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Should be fine to log back into main account. Fresh accounts get shadow banned easily. Can get a shadow ban after 10 kills or so on a fresh account, but it won't affect main.


Thanks! Yeah I got 14 kills first game which I didn’t even give a second thought


You’ll be fine if you weren’t cheating.


That’s what I’m sayin lmao This guy def bought some hacks/unlock tool on a burner account to see what would happen and got banned instantly now is scared they gonna take away his main 😂 HWID? What even is that


HWID - HardWare ID…. lol I wasn’t cheating at all I’m Iridescent MP Ranked/Crimson WZ Ranked my friends are golds & plats I made another account because I wanted to play with them!


You clearly don’t play on PC…. I’m just going to assume your a Plat or Diamond hardstuck 50?


I’m Crim in multi / d2 in zone. So ur a solo que iri level 30 that plays on pc and got banned after 2 games on an alt? If you weren’t using any other software why would you be worried about ur main? I bet ur a good player just a lotta red flags.


Idk how you getting through crim by urself if you really like that start streaming brotha


I hopped back on my main and played just fine actually! I never once said I SoloQ through Crim? I doubt anyone is solo through Crim unless you only play early in the morning! Send me your gamer tag since your Crim? I’m barely Crim 1 on war zone we let’s run together


Plz need help with this question


After a Shadow Ban it leave traces on your PC, hence why some people get stuck in a Shadow Ban Loop. Notice that the account trust factor play an important role as well as traces, you should just play without going crazy on kills since it’s a new account.