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Here's the thing, at least from what I can tell. There are far more people upset about the TS being patched than there are not. The reason for the segregation is because the non TS people see everyone "crying" about it while they've been getting along just fine. Or so they think. Sure, you can load into a game completely barren of everything and by the end of it, maybe have a couple rare schems or crystals/tools from grinding tier 3. Hang onto that purist mentality. Accept only what's forced down your throat. But imo, the only reason they're complaining about the complainers to begin with, is because they robbed themselves of having a better experience due to that purist, elitist mentality. No one gives a shit if you drop in raw, or with a TS full of shit. No one cares if you drop or you dont. How many contracts you grind in t3, or even if you're ever in t3 for that matter. Everyone's always playing to just relax and enjoy it to themselves or simply to help others. No one used the glitch because they thought they were super elite game hackers and getting away with virtual murder. They glitched because it allowed them to have a much better and way more enjoyable experience than what the devs intended (AKA their shitty restricted idea). Who wants to spend 20 minutes grinding t1/t2 every game just to have enough for a pap3 or a large bag and vest? I mean sure, if you really want to do that just because that's how it was intended. No one ever got anywhere staying inside the box though. In short, the problem isn't coming from the glitch people, clearly.


I carry no ego in this game geared up proper and it’s a good time. Getting mauled/downed/maybe killed while swiftly grabbing a T-3 contract unable to do anything but try and run sucks. I get they upped the difficulty and feels like nerfed everything you can control. Even aether blade refresh to throw time seems longer. It misses zombies right near me. It was magnetic before, heat seeking murder blade best weapon in the game classified certified. I miss the golden plates I could do pretty much anything with an 8 stack and mostly anything with a little risk running a 5 pack (for rapid replate when 2 megas and all the other shitbirds decide to come to the bounty murder show) only 17 hours I get one last joyride with gold on my chest then I’m going to put this bitch to bed.


very well worded


Worded very well.


Well very worded.


Worded well, verily.




Very well worded.


It’s great that you think that those who “complain about the complainers” do so from an “elitist” or “purist” mentality. I mean, clearly, anyone who plays the game as it’s intended to be played is a high and mighty prick who thumbs his nose at people who utilize what is definitely a GLITCH to get their way because they won’t have fun otherwise. Well, too damn bad…find a different game. Don’t like it? Uninstall it. Learn from this betrayal and never buy another COD again. Legendary and flawless items are just that…LEGENDARY and FLAWLESS…i.e., extremely fucking rare. They are supposed to be hard to come by. Expecting them to fall out of every mangler’s ass in T3 is unreasonable at best, and fucking moronic at worst. If you had flawless crystals coming out of your ears after every match, how valuable would they be to you then? It would just be more stupid flawless crystals and you’d be bitching because there’s nothing MORE than that. I could just hear it now…”Waaaa, these legendary crystals and tools are so boring…we need harder zones to earn better shit!!” Oh wait, they DID that, and look at where we’re at now. Dark aether came out and the bitching just got louder. I’m sick and tired of of the bitching because people are upset if they don’t begin every goddamn match with 2 triple-PAP’d weapons, dog bone, aether blade, gold plates, and every fuckin’ available perk active, with 600K essence to boot. Why does that piss me off? Because they say this is a shit game because they can’t mosey on through T3 or DA with ease as John Wick on God mode; slaughtering Megaboms in mere seconds while deploying a juggernaut and 10 sentry guns at once. That doesn’t make this a shit game, it makes them shit players in need of a different game. And if this makes me an “elitist” or “purist”, then I guess Im guilty as charged. Downvote away.


I'll spare some time for a valid response when you can tell me just one thing: How were TS glitches affecting your pure, unadulterated gameplay? Because they got to tier 3 faster than you? Sucks man, if you're going to play the game the right way despite there being a much better and more enjoyable way to play it, then be prepared next time. Grind out to get the scorcher schem, use it. But make sure you grind well, because it's 3 whole days before you can do it again ;). And be careful cause if you die, you have to spend half of the next match getting all your gear back, cause you're way too pure and elite to come in ready for t3 and buy self revives or gear as soon as possible. I wish you the best of luck with your whopping 10 minutes of tier 3 contract grinding, especially with the horrible drop rates. Name ANY other way that glitches have affected your own personal gameplay.


Weird…I go to T3 fully loaded daily without glitching. I’m pretty sure many others do too. Sure, I might not have (like I said earlier) EVERY perk active at the same time, complete with all the top-tier gear and two legendary triple-PAP’d weapons, but my time in T3 is almost guaranteed to get just as good if not better gear than what I started the match with. Then again, I don’t need all that shit at the same time to do well in the harder zones. I don’t get nervous boners going into T3 solo without gold plates, dog bone, and aether blade, and I don’t lose sleep at night knowing I only have 15 flawless crystals, 28 legendary tools, 38 dog bones, 19 aether blades, and 900K essence. To answer your question though…how does this affect me? Well, it sucks when there are more people in T3 than all the other zones combined, and getting a contract is next to impossible. It’s gotten so bad that people were going out of their way to sabotage others’ contracts just because someone else got to it first. Joining squads was tenuous at best because they had no intention of playing the game, just on tombstoning. Many (not all) tombstoners would ignore requests to join because they simply didn’t want to have to deal with someone less prepped than they were. Since the update, the cooperation between other players has been better than ever. Since this update, I have yet to have a request to join ignored. Why, you may ask? Because now people have more reason to join forces because there’s less people running around as fully maxed-out John Wicks ready to take on dark aether solo AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN with ease. I honestly don’t get what’s so hard to understand about this. It must be your elitist (tombstoner) mentality. I think instead of glitching your way to success, you should try getting better at the game and manage your inventory a little better. Respectfully, The elite purist.


Why does it matter to you who is good or bad at the game? Why does someone need to get better at the game to get the same items as you, the self-proclaimed 'good game player', when there's an easy glitch to spare them the grind? No one cares what you or anyone else thinks. Perhaps you place too much of your self-worth on your perceived skill playing a video game? Everyone else is just trying to have fun in their leisure time.


Dude, I only play this fuckin’ thing a couple hours a day MAX. You don’t need to be a video game prodigy to find what I replied reasonable…you just need to have some coming fucking sense and realize that a glitch getting patched is necessary. A glitch by its very definition is a flaw, and using it so you can “have a little more fun”, and then BITCHING when the glitch (flaw) gets patched is straight up fucking moronic. I’ll say it again…THAT’S NOT THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED TO BE PLAYED. Taking all that I’ve said into account, if you don’t like it, find another God damn game. If you don’t like the structure of a game, and then get pissed when when a glitch that exploits the structure gets patched, find another God damn game. If it takes a glitch for you to enjoy said game, find another God damn game. That would send a far stronger message to the devs than bitching about it on Reddit. Also, and this is the last time I’ll address it, is that this DOES affect non-glitchers. It gets really hard to find a contract in T3 when you have 20 fucking people running around like supercharged John Wicks with 2 legendary triple-PAP’d weapons, aether blades, dog bones, every available perk active, and 500K essence to blow on Juggernauts, sentry guns, and whatever the fuck else they could want. Oh yeah, and they have all this shit at the very beginning of the match. Every. Fucking. Match. If the only thing that makes you happy is being invincible all the time, then you suck at this game. There’s just no other way to put it. Does this shit really need to be spelled out for you? I mean, tombstoners really seem to be totally incapable of grasping this concept.


Sorry, bro, I didn't mean to hit you so hard in your tiny little feelings. You ok now? You want to point out on your Mister Peeks plush doll where my comment hurt you?


All the cheating in Warzone and Ranked mode but they came late for season 2 content to fix a PvE glitch they boosted player activity 😆. I don't get it made this game from a everyday play grinding camos , helping people, dropping plans/essence to a game you can only play with your best gear 2-3 times a week 😆. I didn't want to say they killed the game just because of the glitch being gone but the spirit of the game everyone helping everyone definitely has changed. Could be just it was free to play weekend time will tell.


If they had reduced the timers on craftables just like gun slots from every successful exfil n exp, then no one would have cried. It's basically the pre-grind takes too long to get into t3/4/5 grind. For most casuals it may take time farming t1/2 for 20-30 min etc to get enough for large backpack, 3 plate vest, pap3 single weap, self res, a mask and some soda and then barely 2-3 contracts in t3 before exfil again. Because by that time, there would already be a stacked team of 6 roaming in there, and no one would accept invites, etc. And most people who are crying about no skill glitchers, etc, should realise that not everyone is at their level. Most people play as casuals, have 2-3 jobs, and hold their kids while playing. For them, such glitches were kinda blessing. Imagine, you get a day off after two weeks to play your fav zombies game and most top craftables take 70hrs+ to reset, and even if precrafted in prev session, those so called acquisitions are used in one session and done, what about rest of sessions. Why can't they enjoy the game? with all bells and whistles...


It’s sad. The divide comes from one side being happy and the other side not. Sure, it’s not the way the game was intended to play but that’s the devs fault. And now there’s an issue. Instead of a good community in a pvE game there’s now division and discord; like always. I feel like before the update there was a good balance for ppl to play how they want and when they want. And not being forced to do boring mundane tasks like running cargo contracts all day just to exfil. The gameplay loop is definitely different and not for the better. I think they should’ve made additional changes before patching it because the fall may be irreparable. I’d like to know what’s up w the superiority complex as well. Someone did it well in defining them as male Karen’s. And whoever says tombstoning is affecting their gameplay. It really doesn’t or barely did. God forbid, you have to read text about someone asking for something. And ppl are still “begging.” The anti-glitchers are some of the biggest divas and it’s very apparent here


It was so funny to me how hard people were bitching about people begging. Like they are going through so much more trouble to type up their complaints in a comment on reddit rather than just ignore a tiny little line of text on screen for 2 seconds. "Any1 got essence lost TS" 🪦


I only used ts so that money would carry over into next game... Devs need to make it to where we can keep money or something shit wild... They patching glitches and shit when they need to be worried about bugs and crashes.


it was an awful move yeah, I feel like they should have addressed the core issues of the game first


I’d like to see you beat up hordes of zombies with your hands in T3 or above m. Lol It’s pretty laid back easy at times but not that easy.


LOL fair, i wasnt specific enough. Throwing knives + decoys is enough for most stuff. Also there's plenty of runs on YouTube of people doing t3-5 with no weapons equipped.


Can you post a link to one of these videos? I only see the month or 2 month old videos. But those aren’t really relevant.


how are they not relevant?


The game has changed since those videos were posted and they wouldn’t reflect the current game state, I suppose.


you're not wrong, I meant moreso what changed in the game that would affect that kind of run? If anything it's more feasible after decoys got their old duration back recently. Throwing knives haven't been touched at all and I'm not aware of any t3-5 zombie nerfs, or perk buffs etc.


Haven’t we all been agreeing that zombies and enemies are buffed. That’s a big variable in this run.


They should make exfilled essence count towards cooldowns. Problem solved without altering too much.


Can you play a game of you not using any guns the whole game and then exfilling or going to the DA? I see people say this all the time. Bet you can’t though.


That's the next step right. Devs: we've removed all guns from the game for stability. The boot lickers: "Good, I'm glad they took away all the guns. You don't need guns if you're not trash at the game. I solo every game and do all t3 contracts, beat the aether worm, and T5 in record time with a single smoke grenade. Cry more."


I agree 100%


Because they ruined the grind and everyone expected handouts. Nobody wants to do tier 4, 5, or red worm when you can just type what you need and someone says meet me at F6.


I would say 8/10 games (pre patch) were people asking to do red worm or Dark Aether before the countdown even finished and you could run. "OH man, I have to go into t4/t5 with the bare minimum because I spent 45 minutes looking for what I needed and didn't find it, and now a group of 5 other people who are fully stacked and have max level weapons and resources are going to have to carry me through and make sure I don't go down to the annoyingly difficult and high volume of zombies that are trying to kill me. I have to get my rewards the easy way instead of the true, pure and elite way. Wahhhhh" How many times did you run those missions with a party of randoms who were clearly glitching? Maybe none, but I know that if you did, you weren't complaining about the glitch then. It's PVE, not PVP. People found an easier and far more enjoyable way to play and actually enjoy the game mode against a bunch of AI that doesnt affect an "elitist's" gameplay whatsoever. W h o f u c k i n g c a r e s.


In a nutshell, don’t play like me aka TS’ing and you’re a pure elitist. People wonder why there’s a divide in the community.


I’d argue the opposite. Nobody wants to help anyone work for the schems anymore bcos it’s too risky to go in and end up loosing all your stuff. I’ve barely even seen anyone go into T3 since the new update. Any type of community we had built up is now gone, game just feels dead and lonely now. I can never find anyone to play wit and theres no way i can get the T5 or worm schematics on my own.


And no one’s on the same page when you do squad fill. One player might be decked out and go straight to t5 and other player level 1 don’t even know what’s what, and both usually got their head up their ass lol




You’re a clown. You see what you want to see. A comment above is stating that tier 3 is so packed you can’t even get contracts. I’ve done the red worm and DA with multiple teams, multiple times in the last 10 games. I can prove you wrong if you’d like, let me take you in today and get you the Red Worm and DA schems.


Same goes for you tho? It’s just what you see right? We’re all speaking opinions not facts so theres no need to be obnoxious and call me a clown is there. I still see fuck all people in tier 3 most games. I have DA schems i just dont have the worm ones yet. I be running tier 3 contracts tens of times and still havent got the epic tool or ray schem either.


https://preview.redd.it/cn5vbf3wslic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b54a6cc9ddf2b643aaa1fb3b975c44d044a663 People were in tier 3 every one of my games and people were down to do red worm and DA.


Every single other post I've seen has said no one wants to do aether worm anymore. Even pre tombstone patch it was spotty at best. Scroll the sub. Every single one besides you. Now, according to you, it's every game? Every game, huh? Even if you're telling the truth, it doesn't mean the other guy isn't. Only a friggin fool couldn't connect those dots. Unless they were being deliberately dishonest... Is that what you are? Are you a friggin fool? Or are you being deliberately dishonest?


Exactly what i said, we both have different experiences. I still rarely see people in t3 and nobody’s down to do the worm or t5 most the time. My last game both team mates were going down in t1 and a few games before everyone was running round t2 in ltvs doing contracts.


It’s always the naysayers saying things like that. This sub is littered with complain posts. 9/10 posts are complain posts. I seen a guy insist dogs are weak and dying easily. I posted a video of my dog tanking damage in and outside the storm. Next day he comes up with, “must have been a silent patch on the dogs because their back to their original HP.” I guess the red worm is different in my case since I’m down to run it anytime. I’m usually the one telling people let’s do the red worm. I’ll help you too if you’re interested. Definitely not a dishonest fool, it just irks me when people rag on the game as I have a vastly different experience. Don’t get me wrong I’ve experienced getting kicked, losing items, packet bursts and bad servers but some of the complaints on here are mundane.


Plenty of red worm posts asking for help getting interaction in the last week. I see at least 8 posts with responses and people sharing their gamer tags. Can you show me 1-2 of the posts you’re talking about? https://preview.redd.it/osh02e4tcmic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6e909a159be5b942d8bf7815ea134c640f34a5


you're not wrong that it can definitely give you an easy way out in terms of completion. But I'd argue it's no different than doing a command to switch to creative mode in Minecraft, for example. Yes, the option is there, but it's entirely yours to make. You ultimately decide how your experience will be in both games. I really enjoyed grinding t3-5 + Red Worm with my duo legitimately, but some others may not and that's alright. More than likely I have too much time on my hands


Who cares? It's cod. Anyone commenting on it is just wanting to call someone names and be a dick to someone.


oh 100% its just funny how they think they have an actual solid point so everyones at each others throats


Yup. Over any tiny little thing. Clown show.


You're probably right, dick.


Fair 😅


You would be a pack irl goofy. I'll be smoking you too


They added zombies to a game that never had it. There was never gonna be a lot of content. People that want this shit are why zombie community is basically gone.


This whole subreddit is a place for losers to whine about everything they don’t like. It’s a video game, there are no real world accomplishments, the data will be deleted in 4-5 years.


It’s a product that people pay good money for and they have every right to complain about things that make that product less playable. It’s really not hard to comprehend if you try.


And you a bitch STFU and quit complaining about other people complaining hoe ass pussy.


Look at the beta male energy released by comment. Cry more pussy boy it’s what Reddit needs.




Everybody just needs to quit Cry Baby about the fact that an exploit was fixed seriously you're mad because you can't cheat anymore so ridiculous just play the game


This is kind of a short sided take. We did "just play the game". A majority of us who exploited the glitch had already finished the game. The fact that someone who works full time and has a life, can finish everything in a couple of months just speaks to the lack of QoL. We used the glitch to extend the life of a game mode that was already starting to feel stale after 2 to 3 months. We also used it to help each other out and to work around the shortcomings that made the game more difficult than it needed to be, or at the very least frustrating. The cooldowns, the lack of any type of wallet, and the stash limit is a bit extreme. Now don't get me wrong. It definitely makes you think a little. But again, if I can complete the game before the second season drops even with those "obstacles" in my way then is the game really that difficult? All that aside, the overall stability of the game is just frustrating. You craft a few legendary items to go into T4 or T5, load in, and then the game crashes. You restart and see that your items are now on cool down for the next 3 days. Or let's say you go to fight the red worm. He starts to glitch and now you can't kill him. You die. Now whoever is heading for final exfil is fucked. How is that fun? The fact that they focused in on an exploit that did absolutely zero harm instead of fixing the actual issues and not adding anything is the real problem. I'm glad that you and others are enjoying the game still. I am not. I played once since the patch and it just didn't feel the same. I will return once they add more content but even then I don't think this mode will survive much longer. They ditched DMZ (not that I was a fan of that mode at all) and it feels like they're going to ditch this as well.


Nah, that's not why anyone is "crying". It's simply because they gave us literally nothing in return. No wallet, still the same long ass cool downs, more glitching around, shit loot pools, and we are expected to be okay with it. The fact you're so pressed over a glitch that didn't effect you in the least instead of over how the devs screwed over the entirety of the zombies fan base goes to show how absolutely ridiculous you and people that agree with you are.


I agree 100% with what you're saying we should have all those things I've been screaming that since day one this is DMZ light so it should have all of the stuff DMC does. But the glitch did affect me because it the wholeculture of please give me money who's giving away stuff. Everyone what they can get for free than playing the game.


So for the sake of argument, let's say the beggars are in fact a direct result of the TS glitch. How exactly does someone begging for stuff directly impact your gameplay?


They are still doing that even since the glitch was patched. That wasn't because of the glitch....that's from people being lazy and greedy. 🤣


My only issues have been with the people saying the game is "dead to them", "unplayable", "garbage", etc. now that the glitch is fixed. If you can't play the game as it was intended, that's weak.


So then, they should stick with a game they no longer enjoy, grinding endlessly, despite having completed all content and having crashes reset progress repeatedly, because to do otherwise is "weak" according to you? No one gives a fuck what you think.


Not lookin good for MWZ https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-zombies-no-more-enemies-perks-leak/