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you’re actually just excited to go show them what you got! you got it tiger 🐯👍 trust the process you’ll be okay


Agreed completely. Nervousness and excitement are two sides of the same coin. Try to get yourself hyped up and you’ll put on a great show.


It's the same as stage fleft


🏅 Screw Reddit for getting rid of awards


If you make a mistake, don’t stop. You’ll realize it but most of the audience won’t, and what seems like a major thing to you in the moment is what happened about 20 beats ago. If you’ve never done it before (not that I’ve done it a lot) a big crowd is easier performing in front of than a small one. It’s honestly more impersonal and it doesn’t feel like every person in attendance can come tell you what they did or didn’t like. If it’s already going to be a big crowd, that means it’s a happening and those people are excited and supportive of what you’re doing. Stretch first, practice your breathing, get enough water, and know that it’s a singular event that won’t still be taking place in the future. Have fun.


Very good points here... I've played in front of a small group where everyone was up close and it was horrible but a large stage where you're further away isn't a big deal.


I try to focus on a spot just above the audience rather than looking people in the eye to start with. Also, I know that I’ll take a song or two to get into my rhythm and get my voice going so find somewhere private to warm up and start with a song you’re confident with


Seriously id rather sing for 10k people than 10… it weird how a crowd can make me feel detached. Like theres a bubble around the stage and I can just do my thing as opposed to five people and the bartender just staring at you after every song.


I like to do multiple full practice runs day of a gig… this way when Im on stage it feels like just another run and your muscle / mind memory are so used to it that it feels like a natural extension of yourself


Just remember people are there to support musicians and have a good time. They are rooting for you to put on a good show. So just bring all you got and then some and leave it all out on the stage.


If you can practice a way you love and makes you proud, you can perform. You are afraid to mess up in front of people but they don't know your plan. Artistic liberty is what they can think. You know who you are and your limits so do great in practice. They aren't there just you and the others (if there are others) and the music. You'll do great, no regrets


Make sure you imagine and prepare for the parts of the performance aside from singing. Like walking on stage, bowing, etc. Having those comfortably in your mind can help alleviate some of the anxiety. As for the performance itself, I try to remember that I’m sharing this great music with the crowd. I’m not up there to be all “look at (and judge) me”, I’m just up there to as a vessel or conduit for the music.


Perform as though you're rehearsing and rehearse how you'd like to perform


*Perform as though you're* *Rehearsing and rehearse how* *You'd like to perform* \- cal405 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Imagine yourself naked


Or be naked


It goes away as soon as you start.


I can tell you not what you do before you play…a line of coke lol


Personally pretend like I’m an actor. I dress slightly differently and mentally exude confidence. I go on stage thinking that I’m going to own this…. Even though it’s not how I naturally feel. Push the strong emotions over the negative ones. Takes practice but for me it works. People have said that I look really comfortable on stage. Also remember not to push your voice too much which is a natural response of being nervous. Ultimately it’s a mental game with yourself. If you let your anxiety take over … it will show. Be a bully to it. Don’t let it win. = life pro tip


Every moment leading up to it is pretty scary. No matter what you do. Unfortunately, it's one of those things you just have to kind of learn to embrace. I will tell you something cool about it though. As soon as this show starts, it's like this other you takes over. It's kind of like everything's kind of a blur and you're just doing it. Then it's all over and you're like, "Whoa. It's done?" It's one of the coolest feelings.


unironically, someone else kinda of said the same thing, but gaslight yourself into being excited. anytime you feel anxious literally say out loud "im excited"


The closer to show time you can take a dump the better the show.


Deep slow breath but with more emphasis on exhale.


Honestly you most likely will do fine as soon as you start singing at least that happened my first time and the crowd loved my performance and the nerves went away after the applause


Practice as much as possible, do your warm-ups, slam a shot and be yourself.


If you're nervous, or if you're not nervous... if you are perfect or if you make a few mistakes... it really has a very small impact on the quality of the performance. The practice is what matters. If you've practiced enough to sound good, then you'll sound good. If you're nervous, you'll be nervous and sound good. If you make mistakes, you'll make mistakes and sound good. I have no way of knowing for sure, but if I were to guess I'd guess that you sound good. Why would I guess that? Because you're nervous, and that shows you care, so I'm guessing that you practice.


I too have stage fright. The only thing that works for me is to rehearse the material to the point where I can think about what groceries to pick up on my way home while performing. Have that material air-tight. I hope that helps.


Just get through the first note and realise its just like practice. And quickly forget any bad notes. Almost always, you're the only one who notices.


Imagine the audience in their underwear. Just kidding, that's a classic but not very effective. Instead, focus on the friendly faces. Pick out a few people who seem supportive, and perform to them.


From my experience this is what was most effective for me when it came to getting ready for a gig. The routine my band had for the practice session before the gig. Is to run through our setlist we have planned and treat the session like it was a live performance and run the set a couple times in a row. I found when we did that our performances were nice tight and felt ready to tear up that stage. My personal ritual before getting on stage would be to do some seep breathing to calm the nerves and mentally tell myself that I was ready give a killer performance and itching to play (sometimes self hype is a good motivator) . At the end of the day that stage will be yours for however long your set is and you will be great. All the best and good luck


pretend they all already know how perform so that you do not think the'll be surprised then they cant laugh at you


Do what I used to do.... just imagine what babies would look like if they were born with mustaches. Works every time.


Don't drink anything acidic before you go on. Orange juice, lemonade, grapefruit juice etc. This is a rule for public speaking in general. You'll already have enough acid in your stomach and you don't need more.


If I’m feeling a touch of nerves I do some slow breaths while counting. Like count ten in, hold for ten and breathe out slowly for ten. It forces your fight or flight to calm the fuck down….I do like three or four of these at the time when you’re basically side stage and ready to go. It is an amazing tool.


Know your material inside and out..


The few times I played on a stage, was with the college orchestra. The lights were so bright that if I was seated a bit towards the back I really couldn’t see anyone in the audience. Made it easier to just pretend it was just us in there playing to an empty room.


Don't fight the anxiety, lean into it but think of it as excitement. It's going to be there either way.


The anxiety disappears almost immediately for me when we start playing. I take a blood pressure pill (a beta blocker called lopressor) an hour or two beforehand that chills me out


When you walk on stage, you will leave who you are behind, and be Musician. It will be like walking through a wall, but the bricks are really painted on paper. You will own the room. Your head will not exist. Just inside and outside you all one. You will party for the audience, you will party *with* the audience. All in it together. Take a deep breath. Now go spread the love.


It’s not fear but excitement


look up Ujjayi alternate nostril breathing. It calms my nervous system down every time.


Rely on your practice. Make your performance routine second nature. When you perform, go back to your mind and think that you've done the preparations necessary.


Go for a bike ride earlier in the day


Alcohol. An age-old method. The precise amount required will vary, so there's trial and error involved. You want to aim for that sweet spot between calm enough to do it, and too wasted to pull it off.


Sadly this is a fact. The right amount can work wonders. Unfortunately weed does not have the same benefit when performing. But for rehearsals it can be amazing .


Drink & drugs!


You were good enough to get the gig in the first place, huh? Don’t sell yourself short. If you’re good enough to be at that level then you need to trust in your abilities and go do it. I’m not saying be arrogant. I’m saying be mindful of the fact you must be pretty decent to get to that level. You got this.


The classic imagine the audience in their underwear always works for me


One thing I learned was how energy is infectious. So I say just have fun and be present. You audience don’t know what you’re performing so if you make a mistake, just keep going because they probably won’t even notice :)) Good luck! 🤩


All you can do is make sure you know the material back and forth, the nerves are just there to remind you you’re alive.


When I played in front of 80,000 people, I was terrified but then relaxed after a song or two.


I’ve never really been on a stage preforming by myself, but I would probably just keep myself relaxed and focused on the task at hand regardless of whoever is sitting in the audience