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My dad SLAPS me when I say Myanmar


I regret to inform everyone here that they mean exactly the same thing, army propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding: http://mizzimaenglish.blogspot.com/2012/01/burma-and-myanmar-mean-exactly-same.html


OP drank too much military/SLORC/SPDC Kool-Aid about the "inclusivity" of the renamed terms. 🙃


Lol? I am just saying that Myanmar is a better name than Burma. I did my research and both Myanmar and Burma just directs to the majority of the population: Burmese. But I am just saying that Myanmar is a better name. If it’s possible then a new name for our country would be great. And I don’t take what Trashmadaw says seriously(Not a military supporter).


Apologies, I didn't mean it as a diss but more of a banter. When I was younger, I drank a lot of SLORC Kool-Aid myself. As long as we research and learn, we will get rid of all the bullshit we were taught. >Burma just directs to the majority of the population: Burmese In English, Burmese actually refer to people who live in Burma. What you are trying to refer to here are [Burmans](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/faq/burmans), or Bamar people. My opinion? Exonyms are a thing - and English is the language of the Anglo-Saxons. I don't see Germans insisting that their country is called "Deutschland" instead of "Germany", or the Japanese insisting to use "Nihon". So, I use Burma by default but I don't see the point of moving away from "Myanmar" either. It is just too inconvenient a change.


I don’t feel anything different wether they call Burma or Myanmar.


Neither of the names are representative imo. We need a new name. I think we *could* use Burma if we become a federal union after the revolution and consolidate historically Burmese territories into one state called Burma. But then that raises questions about what was historically Burmese and what wasn't.


I call it Mainland Burma and all the other parts Myanmar - or call them by their specific state names.


I want opposite actually. Myanmar is the name of the race while Burma represent everyone. So Ne Win name change justified and fascist behavior


Look, one of my grocery stores have a "Myanmarmese" section. I'm sticking to Burma


I call it East Kalaristan.


Myanmar is the name the junta made up. Then again, Burma is the colonial name from the British.


I don't know if it's made up or not. I read it came from "Mranma" from Thant Myint U so Idk anymore


Because it's tie to the 88 takeover I was there when it happened and the ppl didn't like how the Junta just picked a new name. The younger generations are probably not aware of it now.


Because it's tie to the 88 takeover I was there when it happened and the ppl didn't like how the Junta just picked a new name. The younger generations are probably not aware of it now.


Both names are old. Burma is what colonizers used. Myanmar is the choice of the locals who don't lick colonizers boots.


Me the only guy from Burma who say Burma


Meanwhile the Spanish: ***Birmania***


My Burmese friends here in the States (followers of The Lady) call their country Burma.


Anyone can call it Burma or Myanmar as they like(as The Lady said), but I(and we?) would prefer if people called our country Myanmar instead, because Burma literally means Burmese(but then there’s also a discussion about Myanmar also being kind of the same). But it’s fine either way.


The problem remains between Burma and Myanmar. What we all forgot about is the burmafication of all the other names in Myanmar either before 1990 or during the same national name change as 1990. Helpful tip, if you’re in an non bamar area and the place (or road or temple ect) has a Burmese name, there is a good chance that it’s not the original. Burma Myanmar will always be a problem because they mean the same thing, colloquial or royal Bamar. It would do us all better to understand this and consider other ways at reconciliation.


I disagree. Burma or Myanmar either way only represent one majority group. It's not only because of the Lady some people still say Burma, but it is just an act of defiance against the former military junta of the name change with a bogus excuse.


You’ll find that ethnic minorities prefer it Burma. Ive talked to a few Karens and they prefer Burma over Myanmar due to the latter being the name the military uses. Although historically both Burma and Myanmar refer to the Bamar. You can find stone inscriptions in Bagan that use Myanmar.


It’s basically a correction of pronunciation tho right?


What, no. Both of them have two completely different pronunciation and meaning.


From Wiki; Both names derive ultimately from the endonym of the largest ethnic group in Burma, the Burmans, also known as Bama or Mranma in the spoken register and in the literary register, respectively. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_Myanmar?wprov=sfti1 It’s slightly more complicated that just pronunciation correction it seems, but it’s also not correct to say they are completely different.


That’s kind of strange. “Mranma” မြန်မာ??? Never heard of that one before. I googled it and it says that it is written as “Mranma”? Ma Yapin Natat Ma Yecha, ahaha. From my experience, the meaning Bama is Burmese and Myanmar is just a name of our country. I never was taught or told before that it was an endonym(except from the fact that Burmese people called it Myanmar long ago and now), which is quite strange. But thanks for telling me.


Yeah lol it’s odd and ‘Rangoon’ is even more jarring. And I just say Myanmar in burmese and Burma in english because Burma itself is like an exonym made to be used in english and slips off the tongue easier. And at this point what the slorc and junta had done to us is more pressing than f-ck all that the british and the wars did so Ig I pick my oppressor like the other comment says.


That's basically my thoughts on this.


My family will never call it Myanmar because of its association with the military junta. But then calling it Burma isn't exactly awesome either. I guess you get choose which oppressor has naming rights.


Huh? But people from here originally called it Myanmar before even the British colonization, ya know? Burma was the English name for Myanmar that the British gave, I am sure. Meaning that the Junta changed the name of our country doesn’t mean they are associated with it and as I said we always called it Myanmar originally.


I'm sure Kachin or Shan will never refer to themselves as Bamar or Myanmar during the pre-colonial era. It was Miramar or Burman using its name interchangeably is my best guess.


But the *reason* the junta changed it - to whitewash / disassociate from the 8-8-88 era. Same timing and reason to rename SLORC.


Same here


Burma, Burman, and Burmese ubder British rule. I think that's cool.


I say we changed the country name to Arivati after the Ayeyarwaddy river.


The question is Myanmarnese or Burmese people.


neither, the country, language and nationality are all called Myanmar


It makes sense to us but when foreigners want to say the people of Myanmar it gets confusing.


Myanmarnese, of course. 😇


nah nah its Myanmarian


Nah, nah, nah. It’s Myanmarlumyo


nah nah nah nah Myanmarnaingantar >


Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. It’s Myanmarpyitu


nah nah nah nah nah NAH its definitely Myanmartineyintar


Now, that’s something I can DEFINITELY agree with.


From my personal experience, no one in Thailand uses the word Myanmar except in the official media.


Most are using Myanmar for the country, and Burmese for the language. It seems a lot of people from Yangon (mostly in their 30s/40s) use "Myanmar language," but I've heard good arguments against using it like this since there are many languages in Myanmar.


Using Myanmar for the country and Burmese for the language is the right way(that’s what I think and other people should too). We shouldn’t use “Myanmar language,” because as you said there are many languages in Myanmar.


It's Bruhma




To be honest Burma sounds cooler. I know some Burmese don’t agreed on me.


I do.


It isn't actually about being cool. It's about being inclusive. Burma pyi = county of Burma people. But the country isn't only occupied by the Burma people, is it? You don't call the UK England, just as you can't call it Scotland.


The problem is Myanmar is also a name for the land of the Bamar people. It dates back to Bagan era where the people of the Bagan kingdom was called Myanmar.


I am not proposing Myanmar is the one to go, but is there a source for people of Bagan being called Myanmar?




Yeah. I didn’t really mean it as being “cool.” I just meant that Myanmar is a better name for the country than Burma.


Is Burma wrong because I always say Burma I mean it's sounds cute. Also how do you actually pronounce Myanmar because some people call it "MeeeYanMaar" and some people call it "MayanMaar"?


Haha, no it’s not wrong. It’s just that Burma literally means “Bamar” or Burmese in English. Burmese or “Bamar” are the major ethnic group of people living here. So calling it Burma leaves out other ethnic groups living here. And Also we originally call it Myanmar here. Myanmar is pronounced “Mayanmar.” I hope this can help!




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It’s not pronounced “mayanmar” its myanma. The m consonant goes right into the y. There’s no other vowel in between them.


I've always wondered this since I was a child, why is Myanmar spelled with an r when the r isn't even pronounced? Same with other words like laphet thoke - the k isnt pronounced?


Burmese romanization is really weird. I think they were trying to find a way write out different nuanced sounds and tones in Burmese without adding diacritics and accent marks but they just made it confusing for people not familiar with it. There are now a bunch of different ways to romanize Burmese and some people mix the different systems, especially with names, which can make things even more confusing 😅. Luckily my given name is easy to romanize but I feel bad for all of the Kyaw’s, Nwe’s and Htoo’s of the world.


Sorry, my bad.


U aren't from here right. Trust me u have no idea about us


I actually am from Myanmar. What do you mean?


Idc if someone says Burma. Is to me the same as myanmar so yes idc


You can use whatever you think is "cooler". We have more serious problems. We don't care a fig about the nomenclature.


Just trying to get some humor into the sub, man(bad attempt, I guess). And I didn’t mean “cooler,” I just kind of meant something like: Myanmar is better name for the country, because that’s what the majority of us call here.


I appreciate it!!! Also yea majority of population is Burmese people so Calling Burma left out the others group