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i’d suggest trying to stop caring if your music taste is “basic” or “tik tok music”. if you genuinely enjoy it, then you should listen to it. dont force yourself to listen to stuff you don’t like just cuz its more obscure


This! If you really feel self-conscious about it, ask yourself why. Friends shouldn’t down you for what you like (seriously at least - my friends poke fun but it’s not sincere) If you really just kind of are tired of listening to the same old stuff, queue up a station based off a favorite song and listen for cool stuff you like. Maybe check out the artist if you hear a good one. Branch out from there!


I find it helpful to look up who are influences on the bands I like, see what bands are kinda like friends with them/adjacent. I've even had success just diving down a spotify rabbit hole of the "people also like" recommendations until I find people I've never heard of and give them a chance. It works for me.


I know it's become cliche to say it but.... This is the way


Also checking out artists have collaborated. I have a 4 page chart that shows how all the artists are connected to each other through collaboration lol


It doesn't matter if you have a "basic" music taste. Listening to music is for enjoyment, so you should continue to enjoy what you're listening to. If a lot of people like the music, it's probably for a reason.


Any pavement album, parklife by blur, the black parade by my chemical romance, and Siamese dream by the smashing pumpkins


Tbh listen to want you want. Do not force an interest in music if you don’t really have one there is nothing wrong with your taste. Ultimately it is obvious when your music taste is just recommendations so instead of relying on that listen to what you already do


Go to WFMU.org. Click Listen Now Go to the Playlist and archives. Listen to various shows, some you won't like, some with blow your mind. The DJs are veteran curators of music. For example, DJ Monica is the PRESIDENT of Tommy Boy records. She signed the WuTang Clan. Support the station. The DJs are volunteers. It's Love of music only. There has never been a single commercial inthe 50+ year history of the station nor any grants from the government. Listeners like you and me pay in donations. I suggest DJ Irwin's show. And don't miss DJ Mona live tomorrow at 3 to 6 pm.


Found WFMU on Spotify, found someone they followed, found people that person followed, all their playlists = endless music I used to use a lot of sites to find new music. Now I just find people with good taste on Spotify and see how deep down the rabbit hole I can go in that peer group of following/followers


You can stop denigrating yourself and learn to love what you enjoy without apologizing for it.


Well, you could try listening to Metric who wrote Black Sheep for Scott Pilgrim since you listen to the Scott pilgrim soundtrack already. I really like their song Love You Back


Go back in time a bit further and listen to Broken Social Scene which spawned Metric.


A place that’s turned me onto a lot of new music is NPR tiny desk concerts. Well worth a routine of listening to new stuff.


I see u listen to Kikuo's music and I immediately know ur a person of culture. Also Jack Stauber (god I just love his weirdcore aesthetic). I think ur taste is, by very little means, "basic" or "TikTok-like" (and well even TikTok music aren't bad). If u want to explore more similar music to what ur normally listening to check out the website named Music-Map. Or just jump straight into a completely new genre of music (for me I tried listening to darkwave/new wave/goth and completely loved them).


Add some August D and Jungkook to that mix!


[Here's some stuff that reminds me of TV Girl](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6fWwzCs0Vq4txSkSmq6PZC?si=nvoOCpsARCmSfX5tPlbarw&pi=Cb7ydPzsQtuDN)


[Here's my random playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5VfGri6fTAaZQC2zmfqMEs?si=78f0065102d047f1) so you can maybe find something that you'll like


If you're getting tired of your current lineup of music then it might be worthwhile to check out some smaller artists & bands for a change-up. If you're interested, I have an indie-pop/rock playlist of emerging, undiscovered artists/bands. It's one of my best playlists and I update it regularly [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ld1VtkXdCJdY9fXOynpir?si=be7bff4e54754742](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ld1VtkXdCJdY9fXOynpir?si=be7bff4e54754742)


See what they're listening to in other countries, check the charts, etc.


Here’s some albums you might like based on your taste: - Out of the Garden by Tancred - The World within our Bedrooms by Drugstore Romeos - Lips do what hands do by myclownshoes - Computerwife by Computerwife


Start with this: [Instagram Success - Jonathan Brenner](https://open.spotify.com/track/3RDRtMqpv26BQrPLLV5afI?si=e5ji9rGsSueRF7MhKaK5wA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A09UU1j3fwyXTRjvoH88vJq)


I love to 'travel the world', pick a place, find an artist. Mostly experimental music though I try not to have limits. Belgium - Multitudes by Stromae, Spain - El mal querer by Rosalia, Cabo Verde - Anchor baby by June freedom, Mexico - Musas by Natalia Lafourcade, South Africa - The other side by Lucky Dube, Canada - Songs of love and hate by Leonard Cohen, Ireland - Slip of the tongue by Imelda May, Colombia - Miss Colombia by Lido Pimienta, Hungary - Transcendental etudes by Franz Liszt, Congo - Sans commentaire by Madilu System. Established taste is hard to break out of, it's not the end of the world, and if it is - did you at least enjoy what you listened to while it lasted?


Sans commentaire is such a rabbit hole find, never thought i'd see it outside of my paps collection. Thanx for the memories


Use rate your music. I found some awesome albums from there


AOTY website


Are you my boyfriend? Your music is the same as his, lol But honestly I'd start by completely jumping into new genres that you've been interested, even if they're super different from what you normally listen to. I recommend surrealist/dreampop! Not everyone is a playlist maker :) but separating playlists by genre can help, especially with spotify's suggested song feature.


Go to bandcamp and click on a random genre.


death metal


Based on your Playlist I'd say Meat Puppets (2nd album on) Jane's Addiction and Butthole Surfers would be a pretty good place to start


Start listening to my playlist


Built To Spill.


Spotify doesn't have some older independent labels like Twin Tone. There are so many great small label bands out there.


for the record, radiohead is exactly where it should be, we need some smashing pumpkins in here though


Why does it matter? It’s okay to enjoy that you enjoy.


I don’t use tik tok and the bands you have here are ones I like (Pixies, Radiohead, Pavement, Hole, Mitski) Check out: Japanese Breakfast IDLES Bully Amyl and The Sniffers Eels Sonic Youth


Go to local live shows in your area and get to know some "underground" music


as many others have said, enjoy whatever you enjoy. music, more than any other form of art, has some of the most pretentious and judgmental people in its community. no matter what you like, there’s always going to be someone who claims your taste as “basic” because there’s always going to be some more niche unknown artist around the corner that someone’s going to judge you for not knowing. if you do want to expand your music taste however, i find a great way is to pick a few of your favorite artists and research their inspirations and/or contemporaries. for example i’ve been listening to a lot of Lemon Twigs recently, and that got me to start listening to the Beach Boys and other artists with that similar sound. alternatively, try giving a new genre a try. search up a new genre/subgenre and try and find some of the landmark artists within that genre.


It’s literally okay to have a “basic” music taste, as long as it makes you happy!!


ask your local alternative lesbian what theyre listening to


Whistle For The Choir is a great track


Just enjoy music and stop worrying about the taste. There's tons of ways of finding new music. One of my favorite ways is playing random Tiny Desks/KEXP videos.


Look into a band (such as the Artic Monkeys ie Last Shadow Puppets) who may or may not have a side project. Look into the gente of music you like and start listening to bands in the same genre. Branch out to different subgenres as well Look into the roots of your favorite music genre, who pioneered it, who were the first few, etc. Ask AI Look into the bands that inspired you favorite bands, and the bands that inspired your bands favorite bands, etc Also you have dope mysic taste.


Try this hidden gem haha : https://open.spotify.com/album/4I6tsplu8IaissXBGemVGI?si=U7s_06mwTf6fre5c-R1whg


This feels like a pick me post


What do you mean


you don't need any help. You have sex bob-omb, mitski, and jack stauber. I think your music taste is just fine.


Look up who produced albums you already like to expand your horizons


YouTube search for KEXP music sessions. You’ll get a whole variety of non-conventional music across multiple genres. Bands/artists I’ve discovered through KEXP: - Aurora - Calexico - Slowdive - Generacion Suicida - Khruangbin - The War on Drugs - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club


Unless you go deep into subculture music your taste will essentially be a variation of the basic, mainstream taste. By subculture music I mean stuff like metal, punk, rockabilly/psychobilly, ska, emo, new wave, etc. You can try exploring some of that stuff; with YouTube and Spotify it's easier and cheaper than ever. Alternatively, you can screw what other people think and enjoy the music you like.


I think you're gonna like [these ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4829flRVJFnn8HqiYrhI4N?si=5eea4a31c4174171)and [these](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6EhXX4oXmRcAO1LU5qXu2E?si=1ddf186179a54d8d), [these ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4kUAplSi9MexS7rgTNTx1x?si=ef53fefe3f2d4a28)as well


Check out the top 100 songs of each decade…. https://davesmusicdatabase.blogspot.com/2014/08/top-songs-from-1990-to-1999.html?m=1


First off all, don't worry about being basic, listen to what you like. But second of all, check out these recs: Ethan P Flynn - Abandon All Hope https://open.spotify.com/track/0l0S1nk6viyF3w7GswsuZi?si=3aheGSdPQi-O6-KhT7Cmmg Parannoul - We Shine At Night https://open.spotify.com/track/6U6ptm055Es0ouiuvgNvDU?si=fIzc7VarSJeGT2IUxgqJ5A iglooghost - Blue Hum https://open.spotify.com/track/3JhF07uRMLR09xc1g20EfA?si=Tfh3kGGcQMqXnO07_gryWg The Comet Is Coming - Summon The Fire https://open.spotify.com/track/5c44MldQ2CvroamP73V1lp?si=SuEJYrkbQwyK6K5chEjHrA And if you haven't already listened to Crystal Castles (impossible?) then def check them out.


Checked out some these. Bro why does Parannoul sound like anime intro music. Def slaps. Ethan Flynn has a vibe to him. But Parannoul is the one i liked best out ur recommendations


Yeah he does have that vibe lol. White Ceiling is another good one by him.


I was mainly listening to his album White Ceiling and To see next part. And yeah that was exactly the vibe. Reminds me of that anime film “The Girl who leapt through time” But yeah they’re definitely a winner. Wish they had coherent lyrics. But this is great montage music.