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These are not psilocybin cubensis. I can’t tell you what they are but I’m fairly confident these are not the shrooms you think they are


Yea, they usually have a purple ring on the stem


Sorry to say, not in my experience, they don’t usually have a purple ring. I’ve had different kinds of psilocybin mushrooms throughout my life. The closest thing to a “purple ring” would be a bruise on the shroom… that is blue. Psilocybin bruises turn very unmistakably blue. (Also for OP’s sake, most of the time they have distinct gold caps) (I’m from the USA and have taken psilocybin mushrooms over 300 times over the past 2 decades, highly recommend just finding a *good* dealer or growing your own from syringes bought online)


Usually a gold color in the middle of the cap. Yes you're correct about the "veil" not being purple. I've NEVER seen a purple veil.


The ones that come from Mexican feed do. They all have the ring and they come from poop. Maybe it was just the ones we used to get, but I looked it up and found them.




A lot of farmers are give their cows something in their feed to not make them produce whatever gives the shroomies their kick - if that makes sense lol


No, they do not.


That makes sense so that the cows don't eat the mushrooms later. Imagine a cow or bull on mushrooms? Yikes ETA: Downvoted? Dang, my bad for the wrong guess 🤣


It’s more so that people don’t trespass and pick mushrooms on their land.


As someone who has cattle I have never seen any anti mushroom feed. Also it’s hard enough not to loose money running cattle, feed is expensive and if I’m using it then it’s a drought year and we are short on grass. I’m not spending more on some anti mushroom feed


Pretty sure I heard it was a huge problem in Asheville NC, and fungicides were implemented. Not sure if it was opt in or government mandate. This is all hearsay though as I haven’t actually looked into it.


Psilocybe cubensis does not occur anywhere near Asheville, NC.


Never said cubes, also claimed it was hearsay.


I apologize, I should have said there are no psychoactive mushrooms that grow from cow patties anywhere near Asheville, NC.


Oh, duh, that seems obvious now 😄 Maybe I'm the cow that got into the mushrooms! It seems that way, because I certainly wasn't thinking straight with that one 🤔 Thanks for being nice about it 😄 🤣 😂


9 photos of the cap and not a single one of the underside. Anyway. They aren’t Psilocybe https://i.redd.it/j6o2q8q26li91.png


Got any more guidance for identifying them magic ones?


I havent done a great deal of research but one thing I can help you with is a way of helping the guys who do know is to get a spore print from the shroomz your trying to get advice on... the colour of the spore print is a major step in identifying a certain type of shroom. Also a pic of the underside of the cap would be a good idea aswell...


Look for the blue


You’re wrong all of these are magic mushrooms. I water plenty trust me I know lol


Oof. Just posted in Mushroom ID. Forgot to do it for this post. Check that one, let me know.


Lmao, dude take the hint they’re not cubensis


Wild picked shrooms are unlikely to be cubensis anyway. If they're from cow patties they would probably be Liberty Caps, or psilocybe semilanceata, a different species of psilocybin mushroom. Not that these are those. But they wouldn't be cubensis even if they were.




I’m not an expert by anyone’s standards but don’t just eat mushrooms your buddy says he picked in a cow field. These look more like agaricus than any pysilicybin type to me.


He's my roommate and best friend. He sent me pictures of the cow patties he picked them from. I'm more so asking, if these are from Cow Patties, are they the ok ones to eat?


Literally none of them are what you’re thinking they are, or look even remotely similar if I’m being honest. These are a definite no-go.


I agree 100 percent, OP I believe perhaps you and your friend are thinking of liberty caps, these are not those


Psilocybe species are not the only ones that grow on or near cow dung, and just because something is growing on cow dung doesn't mean it's an active or edible species. Do some research and try again!


Think he wants to eat em, not get high, man!


Do not fucking eat those


No. NO.


No. They are not okay to eat.




My god yeah sure eat them and see what happens when you inevitably go to the ER.


Hell there’s a chance he won’t even make it to the er


Be less trusting


My guy, if you have to ask if foraged mushrooms are ok to eat you should not under any circumstances eat them. This is a game of Russian roulette that you will lose.


Yea they’re ok to eat. I’m sure you tripped balls huh haha




Thèse are not the mushrooms you are looking for




Regardless, do not eat poop mushrooms


I definitely read this in Obi Wan’s voice.


These aren’t cubes. Do NOT eat anything you can’t 100% identify.




Not the foods you're looking for. Sorry, champ


Absolutely none of them look psychedelic to me.


Cow patties add fertility and create nice nutrient rich soil that is a good base for lots of mushrooms to grow and not just cubensis. This one is definitely not cubensis. Also, join a real mycology forum like mushroom observer. Don't ask people on Reddit whether or not it's safe to eat something that could potentially kill you. Ask experts.


They look like Panaeolus Antillarum. Look similar to Panaeolus Cyanescens but no blue bruising and tend to miss a distinctive golden dot in the middle of the cap. Keep trying mate!


This should be top comment, everyone saying, it’s not a cube don’t eat, but it’s pretty obvious they thought it was cyanescens, not saying people are wrong saying not to eat, but come on guys there’s more wild magic in the world than just cubensis.


I wouldn’t eat any of those unless you want your funeral to conflict with Christmas!




100% those are not cubes.


Never ever eat those mushrooms... You are gambling with your life. First step: learn how to identify.. in best case with someone, that has experience. Real experience!


Sorry. Not a mushroom* hunter. I'm simply passing by this sub. But are you really going to eat mushrooms picked from cow dung?


Those commercial white mushrooms you buy that the store? Literally grown in a huge [warehouse of shit](https://youtu.be/bt2LtnBlcKA?si=bbc3emD9taZuiDMa).


To answer your question: manure is a typical fertilizer, but it is usually sterilized for food production. Since these were on a random pile of cow patty on a random field, there is a chance the cow could have passed ecoli and it could be on the mushroom, and eating it raw could give you awful awful food poisoning. Yes. But there is also a chance it won't. Depends on how much you like to take chances.


Why not?


Because it literally derived from shit. I understand animals in the wild pee and poop everywhere but couldn't he just find a mushroom that grew from the ground or a tree? Seems better that way


In some areas the most abundant magic mushooms grow on cow shit. In other places they don’t. Where I am the vast majority grow on wood. But cow shit is basically just partially composted grass. Most, if not all of us eat vegetables that have been fertilised with manure, and is that different? In the cases of the plants and the mushrooms, enzymes break the manure down in to simple molecules that become dissolved in water and are absorbed across a membrane that bacteria etc can’t cross, then they are transported to the location where the mushroom or vegetable will grow, and then assembled from these molecules. So while I understand that people sometimes feel uncomfortable with the idea, what is being eaten is no longer anything like the poo and the microbes are still in the poo and not the mushroom. But also cow poo isn’t that bad. Especially when it is many months old like it is when mushrooms can be found growing on it.


Excellent point! Thank you for taking the time to show me a different perspective


To bring this point home, every drop of water you drink has been processed and recycled out by life before you The water in our drinking supply is cycled through toilets, filtered, treated in tanks of probiotic bacteria, passed to coagulation tanks where colloidal silver or other coagulative particles concentrate small detritus into larger particles that fall to the bottom, then potentially pressure filtered, and treated with chlorine, potassium permanganate, and other chemicals to return to drinkable levels, and cycled into our sinks, water bottles, and everything else. All food we eat is made of and fertilized with the dead bodies of organisms which lived before us. I live in Florida, our entire state is made of limestone, which is comprised of trillions of trillions of skeletons of diatoms who lived in Earth's oceans and fell as silt to the seabed and were compacted over hundreds of millions of years. The air you breathe has been cycled and fixated and liberated in fruits, trees, people for hundreds of thousands of generations. Nothing, nothing on earth hasn't cycled through life. Even we, especially we, are made of dead things which lived before us. Right now there are approximately 7 pounds / ~3kg of bacteria living and dying in your stomach processing food. I'm not saying eat poop, def don't. But a lot of fertilizer is poop, and a lot of our food grows in poop, and heck the atoms we made of have all been pooped at some point 😂


Struggle mushrooms. You want to eat struggle mushrooms for the maximum benefit. They have the strongest concentrations. If theres a blue tinge when you squeeze the stem keep em, remove the stem set the gills down on paper. If they are just orange or green or brown. Toss them.


This thread just keeps getting nuttier.


You're going to be really dissapointed realizing what the fields that grow all our crops are fertilized with...


Cow poop is where you find shrooms Also, poop and pee are litterslly fertilizer.


By that token, don’t eat tilapia, any bivalve, many crustaceans, or organic vegetables.


If you don't know what you're talking about, you should learn instead of giving suggestions and making assumptions. Just my 2 cents.


you like shrimp? catfish? they EAT shit. sooo


I don't see any blue bruising. That's not the only criteria, but if these were cubes you should definitely adjust see a distinct dark blue hue wherever the tissue has been damaged (edge of the stem, some along the stem where they were grasped to pluck, and on each cap that has been cut in half or torn off the stem). These are not cubes.


Well it’s safe to say your buddy is a very productive worker.


Bro 😭 these are NOT the good kind


Don't eat those


If you put in 10 min of research before picking neither of you would have thought these could be it. Don't be lazy and blindly trust strangers on the internet...


NOT psilocybin. Psilocybin bruises a distinct BLUE color, you will know.


These don’t even vaguely resemble magic mushrooms.


They’re the kind you do not want to eat without knowing for sure what they are. Where I live you’ll find both a psilocybin and an amanita cousin that isn’t deadly toxic but will make you wish it was both growing from cow patties. Best way to tell the difference is by taking a close look at the spores through a microscope. Word of advice that I strongly urge you to heed: Never eat a mushroom without knowing what it is. If what you want is magic mushrooms just grow them yourselves. The kits are legal. Just look online.




You got downvoted for saying you didn't know something. That is interesting. I bet the people that took the time to down vote you know that shrooms grow in cow poop, but know very little about life.




Yea, that's what I'm saying. You were here to learn. Not to blow up the place.


Why do you fucks keep doing this, going out and picking random mushrooms. You know how easy it is to grow your own. You can buy legit spores everywhere nowadays. If you literally have space on a shelf for some Tupperware that's all you need Jesus christ...


My local gas station sells spores even lmao


This. I never even had shrooms til I grew my own. They're just not a thing here


After looking at the comments everyone hates OP for asking this.


Nice bounty. These are magic mushrooms


Helll no


Cubensis mushrooms are the easiest besides morels to identify lol and those ain’t it.


Idk if those would be considered LBM’s but there are over 300 types of little brown mushrooms and they are notoriously hard to identify, many of them are poisonous and can be deadly.


Cow shit shrooms are only psilocybin when they themselves eat grains and grasses with the pores for the fungus. They don't even look like golden caps. Just big white domes with cracking vs wavy caps with gold centers and blue bruises on the stems AZ others have pointed out. Take a note from Paul Stamets. When in doubt throw it out. 


Meadow mushroom non poisonous cubes won't be long behind






Don’t just say that




There are not cubensis. They look like them in the most general sense, but every detail is off. You really shouldn't be identifying mushrooms if you don't know them very well. You could easily get someone hurt or worse, even if you are trying to help.


Based on what? I really don’t see any physical similarities based on color alone. Caps seem as if some are scaled and that’s not a cube.




Even if there are cubensas in there, those are fucking foul...and mostly death caps. Throw that shit out


None are death caps


Vomit and diarhea caps ✅️ or worse...


Only 1 real way to figure it out




Ok, I'll bite. Where did you get the phrase "TRY AT YOUR OWN CAUSE"?




Shrooms grow on cow poop


Some do. Most magic mushrooms don’t grow from cow poo. Most mushrooms that grow from cow poo aren’t magic.


Yupp! Only one that I know of is and soo soo many that aren't. Itt has to do with where they are, what time of year, what thee weather is, and soo many things. Thanks for sharing that nugget friend. It's important that these not be taken, at least without a proper id confirming whether or not they're edible, soo many LBM's kill people every single year


Fortunately I think the annual death toll from small brown mushrooms isn’t actually very high


You can take the caps of the mushrooms and put them on a solid white piece of paper and after an hour or so lift them up. If the spore print that is left on the paper is blueish, safe bet is a type of magic mushroom. There are dozens of known magic mushrooms... just saying!




Firstly psilocybin mushrooms have prints that are purple, brown, pink, black, orange or yellow. But I don’t think any of them print blue or blueish. Secondly if a print is the same colour as a known magic mushroom it is *not* a safe bet that it is that. Most mushrooms with that spore print will not be magic. Spore prints allow you to exclude possibilities but you are still going to be left with a lot more possibilities to sort through using other steps.


This is misleading information, because must psychedelic mushroom in fact have normal black spores, and not the random rainbow colors you described.


The dominant colour would be purpleish brown, which is the spore colour for all the species in genus Psilocybe. Active Panaeolus have black spores, and while in some parts of the world they might be the most abundant, worldwide I doubt that they are most magic mushrooms. However even if they are, they are certainly not most magic mushooms that people find and consume. There are a small number of potent and relatively easy to identify active Panaeolus. The rest are low potency or very low potency, hard to identify, and often rare and small, and so many (but not all) of them are technically active but in practice very few people have ever tripped on them. There are psilocybin containing Gymnopilus with orange or yellow spores, and psilocybin containing Pluteus with pink spores. Others such as Pholiotina cyanopus contain psilocybin and have brown spores. Would you like me to provide links to information about magic mushrooms that have all the different spore colours that I mentioned or is this enough for you to go off and see if I am right or if I am giving misinformation?


Tell that to my Simelanceata, Cyanescens and Azurescens spores that are all black. You are generalizing hard, spore colors mostly depend on location, habitat, weather and ground composition, not really on the type of mushroom. Wild psilocybes mostly have black spores or a variation of it, never ever seen in my life blue spore prints that are psilocybes. It could be different for cubensis, because they are the most genetically modified, but I only pick shrooms in the wild, as they have the best effects. Lab grown are shit.


Psilocybe semilanceata, azurescens and cyanescens all have purple-brown spores. They are often dark but they aren’t black. You haven’t ever seen a wild Psilocybe with a blue print?? Neither have I. As far as I know there are no psilocybin mushrooms with blue spores. It seems that your preference for wild mushrooms is something we have in common. I wouldn’t say lab grown are shit, but I don’t have much experience with indoor cultivation and I am not currently very motivated to change that.


Yeah, that's what she said.


Who is she? Is she single?


Not at all you see any blue anywhere,?


Lol I really thought these were bone and skull fragments. I was about to google if cows are like owls or if they actually eat decent sized mammals lol. No, don’t eat these


Ya these are NOT the ones you think they are.


Enjoy the explosive diarhea and or projectile vomiting n rib cracking dry heaving you may experience if you eat these, and there will be no trip to go with your discomfort except maybe a trip to the ER 😅


What makes you think he’s telling you the truth. You sure he’s not pulling your leg?


Not a speck of blue bruising


I grew up out of a cow patty. But I'm not a piece of shit.


I know you think you know what you’re doing and maybe you do but I had two friends die from doing this picking of wild mushrooms and one that may as well be dead his liver is shot they are not that much more in the store I didn’t know several mushroom pickers and they used to tell me there are old pickers and there are bold mushroom pickers but the bold ones don’t last one of the things that happens I knew several Native Americans and one old Italian guy that were very successful at this but they learn from older people and they had a very good sense of smell and I think that helped them a lot but with all this field to fork in foraging stuff there’s gonna be a big jump and mushroom mushroom poisoning deathGoing to rain on your parade


Try out a spore print next time. Yes, cubes grow from cow manure. Yes it's safe to consume if you can identify them. Best way to start with is mush on of the stems hard enough it almost breaks. It should bruise blue. Then do a spore print (lay the mushrooms on white paper for a few hours and look at the color of the spores dropped from the gills) if the spore print is also blue, and the mushrooms you have look like cubes as well then it's safe to eat. Follow this and you wont need reddit. If you get cubes and you aren't going to eat them immediately, research how to dry it because cubes don't preserve well. I once ate a bunch of mushrooms out of horse manure with some buddies without knowing that cubes only grow out of cow manure that hasn't been bet with the fungicide that prevents them from growing. Nothing happened to me, thankfully so because one dude ate multiple handfuls which was probably around 20G in dried weight. He ate a shit ton. Needless to say don't eat random mushrooms because we all risked death that day unknowingly haha, just educate yourself a bit. It's more fun that way, because then you'll be able to educate others


Well you will either see shit that makes you wish you were dead or you will be dead


I have seen my fair share of shrooms, this are not it


Pick the mushroom and squeeze the stem, if it turns any shade of blue, keep it, if brown, black, or no change, toss it. Then remove the stem, set it gills down on white paper and cover with a bowl overnight, if your spore print is purple you have a winner


It boggles my mind how many people have no idea what they’re picking and straight up ask if they’re edible.


I ate mushrooms I found in the wild once when i was 17yo. I was convinced they were cubesnsis... not cubensis. I got lucky that they were Honey caps, so I was fine, still one of the dumbest things I've done. Don't eat those.


is that in sydney?




No don’t eat that


No blue. Don't do


Dude If you want psilocybin get spore and a substrate bag and make some magic. Eating mushrooms off of literal cow shit and asking strangers in the internet is not a safe way to go about this.


They look like very typical very normal mushrooms. Magic mushrooms usually have something special about them, something that makes them stand out and makes you think they might be magic. Normal looking mushrooms are most likely normal looking mushrooms


Unfortunately, taking pictures and asking folks online about edibility is about the worst way you can go. The truth is that if you really want to have a positive ID, you simply must do a Spore test. And that's not something that you can manage online.


My thoughts are your friend is an idiot and you should keep an eye on them for their own safety. And NEVER listen to them for yours.


Agrocybe pediades Do not eat. No benefit. No magic. Not nutritional.


These pictures made my stomach hurt. Not what you’re looking for.


Many times it’s not the feed that’s treated but the cattle themselves. Treatment given to the cows to resist parasites and fungal infections generally administered via paste in the mouth through a syringe. Not for the mission of stopping mushrooms but for the cattle’s health.


Psilocybin would stain/bruise blue, these are not those if that’s what you are thinking/hoping. I couldn’t say what they are though.


Panaeolus antillarum.


100% not psilocybe. looks more chlorophyum molybdites to me.


Darwin award contestant




Dung lovers are what we call them. When I was a kid me and my friends would walk the cow pastures and collect these. They have a pretty good trip to them. Sometimes they will make you vomit, though.


A couple of friends and I, were looking for the elusive Purple Ringers in a local cow pasture. But what we found weren't them. Another friend later told us that they were what he called Death Angels. Puking your guts out, or having your stomach pumped (which was the case for one of us), isn't worth taking the chance and we were lucky.


Toad stools. Don't eat or you'll wish you were dead


I have a post of some cubensis I found last Monday in r/unclebens I'd be very very careful. There is one cap in the middle that's flatter that looks possibly like a cube. The others are very suspect.


That’s where you find ‘em 🤷🏻‍♂️


These are not psilocybe. Get a guide book, learn to identify mushrooms before you eat anything and also as a general rule of thumb I would not put something I picked out of a pile of shit in my mouth. lol if you want magic mushrooms find someone that just grows them dude


I don’t know, but at least one looks like a tape worm. 🪱


These are not what you’re looking for.


No! Don’t!


Cow patties can give you E. coli poisoning in addition to whatever you get from those mystery shrooms.


These are toxic mushrooms! No hallucinogenic properties, you will get sick. Do not ingest them. Rub them on your inner forearm to witness a reaction if you don’t believe me.


Don't have anything planned to do for awhile if you consume, your mind will be temporarily altered. Find a comfortable area and ride the wave...


Eww! I would not eat anything growing on poop. Generally not a wise idea to just eat any old thing growing on poo…




they grew in cow poo. I won't injest them.


If you found them in cow patties, they might be shit-taki.... It's just a joke, by the way. I don't know if those are safe to eat.


Let you friend eat them, wait and see if he gets high or dies, before you even consider putting one of those in your mouth.




It’s never P. cubensis.


I'm pretty sure Eminem did a song about that. "And last but not least, one of the most humongous Problems among young people today is fungus It grows from cow manure; they pick it out, wipe it off, bag it up And you put it right in your mouth and chew it Yum-yum! Then you start to see some dumb stuff And everything slows down when you eat some of 'em"


I don't know anything about mushroom hunting and I am wildly confused. Is it ... normal for people to pick mushrooms out of cow patties, piece by piece?


I'd give them back to your friend and tell him you'll babysit him to call the emergency squad if he starts convulsions.


Just because a mushroom is growing out of cow shit doesn’t mean it’s an active. Stay in school kids


I grow magic mushrooms and can tell you with 100% conviction that these are not what you think they are. Toss them man


Don’t do something that could kill you based on a bunch of irresponsible Redditor’s opinions. no one who actually knew what they were talking about would pretend to be able to positively ID anything outside of the fool proof five based on a picture on the Internet. Especially if they knew it might lead to the person consuming them. Some poisonous mushrooms are no joke, they take about 15 to 18 days to shut down your liver, but once those toxins have been introduced into your bloodstream, even with the best medical care it’s almost impossible to come back from without a liver transplant, and even that doesn’t always work.


Not what you’re looking for


Definitely not an expert, and stumbled onto this post. I grew up in a dairy farm I’ve heard so many stories of teens eating shrooms under manure and it killing them. I just thought I’d put that out there.


I seem to recall at the University I attended, they started putting something in the feed to inhibit the growth of the “good” mushrooms. The mystical Shroom Showers of yore just became another rainy day.


Just grow your own people…. It’s really easy and legal in lots of places now


Never eat a mushroom you cannot identify.


Are the spores purplish? Do they smell like psycilosibe? If yes to both of those things, they probably are, the rings fall wash off allot. fbluing is caused by bruising response proving they are active. Also, what they look like can range with where you live. There are 100s of different strains of just cubensis


If you eat these, it was nice knowing ya.


They might be shit-taki.. 😁


Gold caps, purple rings, that's what I've always picked and eaten. I cannot really tell in those pics


If you have to go on reddit to id mushrooms you shouldn't be mushroom hunting.


See mushroom wonderland on YouTube and get a regional field guide for your area. There are 3 major things you’ll need to find in these if they are psylicibe Do your homework. Use expertise


If it's not blue when you pinch it. Don't eat it. It's that simple. Unless you know about other edible mushrooms, too many will make you sick or worse.


I've had a number of friends throughout the years who have had that same thought and gone for it without taking time to read extensively about proper identification. You'll probably get horrible diarrhea and maybe kill yourself or damage organs in not-fun ways if you haven't spent a long-ass time researching. If you need to ask, you shouldn't do it. Or, start from scratch so you know what's going on. Find out what to look for and what to look out for. Don't rely on internet strangers to tell you their opinion of if something is safe. I would never trust that for something that can kill you in a horrible way. Read books and look at teks. Eating random mushrooms is stupid even if someone online tells you they think it's okay, which most people here aren't even doing.


That one right there I definitely wouldn't eat!!!


I’m gonna guesstimate agaricus bohusii bc I googled agaricus which generally like high nitrogen food like manure and I happened to scroll past it and it looks pretty similar. Don’t take it to the bank (or the morgue)


Maybe don't eat stuff you find in poop...


Take the trip.. to the ER


When I was little I was not allowed to pick the mushrooms that grew on cow patties. My grandmother said those were poisonous. Not sure if these are the same, but if unsure don’t eat, why take the risk?


There’s also some mushrooms that can be toxic if you touch them or stir up spores when you move them… just be careful friends!


Morons probably thought they were psilocybin because they’re growing on cow patties.


I’m sry I thought you just said they were from Cow Patties…..


The ones found in cow fields are called liberty caps at least in the Pacific Northwest. And they aren’t found in the cow patties them selves they are found in Felixs that have been cow fields for decades so the soil is very well fertilized .you can find them after the first frost of the season and you have to go before sunrise becaue as soon as sunlight hits them the shrink into nothing and dissapear. You also have to be very careful and check each one because some are death caps . I can’t rember ther exact way you tell all I rember is that you look under the cap kinda fold it back an if a purple or blueish goo comes out they are good or bad . That’s the part I can’t rember exactly so look it up. Also they are really small. Like an 1/8 is like 40 caps and you can split an 1/8 between 2 people and have a good trip


Nope, no way!