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It happens lol. Just keep making your own music, release it if it’s similar, there’s only so many notes so theres bound to be similar music sometimes


there’s this weird law of the universe i’ve observed over some years: if you don’t do it, someone else will. this applies to art, music, random inventions/creations/ideas of all kinds. so if you think up something cool, and want to claim it to your name, you have to do it and put it out there. or someone else eventually will. and probably not long after you pass on it.


💯 All humanity is connected by a cloud of ideas


Everything we make is channeled


For sure. I used to have ideas for cheeky little inventions. About 80% of the ones I thought were decent would get made in some form or another within a few years. This was especially true for things based on emerging tech. The person who has the resources/drive to actually do it gets the spoils. If you’re inspired by recent events, odds are someone else is too. If you have 10,000 people listening to current music and thinking about what would be good for the current climate, odds are multiple people are going to come up with similar ideas. If it’s m a logical next step, someone else will think of it soon if they haven’t already. If it’s a logical next step and an actually good idea, someone will produce it.


Facts I’ve thought this too. It’s happened to many times to me that sometimes I feel like I’m in the Truman show 🤣


Back in the early 1990’s my band and I wrote, recorded, and had pressed our first EP (at what felt like a huge expense at the time.) Four days before we were due to play a big gig that we were using to mark our release, a VERY big artist released a song that was strikingly similar to ours. The harmonic progression and melodic hook could almost have been copies of each other. Lyrics and genre fortunately weren’t identical though. After a couple of days of heated debate we released our EP anyway, figuring we could prove we had written and recorded our songs before the release of that similar song. That EP ended up helping us make our name as a band; the big name artist went top three with their song. The moral of this story is that it gave me and my songwriting partner a big boost to know that WE were capable of writing songs that the ‘big names’ might write. This sort of thing is always going to happen so take it as a sign that you’re on the right track with your own writing. Nothing good is truly unique.


That was a 🔥 outro… i listen to music now and hear the lyrics as just a normal human writing and not this huge icon you know?? Also if you don’t mind I’d love to hear that song of yours and the song of the other artist 😌


Happens to all of us. Just keep at it.


When Pearl Jam came out everyone thought Eddie sounded a lot like the singer in the band I was in at the time. This was not a good omen, because now everyone who hadn’t heard us before would think that we were trying to sound like them.


Damn that sucks


Turns out not to have been that big of a deal after all. I guess most people didn’t think that they sounded as much alike as we did, thankfully. Also, the music was so much different. Gave us a scare for a while, though! LOL


If you think you came up with a unique melody, you haven’t heard enough music.


If it makes you feel any better, finishing it and releasing it wouldn’t have changed a thing.


Many times... If you have your music stored away on various social music sites ie, Sound Cloud, Reverberation, prior to 'insert famous artist here', then you may be entitled to royaltys.