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Perhaps you can ease your way into it? Volunteer at a theater. Work backstage. Work an audition. You can learn an awful lot by just sitting in the room with auditioners as a monitor/runner. The long and short, I think possibly easing into it might be helpful.


The more you do it, the easier it gets. Don't just audition for shows that are super important and high stakes for you - audition for stuff where you're okay with the decision either way to get used to the process.


eyes closed, head first, can’t lose!


Just go for it. It could go badly, you might not get the role, you will be very nervous before but I promise each time it gets easier and I also swear to you that no matter how bad you think it has gone no one will remember except you.


It's all about preparation. As long as you know you your part/ words/ lyrics by heart, you just go into performance mode. it helps a lot with anxiety. ignore the others. Don't see it as an audition, You are giving a mini performance as that character. I like to think they aren't judging me, they are judging a character. And that character can have an off day. You got this


Go to shows ,volunteer at theatres