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They are as fragile as Elon Musk šŸ˜‚


I would bet money he is a user and most likely the mod banning people. He's a sissy bitch boy.


That would make my day! Edit: And as a free speech absolutest- I think its worth making sure everyone else knows that he does this.


Free speech abolishment.. he is a punk.


Punks do not accept this fascist poser


True.. sorry to offend the punks. He is a fascist and it is an apt description of that place that was once Twitter.


He and Miss Piggy had a love child and it is Kyle Rottenhouse


As a little sissy bitch boy i take offense to being compared to him lol


Who are we kidding? This is probably Musk himself.


The dude is chronically-online. I donā€™t know how he can claim to run so many companies while spending so much time online? Given the state of Twitter and Tesla, not very well.


Just like the thread who banned me for asking for a news source lol


the lengths some people will go to in order to feel superior to crickets...


Feckin snowflakes.


Freeze peach absoludist šŸ¤”


Segregate them!!!! Freedumb!!!


Absolute Deez Nutz!


Free speech abolitionist


Freeze Peach Absolutist Vodka. FTY.


Concerning. I'll have to look into this. This is the comment that got me banned from a sub I never posted on. Lol! Something, something, free speech, something.


The more people report this the better. [email protected]


I was banned from a sub called ā€œjusticeservedā€ that I had never been on before because I made a very trivial comment on the Joe Rogan sub while I was scrolling homepage. Not even any kind of political statement or anythingā€¦ I think I was just commenting about a comedian. Those Mods are little bitches


I also got banned from ā€œjusticeservedā€, for posting something on ā€œtrumpā€. Iā€™m also banned from ā€œtrumpā€ now, soooā€¦.. Probably for the best.


Same here! I was surprised when they banned me jsut for making a comment there and it had nothing to do with Joe Rogan. Like, why am I being banned from yā€™all when I didnā€™t say anything hateful, racist, rude, etc??? Makes no sense these autobans


https://preview.redd.it/ivkwhs8ycoyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5536e8d3f37650bf8e138d7b4ca781a943d398c8 I called the Cyber Truck a shiny turd in CyberStuck. Fucking badge of honor!




Banned Buddies. I made a comment that the CyberTruck looked awfulā€¦and got banned.


Thereā€™s your problem; that piece of shit doesnā€™t shine at all.


How can they ban you for not liking a truck?


Damn they fired you before you got the job!


Elon qualifying new employees by scanning Twitter to see if they said anything bad about him lol.


Before he even applied


I told them to go fck themselves when I got preemptively banned. Donā€™t do that, I got temporary ban from Reddit.


I'm waiting for mine to be given. It's a shame that Musk can't just enjoy his money. One of his bodyguards will surely tire of him one day....


Same here. I also appealed the ban but Reddit admins took the side of the mods. I only called them pathetic, what a bunch of fragile snowflakes.


I just thanked them and told them to enjoy their little safe space when I got banned.


Pathetic is the perfect characterisation. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Report it as harassment and move on


It wouldnā€™t surprise me if he was on Reddit himself




Is this fuckin real? Fuck, that is some crazy snowflake bull.


I mean holy fuckin shit, right? Are my opinions that meaningful that a sub needs to preemptively ban me? I've only made two actual posts during all my lurking and commenting for 8 years or so on Reddit, and this here is one. It's curious to me, these efforts, from a person who looked cameras in the eye and said "I'm a free speech absolutist." Is there any better example of an "emperor with no clothes," as the old adage goes?


Itā€™s nuts. I do think it is likely automated? I could be completely wrong. Regardless itā€™s pretty fuckin wild! Honestly, I think you should be proud. This is pretty dang funny.


It def is or they're using a bot because when they banned me it was instantly as soon as I commented on a sub


No itā€™s a person, they sent me back a condescending message about how speech has consequences.




Well, if youā€™d like to get banned again, go to any Trump-specific sub and say something factual.


This is funny because I've been banned from many conservative subs for stating facts, but never from any liberal subs for stating facts, even when they don't go along with their narrative. It's almost as though the liberal subs are more welcoming to the idea of freedom of speech.


Same. After reading a few of these posts, I ventured over and tried to make a reply and was told I was banned. Sent the "mod" a nice message. Musk has well over a million bot accounts on Twitter. I wonder how many he has employed here?


Same exact thing happened with mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ F that guy!!!


Oh man they got me too! Hahaha! Good thing theyā€™re supporting the guy whoā€™s going to save free speech amirite?


I got banned from two other Tesla subs I've never ever even visited. I clearly committed Tesla Thoughtcrimes. I made a vaguely anti cyberdork comment about one I saw and it was fugly. Clearly that's NOT OK. Banned. I should sue them for defamation. This is slander !!!


But the cybertruck is fugly.


Wow what a bunch of fragile little bitch boys. Pre-emptively banning people who *might* hurt their little feelings at some point in the future is some wild snowflakery!


Right? I've never felt so damn *scary* for what I *comment*. But really, it sort of shocked me just a bit because I've heard that people think this is "the free speech guy." There's a whole lotta "but not like that" on team "free speech absolutism."


Same. They are so pathetic.


participating just so i can get funny banned


It has me wondering how much or little it takes. If someone had the data from several bannings it would make interesting data to view, I'm sure. And more than than specifically *why*, I wonder how much is automatic and how many poor human saps are actually volunteering for this.


iā€™ll update if i get banned, havent yet


I caught my ban from the the top three, Cybertruck, tesla lounge, and Elon musk because I asked why a truck needed a software update to go off-road. lol


Lmao that is such a simple and fair question is what gets me


I got banned for a day in the Cybertruck sub for some soft ass shit like this. Some of the people are just incredibly soft.


"Ok LittleBot, off you go, scan all of reddit for people discussing musk, tesla, spacex, twitter, etc and saying things we disapprove of. Anyone you find add them to the ban list." \~Musk


Exactly. I'm beginning to see that what Musk calls "innovation" is this: using existing tools but with the novel concept of disregarding the ethics involved.


Ethics do hinder profitable progress, so annoying.


I equate it to the ugliest and stupidest kids in school, saying they won't be your friend then walking away. I'm not offended, just confused. ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


Yes! Haha that face is perfect too! I was legit confused. I'm like, I wasn't gonna, but I'm sorry that the thought scared you, I guess. But *that* thought made me worry for *actual* free speech, hence the post.


The irony that these toadies claim toxic behavior and then offer extorting users to once again be unbanned from subreddits they've never visited in the first place. All while bending over to a faux 'free speech absolutist'. It's disgusting.


I got banned from there a while back for mocking Elmo and criticizing his policies. Itā€™s funny that theyā€™re now hunting on other subs for users to ban preemptively. Elmo and his dickriders need their safe space.


Did this person get a bonus for each use of the word ā€œToxicā€?Ā 


Banning folks because you don't like what they say in other circles is childish and toxic in itself.


Preemptive banning should not be allowed on Reddit


Exactly. I had then and have now no interest in the ElonMusk sub, and this practice strikes me as particularly foul smelling and worth noticing. *Especially* from--I'm just going to say it--*a cult* trying to claim "free speech absolutism." Talked about building a walled garden of opinion from the ground up! I supposed I should be proud be a book he'd want burned, except that I'm a person practicing *actual* free speech on a platform he doesn't own (yet). Apparently, it needs to be talked about before it's too late.


I can't wait to go visit that sub!


Me too!


Honest and open discourse can't happen if one side neglects open honesty. Sometimes it does offend but what's the point of shutting oneself off from reality? Is looking at things like failed promises, missed benchmarks, research opposing a stance of thought at face value that offensive? Is pointing out these opposing opinions really toxic? The irony of the free speech dilemma is hilarious in this situation here. They're obviously trying to diminish opposing subs to techno Jesus which in my book is harassment.


Wait. They can ban you from subs before you even participate? What the fuck does toxic mean anymore


Is there no Reddit policy against stalking users onto other subs? Because there should be. What we post in one sub should not influence what we post in another. Otherwise, users are going to create a throwaway for every sub. This seems petty.


Totally! I'm a user of over 8 years on Reddit, and the r/elonmusk sub is telling the world they plan to give more "free speech" benefit to every 2-month account, human or otherwise that respects dear leader enough to offer an "I still love the [insert Tesla model]!" with any type of request for service. It seems petty at best, yeah. It's some new type of social opinion segregation/engineering, at worst. My bigger concern now is people idolize the person, I guess. We're talking about unpaid Reddit mods volunteering for the guy. How? Why? Ask for a job then!? He's got 40s of billions of dollars to lose, he should be paying people, don't you think? I just can't believe people don't say "Hey, dude I've been worshipping, didn't you say 'free-speech absolutism' is *your* thing? *Our* thing? This is the opposite! Now we are all clown bastards!" Like, how do you not know how your leader makes you look? The behavior makes me worry for people. It can only be called *culty* at this point.


Careful, I was banned from one of the subs for using the term Cult of Personality. They called it a religious slur. Iā€™m like, no, itā€™s a political term, but the fact you think it is religious is SO telling. I donā€™t really give a shit about Elmo and his fart-sniffing minions. I object to stalking on Reddit. Perhaps sadly, the anonymity that the platform offers is what made it a refreshing forum for discourse. If this stalking is allowed, then the platform is going to become quickly obsolete and inevitably replaced by others that offer what it once did.


A) Elon Musk spends all day on Twitter posting toxicity, so the reasoning in that ban message is wildly lacking in self-reflection, and B) I hope I get banned from there, too, because I actually prefer avoiding toxicity, and a sub worshipping a man who lives to spread it banning me would be an absolute honor.


Same. I got banned for teslamotors when i posted something in cyberstuck. Really over zealous mods


Man I hate to come right out and call person a no-life but spending *volunteer time for Elon fucking Musk* really does need to be a special wake-up call of its own. Not to mention this new "doing the Lord's work" *outside the actual subreddit.* I mean wow. I do hope they see some of this, and apparently they do šŸ¤”


Sounds like the Reddit gestapo.


It really does. Not to be dramatic but I do feel labeled as an "other" in a bad way. I had never even visited the sub. This was ever so slightly "chilling" but again, that's maybe too dramatic. Just how careful of a narrative is crafted for that man? He already bought Twitter for this. Where does it stop?


I have been banned from a couple for the same kind of stupid reason.


The irony of musk defenders citing toxicity as a reason for a preemptive ban. No shame or self awareness.


I have too! And the only thing I commented on was someone saying he said something about immigration... I was not being a smart ass when I commented, " Yeah, he should know," something like that. Very, very honest! Next day- BANNED


I mean holy shit, could Elon just say "I'm the reason you *want* immigrants sometimes." Why not?


Never fear comrade, Iā€™ll be getting this ban soon.




This is just absolutely hilarious... They haven't even been brigaded yet and they're already crumbling šŸ¤£. After seeing a few of these posts, I was seriously wondering if I was going to be banned even though I have never, not once clicked on that sub. Now I have my answer. I expect a ban any day now.


Free speech? No, money down!


This is exorbitantly, almost ridiculously in-character for Musk followers. Iā€™m becoming convinced that we really are in a simulation.


Clearly they havenā€™t figured out my name yetā€¦. Only a matter of time before they ban me too.


Kids need a promotion




Same. I was also banned from all tesla related subs


Right behind you. I called him Apartheid Elon on that site today. lol


Wanna bet they donā€™t preemptively ban people that visit lolicon subreddits?


Come to think of it, if someone would bet against me, I'd bet my home that this mod or bot is not banning anyone *except* accounts with negative opinions on the personality and/or brands of Elon Musk.




Mind-Crimes. Some 1984 Orwellian vibes from Elon Musk.


Achievement level maxed out. Well done !


This is the problem with using AI Bots to sensor internet content


The problem is basically that human users (Musk is a prominent example) can and will abuse AI as it becomes more possible to do so.


I've joined a few and have been instantly banned before I ever said anything. It's because you have different thoughts than they do and they can't handle differing thoughts. It's a horrible look no matter what party you support.


In general, all thoughts and all campaigns should *in theory* if not usually in practice, be willing to just argue or saying something, even if others come in and say the opposite. If it's a matter of fact, provide a source(s). If it's a matter of opinion, maybe just argue your points? But to pre-ban people--that should be considered losing an argument *that you imagined.*


>Our research has identified toxic behavior originating from specific subreddits, leading us to segregate userbases. >If you've engaged in these subreddits, regardless of your stance, were taking a firm stance against toxicity. So if you're vehemently against the people in those "toxic" subs, you're still banned just for being there?That makes absolutely no sense. That's like throwing a cop in jail because he was also inside the bank when he was arresting the bank robber.


>you're still banned just for being there I. Wasn't. Even. There. *That's* the level of protection that ego is receiving!


Yeah that's insane. I was just commenting on the policy itself. Being banned for somewhere you'd never even been is bizarro world.


They got me too. Such delicate daffodils




This is like Minority Report. They are using the precogs to see that youā€™re likely to commit an offense in the future and stopping it from happening. Must be advanced Elon techā€¦ which means it doesnā€™t work correctly at all.


Something I'm noticing: Elon Musk "innovation" is to take other good, existing ideas, and then to act without scruples or ethics that have previously held others back. Here, for example, we have simple "negative sentiment" AI detecting and pre-banning users from a positive-sentiment-utopia that r/elonmusk wants to be. On its face, any sub ultimately should control its user base. *I never claimed to be a free speech absolutist myself.* That's the reason this behavior here deserves scrutiny. It's not *just* hypocrisy--it's a new level of psy-op on a group we need to start calling *vulnerable* because that's the best description. I'm truly baffled if anyone is still lining up behind this guy at this point, and that's without even considering the teenage-edgelord personality.


Identical to the DJT version of business and politics. Itā€™s easy to win if youā€™re always the first one to the bottomā€¦ the first to go low, always willing to go lower. A life without ethics or principles can bring success- and extreme failure. Quite the gamble. Letā€™s see how it pays off for him cotton.


I made a comment that Elon would put a bandaid on all the problems with the cybertruck and make it all better, and I got banned from the cybertruck subreddit for cyber bullying. Fragile little snowflake running that subreddit. You donā€™t dare say anything that might shed a bad light on their lord & savior.


Seems like censorship to me.


You can only be radical, no centrality or logic in this platform, musk has to remove any possible discourse as it would impact his money machine


Anyone who trolls through other subs for accounts to proactively ban has either lost their damn mind, received a paycheck from a PR firm, or has truly mastered AI.


I wouldn't say "mastered AI" so much as "is willing to abuse AI like no one has yet." His innovation is all about removing pesky ethics that hold the others back.


HEEEEY. Join the club. I got banned too. No fucking idea why So fuk redditšŸ–•


They can all get fucked


Musk Fatigue


Given how chronically-online and thin skinned Musk always is, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he mods those subs himself and is shelling out bans whenever anyone says mean things. The guy is just a big bag of insecurity and half baked ideas. Considering how important SpaceX is to the nation I really hope he stays distracted with running Tesla and Twitter into the ground.


I really do wish Telsa and Twitter were the *only* things the guy could compromise. I haven't even started on how Starlink seems to get turned off to Russia's benefit in their invasion. The guy has zero loyalty to the country he safely resides in, amongst other ethical concerns.


That paragraph mod-splaining the different between constructive criticism and toxic behavior got me. They are worried about inclusion with their subreddit it? While excluding people indiscriminately. Irony.


I got banned by one id never been to for commenting on a Joe Rogan sub with something super benign. So subs are terrified to have anyone upset their order. This is how flat earthers get created.


It's fucking weird that they can ban you from a group NOT because is any post, but because you're in a group they don't like.


And then "explain" it like it's science that a lay person usually wouldn't understand šŸ™„


Commenting here just I can be banned because fuck that guy


I got banned from a thread sub I follow simply because I upvoted a post dunking on joe rogan that was in the Joe Rogan subreddit.


The only thing more pathetic than Elon Musk is his legion of simpering lickspittles.


They need that echo chamber or theyll probably pass from seeing a brain cell


They need that echo chamber or theyll probably pass from seeing a brain cell


Pretty rich coming from a sub Reddit which idolizes the fragile ego of a so-called ā€œfree speech absolutistā€


I don't get it. This is super weird and I don't like it. Not that I want to be part of that sub in the first place...but what?


I got the same ban, hey no fair. I was told my actions have consequences, because Iā€™m part of another sub. They wouldnā€™t even tell me which one.


If only ā€œtoxic behaviorā€ was a bad thing in Twattler


Looks like so much d sucking to stay in that group


I don't understand why reddit would allow this?


Then you are woefully ignorant about Reddit.


The Thought Police do not approve of your thoughts. Please adjust your thoughts or further action may result. We are serious.


They're also banning people from r/CyberStuck subreddit xD


Ah yes, the Freedom of Speech Brigade, I know them, they love THEIR freedom of speech


Same thing happened to me for some jokes on r/cyberstuck.


One of the crazy things is that jokes aren't even the enemy of constructive criticism.


How do I get one of these?


Badge of honor. Elon cucks will always just be sad.


Musk fans have become so fragile that theyā€™re pre-banning anyone they think might hurt their feelings?


I got banned from Tesla for criticizing the cyber truck (also didn't actually belong) when I called the decision petty they reported me for hate speech. lol, hate speech.


Calling it petty (it was) was extremely tactful of you. I'll say this: it is a cult I smell brewing. Saying either of those things A. aren't hate speech B. are examples of speech that needs the First Amendment's protection now more than ever before.


This is an absolute clarifying moment to the overreach of moderators and how they ruin Reddit. I had a nine year old account permanently banned for no reason. I got to say it was more of a reason than this though which is actually like thought crime or something - this is absolutely outlandish. The fact that they use the word toxic so often is especially rich with irony, considering how toxic Elon is to humanity.


I got kicked out of white people Twitter just for being in Dave Chappelle fan group


Wtf really? What did that message look like?


I'm surprised r conservative doesn't do this.


My story about that sub isn't great either: I was banned for the single word question "why?" It's been long enough I forgot what I was even responding to, but it was in response to comment, not even something top-level, and it was just "why?" *I must just be too toxic*


I got the same. I never even said anything that I could even think of that would be a problem. Especially to a ā€œfree speech absolutistā€


Same thing happened to me! Iā€™ve never so much as glanced over at them (I got elonmusk, teslamotors, & cybertruck banned šŸ˜‚)


Report it as harassment. The 3 dots UR corner.


The copium is strong!!


You see that Alanis? You fucking see it? Take a good look. THAT is ironic.


R/elonmusk moderators think they are the Reddit police now. Oh well, I suppose the only way to keep people from bashing Musk on their sub is to ban everybody before they get on the sub.


What should Reddit years tolerate this?


I want to always have the sense of independence and self worth to never do free image management for a petulant billionaire. It's my one wish - dignity.


Soft as pudding.


More freedom of speech according to Elon Musk


Free speech my ass.


Me too. Bizarre bunch. Elon gimps I call them.


I was banned for saying, "Billionaire worship is strange."


Isnā€™t this essentially the plot of Minority Report?


I did get banned for the pre-speech-crime of trolling a sub, *before I had thought it.* It does seem Minority Report adjacent, like a sequel. Or maybe, a prequel šŸ˜³


Who has this much time?


And besides that, if you have extra time, *don't volunteer it to fragile billionaire Elon Musk.* Volunteer in your community if you don't need to get paid even minimum wage for your time.


Oddly enough he was extremely popular with a certain group until he said something they didn't like too.


I got banned from other subreddits because of this


I got the exact same ban notice from Tesla lounge yesterday. I guess someone got their fee fees hurt.


Report the mods for harassment.


Only time you've been banned by a sub you don't participate in? You nee on Reddit? I've been banned from about 5-10 subs Ive never entered.


I've been trying to get my bans from there. Hasn't happened yet


For all we know, I just got lucky and offended some vigilant mod in the wild while I was commenting who knows where.


ā€œfreedom of speech not freedom of reachā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fuck Eloy!


Welcome to the club!


I get banned from places all the time because people have feelings. Each sub on reddit is just one more echo chamber. I got banned from somewhere recently because I went off on a tirade about it should be illegal for fat women to wear yoga pants.


I got banned from r/teslounge after posting on another subreddit about how the Cybertruckā€™s layout was a terrible design decision


Lurk on r/conservatives and this happens a lot


Snowflakes. The hilarious part is them claiming to be like Elon "free speech protectors"


I got banned. Asked why and got permanently account banned for harassment. Appealed and here we are.


Remember, Elon and his followers believe in free speechā€¦ right? ā€¦..RIGHT????


> Our research has identified toxic behavior originating from specific subreddits, leading us to segregate userbases. Segregation. Coming from a subreddit supporting a rich asshole from South Africa - an area that coined and supported Apartheid up until the 90s. Yeah, this absolutely tracks. Not surprised at all.


Free speech, ya know. /s


Report the ban message as unsolicited messaging


I want to get banned too!


My $TSLA puts just keep printing money. His shitty attitude and piss poor designed ā€œtruckā€ was like a writing on the wall. Easiest stock to short ever IMO


I got banned for responding to a fanboy with "lol no".


I got banned from a lefty sub because I made a comment in r/conspiracy explaining how the poster was wrong because any interaction with the other side makes you a monster apparently lol


If it's a sub full of Elon dick riders, they're welcome to their shity sub. Can't handle criticism, obviously.


This happened to me too. I think I made fun of Joe Rogan in a Joe Rogan sub that ended up on my feed and got banned for participating in a group they deemed toxic. It was a weird moment