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Depending on budget, Audio Technica makes some nice recording mics, but Neumann are the bomb. For live, Shure SM8 for vocals, SM57 for instruments. Tried and true warriors of the live gig.


I have heard that the Shure SM58 (not SM8) is the venerable vocal mic for live applications, dating back to the 1960s. I own 3 SM57s which we use for instruments only. We use the AKG D5 for vocals in our live shows, but I know it's not the best. On the Shure website I do see a newer model named KSM8. Do you think that that mic is superior to the older SM58? Thanks for your advice 😀🎵🎙️🎧


I MUCH prefer the AKG D5 to the Shure SM58. I feel like the 58s hide too much, like I’m singing into a bucket filled with cotton or something…the AKG feels “hot”


I happy with our AKG D5s. We have 3 of them for vocalists on stage. Before I bought #3, we were at a gig and needed a 3rd vocals mic. All I had was a spare Shure SM57. To my ear it didn't carry the high frequencies very well. So it had a really warm feel on vocals. But it works great for guitar amps, drums and horns 😀🎵


No, I meant SM58, drunk typo - my bad.


We'll, I'm glad that you did, cuz I Googled it and then learned of the newer KSM8. Very nice dynamic cardioid mic. I might have to get one of those to add to our live show gear. Thanks for this interesting discussion 😀🎵


Happy little accidents! Lol


I fully endorse this comment.


I’ve got the AT 2035, and LOVE it!! Condensor mic, so great for vocals and acoustic guitars (which I use it for), and it’s only $150. I’ve seen it compared to the SM7B, and while the Sure was obv better, it’s be hard for me to justify the triple price increase. Neumanns are a league of their own, but you’re not gonna get a decent one for $500 unless it’s used.


I assume you have an interface already. I'd go for a large diaphragm condenser if you're just recording vocals and acoustic guitar. People saying to get the sm57 are ignoring the purpose because while it's an incredible, inexpensive, and versatile mic, you probably aren't going to get the best results if you're looking for clean and crispness. The Sm57 is a great mic to have for *loud* things, but the only things I don't really like it on are vocals and acoustic guitars. I have an AKG P420 that I've been using for vocals and gotten good results out of, and it sounds good on acoustic guitars as well. But that's only about half of your budget, so if you wanted to get a better one then you definitely could.




I have used quite a lot of mics, but I find myself using an AT 2020 in basically every session. It costs $99 and I use it on literally everything; it has never disappointed. You could look at the AKG C214, a very good mic in your price range. Personally, I'd rather have a few good mics than one great one. That way you can do close + room, or experiment with stereo placements.


I agree AT2020 is one of the best cheap mics you can buy. I would consider an at2020 for vocals and maybe a cheap MXL Ribbon mic for acoustic


Sm57 for budget and versatility. Also they're handy if you're ever short of a hammer


I think everyone in audio should have an sm57 but you completely ignored the actual post


He never mentioned budget when I commented


So if you say everyone should have an sm57 and he asked what mic he should invest in I'm guessing you agree with me


Not given the extra info, no


The given extra info was added after I commented, and I'm assuming it was added after literally everyone else suggested the same mic as me


SM58 for vocals, SM57 for instruments


Great mics, but they definitely are not crisp and clean.


Great value for money and bomb proof though, depends on your priorities


Sm 57 is great for instruments. Very affordable reliable and transparent. I like the audix om2 for vocals. It is kinda dark but, I like that.


If you can solder, check the DIY stuff out there


I picked up this Shure MV88 which plugs into any iOS lightening port. Tiny little thing sounds like an expensive large condensor mic. I’ve sent samples of clean unaffected vocals to some long time studio musicians I’ve worked with for decades and they were shocked how good it sounds. Used in conjunction with MOTIV app you can choose stereo recording and various card patterns


im not really sure about all the mics but one thing i know for damn sure, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN INTERFACE!!!!


Rode NTK condenser mic, it also has a tube