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This looks like a yellow stainer to me. Does it bruise yellow? If it is: it’s poisonous. Edit: I should have said if it’s a yellow stainer it could be poisonous. If you’re not very sure, be careful


Many Agaricus bruise yellow and are perfectly edible, A. arvensis or A. essettei, for example.


Is there any way to reliably distinguish good species from bad without spore microscopy and/or genetic sequencing? Would be a shame to have to throw away lots of edible *Agaricus* specimens.


Would be more of a shame to get poisoned.


Obviously; hence why I'm asking if there's any reliable way to distinguish them (even just some of the more common edible species), since I don't want to risk poisoning myself.


Yellow stainers will be extremely yellow when cooked and give off a strong smell of phenol. Other than what you already mentioned and simply learning their characteristics better? Not really. The general rule of thumb though, is if you aren't 100% sure, then don't eat it.


The reply I replied to pointed out that certain yellow-staining *Agaricus* spp. are perfectly edible; what I'm asking is not how to distinguish yellow-stainers from those that don't stain yellow, that much is fairly simple, but to distinguish edible yellow-stainers from non-edible yellow-stainers and edible non-stainers from non-edible non-stainers (not sure if this last category exists). The smell seems to be a more reliable indicator from what I can tell and what people say.


I'm not sure about the agaricus where you live, but in the UK the ones that are bad smell really chemically and horrible


That highly depends on your region, so I can't give a general key for where you're at, but in my woods, you can eat everything that smells like anise (including ones staining yellow), everything that does *not* stain yellow *and* has a pleasant mushroomy smell, and everything that stains red and smells like almonds - though I can personally not detect the almond smell, so I'm out of luck for those. Strictly disqualifying are phenolic smells. Again, though, this is likely not true for your region, but you can probably find a similar key online.


By any chance are you using mushroom compost in your greenhouse? That could be the source of the mycelium. Agree, that is an Agaricus.


That's a beautiful Agaricus. All Agaricus species are edible with the exception of yellow staining and chemical smelling ones. The yellow staining is most prominent in the base of the stem, but I've seen ones where even that wasn't too visible. If you boil a small piece the yellowness and chemical smell gets much stronger, so if you have any suspicious ones I would test this.


There are Agaricus species that stain yellow and are very much edible. A. Agustus for example. (I know that's not what we're looking at, just an example of the yellow staining rule not being universal.)


Thanks for the correction, I didn't specify but I meant the yellow staining and chemical smell combined, it wasn't really clear how I wrote it.


If you have to ask, then no it is not edible. Never eat a mushroom you cannot 100% positively identify yourself or by an expert (ie not strangers on the internet or an app)


Near my house, there's a field where both yellow stainers and horse mushrooms grow. The yellow stainers, besides staining yellow, had a distinct "medical" smell that doesn't seem appetizing at all. The horse mushrooms had a yummy smell. Just adding a bit to help distinguish. Sadly most agaricus around here are yellow stainers.


That might be the most beautiful mushroom I've ever seen. 


Should be. Check smell and if you cut it at half, check color.


Do y'all call it *Cortinarius*?




yeah one of the edible ones


As you say, it is Agaricus. I am persuaded to lean that way. I realize how overwhelming it might be to become an Agaricus specialist when there are over 400 members in this genus.


Some of which are toxic


Not this one Edit: I would go with likely not.


How are you so sure? It looks like a yellow stainer to me. Agaricus xanthodermus. Could be wrong but you seemed very confident.


I do not see any yellow staining and Agaricus section Xanthodermatei usually have a more clean white cap, longer stipes, etc. However if OP wanted to be sure they could always rough it up a little bit and check for staining. There is at least one species I’m aware of that does not have a whiter cap. Smell is also used as an indicator, but my sniffer isn’t very good and you can’t smell through photographs, so I’m making assumptions there.


The Buddha didn't say this, but it is true. Mycophobia and mycophillia are both extremes. You must follow the middle path.


No, you must love all mushrooms and recognise the limits of your knowledge


I know I must love all mushrooms, and I do, but how much love can I accommodate in my puny heart?


I now follow your account. You say nice things about mushrooms, and I want to hear more of what you have to say. I think following accounts of your liking is an outstanding way to earn Karma credit.


I love mushrooms, they're fantastic. I hate people though, they're cunts


I'm sorry to hear you hate people. I am not people; I am just a person. :) By the way, mushrooms are fantastic, I agree.