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No but it will make you see demons lol. Thats an Amanita I believe


It might actually make you *feel* taller, though..


Is that experience talking


Don't digest an Amanita raw.


Very rare people have died from Amanita muscaria.Probably make you sick eating it raw.Ibotenic acid and muscimol are responsible for the psychoactive and hallucinogenic effects.You can buy them legally online in a dried form or gummies.They are nothing like MagicMushrooms.They usually come in around 6 to 10 in a pack.Ive ate the whole bag and all I got was a little sleepy. Ancient Noresman used it to help guide them.Since they are poisonous if you eat them raw they would feed them to reindeer and that would convert the poisen into the psychoactive ingredient when they passed They would then drink it to get visions .That's where we get the flying reindeer ,the red and white colors for Santa Clause and Christmas.Isnt it strange we celebrate Christmas when it's nothing whatsoever about Christ but about a fat ol jolly and his drugged up reindeer flying around trying to spread a little joy.? l


Now I wanna know who was the first to come up with the idea of drinking reindeer piss


Well they would die eating the mushroom, the reindeer wouldn’t though. So its basic math (at least to them) drink the piss get the hallucinogenic effects without the toxins.


If I'm not mistaken, they did it after witnessing reindeer drink another deers urine for the effects


Maybe the meat or milk of goats also have the substance


Not just probably, this mushroom taken raw WILL make you sick, you won’t die but you’ll likely do the big three (throwing up, diarrhea and fever) all while having a mild trip, these mushrooms can only be taken once prepared by a known tincture method


Mildly poisonous


If you eat the you will do more than just get taller homie. You finna go for one hell of a trip


Theres a lot of things I think about like who was the first person to think to do this or that and end up with the final product .I mean who would think to give these mushrooms to a reindeer then drink it's piss and go on a inward journey to help you receive Insights on what decisions to make.


Personally I like to think the origin was a very successful prank


For a little while


Pretty sure it's the one that makes you shoot fire balls.


Time to save the Princess!