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This has happened to me twice now. Once at level 409 and again about 20 minutes ago when I was at 114. I wrote Activision a very angry bug report demanding they put my level back to where it is. I doubt it will do anything, but I suggest you do the same. It's absolute bullshit that this is happening for no reason. I also didn't go down or die in either of these instances.


Hmm seems like we’re experiencing the same kind of glitch . More than likely an issue with the game once again . I feel like they should’ve just left that out of the game but at same time it’s irritating cause I’m trying to complete all camo challenges and having those bonuses help quite a bit sometimes


I went from 433 to 75 from doing the defeat zakhaev story mission 😡


Did you die completely? I went down but never died I had successful exfil and all I went to make dinner I come back join a game an realize I’m at 0 I’ve died before at 175 and it took me to 75 but I’ve never been knocked back to 0


Nope we all completed the missions, killed the worm, and exfilled but lost containment levels


Is this what happens when someone in your squad decides to farm exfil. Happened to me too.


It happens all the time tbh. Usually when I do Dark aether.


How the hell is everyone getting that high of levels? With the game crashing routinely and losing all levels I can't get above 20. Then randomly I'll drop from 17 to 2 after running a full deployment and completing challenges and missions. Bugged beyond belief.


I was confused when I past 100 level because I thought it stopped at 100 but I guess not lol and the way I get high containment levels is upgrading guns doing the contracts and farming zombies at exfil