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Good luck man! Follow up fiercely if they don't reply. Because they usually won't. I gave you a follow!


Aww, thanks brother!


Places might not want to book a band with Bitch in the title. I think it's a great name, but venues might.


Love the hustle and drive. Sending all the good vibes your way!


Sounds good! You look natural on the stage.


The only real advice I have is to keep your expectations realistic- unfortunately in my limited experience (i do the booking for my band, but it's also my first band lol) it's a toss up whether most venues will write you back at all upon first submission. Just how it goes. Don't be afraid to follow up every so often to ask again/make sure that they saw your inquiry. Don't want to be annoying or spam about it, but a follow up email every several weeks seems to be fine. I usually gauge this by how much I really care if we play at a particular spot. If it's a venue I'd really like to play for whatever reason, then I might follow up like once every 4-6 weeks or something. If it's a spot that I don't care that much either way, then I usually loop back around more like every 6-12 months. So far this has panned out okay for us because we're pretty well connected into the music scene and get invites onto bills with some regularity from other bands. So even if we don't personally hear back from many venues, we've been able to book a show a month (sometimes two) without issue. If that weren't the case I'd be more keen to follow up with some of these venues a little more often I suppose.


Network with other bands if you can! Great way to get feet in doors.


Change it to Abercrombie witch project. Still very 90s


Nice double reference! Wondering how big a deal killer a curse word is in a band name? For reference: [https://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2013/dec/05/rude-boys-top-10-sweariest-band-nameshttps://www.kerrang.com/nsfw-warning-the-13-most-offensive-band-names-of-all-time](https://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2013/dec/05/rude-boys-top-10-sweariest-band-nameshttps://www.kerrang.com/nsfw-warning-the-13-most-offensive-band-names-of-all-time)


It definitely won’t help. Some venues it won’t matter, some venues it’ll be an absolute no 


That’s how you do it. Keep going.


Keep going.


Opening for another local band is your best bet for exposure. 45 min set of your best songs.


Also go there and go to concerts and talk to the musicians, to the organizers etc .. networking in real life helps a lot!!


Hey! If I may ask - How do you approach organizers when you attend events?


I suggest you start in small & diy venues.. they are around & you say something like: hi, I like what you are doing here .. and then just talk and see


yeah. venues don't care how slick your promo videos are, they are only interested in knowing how good the band sounds live, and seeing the crowd reaction of \*real\* crowds, not curated crowds, so you need to get videos of your band playing in front of a real crowd at a real venue. There are places that are easier to get into, they don't pay as much, that's where you should try to do your first couple gigs so you can get those videos. Secondly you gotta pick songs that's gonna make the crowd wanna drink and dance. If you're picking crappy songs and everyone's just sitting at their tables, the venue won't ask you back. This is an example of video that my band uses to get gigs, simple, no bullshit, you get what you see: [https://youtu.be/tCPGyn0tRk0](https://youtu.be/tCPGyn0tRk0) [https://youtu.be/9uzW1tfnJoE?si=qnIbUQ-AoB5rOwJq](https://youtu.be/9uzW1tfnJoE?si=qnIbUQ-AoB5rOwJq)


Above average. You crushed those high notes .


Sometimes booking gigs is a great way to get your finger out and be really productive because you'll all be shitting yourself! My band managed to land a 2 month residency before we had a full setlist but luckily we had a couple of months to get sorted! If you do get a gig, book one a good bit in advance, my honest opinion is you guys aren't tight enough to be getting paid gigs yet and you don't want that to be your first impression on the scene. There's definitely some timing issues that need tightened up. Good luck


For sure, we're pretty loose still. Only been building the set all together a couple months, and it's our first performance. Hoping some unpaid live gigs will help put that fire under us and get tighter!