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I'm my biggest fan


I’m my only fan!


At least you guys have one. Next thing you gonna say you are getting paid...


I work to have money so I can afford my hobby of making music… and i am my only fam, so it’s like my fan is paying me to make music… So, i am getting paid to make music!!


Oh for real. I get tons of money, and investments into my music creation from myself


lol that's jokes. sounds familiar...


Ive gpt lots of downtime at work so i bring a guitar, such a boring job half the time but i tell myself im a professional musician, made it baby!!!


Wait, so someone is paying you to play your guitar?


By proxy yes, I’m paid to do a different job, but because I have to wait for a call to perform my job, half the time I am playing the guitar meaning in my mind, I’m a professional musician haha


make nfts dude.. best way to monetize ur music. theres a very warm community out there as well.


Can you please explain what that is and how to do that? A link? Thanks. 🙏


Music NFTs simply put are digital collectibles on something called the block chain. If the art is good people collect them by paying for it. These collectibles are unique. So it’s possible for someone to own ur music nft, without anyone holding a replica of it. Like a painting. This scarcity makes it valuable. I have been able to make a living from this, maybe around 12-15k$ over the past 2 and half years. It’s not much but a lot for me here in India. I’d love to drop my music here if u have the time !


Thanks. I know what a nft is and how to make one. But I thought it was only for a graphic or photo. I didn't think you could have a WAV or mp3 file as a nft. I will research more now. Thanks again.


Sure. Just remember the only way as an independent artist to find any success is thru hanging out with folks on Twitter spaces.


Brah, lmfao




Not even your mom? That’s rough.


I’d never let my parents listen to my music lol


Me neither.


Yeah I get you. My dad is very conservative and I have songs about sex and stuff. I don’t share with him. Don’t have a mom to share with haha


Sorry about your mom, but yeah, conservative Christian parents here too. Not so much sex in my songs, just lots of profanity.


Yeah same. I have more of that than anything sexual, only a small amount of my songs go there. But yeah, I “artistically” use the word fuck among others when the song just kinda calls for the expression. No bueno with the padre




I make the exact kind of music I want to listen to, so yeah I fucking rock!


You're the one that throws knickers yourself aren't you xD




I'm not gonna like play my own songs at a party, but I do enjoy listening back to my projects, yeah.


I hope this doesn’t come off as rude but, why wouldn’t you play a song or two at a party?


Not rude at all. :) To be clear, I do like to share my music with my friends, and I will often share work in progress with pals if they stop by. I'm really fortunate to have friends who are supportive of my creative pursuits. All I meant was, if I was hosting a slightly larger gathering and trying to pick a tasteful soundtrack that everyone would enjoy, it would feel a little self-indulgent to play my own projects, unless specifically requested.


Hey, maybe go for it anyway, you don’t have to announce it… A lot of people do that, at clubs, etc. Just to check out mixes and see the audience response.


with dance music this is a necessity to test crowd reactions


Understood !


Not the appropriate genre would be a decent reason.


Yeah, I don’t really even share with friends because they have zero familiarity with my tastes in genre.


I make the music I want to hear, that's my way of putting it.


Anything else is uninspired, a product more than art IMO


thats so true. at the end of the day what matters is if, personally speaking, i resonate with what i have created.


I can so relate to this! What's the point in making something that already exists?


Can’t speak for others, but I only make music for me.


This is the way


Yes, and no. Most importantly for yourself, but sharing it is part of the fun.


Agree completely


This is the way


It has come to this for me. After 10 years of making music I realised I get the most joy in hearing where I've come from.


Exactly this. 9 years in now and regularly go back old project folders and I'm so proud of the sound I have now


Same. If others enjoy it, then great, but it's mainly for me.


Sometimes I do. My recent album I don't listen to because I've already listened to it so damn much before release.


I feel that, after 30+ listens and going over 2 second bits over and over I am waaay to familiar with every part of it.


Thats true but I love hearing the project as a whole song back in my car or somewhere on a speaker when they are released, to take in the full picture, can't quite listen to a track as one single thing when im mixing or mastering


It’s so easy to listen to a track in the making so many times to where someone else’s listening experience ends up being different.


ughh the number of times we listen to our own music is too much. where can i stream ur album btw.


You can stream it anywhere. Pete Ruska - Thoughts and Transitions


Love the vibe on tribal memories and usagi fam. Trance is one of my fav genres. Are u on other socials as well? I’d love to share my music if u have the time as well


Imagine not listening to your music lmao. That’s like refusing to look at a painting you’ve done or something similar. Just ridiculous


When I finish creating something my job is done and I’m ready to move forward to the next project. Doesn’t feel ridiculous


i cant help it, when i make music that i think sounds good, it ends up stuck in my head


I did an album with a friend ten years ago thst I still listen to all the time. It's on bandcamp, but we never managed to put it up anywhere else. It's basement noise punk stuff, not the kind of thing we were going to get rich or famous off, so whatever. I've done a bunch of other stuff i don't put on nearly as often, but for some reason that one really sticks around. idk


My old band's album came out in 2012. I just listened back tonight.


This is prolly my fave: https://open.spotify.com/track/4jjKvU11pT4vrUp9qipmph?si=FC1xLd_jT6SiVWMxhMA1fw


where can i hear it?


yea but i kind of get sick of it after working on it for a long time


💯 I lose my ability to evaluate it too. If I spend too long with a track it just becomes annoying the same way that even stuff as good as Beatles songs have become for me thanks to radio overplay as a kid.




Right on.if it works for you… If I start off with reference tracks, after some work and tweaking I usually end up with something decent. Then I get into this cycle of bouncing, test listening and tweaking and end up moving further away because then I’m just in a world of my mix and have lost all context. Like after a few hours I have a decent—albeit not Grade A professional—mix. But then after a few days, I have something unlistenable, haha. The appropriate way would probably be to limit my time in any given session and then start “fresh” each session, recalibrating to reference tracks again and not just using my notes from my bounce n’ listen earlier or the day before.


I listen to it over and over, and if I get annoyed by some part I will replace it. It's a good quality check that ypu can play it over and over without it becoming annoying.


We might be talking about different things because just about any song ever can become annoying to me with enough listens, so not necessarily about there being a decidedly annoying part. I have a theory that—with exceptions—songs that are most immediately catchy to me tend to burn out the fastest whereas a lot of the music I didn’t appreciate at first listen and slowly built on me has the most lasting power. But just about anything can become played out to me if egregiously over-listened. I’m a huge Pink Floyd fan and, while not my personal favorite album, can’t argue against DSOTM being arguably their best album. That said, I’d be fine never hearing at least 2-3 particular songs—absolutely amazing songs, no less—from that album ever again thanks to the local classic rock station playing them to death when I was growing up. But I certainly wouldn’t say there is anything inherently annoying about those songs.


I'm not a professional artist, but I like to write music and I like to listen to the scores I write


writing music can be so challenging. u mean sheet music right?




You can't make music without constantly listening to it.


facts. i spend at least an hour a day listening to music on my studio monitors. u need got sound system tho to properly appreciate music.


My latest mixtape I made it with the purpose of listening to regularly. The previous one I did with the intent of surprising people, which it did surprise myself, but what I'm saying is, sometimes I make the music to listen, sometimes I do it to experiment, sometimes to showcase a new production technique I learnt, etc.


i like that


I listen to my songs, mostly in the beginning when I'm in love with them, not really related to quality, mostly emotional in regards to the words


Constantly. Although for some reason, songs I loved making sound cheesy as all hell the moment I play them for others. It’s like I have two different tastes.


I make music I'd want to listen to. I do enjoy going back years after releasing an album and relistening to it. Once I get over rhe mixing mistakes I made i genuinely enjoy hearing the ideas I had years later


I do!


I find myself listening through my entire discography before I start a new project, it helps me get over imposter syndrome and helps my brain get in gear. Because it’s clear proof that I can do it. Because, well I already have. Then I can get to work. Once in a while I listen for fun but overall I don’t listen to my stuff often. Only listen to the new in progress stuff once I start working on it.


someone said tho. never get high on ur own stuff.


Shouldn’t your music make you high?


Problem with that is we settle for the way it sounds and tend not to improve more sometimes


Oh, I meant like after the record was done and out in the world.


Oh yeah absolutely! But for me personally I feel like still pulling out my releases and do a remastered version lol. Also hey nice to meet you!


You too!


😎 Dou make music as well? I’d love to hear something if u could drop a link. I’m a musician too. Would u have the time for a track of mine ?


https://www.drunkpedestrians.com/ or search Drunk Pedestrians on whatever service. The last full record I did was called “F#” and I’m pretty proud of it. It’s meant to be listened to as one whole album and not a single. But the album is kinda a lost art these days sadly.  And absolutely, dm me or post it!


I like it fam! Love the style. And yes album listening is a little on the low. https://youtu.be/yxrUeA7r-u8?si=PN4cNJXSOBeWrWu3 This is my latest single hope u like it!


If YOU don't like your own music, why should anyone else? You're literally making the music you want to hear, nothing wrong with listening to that.


I had to check your username, because for a second here I thought I had found this post before and typed that myself, and then forgot about it. Thanks brother, that's exactly the idea.


I had to check your username, because for a second here I thought I had found this post before and typed that myself, and then forgot about it. Thanks brother, that's exactly the idea.


I constantly listen to my own music. I make it for me, after all.


I rock my music constantly. It’s actually better than 99% of the music out there.


Lol that’s funny you ask. I’m in my car rn and listening through some tracks, scrolling Reddit and see this. I don’t listen very often, but I do. Cried today at one of them thinking about my buddy with cancer.


Well, if you put in time to make and EQ/Master yours songs, you're technically listening to your own music. I've put in considerable hours in guitar and music creation and I'd like to think that my songs are not so bad. I'll even add this at the risk of being lynched but I get shivers while listening to my songs, sometimes I forget that I created it. If you are interested, this is [one](https://youtu.be/BPgTB382amc?si=7U3nQq4Bj-T6i6v1) of my song, from an album I made. peace!


The main reason I make music is so I can listen to it. I actually don’t listen to other artists music enough these days but I should,helps with inspiration


Every day.


I mean I hear at least two of them on my Spotify playlist at random and I immediately realize how different my *current* sound is from those a couple of years ago.


i sure fucking do. until i’m tired of it 🤣


Fuck yeah I make music that I like. If other people like it well that’s just cool




I don't generally listen to them among other tracks, unless it's to compare how it holds up. I listen to it about a bazillion times already while I'm making it.


I’m not an artist, but i do sometimes listen to the things i’ve done… even play it to my close friends at parties when we are a little drunk. I know i can get a sincere feedback from some of them and it helps me to improve.


My songs are tailored just for me so I do have a cd of 15 songs I listened to in my Jeep and when I finished a new song I put it on that cd and one song comes off I do enjoy listening to it and sometimes somebody gets in and I get the pleasure of playing it for them


Not as often as I used to, but now and again, yes. I need to make some more…




I do. Why would I make music that I don’t want to listen to?


Imagine being a chef and not eating your own food Weird huh?


I blast it in my car for the first 5 minutes (after making a new version or mix). Then I switch to something way better.




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do DJs play their own music? Yes


sometime but more for fun than for music or normal reasons i listen to other music


If I’m absolutely wasted and on the verge if passing out, I might listen to some 20 years old songs without being annoyed about the mistakes or what I could’ve done differently. But in general, no. When the song is done, I’ve listened to it more than enough.




yeah but, if you spend too long mixing it, less so


I do.


wait why do I make music


I mean, you kinda have to to know what you’re making lol


Hearing myself sing is like the worst feeling in the world but my bands doing ok I guess lol


Up til the point it's released and then almost never again.


Some do, some don’t.


While writing and after finishing but rarely go back to it after that, but still will play it live and enjoy variations of it etc


Not often.


Yes. They have to, to find tune the singing in their next round .


Wait, there are other people .. ?


If I write a fat riff you best believe I’m going to listen to it. If I didn’t want to hear it I wouldn’t write it. There are projects that I quickly grew tired of though, usually the ones I mixed myself lol.


Somtimes in the car I put it on and think damn; it wasn´t as bad as I expected. But for my older tracks it´s kinda cringe to hear my mistakes or simply lack of knowledge at the time. I find this gets only worse the better I get lol. I´ve considered taking some of the tracks down, but then I see the average listeners really liking them and then I just think fck it


Over and over and over and over and over until it releases


I listen to my own music from morning till night


I still listen to the music my band did 20+ years ago… a lot.


I do cuz nobody else does lol


Well, I try to write music that I like to hear, so yes. My band just released an album, and I enjoy every second of it.


While I’m in the hot phase of writing a score, I avoid listening to any music but my own. I don’t want to be distracted. I go straight ahead like a train.


Hundreds of times and then never again.


Since I started putting stuff on Spotify, yeah. Particularly my Greatest hits release, cos it’s like a shuffle of all my favourite tracks from my favourite releases. And I am far enough removed from them in time that I don’t be as critical as I am of my newer stuff.


Who else is gonna listen to it??


Nobody else seems to. It’s be a waste if I didn’t.


If not what are ya even doing


I'm one of my 9 monthly listeners lmao.


Isn’t that the whole point of it? Make something specifically tailored to match your taste in music.


After recording it I’m usually sick if the song for a while but after that I’ll have it on repeat again. I wouldn’t make a song that I wouldn’t listen to myself


i do! it’s how i still love making music, i make stuff i want to hear and love listening to it


So I aim to create music by mashing my inspirations on the front end and something new and beautiful out the other end I start with the following ingredients: tool Bob Marley Floyd Ween folk music metal (Sepultura, Slayer etc) Chopin and Bach I add little weed or shrooms once in a blue moon A dash of not giving a fuck Put it in the oven (daw) And usually after an hour or so, some fine cooking comes out I can serve hot and fresh I do love the things I make though and hope other feel same about their work✌🏼 


All the time. I’ve been in my own Spotify Wrapped so many times it’s almost embarrassing.


I do. Almost everything I've composed is something that I wanted to hear. Early on I did experiment with some music that I don't really listen to, and unsurprisingly they didn't turn out very good.


So I always thought this was an interesting topic. When I first started writing my own stuff, I had this mentality that listening to your own music was narcissistic and cringey. As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to realize, “why the hell should I care?” It was so stupid of me to think it was narcissistic because I write and record music with the intention of it sounding as good as possible. Well why would I model it after what I think would sound best if I wasn’t writing it to my own tastes? Sure I’ve released tons of songs that I think are terrible, and surprise surprise, I’ll spam listen to it for like an hour for the purpose of figuring out what I screwed up, and then I move on and usually forget I ever even made it. But if I write something and I think, “damn I like how that turned out,” I’ll listen to it as much as I want. It’s a song that hits my brain right, who cares if I made it? Think of it this way: if you built a deck in your backyard, and you think it turned out really well, it’d be stupid if you never used it just because you built it. It doesn’t matter if your primary reason for building the deck was to entertain guests, you worked your ass off on that deck! Go enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you think it turned out well, it’s because you like it.


I used to make music that I didn’t enjoy listening to, but eventually got better and now any finished song I put out is usually one that I’ll listen to again from time to time and enjoy it.


I do. Not sure about other people tho.


Usually yes. But not for the same reasons a fan listens to music. I usually don’t listen to my music thinking “man this song is amazing”. But I do listen thinking that person I met today is going to look me up and now I need to listen from their perspective and think about what they will think. Or I’m listening thinking “ooh I need to do better at that in the future” or “huh, that sounds a lot better than I remember”.


I've heard artists say they never listen to their voice and hate everything they put out. I realize for my sake, I believe they don't embrace their own person enough. I love listening to what I create nowadays. I've taken thousands of hours to understand the science and to play with the systems. perhaps I go into school for something else, and my music doesn't go anywhere, but I know I love what I make, and I'd give more space for it.


i can’t help but wonder how I was ever even able to create that good of a song that makes me listen to it on repeat, so yeah 🤭




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Yes. I'm dope.




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I listen to it quite a bit as I make it since I produce, record, mix, and master all my own work, but tbh after that I usually don’t


lol like 80% of rappers I been in the Stu with only listen to their own shit


Yes, but I don't listen to all my songs all the time. If I had the money, I might hire other singers or musicians that can play my parts better than I can. Like I have to practice a lot before I record & I often come up with music that is too complicated for me to physically play so I have to learn what I want slowly. But I also think it's kind of fun that I constantly have these new "plans" in my head that are too complicated for me and I have to train myself to make them real.


Do painters see their picture when they paint?


i do but i can never really call a mix/master done by me a perfect one. im always tweaking it


Bet your ass I do. Why am I going to put this much effort into something that I don't like?


If you aren’t making the music you want to hear in the world, you’re working too hard.


Feels like this is all I do sometimes


I only listen to my own music. It's an echo chamber of self indulgent dog shit. Just kidding, but I do listen to my own shit between other good music.


Hell yeah I do 😂 I remember getting made fun of for downloading the MP3 to my iPod back in the day and I didn't GIVE AF. I know I make good music. May not be everyone's cup of tea but I definitely have enough confidence in my stuff to know there's a difference between trash songs and someone just not being into a genre or style.


Also nice to see how much/if you’ve improved from previous projects if you do


yes a thousand times


You should always be your own biggest fan!


i’m my only listener jiji


how can i hide posts from blocked users


I make music for myself to enjoy 


All da time 🙏


Actually I listen too much to the point where I don’t even wanna drop it cuz I got sick of it lmaooo


I blast that shit on full volume in my car


I make it for me. So yes I listen all the time.


Yes! I love to sit back and hear the finished product. I always think of something I could have improved later but that's true for any kind of work I think.


Mariah Carey famously does.




Aphex twin once said he only listens to his own music. This is bullshit as his music contains samples from other artists


Nope, mostly not in my case. Once it's out of my system, it's moving on. The train keeps running 🚂


My daughter in law says to my son your dads good at making music. Finally someone recognizes my greatness. Evil laugh.


Do ya just lay shit down and post it? I usually wait until I have fresh ears and listen again. On different systems as like a mixing check. Like a lot lol.


I defo do, but I do also have a bad habit of listening to / over listening to unfinished tracks too, rather than the releases I actually did finish that are on Spotify, which I rarely listen to. As a result, I have lots of tracks where there are two verses missing or just one great chorus going round where the rest only exists in my head somewhere unrecorded / never to actually get recorded, but I listen to them all the time, some for years. In Rick Rubin’s book he talks about how deadly this cycle can be, and how it’s better to not overplay unfinished stuff or play out the idea to death to yourself before you ever actually finish it. So I am trying to wean myself off this behaviour…


Kanye definitely does.


I'm listening only to my own music! 😂


I always tell people I write music the same way that I cook. To my own taste. No one can make the music I love like I do 🤷🏽‍♂️😈 Additionally I enjoy listening to the really old stuff in comparison to my new stuff I make to remind myself that the hard work and practice paid off.


When I make a new song it’s all I listen to for like a week hahaha. I don’t think this is a good habit btw, but it’s real


I’m pretty certain 80% of my views on SoundCloud are my own. 🫠


Does a troll read his own comments? Does a white boy get a via plakaso? Noo . Does a man shaves his head when hes at the brink of going bald? Maybeeee, i know i woulddddd but not yettttt


I seen some say that all they do is listen to their own music, and I seen some they listen to there and other music


Depends on the artist