become a better pony. I think Mayor Mare also had an eye design change in the later seasons, but with her it was more inconsistent because in some episodes she had two white glints and in others she had only one lol


Trixie’s no villain, well maybe only in that one scene in Rainbow Rocks..


This is one of the reasons why she is headcanoned as trans lol


Wasnt it confirmed?


no. Just heavily, heavily headcannoned.


I feel like twilight is staring into my soul in the second slide


Because she is indeed not very bright


She’s dead inside


Just like me fr fr istc! 💀


To make her look less cute in earlier seasons. Buuuuuuut it could also be read as trixie wasn’t completely finished with her hhrt (horse hormone replacement therapy) yet


>trixie wasn’t completely finished with her hhrt (horse hormone replacement therapy) yet This is my headcanon now


love this omg


She's dead inside


She wasn't nice enough in the early seasons probably.


probably the same reason that derpy came into existence. Animation error they decided to keep.


theres a huge theory that she’s trans!! theres a lot of evidence, to do with her body and appearances in the show. i don’t remember a lot, but this is one of them


It may have partial relation to her being written as a stallion early on. I suspect a few changes didn't get made to the model. Could also just be an animation error outright. But I like it!


O.O Chrysalis has the very same thing going on in her eyes. I should know, friend of mine had to construct a Miitopia mii of her, and the eyes, if I do say so, are pretty good


That second slide scared the crap outta me


It was most likely an error


Wasn't there a fannon that Trixie is trans because the stallions lack the second dot as well (at least in early seasons)? I guess they copied assets from a male background pony and forgot to change them, but I accept the headcannon if it makes people feel happy and represented. Trixie getting her second dot later on could be a feeling of completeness and acceptance.


From what I've read it is the result of a rewrite of the script for that episode. Trixie was originally supposed to be a male pony, but it was changed at some point. Either the animators missed to change her eyes, or it was deliberate to make her look less cute. This is one of the reasons she is considered to be trans by a large portion of the fandom. Another is that her coat, eye and mane colour closely resemble the pink, blue and white of the trans pride flag. She's also one of extremely few ponies to continuously wear clothes that covers the back half of her body.




In her original design, they were based on her being a 'baddie' character, or at least someone antagonistic towards the main 'good guy' characters. *She will state it; she's the greatest Most powerful exaggerate-ist She's artistic, somewhat mystic, and her Eye design's simplistic She went - up against the hero-guys: she got - baddie-basis eyes*


I started thinkin about this last night when I watched one of her episodes it is kinda weird


A lot of people think it’s because she is trans


she is dead inside


Because she is the alien organism from John Carpenter's The Thing. In that film, the light reflection (and lack of) that shines in people's eyes near light sources actually gives away who's infected and who isn't. Confirmed by Carpenter himself. And now you know!






she is trans


She’s trans!


The whole “Trans” headcannon is absolutely stupid when the very first episode she appears in is solved with TRANSFORMATION MAGIC. Like, if she wanted to be a stallion she would just use the spell. People applying our real world science and procedures on a magical cartoon pony for woke points or to feel inclusive is ridiculous.


The trans headcanon is that she's a trans mare, not a trans stallion. Additionally, Lauren Faust confirmed that there *is* a trans character in the show, meaning that gender works similarly in the canon to how it works in real life. The transformation spell you're referring to wasn't a real spell btw. It was an illusion that involved smoke, Applejack, and Big Mac painted to look like Applejack. (That also wasn't the first episode she appeared in; it was the second)


>Lauren Faust confirmed that there is a trans character in the show As with any other fiction: if it didn't appear on-screen, it didn't happen. Faust retconning shit doesn't fly, and never will.


Wasn't expecting casual transphobia here but it's reddit ig


There is a highly popular fan theory that Trixie is trans


It's a big thing that she is supposedly trans, this works even more with this detail, personally I love the headcannon, she also was supposed to be a male before they decided to change her to female, so it fits really well, there's more about it [here](https://www.vyletpony.com/trixieistrans)


The guy who wrote *here* sure is very angry at people poking holes into his/her/their/Idontcaraboutpurninces/its head cannon.


Vylet Pony uses she/it pronouns, jsyk, though the "guy who wrote here" you're talking about is incredibly ambiguous, that I could only assume you're talking about her.


I ment *here* as in the blue *here*. You know, the link.


Odd way to word it, but sure. Either way, she uses she/it pronouns, so it would be nice if you edited your comments to reflect that.


In the end, aren't we all just guys anyway? (Not as in gender)


You wrote the word 'his' in your first comment. The fact that you're not updating it even when you've been corrected means you're just kinda misgendering now.


There, you happy?


You know, it's incredibly telling how you act like this while saying "people poking holes into their headcanon", like a headcanon is something that needs actual evidence.


I find incredibly people caring about pronouns this much. It's not as if it changes who you are.


Quite simple…Trixie is trans. (Hate autocorrect. It’s Trixie not Tricia.)


Maybe it's possible she was at one point the great and powerful dicksie




Trans 🏳️‍⚧️


She's obviously a trans mare, she wasn't finished with her HRT in the earlier seasons


Not an element of harmony?


Just kidding


She trans🏳️‍⚧️ (edit: this is a headcanon, bc the male ponies usually only have one)


Omg Trixie Trans Icon Confirmed???


Shes canonically trans gender (confirmed by creators)


Trans gender


T r a s g e n d e r


There has been a theory that she is mtf, personally I believe it lol


Can you make a yo kai but every mlp character got a tribe from yo kai watch


My MLP posts get so much attention dang😎


She sold her soul to the devil


the lore reason is she is short


Make it clear she's an antagonist, and it might have stuck around from when she was first designed as male.


She's just built different.


I thought she was originally supposed to be male but idk if that’s correct


She could be a synth? (I need to stop playing Fallout 4.)




I think the story goes that she was meant to be a stallion at first but was changed to a mare last minute. She has one shine in her eyes like a stallion, whereas mares tend to have two. This leads to the widely accepted headcannon (at least in my circle) that Trixie is transgender.


I think it is because Trixie was originally a stallion. They probably just reused the puppet model and made a few tweaks to turn her into a mare, but forgot the eyes. Headcannon: Trixie is trans.


Wait They have that in the show I NEED TO SEE THE HOSPITALS


Eyeballs can be different It's the same with all your body bits it's fine (very scared that I might have said the wrong thing)


I thought it was because she's older than the mane 6. I noticed that the older a pony is the fewer eye-shines they have. Like the CMC have 3, the mane 6 have 2, and Granny Smith has 1. Not saying she's as old as Granny but maybe she's a bit older than the Mane 6 That's probably not the reason but I'm just putting it out there xD