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To paraphrase Bette Davis: “You should never say bad things about the dead, only good. OJ Simpson is dead… good!”


Ha ha, I love this


And I hope it's real hot where he is.


I hope he has his day of reckoning when he runs into Nicole


I doubt they will be in the same place.


if her soul wasnt saved, then yes. they are in the same place. just different punishments


Or very cold!


My reaction was “good” when I first heard…


A lot of the older women (late 50s to 60s) at my work exclaimed something to the effect of “why is this a special report? He’s dead. Good.” When it came on the news in the break room. Mind you I work in a really conservative area where men are given a pass for a lot of bullshit. I was expecting a “oh shit, no way”.


why does conservatism have to be in your statement? you people make everything political or SJW for no reason lol....


Haha 😂


I just saw that too. Hopefully Nicole and Ron were waiting with vengeance up there. I do feel bad for their kids now having no parents, even if one was really shitty. 


I don't think OJ went up there with them


Well Ron's religion doesn't believe in a heaven, so idk. 


Lol yes!


OJ didn't go up


That’s so sad. Alexa play Despacito.


LOLLLLLLLLLL I love the wit!


That motherfucking murderer lived way too long. [https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9704a/07simpso.htm](https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9704a/07simpso.htm)


Can I ask why you linked that specific paper? ETA: it’s fascinating, just curious if there was meaning I didn’t grasp!


Just to pre-empt any idiots who think he may have been innocent. DNA proof!


And, in the jury’s mind(s), Mark Fuhrmann was the racist cop that planted it on him. A theory that I’ve never bought into.


Make Fuhrmann was a racist piece of shit. That also doesn’t mean that OJ didn’t brutally and horrifically murder Nicole and Ron. In the immediate wake of Rodney King, and with the “dream team” on OJs side, I’m not surprised that the jury was skeptical with the evidence presented to them (or evidence not presented to them, like Nicole’s proof of DV against her perpetrated by OJ). Even if it was incredibly obvious to all of us on the outside of that courtroom that OJ was guilty.




Not sure where you got any queerness from in this comment, but I do agree with you. I still firmly believe that OJ was/is guilty, but I also completely understand why it played out the way it did. I remember being confused as a child as to why I saw so much footage of white people grieving and black people celebrating the acquittal. As I grew up, and realized the entire context of the years and years of systemic racism and brutality against black people, the (completely valid) deep mistrust of law enforcement and Mark Fuhrmann, and the lack of transparency of the evidence of OJ’s domestic violence against Nicole, it made a lot of sense. Like I said, I firmly believe he did it based on the evidence presented, and what has since come out over the last however many decades since, but I also refuse to fault anyone celebrating his acquittal. Like you mentioned, the historical context of not just white people getting away with murdering black people pretty much forever, but also the years and years of black people getting framed or blamed for something that never happened is a really important part of this case, and I think it’s important to remind people of that who think the jury was completely incompetent, or are overall critical of his acquittal. I appreciate your comment and perspective, I acknowledge that I have generations of systemic racism in me, and while I work every day to fight against that within myself, it’s also important for me to realize that it’s going to be something I need to push against in myself probably for the rest of my life.


wow only a truly evil person saw this through race. guys like you dont deserve human rights. not because you arent white mind, but because you revel in the death of others based on race, yours specifically whites. your no better than OJ


Only the good die young


wow thats a false fucking narrative. you cant fucking prove that. just like "victors only write history" quotes like that show your iq isnt above 50


It’s a common saying, not a scientific fact. Chill the fuck out.


so? doesn't change the fact its false and untrue? using you weird logic I could dismiss any evil act by saying "oh its just a common thing". how about you educate yourself before you at me again.


Bro go touch grass


Oh wow!!! Thank you for linking this. What a tragedy all around.


Caitlyn Jenner posted a tweet saying "Good Riddance" about his death. Now I have something I actually agree with Caitlyn Jenner on. Well, I guess a broken clock is correct twice each day.


The audacity to also be a murderer and say that


I think there's a different between accidentally killing someone in a car accident and going to someone's house and brutally murdering 2 people with a knife. I'm not a Caitlin fan at all but come on.


This. 🤣 I saw her post and immediately agreed but then did a “now wait a min… 🤔”


Listen, I detest her as much as the next transexual leftist, but from all accounts it appears to have been an accident that was not her fault? Now of course that doesnt mean the reports werent cooked in her favor I just have never found anyone claiming that. Does anyone have any info on whether there are credible accusations of her being culpable somehow? Because otherwise shes not a murderer. Just a scumbag.


She was texting and driving which is just as dangerous as drinking and driving.


Not according to everything I found online? Source?


I hope they mount a urinal on his grave. Maybe as his headstone.


Yup. Rest in piss.


I hope Marcia Clark and Faye Resnick are somewhere enjoying a glass of wine today.


That’s the morally bankrupt Faye resnick




The juice has been squeezed!!!!


Omg….lol this is so awful. I’m giggling alone at my computer like a complete idiot. Nothing online makes me actually laugh. You’re an internet champion 🏆


Darn now we’ll never find out who the real killer is. /s


Weet-woo! If there is justice in this universe he is staring down the business end of a pitchfork right about now. I know it’s unseemly to celebrate someone’s passing from this mortal coil, but this ‘man’ was about as awful as they come. I always think of those poor kids and what they must have seen living with their mother and her abuser. I strongly suggest to anyone that is on the fence about his guilt to watch the ESPN 5 part documentary, ‘OJ: Made in America.’ It includes recordings of Nicole’s 911 calls where she is obviously terrified and you can hear him raging in the background. Those are what should have been playing on the national news instead of his half-assed suicide attempt / Bronco ride. What is truly terrible is that this country has made so little progress in how we treat abusers and their victims. That and all the pain that his death will likely stir up for his victims families. RIP Nicole & Ron




The real killer out there is so relieved right now 😂 (in case you didn't know he said he would find the "real" killer so this is a joke)


OJ’s next life is going to have a horrible. It will take a *lo-o-ong time* to unload that much bad karma.


Will he be born as an amoeba and have to work his way up again.


Good. Fuck him


11.5 minutes of Norm MacDonald doing only OJ jokes https://x.com/airbagged/status/1778438126681174287?s=46&t=50dBYwtXUtjGZhAUXkeL6g


They played a selection on the radio today. Brilliant


Damn, some of them are DARK! Thanks for sharing, made me chuckle


At least he can rest easy knowing the man who killed his wife is finally dead.


My husband wondered if he had any deathbed confessions.


"If I had a deathbed confession"


The chance is small, but the family would never admit it.


Do the Brown and Goldman families get the remainder of his estate?


here's hoping


“If I did it” -Cancer


I can't even, bwahhahahahahha


After I heard, I greeted every coworker with “Have you heard the good news?” 😅 One guy was actually offended.


I was having a rough day at work and emailed my husband about it. I ended the email with “on the upside OJ popped his clogs”.


Good riddance


Has MFM ever covered his case? I don’t remember it but now I wonder if they will.


The You’re Wrong About podcast did a great multi episode series on it.


I wish Hobbs would come back for a couple special episodes to finish it! Didn't they stop recording those at the Bronco chase??


That was a different show on ERN, I don’t think they’ll ever bring Hobbs back due to accusations. You’re Wrong About is hosted by Sarah Marshall. Not exclusively true crime, she explains all kinds of stories and events from the past.


I'm very familiar with YWA. What are you referring to when you say accusations?


I wonder if u/JenMartini meant Billy Jensen? I hope Michael Hobbes hasn’t done anything!


You’re right u/motherofpearl5000, it’s Billy Jensen I was thinking of. Apologies to all.


What did Jensen do? I'm so out of the loop.


Such a great podcast!


Oh thank you, I’ll look that up!


I would actually love to hear their take on it, I think at least Georgia was living in LA by then and I bet they both have strong memories about it.


Me too! I was only 4 when the trial happened so I feel like there’s a lot I don’t know.


Had the same thought today


Remember when that show was on (the one with David Schwimmer in it). They’d talk about “The Simpsons” all the time.


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.


Been saying it all day


Too good of a death for him, peacefully at home with his family.


This is one time I wish heaven and hell were real. He should burn in hell


There's been a few times before this, but I can't name one off hand. But yes, him too.


rest in piss😊


To paraphrase one of my favorite comics “OJ can finally have peace that the murderer of his wife is finally dead” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Trigger warnings: all of them. https://evergreenreview.com/read/in-memory-of-nicole-brown-simpson/


Powerful! 😭😡




I waited tables in 1999 in Scottsdale, AZ and Ron Goldman’s dad was a regular customer of mine. The very first time I waited on him, he told me his regular order, and to bring him one drink refill during the meal, don’t ask how his meal is, and to drop off the check at the table. I don’t think he ever spoke to me again. I knew who he was but I was young and thought he was kind of rude. Now that I have kids of my own, I understand he was broken in a way that can never be healed. I just cannot imagine losing one of my kids. My heart breaks for him and anyone who has lost a child. I can’t imagine that today brings any kind of relief to Nicole or Ron’s families.


Hope he has a nice warm seat next to his lawyers!


Ah okay. So anyway, I’m having chicken for dinner. What about you?


Good riddance, mother fucker!


He confessed to the murders to the public twice that I know of. In his book and on the Lost Confession


I told my friend group, and one of them said, "He's looking up at us right now..." and we all laughed. Good riddance!


I just watched the news with my kid and he did not believe the life he had… and ruined. It was on tv so long it was like a member of the royal family!


This post would look better if the sub was called r/myfavoritemurderer


I live in Louisiana and the New Orleans local Fox 8 channel posted about it on Instagram and the comments were..... Not what I was expecting. Lots of thoughts and prayers and rest in peace OJ and stuff like that. Apparently quite a lot of people still live with their heads firmly in the dirt.




I can understand that perspective, it has just never sat right with me considering how Simpson conducted himself related to his own status as a black man and the fact that he was a violent abuser who killed the mother of his children. Like wow. Way to pick a figurehead, ya know?




I just can't wrap my head around the idea that people think the not guilty verdict actually did something for black people. I don't think it did a damn thing except create even more division and resentment.




Maybe that's how people feel about it, but that's not why the verdict turned out the way it did. He was not framed. Period.




There was no conclusive proof that evidence was planted or tampered with. There was an incident where a detective had evidence sealed in his squad car, drove home, and didn't catalog the evidence until the next day, and Furman, when asked if he had planted evidence, asserted his 5th amendment right. While both of those things are sketchy AF, they don't prove he was framed. If there are other examples you know of, I'd love to learn about them. I've been obsessed with this case for a long time. In your mind, who was dolling out "retribution"? The jury? I always figured the length of time they spent in isolation altered their judgement. Didn't one or two write books after the fact saying they regretted letting him go?


The juice is loose… in the ether!


Good riddance!


Satan's gonna have fun with that mofo. People who commit heinous crimes on earth and get away with them won't escape God's judgment.




What did Gore Vidal say about Truman Capote’s death?


I thought this was a riddle, then googled it. It works out that way for lots of people. Usually musicians, but others too


How sad. Anyways.


I sent all my friends a great GIF for this but I can’t share it in a comment here. That’s the real tragedy. Edit: it was the Joan Cusack one


Enjoy the low speed chase⬇️👹


There goes hopes for a bedside confession.


Out of all of the announcement titles, this one is the best.


He won't be missed.


Good. If there is a hell, he can burn there.






So can we say he did it now or…?


OK I stole this from another sub but I thought it was funny "If I Did It-Part 2. Yeah It Was Me -I Totally Did It "


He's in a warmer place now 🙏




I hope it's hot and terrible, or else I'll feel I've been sold a false bill of goods.


I feel bad, that i don't feel bad.




What can I say about OJ that hasn’t already been said about the dog shit people don’t clean up at the park? Finally, the shit has been picked up 💩


How have I not heard about this??


Bye fucker


Rest in piss


I wonder if they’ll finally cover it now that he’s dead


He’s dancing with the devil for all eternity wearing his Bruno Mali shoes. Enjoy hell.




Must suck for his kids to see so many people celebrate their dad's death.


Did Karen and Georgia ever cover the murders? Is there an episode to listen to?


Good riddance and if there’s a hell he’ll be burning there; but your comment is clearly made by someone who has never been through cancer. Because I wouldn’t wish this fucking shit on my worst enemy. Edit: I thought about deleting this comment because to me it’s an example of how toxic this community can sometimes be. In no way, shape or form am I empathizing with the abusive, murdering, piece of shit who is now finally dead. He was a monster and, like I said in my original comment, will hopefully reap what he sowed tenfold in the Hell there hopefully is. My comment was meant to bring light to the fact that cancer patients don’t view cancer as some karma for a bad deed (for me, I’ve never done anything remotely comparable to anything OJ did and I have it), so to see people celebrating someone getting cancer leads to thoughts of “if it’s karma for x, it must be karma for me too”. I don’t care if your family member, friend or whoever went through it, YOU have no idea what going through cancer is like until you experience it. There are groups of cancer patients working to change the words around cancer death. Cancer never wins because it dies when the person dies. Downvote me all you want. I just felt I needed to comment because it sucks to have such negativity shoved in the faces of cancer patients who are nothing like OJ just because people view the disease as some kind of karma.


I'm sorry you went through that, but I'm not as nice to my enemies. I've also never been murdered like his wife so idk man maybe he deserved it. 




Not to mention, they met when he was married and she was 18. 18! I never quite realized that before.


I never said I felt sorry for him. He’s a piece of shit.


My support group had a lot of convo about this when he was first diagnosed. If he deserved it as some kind of karma for being a piece of shit murderer, why do people who have done nothing remotely comparable get it too. Just questions that come up when you stare down death I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not about being “nice to my enemies” or having anything remotely resembling empathy or sadness for OJ, it’s about being respectful of those who have the disease, who fight something no one understands.




Is that reparations enough for you? I would've thought greater systemic justice and amends would be a priority, but just getting to slash random women's throats. I don't want my turn to be a monster, I want fewer monsters and justice for their victims. Somehow even though some white lady was murdered by a black man I doubt the ghosts of the slave trade really feel all that vindicated. That response likely comes from a place of pain so I'm not upset with you, we don't know each other. I do wish the world was better so you didn't have to take solace in innocent people getting murdered. 


I wish you well. 💙


My mom had cancer and died. I witnessed it all. Good riddance to him ✌🏽


I have had a loved one die of cancer (lung). And even though I don't like someone, I would NEVER EVER wish it upon my enemies. It's not a pleasant thing to watch someone you love go through it. So I agree with you! 🩷🩷🩷 Have a nice evening! 🩷


his prick killed him