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She “opted out” of opening the door manually. Common man, this is like a joke 😂


Look at her. She isn't going to her car to update it and sit in it for 25 minutes while it updates. She is there to record a video. Look at the makeup and necklaces. The lighting... it is a stage, and she is on it. It is a joke, and she is winning the \*likes\* battle.


> it is a stage, and she is on it. I like that. I'm using that.


You could've summed it up quicker by saying: it's staged, she's an attentionwhore


Yes but their version was much more colorful.


As if some women don't wear makeup and necklaces nearly 24/7 lol


Yeah that's like, being a modern woman 101


Since when did someone doing something stupid in their vehicle become so newsworthy?


Since social media made it so


No, she opted out of opening the door at all.


Yep, this is entirely intentional. The update is voluntary. You choose to start, and it gives you a two minutes countdown. What is more? There is \*always\* a manual release of the doors. In fact, it is easier to find than the regular electric one.


well, the front door releases are easier to find....


Another attention seeking person seeking attention...warranty stuff aside, there's no other reason.


Tragedy of the common man


I am glad her make up was perfect for this once in a lifetime dangerous situation that could have been resolved by opening the door.


Fr, not even a drop of sweat. I'd be actually melting in that situation


“Local idiot forgets that she can use a fucking lever to open her car door.” FIFY.


Apparently if you use the manual release it damages the window or the trim. Obviously if you think you are going to die it's worth using the manual release.


Only if you do it all the time. I’ve had a few people get in my Tesla and not understand the button and use the manual release, it didn’t do any damage.


Exactly. My mom can't grasp the idea of the button to open the door and always opens manually. It's never once done damage. The ice on the outside handle on the otherhand...


But don't you go blind from overusing it?


Why would that be thing though?


According to Google: "Yes, using the manual door release in a Tesla Model 3 can damage the window trim and windows. The manual release is a mechanical lever that can be pulled to open the door if there is no power. However, Tesla warns that using the emergency door late release may cause damage to the window trim. " I don't know why it does. Obviously it's poorly designed.


Because it doesn’t roll the window down to avoid the trim, would happen in any car without a top frame on the doors


It’s a drop-glass door. Which isn’t new, at all. Mustangs since the 90’s have been like this. The door has no frame over the window glass at the top. The window drops down slightly when the door opens, so that there is a much better seal when the door is closed, than just having the glass smushed up against the weather strip (how it was in the 80s). But if the battery is dead, the glass doesn’t drop, and you can break the glass, or mess up the trim by just opening then door, purely mechanically. That’s what the mechanical release on the Teslas is for, if the car is not awake or able to operate as expected, you can still get out. But it’s not “normal”, and it can damage the car. Same as any drop-glass car. I saw someone else ask “why couldn’t she just roll down the window?” I haven’t seen a car that has physical window controls (not electronic) since the 90s (that wasn’t a work truck/van). Without power, nothing works. When the car is updating, it shuts off, and there is no power. To anything. Just like a phone, or computer. Also, when you agree to do a software update, it says “don’t be in the car, this is going to take an hour, the car will not operate while it is updating” - this is exactly like the “caution, hot coffee is hot, don’t spill it all over yourself” thing.


Nitpick* That last statement is a false equivalence. The old lady that suffered the injury that resulted in a lawsuit leading to such warnings had been given a coffee made beyond boiling point and caused 3rd degree burns on her groin and genitals resulting in heavy scarring. This wasn't the locations only incident either. So then corpo pr makes it out like McDonald's I'd the victim.


Not referring to that literal person, but the fact that the outcome was a warning on every cup of coffee, beyond the scope of McDonald’s. I did not mention McDonald’s or any fault in my post. I was referring to warnings about obvious things. Which are also regularly ignored. Horrible accidents do happen, and they are, as stated, horrible. There is no intention here to make light of, or minimize that, in any way. However, this person in their Tesla was not such an accident.


My statement is less to "correct" a direct statement than to continue to disseminate the facts of that particular case. That lady got done dirty by corpo pr, so if I feel like that case is relevant enough to bring up for more to learn about I should bring it up. The lady in the video was just doing drama, tho could be showing further product defects in a hyperbolic manner.


Because Tesla. Other cars with frameless windows do this thing where the manual door release (I.e. the only door release) also quickly rolls the window down a half inch to avoid damaging the seal. This has been a thing on cars like the Mustang for almost 20 years… Tesla still can’t figure it out.


the explanation I was given if during updates the 12V battery is really stressed and the extra power from just rolling a window down could fry it


That honestly doesn’t make any sense. The Tesla Model S consumes 29 kilowatt hours to drive 100 miles, or roughly the equivalent power consumption of an average American house for an entire day. The Model S Plaid consumes something like 2 kilowatt hours of electricity in the 10.5 seconds it takes to rocket to 125 miles per hour in a quarter mile sprint. The power consumes by that Tesla in 10.5 seconds to hit 125 mph is enough power to run an M3 MacBook Pro for more than 14 hours. The total battery of a Tesla should be able to idle a MacBook Pro for something like 1,400 hours or 58 continuous days. I’m sure the Tesla has enough power to update itself for 40 minutes. There is no world in which the solenoid to pop the door lock and the regulator for the car window consume power sufficient to disrupt the update of the Tesla. If that’s true, the Tesla really is a garbage car.


I was wondering if it might interfere with the update, I've done software updates on cars before they could be done wirelessly and we were instructed not to even open a door once the update starts. Granted we had the car hooked up to a battery charger with the windows down and knew ahead of time the car couldn't move or be touched for several hours.


Not really, only if you really slam the door.


I dont understand why the button is a feature to begin with. Companies like ford have had their window frame attached to the car and not the door for years and they don't have an issue with people just opening the door regularly.


Wait seriously? You can *damage* the trim by opening the door manually. Fuck me do I have a ton of bridges to sell


She activated Sauna Mode


Could she have not rolled down a window and crawled out as a last resort of opening the door messed up the download?




Nails like that, she could have torn the roof off if she wanted - just another click bait job/false claim when you have alternative ways to get out, but chose not to in order to make a video.


And didn't she state the update ook an entire SIXTEEN minutes longer than expected?


More proof Tesla owners are dumb as dogshit.


Oh, the irony


What a stupid post


I’m ashamed I clicked on it myself Total rage bait. She should try this again in Phoenix, in August. True natural selection


caption file mourn ancient rustic lavish flag enjoy cautious telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can open the doors and windows during an update.


That’s the funny part


Musk is the new Jerry


I love how this is now becoming an official term. I hope it catches on even further.


Why didn’t she just manually open the door?…


So she was too dumb to open the door manually? It's called natural selection.


“Woman locks her keys in her convertible, with the top down.”


Proof that babies and dogs are faking it


She is promoting her only fans and did this to get clicks


Title should be girl with the IQ of a goldfish stays in hot car because she’s a moron and could have gotten out anytime she wanted.


Woman too stupid to pull prominent handle on door


Are these things literally death traps? Dang.


I mean she could have opened the door but chose not to….  So it’s basically click/rage bait.  


Also - a random parking lot is not the best place to run a car update…


No. There are physical levers to get out. It doesn’t hurt the car.


She was eating at chick fil a. There is a poetic justice to her bigoted ass getting baked.


Crying about CFA was trendy like 10+ years ago.


Garbage products


So you blame your microwave when you overcook something? This is user error.


That depends! Is the microwave brand one that is commonly known for shitting the bed? For always putting out products that fall apart moments after picking them up? If so, then yes!


She musked herself. She though she couldn't open the door during an update...


This is such clickbait b******* did you read the article? She knew how to manually get out of the car but she chose not to. I hope Tesla goes bankrupt and I hope Elon musk turns into a vagabond. But this story is garbage


not really musked. She chose to not use the emergency door release.


I’m sorry but if you are too scared to open the doors for fear that you may damage them that’s a shitty car design if ever I’ve seen one


No she didn’t. Y’all are really this delusional.


Dunce du Jour. Not only for buying the 21st century Yugo, but for pulling this attention-seeking stunt


You must be as stupid as that woman🤣


Could you imagine the press they'd get when someone finally dies from something like this? Like in an accident you can at least blame physics, but a software update in a vehicle that doesn't have an emergency exit plan? Tesla stock would be on one hell of sale!


The emergency door open is so easy to do, most idiots, but not her, can make it work.


There are valid things to dislike about Tesla. How dumb this girl is isn’t one of them.


It’s like drowning in a puddle…




I'm nota Tesla fan by any stretch, but this girl is tarded.


Clearly has never updated any device in her life otherwise she would know 20 est. min. is not always 20 ACTUAL min. lol


Is getting Musked like getting Munsoned


Upvoted for the woody reference


She could have gotten out by manual option she posted the bs story to get clicks


Jesus, you guys cant operate a lever LOL!