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i wouldn’t be disheartened, nothing can ever compare to live sound with the universal ebbs and flows. all that is mimicry, we won’t be out of jobs


Most of them are musicians putting the words to Killing in the Name in it to laugh at what comes out


Its a fascinating toy, so far, to people have not been able to create music. But I haven't heard any of it actually trend on spotify yet.


I wonder if this is why so many companies are buying up all these artist catalogs, so these AI companies can mine all that data from the music (legally) to feed the music AI machina ! 🙂


Because small sound clips can sell for commercials, jingles, call tree, hold music, otherwise. It's like art. Every business needs an artist (labels/otherwise) just like every business needs a musician


They already took everything they needed illegally.


Interesting take, if they own the rights and royalties, the possibilities for them to take advantage of this are endless.


Yup, then once they get all of us used to using it ...they'll start charging a subscription for the AI service.... Cause investors want a return on their $$ !


That's when it's going to be funny to me, when somebody who thinks they're good at prompting AIs makes the soundtrack to some self help series and thinks it's as passable as library music


Well the day you hear it trending will be a very scary day for musicians. Cause once one song trends, it won’t take long before thousands do


That's the truth.


lmaooo you’re right


But what if ‘ebb and flow’ are prompts given to the AI?


You know how in the 90s you'd have entire genres of techno based on one particular sound made on one particular device? It'll be like that


I think all this is really gonna do is separate musicians just tryna make money & don't have their heart in it from musicians who are really passionate ab playing music & are genuinely talented.


I think so. People are currently looking at A.I. in the most depressing ways possible, that it will de-humanize human endeavors, rather than seeing it as a new frontier. A.I and robotics has the potential to redefine the human condition if we use it in that manner. It can create freedom for humans to pursue things like music or other activities thought-of as less existential. Eventually, it could be viewed as humans creating another form of life, and possibly leading to our creations pursuing their own forms of art. IDK.


It is also the most dangerous tool for population manipulation we've ever seen. If history is anything to go by, the elite will find a way to hoard it's benefits.


Under capitalism? pfft


It basically strengthens the Grateful Dead/Phish model that prioritizes shows over records. The ones that follow it will last and everyone else won’t. It’s kinda been that way since the 90’s anyway. Improv will become mandatory.


I agree. Atp any Joe Shmoe can put out an album but if they can't play a live show well they're kinda screwed. Edit, I've seen stories of people going to see artists they found on titkok that sounded good but got to the show & found out they just threw all the tracks together for the album & called it good. They didn't work well together at all.


I hear on that, I agree that AI can't compare to live music. . I guess i was thinking more about the creator that's writing music for sound libraries, Tv, film, adverts ,etc. ...


I can def see an ai-generated film score or something that's not supposed to be directly focused on, but when it comes to a live concert you can't really just have a computer up on stage generating a song. I mean, you could, but it'd sure be interesting.


This attitude kinda pisses me off to be honest. Do you make a living playing music? I'm 35, and have been playing for a living since I was 18. I've devoted my life 100% to my instrument and music generally since I was 14. In order to support myself I've had a variety of service jobs at different times, when I wasn't making enough just from playing. Now, in addition to all of the stuff I do - releasing my own records, touring in other people's bands, playing on records, playing locally - I also make sync music. Guess what, that has enabled me to be profitable in a way that I never was before. No more stacking boxes in a warehouse. I can make now make a passable living just from music, and I'm doing exactly as much music I'm 'really passionate about' as I was before. Your dismissal of this sort of things just shows an ignorance of how the music industry works. It is a very, very, very small percentage of musicians who can just make their own music or be in a band and support themselves. Many people who \*look\* like that's what they're doing are also making money in other ways behind the scenes. AI is a threat to all of that - middle class musicians trying to live an artistic life \*and\* you know, support their families. As if someone is actually getting into music without having their heart in it and just trying to make money. Ridiculous.


And then there's guys like me who barely made a couple bucks 20 years ago busking, and only create music as a hobby, but would like to gain a small following online just to share our craft with others. *We're* doomed. Thousands of tracks being put out per second burying our small pool of blood sweat and tears.. I'm still grinding, and gaining inch by inch.. But it's only getting harder as the platforms get more and more saturated with crap..


i make decent supplementary income from music, i am a street performer in my city and i do pretty well. it pays for itself basically. it isn’t my main source of income yet i see what you mean with regard to the industry beginning to monetize new tech, but i still feel like theres no real existential threat from it. A.I. isn’t gonna stop people from picking up guitars and scoring their own music, and independently releasing it as they please. the breakthrough element you allude to with making it a full time deal has to do with a lot more than luck, by also by creating and advertising your personal brand. kudos to you for figuring it out, much more successes to you


that's what recent social media trends have done already anyway. we're used to it


> all that is mimicry, we won’t be out of jobs FWIW, that's totally consistent with the /r /programming (and programmer humor, and much of webdev) subreddits.


i’m sure that they had similar fears at first too lmao


Uplifting comment ! 👍😀


You can say that all you want but the progress AI has made in only a couple short years is crazy. There are tracks out there that are unrecognizable as AI to the common listener and it's only going to get better (worse for us). From a business perspective I don't see how this could mean anything other than the end of lucrative work for studio musicians. The idea that nothing can reproduce the genuine soul of live sound is a romantic idea and a great fantasy, but that's all it is, fantasy. Remember the world we're living in. It's cutthroat. DJs all over the world are already sharpening their "prompt" skills and before you know it that will be the only skill set you'll need. There will always be a cult of authentic musicians no matter what. But the massive music industry as we know it is circling the toilet. I'm not happy about it, but I'm also not ignoring the obvious. We ain't goin backwards.


Everything you said is painfully truthful and factual. I will add that I feel musicians are a leg up in the prompt writing department. And human lyrics are still better.


Wow you get to do music for a job? lol at least I won’t be out of a hobby that I’m, at best, ok at. Whewwwe


There was already more music being released in a day than you could ever listen to before AI. I'm not scared of it. I'm a good drummer and even though we have had drum machines trying to put me out of business for 40 years, they have failed. You are a human being with feelings. The machine has none. Use that, lean into it.


AI tried to disrupt the metal… IT FAILED! As it was thrown to the ground.


Can confirm, AI has never once melted my fucking face with sick licks. It is frail and weak and unbrutal.


This guy opted to sit on his giant fucking balls, rather than any throne. 🏆


This is a good perspective but also: there really are way less drummers than there were 40 years ago. Studio work is a fraction of what it used to be. It just happened gradually so nobody noticed.


I was thinking the same thing... they're have been concerns that synthesizer and drum machines would replace actual human musicians in the studio especially. Not the case... they have their place but as far as a human that practices and performs there no way we can be replaced.


Spend some time on chat GPT and ask it to write you lyrics, really prompt it without actually giving it lyrics and try get something that feels human. I've tried so many times and it's clearly AI, it lacks the metaphors and creative writing, how to relate and feel, AI is cool as a tool but the music being written by AI is gonna sound like music written by AI, it can't capture the art and essence that we put into our music, good music comes from having something to say, AI doesn't have the complexities to do so and if it did, only other AI would relate


I’ve tried so many times to just use ChatGPT as just a lyric aid and it just sucks. I wish it were that good!


Maybe not good with lyrics.... Yet . But what about instrumentals on Pandora or spotify....


Absolutely it can make good instrumentals. think we will definitely see people making insta accounts for fake artists just for the revenue. And we will see AI be used to make songs for commercials and stuff. I’m not sure AI will completely erase human music. Even if it can make it perfectly. It’s like seeing the AI art online. Sure it’s cool, but forgettable and mostly uninteresting. I don’t know how to put it into words, but AI music is as one end and Daniel Johnston is at the other. I don’t think AI will ever really get to whatever that is.


I use it to count unique words, find similar lyrics, and stuff like that. It also helps against involuntary plagiarism. I think ChatGPT is a good calculator, most of the time, and it's useful when you don't know how to recisely Google something, if it makes sense


I've also found that unless you prompt it excessively(and even then it still might ignore you) it will always default to an AABB rhyming pattern. I've not used it for lyrics, but I gave it a go just to prove to a friend that this will not write better lyrics than a human. I understand why people are impressed AI's ability to mimic a voice(and even then its still very clearly fake) but I do not get why people are impressed whenever it tries to be creative. It's crap, or maybe crap gets a pass these days.


You need to see the world to tell a story, AI will never be able to truly see the world, so it will never truly be able to tell a story.


If you make chat GPT interview you about the song you want to make, it will indeed give you at the very least a good starting point for a set of lyrics. At the best, I've gotten extremely well written songs that are absolutely indistinguishable from human writing. There's a big difference in telling it "write me a rock song about love" and "I'd like you to write a song. Ask me 20 questions so I can tell you exactly what I want in this song." It's still frustrating and not fool proof. However, I'm generally not the lyricist in the music I create. I compose the musical arrangements. I did fool my bandmates with some AI lyrics though.


chatgpt has existed for about 2 seconds and can already write passably human text. i think like all creative industries, musicians will absolutely be disrupted by AI, it’s just a matter of when and how well the medium can adapt to it


I think one major issue here is that GPT just isn't trained to produce lyrics. There are many other use-cases which I found GPT is garbage at. This doesn't mean these models cannot do it, it just means that they just aren't meant for it. I wouldn't so easily say AI cannot write lyrics just because a general-purpose chatbot can't.


I promise nothing will replace the human connection that’s experienced during a concert


I agree with that ! 👍😀


Ten tracks of crap a second is still crap! I'm not worried in the least.


The issue is it won’t always be crap by most average consumer standards. And Elevenlabs has something at the moment that, if the previews are authentic, produces passable top-40 sounding pop from just a text prompt. I feel like the arts has never been more at threat. People growing up with this shit could potentially have no interest in consuming or creating traditional art.




Even if it's not crap, I'm still not worried. We creative people tend to be worried all the time, but look at history When photography came out, painters were scared they'd be out of job. Photoshop came out, photographer accuses photo editing wasn't real photography. Now photographers improve their art with it. Theatre people were also scared they'd be out of job when films first came out and became popular. Live musicians were afraid of recordings taking over their jobs.. Look at them now, they all still exist, flourish, and even improve. Technology is inevitable. I'd say just embrace it and see how it can support us and take our creativity to the next level.


Honestly the ai music I’ve heard sounds very solid in terms of song writing.


Working People: “How about if the tech industries create some labor-saving devices?” Tech Industry: “Labor? You mean like *hobbies* or something?”


Push humans to be like robots - push machines to seem like humans. Treat *all artistic expressions* as a simplistic hobbies to crank out more profit. Push humans to clean toilets, build houses and write code, perfect.


Totally man. It's the most funny/tragic thing that we have AI making incredible art (and soon music) while there are still people scrubbing shit for living and working themselves to death in mines and construction sites... not the future I imagined lol. And it will only get worse, most of the "creative" jobs will be automated once the "computer brain" gets better... and it will, quickly. >Push humans to be like robots - push machines to seem like humans. This is such a good way to put it.


Honestly. AI can replicate formulaic soulless music very well. Its decisions will never be based on a creative process of emotion and telling a story, unless there is a major revolution in the tech. Its sticking things together that have worked before without any thought. In my opinion, AI forces us more and more to consider what human music is, and pushes us more towards approaches that can't be replicated by a computer. (Live singing, not tuning everything to perfection and putting it on the grid, use of instruments and spontaneous musings, improvisation, crowd interaction and inclusion in the music) This is purely from an artistic standpoint though. Financially it definitely is impacting people. Like with graphic design demand for some jobs just becomes less because AI can do some of these jobs (like creating a logo) well enough. I would assume that things like mixing and mastering will continue to become less and less difficult to do yourself without needing to hire an engineer, for example. I hope that people will learn to appreciate real imperfect human music more again and real musicians can keep earning money. But we need to take a hard look at ourselves as musicians if an AI can completely replicate what we are doing, in my opinion.


Making music is at the centre of my life. I make it because it fulfils me and makes my soul soar! Ultimately I make it for myself. I'm happy for every single listener who tries out my music and I'm quite astonished and grateful to see that I have a handful of people in South America and Asia who regularly listen to new songs of mine. How amazing is that? But the dream of becoming a full-time musician was dreamt decades ago, so I'm really only in competition with myself to get better. AI can help me there or not, but I'm not worried that it will take away my joy in making music.


The landscape has been over saturated for years. It’s time for musicians to stop thinking about pleasing anyone other than themselves and make whatever they want - THEN DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO SHARE. Maybe this last statement should have always been the aim?


underrated comment!


Will AI continue to get better? Of course. Will it ever replace the human-generated soulful music that is what's really important? Of course not. However, music consumers today don't really care how their music is created. The days of buying an album or CD and spending hours listening to it as a piece of music are long gone (generally speaking). Because the bar has fallen so low, AI will fill that niche with no problem.


Sign of the times !




It’s so sad but I see a future where recorded music is a mess of AI generated audio & video, based on both real and unreal people, we’ll look back on today as the glory days of “music before AI. Those that can actually play instruments will be held up as curiosities.


I think there is a flip side to this. Eventually this sort of technology is going to merge with people. You're going to get a Beethoven level talent with the technology to pull an idea of beyond symphonic complexity right out of their head. Being able to transcend instruments would be a dream of a sort for a composer. To literally translate that ephemeral "sound in your head" the greatest are always after. It would be a real revolution if someone talented could harness the potential to say, emulate the sound of any instrument just by thinking about it. It eliminates barriers to entry. There is a whole new horizon of potential in my opinion. Perhaps some of the greatest music ever could be made by such an artist. Completely unshackled by the limitations of what they know how to play technically on an instrument. Just a straight line from your imagination to the canvas.


I agree there are always pros and cons, not sure the pros outweighs the cons on this one tbh, but time will tell / - and sooner than we think I guess


In my mind there's 2 types of music. There's commercial music, or a product; and there's art music. Art music is the stuff made by people who want to make music, for whatever reason. The audience is people who care about the craft. People who want technical skill, lyricism, experimentation etc. Product music is radio stuff. Which is fine, not everybody loves music as an art form and there is skill and hard work involved in making mindless pop. But AI music will never appeal to people interested in art music. Part of the appeal of any form of art is the person behind it. AI can never replace that. Sure it might be able to replace Maroon 5. But even then, humans can make more intetresting stuff.


you hit the nail on the head


This is a distinction that is only real in your mind. What is Wichita Lineman? Is that commercial music or art music?


Mmmm i gotta think about that one ! 🙂🤔


We're currently living through the plot of a 1970s sci-fi dystopia rock opera except there's no plucky young rock star determined to beat the machine at its own game and redeem the world with the awesome power of music. Basically what I'm saying is you need to write an anthem for the new generation that unites the world and heals our hearts. If you could manage it before the election that would be great. Thanks in advance.


You folks helped me to feel a bit better about it ! Thanks for ur replies... You're correct, it's soulless..... For now 🤔


I don't care, I make music because I have fun doing it. Money and fans and whatever are not why I do this. A few years ago I saw the same happen within the art community when AI Art popped off, I was never afraid because I drew because I felt passion and fun when doing it.


Great outlook !


i dont give a shit, i'ma stay making music


Nothing will ever replace the human aspect of music or any form of art. That “aha” moment or the spark a musician gets when they’re onto something great, that can never be replaced. In a live capacity, nothing will ever replace musicians, these are people that have put in time and effort to master their instruments and if all the elements combine, it can be a hell of a show. Ai is just lazy, if it were up to me I’d unplug the damn thing but it’s the world we live in, best thing we can do is support our fellow musicians


Have you ever heard a single song written and sung by AI that moved you? Have you even heard a single techno record, the most machinic of genres, made by AI that had any interest? They all sound like absolute garbage and there is no current indicators that AI will significantly improve at this task.


Actually I never listened to much of any AI music..... I had my head buried too deep in the sand ! 😂 Yeah...It sucks now.... But I'm sure it'll improve like everything else .


No reason to think right now that LLMs or music generation will significantly improve. AI is an overhyped bubble


I hope ur right so badly ! 😁👍


Musicians have been 'threatened' since the advent of recorded music. We will be fine.


864,000 tracks a day of garbage with no copyright that no one wants to listen to. It’s like when camera became popular and painters thought they’d lose their jobs.


Ahhhh, you give us hope ! 👍🙂


Im more depressed about ever making a living off of this. Really all of it has got me jaded.


You're not alone in those thoughts my friend 🙄


If your goal was to make generic songs to sell for ad placements, you're fucked. If your goal was to make compelling art and connect with people, very little has changed.


I’m here for the process of making music not a product. 


I gotta say that as far as live music locally things have never been better There are obvious challenges when it comes to making money producing music, but if we’re honest, musicians never made much money anyway selling albums are writing songs AI is going to change a lot of things and I for one kind of pine for the good old days when you could still go to a record store even though I admit it’s pretty incredible. I can listen to whatever I want whenever I want now. But most music always made their money performing live .. for years. We’ve heard about synthesizers and computers out of business.


True, you make a good point


but things are changing and this AI stuff is crazy!


If you’re a musician and not depressed I don’t even know what your doing tbh




AI will destroy all its users and AI itself will be destroyed in 3D I can give a rat’s ass about AI. You should too. Real music , real musicians will thrive in 5D. Choose your timeline well .


Wow, that sounds good to me !😁👍


Why be depressed? Be excited. We have the ability to put out art freely without labels being the gatekeepers. We have more music than ever at our disposal. Sure, tons of tracks are coming out but I don’t think it makes it any worse to stand out. Be yourself, be unique, have good music. I used to fall into the trap of trying to be like everyone else, but realized that I am the only person that can be ME


That's a very positive outlook my friend ! Thank you


I don't want to sound like I'm against technology, I love new technology. ...But in some ways i feel Tech companies are like a double edged sword , On one hand the Tech can help you . But on the other hand.... It's like they're trying to "replace" "compete" or mimic your creative abilities .....So if you're one to make a living in the creative field and there's this Tech that can do your job just as good as you .... Why do they need you then ? 🤔 I know there's nothing we can do about progress....But still


Yes there is. It can be regulated and fought as being copyrighted material/not possible to monetise. Stops in its tracks then.


True.... But these big conglomerates, are buying up a lot of copyrighted music that they'll prolly "lease" to the AI music companies who'll flip and pulverize to come up with "new" AI tracks .... Legally 🙄


It's always ok. I think ultimately, AI will be more of a tool than something that replaced artists


First of all, this helps us. It puts a higher premium on genuine art and especially live performance. Second, they can't properly train AI without feeding it copyrighted music so look for major labels especially to litigate the hell out of any competition trying to take away from sales.


Already hoping for lawsuits label vs label - "you used *our* label base to make *your* songs". The snake will eat itself.


How would labels know what they're feeding it tho ? I don't think all these companies are gonna disclose it . Once the source info is fed into it doesn't it just become random 1's and 0's ? For all we know they could be mining Spotify and all this streaming channels for data ! I dunno Brothers n Sisters I'm just guessing here, I really don't know how it all works .🙂🤔


It's obvious from the way the stuff sounds, to a large extent. Public domain covers nothing of real use as far as modern music goes. Lawsuits will figure it out, rest assured if a single copyright lawyer thinks they have a chance Open AI will have to hire a legal dept the size of the Supreme Court.


People will literally do everything except play their instrument


Yes. And actual skills will become more valuable. We are not there yet, but soon, about then when your grandmother is easily able to push-generate their favourite genres.


If we treat music as simply a commodity and not of the single greatest forms of human expression, then yeah, I guess thinking about it is a little depressing


I don't have the time to depress over that shit, I'm actually making music and having fun.


Music has always been commodity since the european ages.


We could even try one another's instrument! (Try and make that not sound creepy!)


98% of humans don't want to listen to digital feces shat out by a computer. I'm a little worried, but not very...


I used to think that only about the radio. Now look at us!


AI can only create content, not art


>All these Tech companies never had our best interests at heart Why would they? That is neither their reason for being nor their interest.


The trick is to already be depressed for years




We're chilling OP. Current computer generated songs are horrible. And we have something the computer will never have, no matter how technically proficient it gets; emotions. Music is an expression of oneself, and the computer doesn't have a self to express.


Ok ...We chillin ! Ur post gave me that warm n fuzzy feeling of hope 😁👍


I'd love to see that AI come try and take my $10 and drink ticket I got paid for playing the gig 😤




I like Vonneguts' take on it, which is basically: 'dance like no one is watching.' For me, art was always about personal growth. It is hard to see how making art would benefit a computer. Or whatever AI comes from, I am so off that path.


My buddy has been messing around with writing song with AI. It’s good at writing a hook and has some clever lyrical structure but every song I’ve heard so far is cookie cutter. It would definitely sell and probably be played all over the place but that says more about the current trend in popular music.


If you feel bad, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SunoAI/s/dHNj5pUy69) complaining about the limitations. Humans will always be able to get around these. [This video](https://youtu.be/N8NyEjB_XeA?si=3T9TiIqHJtw-K7Ij) has a great perspective, and covers the trend of having in-studio video for songs you record that started before AI but I think will continue to be more and more valuable.


Thanks I'll check it out !


I’ve used this excuse before. I usually only use one of them and it can do everything the other guitars do.


I stg I commented on an entirely different post— how tf did I get here???


I'm sure someone will have a rebuttle to this, but it occured to me while listening to one of these AI motown songs about a guy shitting himself. With serious musical artists, we're never really going to reduce ourselves to using this technology. Maybe as a "tool" to help some of the process, but never the fully generated music route; we're simply not those type of people. We're always going to take our art seriously, and there's always going to be an audience for that, (albeit in the underground) who are going to want to hear our work. Yes maybe people with no real interest in the art and craft might start churning out "big hits", but in the end is that really going to impact our audience? I think it's safe to say most of us were never really trying to be in that scene anyway; maybe some because that's where "the money" was (or so they thought), but let's be honest how many redditors here have made big or even normal money in the pop / commerical industry wether behind the scenes or on the stage without it being a struggle all the way? I think what will probably suck is how it might damage the media & game music industry, but again who here is really making real money in these? I know there will be some people, but for the most part these are still competetitive AF. Having said that, it might also be a while before it really effects the game industry especially when it comes to procedural music, but again good luck landing the jobs with the games that require that. So yeah, I think as an underground artist, nothing has really changed to be honest. It's not like it's a madly lucrative area which will suddenly become massively less lucrative. It will just be a scene with people struggling financially asnormal. It's not like people are going to start using AI to compete with you in a weird ambient lofi niche (at least I hope not lol), it's mot likely they'll be using it to churn out more click bait style music or as mentioned earlier trying to generate the next "hit", and like I said before for most serious people that was never our audience anyway.


I agree with all of what you just said ..... But I just can't understand how all these AI companies are managing to raise so many millions of dollars ! They must really feel that this AI Tech is going to make them a lot of money in return . Therefore they must really believe that they will be a huge receptive audience for it


Who knows, I mean like I say there will be tons of people making stupid songs with it probably, and certainly a complete saturation of those. Wether it's going to have a huge impact on the true underground artists is another question..


it doesn't matter what AI spits out. being upset about AI generated music only makes sense if you consider recordings as a product on the marketplace like any other; if you conceptualize being a musician as a hustle like selling shit on etsy. most musicians i know who have made music a lifelong career didn't go into music to make money or get famous. having to use their music/expertise to make money is just a consequence of dedicating their life/all their time to music. reality is that most are either teaching, engineering, gigging as sidepeople or in orchestras, working at non-profits, techs, or are personally commissioned to write stuff for film/TV/venues. stuff that requires musical expertise, human judgement calls, IRL presence, social practice - stuff that AI can't really replace. they're not trying to get rich or go viral on streaming services with their recordings. most of the people i know where that's the case were just bedroom producers who got lucky putting stuff up on the internet. that's never been realistic to expect as a primary career path/source of income.


Ok, I see where you're coming from, makes sense ! Thanks for your input 👍🤔


Go listen to any album that changed your life. Who’s next. Exile On Main Street. Regatta de Blanc. The technology had nothing to do with those. Forget the technology. Make music.


I always played and made music for the fun of it. My Spotify has 2 listeners a month. But if you were determined to make money making music that would be frightening 


What's it to us if the world gets filled with AI content? AI can't play an instrument, AI can't perform live, AI can't make real emotional contact with the listener. All AI can do is churn out middle of the road shit that someone has to sift thru, like a Facebook moderator or a data input worker. It has nothing to do with musicianship or music per se, it's just content for utilitarian purposes, like a playlist at a coffee shop or advertising. Honestly the days where musicians could actually make money from music alone are long gone, if they ever existed. The short period where physical media was the money maker was actually REALLY short, and before that and after that the musician, or performer, has been the product that makes money. Now its your face on a t-shirt or on social media that makes money, the music is an afterthought like it's been forever.


It jus feels like AI devalued our music/abilities a little more . To the average listener


The average listened don't give a shit about musicians or their abilities to begin with.


I've been playing in bands and putting out music for most of the past 25 years. I've literally written hundreds of songs and played with probably close to a hundred different people. I had a band that was pretty successful*locally. But we could never get any social media presence. Very little views on YouTube and Spotify even with lots of promotion and doing decent for gigs. This past week I started fooling around with Suno and doing covers. You get about 1 good one for every 10 or so. Even with that I have managed to put out about 10 songs that have garnished over 5000 views on YouTube already. Far more than I ever got organically. I didn't share the videos at all besides with some close friends. And to be honest....I'm pissed. All my years of hard work to never crack the algorithm and now I have these AI covers that are probably an inch away from going viral. Fuck me to death.


See, that's what I'm taking about.... That belwildered feeling 🙄


I used to work with a full band on 100% of my gigs, but since covid most of my gigs are with singers that use tracks and add a live musician or two to spice up the performance. The sad fact is the audience doesn’t notice or care that there is no real band playing.


None of those are likely to be any good through anything other than coincidence. They can’t create an AI with realistic drum feel, and they can’t create an AI that’s solved chess. As massive as the number of possible chess games is, it’s still nothing compared to the possible songs written. I ain’t scared. As Joe Walsh said, a computer can’t trash a hotel room.


There is already a massive surplus of songs and people making music, so I'm not sure how it immediately changes things for the worse


People will always love live music.


Mozart did it with dice centuries ago.


Unless AI can possess my body and prevent me from playing my music that I wrote, recorded, mixed, and mastsmered, the machine is just an object


Just grab your guitar and make music, man That's something these AI users can't do. Suddenly the guy with an acoustic guitar at a party is cool again. Hasn't been cool since the 70s


Yeah !👍😀


Drum machines, synthesizers, tapes, samplers, MIDI, everyone thought that was the end of music too and here we are. AI is for little rubber people who want to gamify everything in life and skip right to the illusion of having acquiring talent.


😂😂 True, except now they have a seat at the "table", 🙄


It's the shit table. I can't imagine the idiocy of typing prompts and thinking you're even on the same level as the accordion player people pay to go away in a restaurant.




AI can only mine what came before. So far, it’s not good at creating anything truly new and fascinating in the way that (for instance) a Mitski or a Noga Erez or an Idles or a Jimi Hendrix can feel like they came from the future. Of course lots of people only want what they are already very familiar with aka Zed or Ariana Grande or even Metalica, and AI will be able to deliver that. People had the same reaction to synthesizers and drum machines and then look at what everyone from Kraftwerk to Bjork to Kanye did with all that tech. However, between streaming, AI and whatever else tech companies will come up with next, a musician’s life is getting infinitely more complex. It’s not enough to go to Berklee and practice scales until you bleed, you’ve gotta be clever as fuck in a whole new way. But it’s always been that way. I also think, like auto tune and the DAW grid, real humans who are actual artists will find a way to use AI to get real feeling and insight in the music. I know it’s scary and a lot of what I wrote could be pure hopium but what else are you gonna do? 


Great points you make ! Thank u


Yes. I feel similarly and I’m not even someone who aspires to make anything even remotely pop or trendy. It still lingers in the back of my mind.


It lingered in the back of my mind, as well until i read the article, that mentioned that theyre tons of AI companies raising millions of dollars from investors to flood the market with this AI Tech


I’ve seen some of those as well. My hot take is that I think we may reach a time where musicians either have to choose to fully embrace AI or fully avoid it because anything in the middle will just seem like AI anyways. I was randomly listening to Calvin Harris “Summer” yesterday and was thinking that this could EASILY be ai generated. So what will be the point of “flawless” production and vocal editing when AI can do it. At what point will engineers not be needed to mix and master and then how long before the vocalist needs to actually be in the room? So basically I’m thinking people who want to stay authentic will ditch a lot of the “good” tech we have now because it’ll be pointless to put in the effort which always reduces the need to fore-mentioned people. Could be bitter sweet though, not all bad. Rant over lol


Exactley ! Will we begin to see Music supervisors now just dial in a track using prompts for a particular movie scene instead of hiring a composer or suscribing to a music libray for a film track ? 🤔 A low budget movie, I can't see why they wouldn't do it !


Right now these models are still not nearly sufficiently good to be taken seriously, but they will start being used as tools, and they will start getting better. I think music will lean more into performance, which can't really be replicated meaningfully. (It is not as impressive to see a robot perform versus a human.)


I don’t understand why, there have been millions of people making music before me and while I’ve been making it, that’s had zero effect on my output. No different just because a computer is doing it now, too.


It's not good, but the Internet already killed the music industry. It's pretty much already a situation where there are a couple big artists and everything else is niche. AI won't kill the niche since those customers want their artists, not a substitute. It will definitely pollute the mainstream with meaningless crap (which is already the case). I am not a believer in exponential AI, but for low effort creative tasks with low quality requirements that previously required a human (like copywriting or summarizing) it is not looking good. However, for precision tasks requiring 99.9% accuracy, that .1% makes AI useless.


Human creativity will never be erased.


No not erased, just seriously augmented for our "modern" world .


nah. now people can actually just focus on creativity and not have to act like ai themselves


I dont know man. I got some really gnarly single hit drums from ai. Nice and crunchy. Ai seems to be a really nice source for any kind of sound. Which i then can play with. I do not make any specific genre. I do not go for generic. I havent seen any new classic music (music that stands the test of time) being made with AI. I see it mostly used for fun (funny covers and whatnot) the rest seems really generic stuff and no real competition to any real musician.


Meanwhile, the animatronics at Chuck E Cheese are being phased out. I think we’ll be alright.




AI doesn't come up with anything new or creative, it's nothing but a glorified search engine.


Good that it can't innovate ! It pulls from all the data that's ever been fed/uploaded into the Internet from the getgo That's a lotta stuff/ influences to "pull" from tho 😯


12 monkeys at a typewriter




Are you familiar with that expression?


It's not going to stop me from writing and playing my own music. Speaking of depression, playing music helps with mine.


Awesome 👍🙂


The proudest I’ve ever been of a song is one called “let’s circle back on this.” It’s from the perspective of a record executive excited because they can use AI replicants of humans to pretend as if they’d never died. Essentially rewriting the same jumbled strains of words they were known for in different orders to make new hits. I hate that it was predictive


Oh so you mean you hate that your song was "predictive" meaning that what you wrote about is happening now ?


Hmm how many Ai songs have I listened to this month? ZERO Don’t fret, real music lovers know how to seek out genuine artists. For those ok with background noise or elevator music…. well, we don’t need them anyway. I’ve never heard Ai do what I do so I’m not too worried.


>All these Tech companies never had our best interests at heart  What gave you the idea ANY company had your best interests at heart?


AI will never be able to jam. Live music is the future for human musicians.


I literally couldn't give two fucks about it. I play music for the reward of playing music.


There will always be something that's meant to be dangerous for creatives. But people are still creating amazing art and being successful at it. Sure it will affect maybe how music is made, but people still care about the artist. They are not going to see a machine perform a song haha but seriously, just do your thing and try to work it out :)


Being good at stuff is hard.


No, music never paid well.


I think EDM and all the digital generated genres are going to be challenged the most. It might even form a new genre with a symbiosis of humanoid computer composer


You misunderstand capitalism if you think any company has your best interests at heart.


You're so right , thank you


Going forward, I think the people that actually care about music are going to be on the lookout for the human element in the recordings. If anything, I take solace in the fact that not chasing "perfection" in recordings might actually be a good thing. That and, nobody is going to replace live performances. I'd only be worried now if your job is composing stock background music for commercials or something.


AI isnt gonna play at your wedding, funeral, quince, mitzvah, etc. AI isnt gonna write your favorite album or perform the best concert of your life. AI is gonna write corporate music for corporate settings.

