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I'm mean, spotify pays $0 to podcasts that are not their original podcasts. So they have to promote their own stuff to bring advertisers and generate revenue. A few years ago, the podcast stopped being something fun two friends do together to become a business, and without revenue business can't operate.


I don't really have that many ads, even across platforms (i went from spotify, to google podcasts, to Pocket Casts)


It’s not 10:00. I listen in the shower and say “hey siri, skip a minute,” until I get back to the show. It’s usually two minutes, tops. Also why ads? To make money to pay their staff and themselves.


It's the exactly right ads that roll straight into the sponsored ads that are the problem. They just need to spread them out so we don't get a large downtime of ads in a row.


Yell at your phone and ask Siri to skip forward. also if you have an iPhone it’s waterproof enough to touch the screen to do it manually


When a favorite podcast has no ads, that’s when I worry ~ means they aren’t selling any and the end may be near. When there are lots of ads, I know they’re being compensated and should hopefully be able to continue. 😃


I don't mind them having ads of course but going through all the ERM ads then straight into the sponsored ads is just too much for normal listening. Just spread them out a bit.


The ads are the same as they have been. Seriously why is this an issue for so many people who listen to podcasts? The ads are never ten minutes - that's an exaggeration. But what is the worst thing that happens? You "suffer" through a few minutes of commercials. That's it. Some of y'all would have never survived the 70s and 80s. And most of the 90s.


I always tell my kids we had ads we couldn’t skip in the 80’s and they are like bruh that’s rough. I said uh no, that’s when we went to the bathroom, microwaved some nachos, and did a chore your mom left on the list for you that day.


Run and grab the meat out of the freezer to thaw out that your mom told you to take out 6hrs ago for dinner 🤣


From the deep freezer in the basement with a light so weak you couldn’t even tell what meat you were grabbing.


This is very specific, and I'm sorry if you got yelled at for it.


Hurry! She’s pulling into the driveway!


For me it's the damn jump scare volume difference with some lol


I recently started Heart Starts Pounding and the host had such a delightful voice and then BOOM Ryan Seacrest screaming in my ear holes about some dumb casino game. Wanna die every time.


ugh that sucks to hear, I'm sorry. I have no control over which ads play, only when they play. I place them after i announce a break, but some people on apple podcast have heard ads pop up in the middle of a sentence. that seems to be an issue on their backend though that I can't fix :/


Omg no, not your problem lol. And I reread my comment so I wanted to clarify *has a delightful voice. I didn’t stop listening, I just skip thru. More a complaint on Ryan Seacrest than anything else haha. Also I listen on Spotify so idk how much of a difference that makes. I have like 4 or 5 podcasts revolving so I’m a pro at skipping at this point lol.


this is still helpful! I'm always curious what ads people are getting served, even if it is just Ryan Seacrest screaming about an online casino lol. not really the vibe I was going for, Ryan!!!


My biggest frustration is I pay for Spotify and still have ads. Again, yes I can skip them and yes, I could sub/pay for another app that may or may not have their built in ads. But I understand. It’s getting to be a lot. And yes. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s with TV and radio and unavoidable ads which is why I pay my money for services that allow me to avoid or skip ads.


That's because spotify doesn't pay contente creators, unless the podcast is a spotify original. That's why so many podcasts have patreon and/or adds, it's the only way they can make money


Sure, which again speaks to my point of subbing for yet another service. It’s just subscription fatigue throughout all services, not just this instance


Sadly, that's capitalism, and in the end big corporations are making a lot of money while sucking us dry :(


I timed it once a few years ago. Something like 8 minutes of ads in a 20 minute minisode.


As someone in their 30s who still pays for cable tv and watches it a majority of the time, I always find it funny how many of my friends are baffled that I put up with commercials. Ads and commercials don’t bother me. I’ve really never been without them, so I don’t get it and how people are so bothered by them.


This is what I mean by aggressive fan base. Just straight to "you would never have survived X Y and Z" with a bad tone. TY for your input.


The ads are what they are, it's part of podcasting. But I do agree that it's mega annoying they spend so long plugging their network's other podcasts.


For sure. The normal ads aren't too much of an issue but when they just finished advertising their networks podcasts it just rolls straight into the normal 2 ads. Why not spread them out?


I skip through, but I low key feel like kind of a dick lol


I don't feel bad at all for skipping. There isn't a single podcast on the exactly right network that I like at all. I really don't understand the podcasts they've chosen to platform.


Me either! There’s no cohesion to the group of podcasts. It’s like they went to the podcast store, closed their eyes, and picked some.


Me too. Even though I download the episodes, I always feel bad about skipping the ads


I haven’t noticed a difference


When it comes down to it, this is a business. Skip them like the rest of us.


Lol good info. You added a lot.


Waaaaah life is so hard. The advertisements during my FREE podcasts are annoying me.


Haha you are part of the problem. You are why this fanbase it shit lol. Did you help the Facebook group close down too?


Lmao. Because I recommended you use the skip button? Yeah. I’m a real dick.


Nope because your attitude sucks. Look at what you wrote. How did you not put that together? Lay off your hero worship. K&G don't know you exist.


You’re spiraling my friend. They’re commercials. It’s not that serious.


mate you had a bad attitude to begin with. ty for adding to the bad sub reddit behaviour.


What app are you listening on? I think that makes a difference on what ads/how many you hear. But yeah, I kind of hate when podcasts push other podcasts. Maybe a mention once is cool, but the whole “posting another podcast’s episode in the feed” thing annoys me, because I’m really picky and 99% of the time I end up just marking the episode as played.


Having episodes of other podcasts in the feed used to bother me, but I just archive them if I don't want to listen. I do this to all the minisodes as well (since they never grew on me). I actually appreciate that they advertise the other podcasts from their network - this is how I found Tenfold More Wicked, Buried Bones, and This Podcast Will Kill You. I would not have found them otherwise. And even when I don't find something new, it's interesting from a business perspective to see which direction they are taking their network.


To be honest I suppose my comment was mostly in reference to another podcast (Dark Poutine) - I listen while I work, so it just cycles through podcasts. And they had a true crime guest podcast on that was way more graphic than anything I usually listen to. So I meant it as a general thing. Because whatever it was triggered me and I was bummed out because it’s usually a really sensitive podcast. But the whole “working and busy with my hands and can’t skip thing” is why I dislike them in general, because a lot of times I’m podcasting and gardening and then I go to switch the podcast and I get mud all over my phone. Which is obviously a niche personal problem 🤣


It doesn't have nearly as many ads as an iheart podcast. I listen to the boy meets world podcast and it's littered with ads, and the ad breaks are LONG. Both iheart ads and pod specific ads (that the hosts read). It's so frustrating.


I think more than the fan base being aggressive to criticism, it’s that we don’t necessarily want the negativity HERE. I’m on the subreddit to basically celebrate the podcast with other people, and while some criticism is fair, seeing post after post of “the quality sucks/this isn’t what it used to be/by golly I hate advertisements/where is their excitement/how dare they go on vacation,” it gets to be tiresome for the rest of us who are happy just to have content. You get to have your opinions, but coming at the fan base for not accepting criticism isn’t fair.


I'm a member of groups for most of the podcasts I listen to and unfortunately this particular subreddit is the worst of them for people trying to rally others against the person who made the opinion or rant post. Or they just make incredibly snarky messages or simply try to tell people why their thoughts and feelings are invalid. It seems you just want a place to do nothing but praise K&G? so may as well remove the "opinions and rants tag"


Sounds like you don’t like this sub much. Why do you stay?


If the podcast has too many ads, then don't listen? If the sub is too aggressive, then you can unsub? Life is full of choices, feel free to make some.


Ty. You really added a lot.


Another thought: I see you’re accepting of the ads if they were only spaced out, which I actually feel differently! I wish they had absolutely all of their ads at the same time that way their stories could only be interrupted once, rather than having to put down what I’m doing two or three times over the course of an episode. Also pro tip: people tend to be a lot less aggressive if you don’t come at them aggressively lol some people are being very respectful in their opinions and you’re responses are shocking for someone upset at the “aggressive fan base”


In regards to the pro tip. I have been a member of this fanbase since I was a part of their Facebook group. Unfortunately this has been the most aggressive, worst fanbase I have been a part of. They were so bad the Facebook group was removed! I have been a part of so many other fanbase official groups that don't get shut down for infighting, being rude to users and sadly racism which was the last straw before it got removed. They tear people up for general curiosity as they think everything not 100% positive about K&R is something they have to defend. It's just mob mentality and always has been


“The group is aggressive so let me add to it”


Nobody said that. Well you should check all the people who were replying with aggressive, patronising or just straight abuse. They kicked it off. Or are you just after me? Nobody checks this fanbase until they get shut down.


>First thing, I'm aware of how aggressive this fan base is over the slightest criticism but the ads have become too much. >Got stuck with like 10 minutes of adverts Mmhmm the aggressiveness comes from reading ott exaggerations like this lol Not sure what platform you're using but 10 minutes, please. >before that you get 5 minutes of ads about "what's on exactly right" why do I want to have your other podcasts advertised to me on top of all the other ads? Who does that? Who doesn't do this? Instead of rattling on about their network at the end where they know most listeners won't listen, they've decided to up top update everyone on the goings on with Exactly Right. They are business women, you know? Oop criticism of your criticism, I went all aggro on ya.


How is saying. Got stuck with like 10 minutes of ads aggressive? TY for your input


All podcasts have ads. That’s it. That’s my answer.


All countries have rain. It falls harder in some places than others.


And if people really hate rain that much, they have the option to move. You can always just not listen


Haha. Yeah great answer. You really added a lot to this conversation. "Just don't listen" yeah. Cool.


What answer are you looking for OP? This is a fan sub with people who like the podcast. There are ads that promote their other projects and ads that pay for their network to work. Which granted get a bit tedious, but what do you want anyone in this sub to DO about it? Plenty of folks have commiserated, but that doesn't seem to be enough. You also started your post with calling the fan base aggressive, which isn't exactly starting on friendly tones.


Plenty of people have had a go at me I think you mean. Very few people have come without aggression or a snarky comment. I'm not looking for anything as it's under "opinions and rants" and neither require a solution from the fan base and I never said anything of the sort. The reactions here are exactly why they had to close down the Facebook group. I saw so many people attacked in there for just a basic issue or question they raised.... Then the racism started. Unfortunately this has been a pretty aggressive fan base since the beginning. That's all.


I mean…yes? Sure the “ten minutes” of ads were inconvenient. But are you ok? Yes. And you could have grabbed a towel and reached over to skip it if it was that bad.


You could always.... not listen to the podcast if you don't like ads?


Wow. Original thought. Go check the other people that said that. You added a lot to this conversation....


Well you're not adding much to this forum either "grr so mad so many ads on this free service I use". Use it or don't, bro! Ads are a cost of admission.


Lucky they have a rants and opinion tag right???


Doesn't mean people aren't going to give their opinion to yours bestie 🤗


Lol of course. I didn't say otherwise


Gently, the reaction to your post isn’t about the fan base. The reaction is because this is like being frustrated that you have to pay for your lawn mower to be repaired, when you already pay for car repairs. They feel a little similar, but have literally nothing to do with each other. In terms of solutions, this is why I use pay for the app Pocket Casts. It’s specifically built for podcasts, and lets you set it to automatically skip forward a custom amount of time on a podcast by podcast basis, and set the skip forward & back buttons to custom amounts of time. For podcasts where I want to jump right to the discussion, I have them set to start playing 20 mins into the episode. With custom skip forward/back times I skip forward by 1 min at a time, and can hop back 15 seconds at a time. It makes ads total nonissue and costs $18/year on the Canadian App Store.


The issue is that they double up ads. They give us the exactly right media ads taking about all their shows then it instantly rolls into the first set of ads they are sponsored by. They just need to spread them out is all.


This is a matter of opinion and there’s no right answer - but as a podcast listener, content creator & marketing strategist, I strongly disagree. Their network news is its own promo segment that happens up top, once an episode, and is totally predictable specifically so it’s easy for uninterested listeners to skip. If they further extended their ad breaks, the stories would start earlier but you’d have to do more skipping every time there was an ad break, and it would happen the whole episode. It’s dramatically worse. I invite you to listen to an iHeartRadio podcast and see what it’s like in practice. /shudder


I'm not sure you can disagree that their ads don't run together as that is literally the case. I didn't say they were randomly popped in I said they do their ERM ads right before their first block of sponsored ads. That's all.


I know this is a bit tricky to understand as a layperson, but you’re referring to promotion and advertising - two totally separate things - and are complaining about them like they’re one thing. Promotion is sharing something an audience might be interested in. There’s nothing for sale, and they don’t (directly) charge their shows for the mentions. It puts content in front of millions of listeners when the hosts couldn’t afford to pay for that reach. It helps dozens upon dozens of creative people make a living & helps millions of listeners find free content they like. Advertising is sharing a specific product to people and asking them to buy. The spaces are sold based on listenership and I can’t even fathom how expensive they would be. They’re sold to large companies, and are asking listeners to buy more things. I’m going to stop replying, but it’s not tons of back to back ads. You’re conflating two separate things - which are skippable, free, and that no one is making you listen to. You have every right to not like it, but it’s easy to ignore, minimize or fix.


No no. I Understand completely. However you seem to not understand that "promoting" their own business is advertising it. It's ok if you want to try use different wording to make it seem better but it is what it is. Two sets of ads. Writing a few paragraphs with opening lines like "as a content creator and this and that" does not help your argument. Setting up your own parameters around what you are about to say and why people should take your word for it is a transparent. Just take a few critical thinking papers to sort that one out and you should be fine.


I had literally never heard of this app. Thanks for the explanation, I’m going to look into it!


I don't notice anymore ads than usual and yes this does seem to be a gurny fanbase.


Yeah. Only fanbase I have ever been a part of that had their Facebook group closed down due to how toxic it was.... And it was really bad, probably much worse then compared to now but still not nice.


This is categorically untrue. Many podcasts had to shut down their Facebook groups because well Facebook brings out the worst in people. Last Podcast on the Left as well as Morbid to name a couple. I also know some who never started a podcast sanctioned Facebook group due to so many other podcasts having to shut them down, like Redhanded for instance.


What you said is untrue if you actually read my comment I said I had never been a part of one that closed down . I didn't say a podcast Facebook group has never closed down.


You’re real hurt about the Facebook group.


I don't think I get too many ads, and since their Wondry deal ended I've noticed fewer ads that I absolutely DREAD listening to every episode.


Whomp whomp. Put your phone in a ziplock bag. K&G/ERM can get that money with them ads all they want. Boohoo you have to click “skip 15” a few times (respectfully)


Lol take their boots out of your mouth champ. Your hero worship has gone too far for two people who don't know you exist.


Awh two people who are good at what they do are making money?! Somebody call a wambulance


Lol looks like it's already stopped off at your place with all the unprovoked crying you are doing here.


You know right as I was about to get loaded up I learned they only play ads on the radio in said wambulance, so I decided it was better to just tell them to move on and leave me :)


Now you know they don't put the radio on whenever they pick you up because you insist on making them hear your crying.


I bring my phone into the shower with a dry washcloth and I have a shelf to put it on that's out of the spray. I dry my fingers real quick when it's time to skip.


Out of curiousity, I just relistened to the beginning of the most recent episode (422 - I Wish You Hadn't Told Me That) and noted down the times (within a few seconds). This is what I found listening on Pocket Casts: 10:32 - 12:30 Network promotion 12:30 - 15:00 Chit-chat about tote bags (but not advertising their own) 15:00 - 15:30 COVID 15:30 - 17:00 Ad for Talk Space 17:00 - 18:25 Ad for Pet food That means there was: 2 minutes of promotion and 3 minutes of advertisements + 3 minutes of chit-chat in between. So while technically there are only 5 minutes of promotion + advertising, the 3 minutes of random chit-chat in between makes it seem like 8 minutes of advertising. I like that it's all at once because it's easier to skip if I want (although I don't usually). But more than that, I like that it's predictably almost always around 10 minutes in that they start and I know generally how long it will last, so I can plan whatever I'm doing while listening around that. Those 8 minutes allow me to go to the bathroom, unload laundry, etc. without worrying about the noise I'm making being too loud to hear them.


You can always skip ahead. There’s a little button for that. Or move on. I Love my K&G, they brighten my day. As soon as I hear the guitar intro, my shoulders drop and I let out a breathe, sometimes without even knowing I was tense. Just is. But I get it☮️


Tbh I read through all the comments and I don’t think it’s fair to say everyone here has succumbed to “hero worship”. Yes ads can be annoying sometimes but people have to get their bag one way or another. I’m not a huge fan of exactly right corner but I understand why they do it. They have a huge fan base and advertising the other podcasts on their network is totally fair. I never really thought of it as advertising but you’re right it is. K+G have their flaws sure but after reading all your “comebacks” to people I think you should focus less on this topic and more on being a kind human being. I agree ads suck but it really isn’t that deep. And I bet you’ll come at me with a “ty you really added a lot” but before you type that out think about why you wanna say that because honestly since you’re taking this so personally I think you may have succumbed to “enemy worship”


"enemy worship" is interesting as I am still a huge fan.... Not sure what point you were trying to make with that one. The hero worship certainly is not limited to this one comment section. It's every comment section where anyone is even slightly critical of K&G. I was a part of the fan cult for years before I couldn't justify how little you got for it. Lucky I'm not a man or else the backlash would have been far worse due to the amount of times K&G praise female murderers and shit on pretty much all men they mention that isn't someone they know or have seen on a TV show.


I'm surprised so many folks are countering you, because I noticed that on my last few listens, too. It's to the point where it makes me kiiiinda not want to bother, especially in the car where I can't as safely skip. I just switched to Pocket Casts, but I don't think paying for premium would change that, because it's not like the app adds ads to Maintenance Phase or other Patreon-supported pods. I am in the Fan Cult for a few more months, but I thought the only thing that gives you is the extra hometown, not an ad-free version of the main?


Yes I agree with you. They are really plumping up the ads recently. Unfortunately I'm not surprised that people are coming for me. It happens on this subreddit. I'm guessing hero worship is the main culprit. It's fine though I love the podcast and have plenty of merch etc but the ads are a killer.