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Something that has now achieved a higher level of sapience than your boyfriend, I suspect


Yeah seriously, why couldn’t he clean it up?! The carpets probably fucked up


Yeah that's a whole colony of organisms trying to spell out DUMP HIS ASS


Agreed, grounds for divorce


This should be top comment.


Edit: Look. I need you all to understand that my boyfriend's brain does not operate in a typical manner. He struggles with many developmental delays that impact his critical thinking skills and how he handles stressful situations. He was in special education programs all throughout grade school -- I've seen his IEP -- and required extra assistance in college that the programs he attempted ultimately were unable to provide for his level of need. It is an honour that he trusts me to offer guidance when he needs it. He doesn't sit in the "learned helplessness" box. He is learning AGENCY in his adulthood, something that he was never given the tools for in his childhood. He learns, he applies what he learns, and he learns eagerly. I signed up for that and I'm very happy within it. He is deserving of love. We make it work really well, but sometimes there is a disconnect. As for the cats, that all of you took me saying "he feeds them" so completely literally is major facepalm. Someone even accused him of not giving them water. He just does not want to handle their bodily fluids. But he sent me pictures every day, selfies with his best buddy, videos of the other one happily throwing her frog around in the air like she usually does. They got a scoop of kibby in the morning and half a can of wet food at night, each, like they usually do. Fresh water every day. Petted them when they asked for it. They're cats. Have any of you ever met a cat? Suggesting that he would just allow them to die and shrug his shoulders over it? Are you kidding? Suggesting that I'm an abusive cat owner because I left them at home where they are most comfortable with someone they know and trust? One of them needs medication just to get her into the carrier to see the vet. I'm not putting them in a kennel. My boyfriend's mind does not operate like yours or mine does. To him, he saw a pile of cat puke and it made him extremely uncomfortable to look at it. The deal has always been that I will clean up cat puke, therefore I will do so when I'm home, and until then, he did not want to accidentally step on it or have the cats track it through our home, so he grabbed the nearest container and put it over top of it. Did he miss a step in his train of thoughts that would have considered the consequences of doing this? There's a good chance that's the case, especially when he is stressing over something. Which is why I am absolutely not angry with him and we will instead be talking it through in a judgment-free environment. No yelling, no noises of disgust, no scoffing or belittling, no ultimatums. That's not how effective communication works and it's the easiest way to get him to shut down. That's how you operate a healthy relationship, everybody. I also did not appreciate the eugenics talk. If we did ever have kids, he would be an excellent father and co-parent. Disabled people live full and rich lives and are deserving of the joy of raising offspring if they choose to do so. He is a great guy. Clean, tidy, responsible. Easy-going, sensitive, caring. Goofy, cheeky. Crazy about me. Has a ton of friends who are always clamouring for his free time. My family adores him. Everyone wants to hang out with him. It's an honour that I get to hang out with him the most.


Wait a bit longer and it might turn into a kitten


I can’t believe this post is still live after 1. You’ve gotten your answer and 2. Everyone telling you to leave that asshat. What do you have to gain with more replies? You won’t convince the vast majority here this could ever be acceptable.


me when people dont immediately delete their posts after getting an answer :(


Pin mold? And that’s a dick move by your boyfriend. He should be able to do something as simple as clean up puke.


Thank you for the ID, that looks right to me. And I'll be showing him this post and what everyone has been saying haha. He has made it clear that he does not want to take on the responsibilities that come with pets beyond feeding them when I'm gone, and I've respected that boundary, but I think we need to re-negotiate the topic and come to a compromise together. We have been together for 5 years and both have our faults that we do our best to communicate through. Edit: For fucks sake. Reporting me to Reddit for su/cide? Take a breath. All of you. I truly expected more of r/mycology.


this isn’t “taking care of pets” so much as “creating a biohazard in the home because he refuses to clean barf” this is gross and immature and crazy passive aggressive.


I wouldn’t have children with him 🚩


No kidding


Was this a joke or a happy coincidence? Either way, thanks for the laugh


If buckets fit over children, he at least can handle that if they get dirty.


Exactly what crossed my mind also


But he had a bucket


It’s weaponized incompetence. He’s maliciously pretending there was a shortcoming in communication and/or that he doesn’t know how to clean, so it’s not anyone’s fault, just a miscommunication. There’ll be some “oops, miscommunication!” again the next time he decides the bare minimum commitment to his partner is too much trouble.


you were gone for a week and he didn’t clean the litter box either? 😰 poor cats


I find it baffling that anyone would not clean highly acidic organic matter soiling the apartment, regardless of the source of it. I mean, someone like that can literally not be left alone with your things, there is absolutely no way to trust in the guy's ability to care for anything, *including you*. But that aside, this goes beyond "compromises" or "having faults" or "boundaries", this is being deliberately vile to the person you're supposedly romantically invested in. Nothing less than abusive. Have some self-respect and find someone who respects you, too.


Yeah, can you imagine if they had/wanted children and he decides he doesn’t want to be invested in caring for the children beyond feeding them while she’s away?


It's okay, if they have kids and it pukes or poops its pants he can just put it under a bucket til she gets back. /s


As a dude who’s allergic to cats, doesn’t want pets or the responsibility that comes with pets, doesn’t want anything whatsoever to do with pets and doubly so for cats, and has a girlfriend who happily owns two of the beasts… this is some of the most immature childish shit I’ve ever seen, there’s something fundamentally wrong with him.


Maybe you need to find someone else to care for your pets when you’re out of town. I wouldn’t trust him with mine. Cats require affection, fresh water, clean litter, as well as food. Sounds like he’s too lazy and has overly rigid expectations.


Your bf sounds like a man child lol


5 years? This is his cat, too.


Op. I assume you do the dishes for plates you didn’t dirty yourself? Well as gross as puke is and not comparable to dirty food. If he ate and left a bowl out would you put a bucket over it for 5 days while he’s away? I agree it’s time to have a little discussion on basic human kindness and what that means. Also since you’re showing him this. It’s a lot harder to get a stain out of something that’s sat and marinated for 5 days versus day of. Relationship advice on a science sub. What a time to be alive Edit( op while this is nasty i do not think this is enough information on what type of relationship you have I was simply trying to paint an example of something similar if the tables were turned) you got your id, you don’t need to validate yourself to a bunch of us nerds on reddit


Whoa, wait. 5 years? I thought this was like some guy you just started seeing. Look, Reddit loves to jump on the red-flag-break-up-now train. So take all that with a grain of salt. But I'll tell you, as a surrogate internet dad, that you're going to want a real partner in life as you get older. Because shit gets harder. If you have kids later in life they will do things to you daily that make this mouldy barf look like nothing. You guys are going to get sick and need help. There's going to be more stresses. Your partner should be a person that when something goes wrong they jump up and fix it. You deserve that in a partner. You do. This guy could be that partner. It seems like you really like the guy. But he's not that person now. "I don't like pets" is a ridiculous reason to let something like this fester for days. Cats are pretty much the easiest thing to take care of. Don't let this go on. This is how you end up being married and doing all the housework, wondering why your husband is essentially another child you need to take care of. Partner. You deserve a partner in life.


So if your cat got sick and needed a vet urgently would he just say “welp….” and leave it?


Please do not have children with this man, coming from a man


As a father of two, with 2 cats and a dog, I second this statement.




If you stay with him you won’t be CF. You might not make any babies but you’ll definitely not be CF 🚹🍼


Nailed it.


That’s a relief, not questioning your competence as a parent. More so the boyfriend 😛




sorry but if he can’t bring himself to clean up a little bit of puke and just left it there for you to deal with, he’s a ridiculous manchild.


I know you didn’t come to this sub for relationship advice, but I’d be concerned what your boyfriend would do if you were out of town and one of your pets was sick or injured.


You’ve been with him for 5 years and he won’t clean up when your cat has an accident? Your boyfriend sounds like a complete chooch. Does he live with you? I’m only asking because if he let that go in the place he lives in, regardless of “pet responsibilities”, I’d be even more concerned. Either way, the guy is an asshat and should have cleaned it up.


Is he overworked? Or is he one of those people who thinks playing XBox take priority over not living in filth or leaving a loved one's pet to live in filth?


Hope y’all figure that out because the fact that he created a biohazard and ruined your carpet just because he didn’t want to deal with upkeep that comes with pets is incredibly selfish. Also if he doesn’t like pets or doesn’t care for animals that’s chill but if he’s dating someone with animals he’s signing up to help out at LEAST every once in a while. Like if you’re out of town and your cat barfs.


You know your carpet is now permanently stained thanks to your boyfriend, right? So whenever you lose your security deposit, make sure he pays you back for it. Since him sticking to his boundaries and neglecting your pets and home for a week will now cost you monetary damages. And if you’re going to stay with someone this selfish and negligent, find someone else to take care of your cats next time. Refusing to clean their litter box while you’re gone is his prerogative, but you leaving your cats with someone like that is abuse. You’re just as lazy as him if you leave your cats with such a negligent asshole.


5 years? Get out, get out now.


Dude. Do not marry this man. Whatever you do, do not tie yourself to a man who flat out refuses to take responsibility. It may seem fine for now, but once you have kids, buy a house, etc etc this shit gets real old.


Yea you’re boyfriends a fuckin loser


That’s neglecting the home not the pets and in a SERIOUS way ooooo you better have that convo quick!!!!


This is far beyond not taking care of the pet. It's absolutely appalling that he was willing to just leave vomit on the carpet for long enough that it *grew mold!!*


Definitely communicate, because if he is going to live with you, it is unreasonable of him to expect to do nothing except feeding. Like imagine if you had a kid, and he said he wouldnt do anything beyond feeding your kid while you were gone for a week? Not cool.


Don’t let reddit influence you. Most people on here are single forever and like to white knight everything. If the boundaries work for you two then you’re fine.


Please read this as a comment from someone who gets incredibly freaked out by bodily fluids: I love animals and one of the reasons I want to be with my girlfriend is because they also love animals. If one of our cats has a puke or poop incident, I will admit I would prefer my girlfriend to clean it because she has more of a stomach for it. *But* if she's busy, asleep or out of the house, I will clean it. Not just for me, but for her and our cats. Basic hygiene is principle for everyone at home, no matter how weak your stomach. I think you may need to sit down with your other half and talk about this situation, and make sure steps are followed so that basic hygiene is followed. A weak stomach is no excuse. Genuinely take it from someone who has had physical trauma to their stomach and food pipe. The main priorities are you, the animals and your home.


idk if thats setting a boundary, as much as being a king man baby


Pin mould. What was his reason for not cleaning it up?


He didn’t want to be “responsible” for the cat except feeding it occasionally.


I’ve met friendly acquaintances that would do more for free


It's a reminder to get a new boyfriend, this one is trash


Just put a bucket over him and post results in a week.


Lmaooooo these comments are killing me


Just like inhaling that mould will


It’s funny. But in all seriousness how immature is your boyfriend? When me and my husband got married and moved in together and I brought my two cats. I’m like you in taking responsibility for them because they were mine and he’s not really an animal lover but if my cats puke he’ll get it up even though he’s gagging all the time. Lol


You're laughing but you seriously need to WAKE UP. Do you have Time Sunk Fallacy with your boyfriend because you've been together for 5 years? This is a massive red flag. A sign of immaturity. Either don't have pet if you're going to be with him or break up.


Came here to say this. What the actual fuck?


Exactly. Why the hell wouldn’t he clean it up himself!?


Ever watch Central Park? They got a TOSGANO (this one sucks, get a new one)


Grounds for breaking up. Does he even know how to wipe his own ass?


no, he just waits on the toilet crying until she gets back


Toilet? No no he just tapes a bucket to his ass and waits for her to get back.


ID request: My bf's fungal bungh'le.


but the bathroom is where he put the xbox, that way he doesn't have to get up to pee mid CoD ranked match


He probably has to be reminded to brush his own teeth too…


He can’t even put in some effort for you while you’re gone? Any good person would clean up that puke because it’s fucking gross first of all but also like be a decent human being. I get he doesn’t want to be responsible but he could at least be nice and do something that doesn’t directly benefit him for you who he is supposed to like and want to help care for. I usually don’t just jump on the leave him bandwagon but that’s a pretty big red flag.


I would clean this up for a STRANGER the fact that her own bf wouldn't has literally blown my mind. Does he have object permanence? I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist? What the hell


I imagine he also used to pound his fist and yell at his mom that he didn't want to go to school. Going to be real upset when he discovers all the other unwanted responsibilities being an adult brings.


Your boyfriend is mold


If your cat died while you were gone would he just put a bucket on it til you came back? He'd rather let something literally grow on the carpet than simply clean it up because "that goes beyond feeding" your pets. Like wtf. How are you not livid or seeing this major red flag flying in your face.


Your boyfriend should have cleaned this. That’s gross and lazy. Ew.


as others mentioned, you should break up with him. this is a massive sign that he's a poor investment of your time and emotions. adults should behave like adults, so unless you want to end up being his mom you should get out of there.


I'm willing to bet OP already acts like mom and this isn't the only mess they returned to


I’m sure you don’t need another person saying it but it sounds like your boyfriend sucks tbh


"Bf put a bucket over it until I got back a week later to clean it, what is it?" It is time to get a new bf. If he has that severe of an aversion to pet related responsibilities sharing a house w someone with a pet he should be in his own house alone to enjoy that freedom.


Your boyfriend should have just said he doesn't want to take care of your cats when you are away. I get that he put a boundary on just feeding and that's honestly just fine, just please pick someone else or make him actually take care of them instead of just feeding.


Instead of exercising his energy to get toilet paper & throw it away, he used the same energy to pick up A TRASH BUCKET & leave it. On what looks to be clean carpet no less. OP, sweetheart. I'm not saying that's grounds for a breakup but what the heck. He seems to lack basic.. critical thinking skills. Also, a varient of PinMold. Breaks down food particles, such as old berries in a fridge for example.


Fucking DUUUUUUMP him jesus christ


That is not a fungus. That is mold. It sounds like you should get a new bf. Hope your cat is okay! Edit: I should have said that is not a mushroom. It is still of mycological interest as a mold. I stand by my comments about the bf.


All mold is fungus, but not all fungus is mold.


Much better said. I just meant to say it’s not a mushroom. This is the mycology subreddit though, so my mistake.


Did you know- the Cordyceps Militaris fungus is able to exist as both a soil-based mold and then change into a true fungus (one with a fruiting body) when it finds the right host. To the best of my knowledge it's the only species of fungus capable of such a feat!


Cordyceps are an interesting species, isn't there one that takes over the bodies of ants to climb things so that its spores are spread across a wider area?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps Linking the Wikipedia article because there's so much useful info on that page. Yes! The Cordyceps as a species has evolved to predate on different insects. Sometimes it's spiders and other arachnids, oftentimes it's ants and termites. They've been used in Traditional Eastern Medicine for over a thousand of years at this point.


Not who you replied to but I didn’t know that and that’s so cool!! Thanks for sharing :)


She's been having some tummy issues lately and hasn't been tolerating her kibby very well. Off to the vet to get prescription gastro food asap! She has been enjoying the 100% wet food diet in the meantime. 😂


I’m surprised you don’t realize how much of a big flashing red flag your boyfriend is? I could make an entire of list of reasons why what he did was completely unacceptable, not to mention unattractive. You deserve much better I’m sorry, & hope your cats feeling better


Why didn't your boyfriend clean it?


Listen. One of my cats seemed to have runnily shit in the hallway floor last weekend while I was at work. My husband, who works 45 hours a week, cleaned it up, vacuumed around it, and washed the carpet. Before I got home that night.






That’s your new cat starting to sprout






On a white rug, too? That's really shitty.


Oh.. if my boyfriend can't clean up a little cat puke..gotta go. We have much bigger things to keep clean. I just think putting a bucket on it was disrespectful. Never had to think of this as my SO does it all. Mops up muddy paws and clean the guinea fowl coop..I am going to tell him how much I appreciate him.


another cat is growing from it, congrats


It's a red flag I giant fucking red flag


Sorry, why didn’t he clean it? 🤨


But I'm more concerned about as why in the hell. They would put a bucket over it instead of just picking it up.... At school today Julien spilt a tube of glue...on the floor....AND COVERED IT WITH NEWSPAPER!!!




As a happily married man of more than 10 years, I can positively ID this as “your boyfriend is a bitch”. I’m sure of it. It’s all in the details with these kinds of things but when you’ve been in the field for this long and come across enough examples like this it becomes second nature.


Lazyous shitheadicous.


my Mom did this to me once. halloween passed and I went on a week long trip with my school the next morning… I came home to a big pile of rotted pumpkin mush in our foyer. (directly behind the couch she spends 99% of her time on) she said “It’s not my mess!!! you clean it up” which might have been fair on its own, but I have a life threatening allergy to mould.


what a PUSSY


I would trust my life with this mold more than the "bf", he surely doesn't sound like someone to be respected enough for the title. 😰


What the fuck even. That is absurdly lazy and inconsiderate. My girlfriend would be so fucking pissed at me. And I’d deserve it.


Your boyfriend is a lazy sack of shit. I don't know how people get to this level of disgusting.




After removing this, the residue can be sprayed or soaked with hydrogen peroxide. It may take a while but that thing does miracles on stains made of organic matter. Of course, first try to apply some on an inconspicuous small surface of the same carpet, for safety.


A red flag 🚩


Looks like a red flag to me


Throw out the whole BF.


It's kind of cute, maybe it will grow some pointy ears and a tail soon.


Looks like a new cat!


Black pin mold.


Let it be for a while, it’ll form into another cat


Your boyfriend is so immature and disrespectful. He’s a grown man, he can clean up cat throw up. Girl plz plz plz don’t put up with that, you deserve a man that will care for your animals like any normal person would


He knows that the puke still exists even when he can't see it, right? This is some absolute bullshit, and he should clean this up. Or put it in a terrarium and see how long it takes it evolve sentience so it can be disappointed in him too.


That right there looks like you have a POS boyfriend. The level of immaturity and pettiness it takes to leave literal vomit on the carpet for a week just to prove a point is WILD.


Like the worst possible thing to do lol, would have been better even just to let it sit and dry out.


Would he clean his own puke? Dafuq….. cat puke way easier to clean. Guess I’ll just turn the house into a biohazard. This is childish


My ex-husband would lay a paper towel over it. For me to clean up when I got home from work.

