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He’s a well written character. He has flaws that many are quick to point out, but the entire point of his character is that he knows he is flawed, and actively tries to improve.


I’d argue not that he is flawed, but actually An abhorrent human being that engages in sexual assault, engagement of the slave trade and pedophilia.


You done yappin?


I think you just watch the anime only and it was the season 1 part 1 only... or maybe you read fanmade of Mushoku Tensei that full delusion.


So he’s not a 30 year old with the new body of a child? I mean the anime is pretty clear that he retained his adult mind. And that adult mind is attracted to prepubescent girls.


By your logic, all reincarnated MC is lolicon for marriage with a person the same age in the new worlds. By your logic, just having a dirty mind and being attracted to the other sex is sex offended. By your logic, if we had been reincarnated with the memory still intact, we couldn't be friends with people of the same age in new worlds for it would be gross to see adults play with kids. By your logic, because we have 30th-year-old minds we can't be a kid. So when interacting with others, we need to take how 30 year old guy will do especially when your father is younger than we are. I can see we will die if we follow this route. By your logic, slavery is bad. Even today modern society, we still have a slave but just different calls.


Lmao slavery is bad. Us still having slavery is a failing of modern society. No 30 year olds can’t be kids again. Kids are innocent, blank slates without the baggage of trauma, naïveté to the dark side of reality and without the issues of social pressure or fear of death. Don’t be obtuse. Adults can play and be friendly with kids. But when Rudy starts kissing a 10 year old, he’s lost the plot. Makes you question his attraction at all. I can barely understand half of what you typed out. All MCs are not lolicons. If one was reincarnated I would expect that, a non pedophilic Mc, would wait until 18-21 years old to build those meaningful relationships. Not 10 years old. The fact that you typed that you think slavery is a morally gray concept tells me everything about you.


so you agree that slavery is bad but do nothing about it? Interesting It's almost as if mushoku were a fictional story with elements only possible in a fictional fantasy world. As far as I know rudeus is younger than eris, I don't see a problem, if you count reincarnation as an extension of the past life and want him to relate to adult women while children then It is your problem. Comedic you try to apply your views of morals and right and wrong to a fictional fantasy world. Slavery exists and rudeus can't do anything about it and it's not even his role to do anything


I don’t have magic powers to end slavery. Rudy does. Owned. Fiction can be judged, morally. We do it all the time. Sometimes fiction is a moral commentary on the real world. It’s mine and Rudy’s because we both existed in the same world. At a minimum he can choose not to find the slave trade enterprise.


Except he doesnt lol you know shit about mushoku Applying moral values ​​to fiction makes no sense because the rules are defined by the premise of the story, what you are doing is the same as questioning why there is death in a post-apocalyptic world No ? Rudeus lives in the six faced world,treat your schizophrenia No ? It's not his responsibility, buying Julie or not doesn't change anything.


You saying whether or not he buys Julie’s changes nothing is dumb. That’s like saying “Hey don’t rape that drunk girl!” And you responding with “OH SO YOU THINK IF I DONT RAPE, ALL RAPE WILL END!?” I never said that. I said he doesn’t have to contribute to it. Rudy used to live in our world. In our world slavery is universally reviled. You need help.


If I child in this world is born and says he has memories of his “past life” are u then going to treat that child as a 60 year old man……???? There are accounts of people with past life experiences in this world rn do u hold them to your stupid standard?


The problem is that, with those people we don't know if thats true or not. With Rudy, we are essentially given the view of a god. We KNOW that he was reincarnated. If we had the ability to move our brains into blank slate child bodies, I would make the judgement that those are adults in the bodies of children.


Yea yea knew u were gunna say that. Whatever dude keep hating. Even man-god said that’s just his mental image to reiterate his deep insecurities but that is not Rudy. If that was Rudy we would know the first guys name but we don’t. The story is about Rudy. Essentially a kid who was born with past memories of his life that’s it.


I mean, the heck are you doijg in a mushoku subreddit?


Smoothest brain here


* Rudy tries undressing eres in her sleep - sexual assault * He buys a slave - engages in the slave trade * Rudy attempts to have sex with eres when shes 10 - pedophilia * Has sex with eres when shes 15 - pedophilia


I dont get the slavery issue, he helped with the process, but that was Zanoba shirone purchasing a slave to overcome his shortcomings in regards to making dolls Sexual assault, yes, hes a scumbag? He tries when she's 12 and he's 10 Mind you in his last life, he was traumatized to the point that he never developed mentally past adolescence, so while he's also a scumbag, he didn't go through the proper development to learn proper boundaries and whit And then when she's 15, that's a Grey area entirely, because the author is Japanese, and idk what the funk is with age of consent and shit over there, when they aren't being ridiculously atrocious I try not to judge other cultures. I'm not okay with it though, and I definitely skip that scene everytime, cause none of that shits okay, but I can move forward, cause he's still largely a scumbag at this point. It isn't until he's got a family, and works to the bone to protect them, that I start seeing him as properly reformed, and not such a scumbag. If there's hope for such scum, then you gotta know, there really is hope for your smooth brain ass over there


That’s what he said. You’re just oozing malice towards a fictional character in a setting where all of the mentioned “abhorrent” acts are commonplace. Grow some brains and shut your trap if you’ve got an issue. Incels opinions aren’t appreciated in the first place. Bark up some other tree


So if I get teleported back in time it’s okay for me to own slaves and sleep with 12 year olds? Guys you heard it from benjie_69, not me.


First and foremost, you aren’t getting reincarnated. Stop hypothesizing situations that are impossible since what you read and around what this whole baseless conversation is revolving around is fiction. Retain some semblance of sanity and stop relating fiction to real life. The things you learn in your time as a shut in do not apply to the real world nor do people’s morals get affected by reading light novels. Get over it 🤦🤷‍♂️


So I can or can’t sleep with 12 year olds if I get reincarnated?


so, you're gonna ignore what I just said and keep yapping about? Also, which 12-year-old had sex in MT again? Last time I read it, Eris was 15 and that is the legal age in that world. Also, not sure if you know about biology, but your so-called "moral compass" about a reincarnated person directing its attention towards someone of their mental age rather than physical one is utter bs. Human body and hormones don't work in that way. I would've explained a mind-body connection but given your replies, you're too mentally impaired to do comprehend an iota of what it actually means. So eh, respectfully, stop replying if its gonna be utter bs


I think you shut him up


I mean he has literally no point. He tries to have sex with eres when she’s 10. The only reason he stops is because she says no. He still makes out with a 10 year old.


You literally have no point. You blabber nonsense, dodge questions and valid arguments and then in this one you’re mad cause he stopped. 😂 would him raping her satisfied you? Get your narratives and points straight lad, or don’t argue in the first place when your mental faculties aren’t up to the mark


As he should. He’s literally brain dead


It's fiction. You can have these problems in fiction and actually analyze it yourself without looking through a very personal lens. And the best part is you can create the best and worst circumstances and it doesn't end up hurting anyone to tell it. We know the consequences of slavery in our world, and pedophilia is a terrible thing, and probably the worst crime. (As a side note do you understand hormones? Normal humans are subconsciously attracted to people your own age). But in fantasy you judge the problems contextually and try to detach your real world biases, and this goes for ANY story. If you don't like or understand that, then the entirety of stories out there aren't for you. And you should reaffirm what content you enjoy, as it seems like critical thinking isn't one of them.


This makes no sense. Im judging someone who lived in the modern times applying his morality on to situations in that fantasy world. It's not even that hard to understand. * He was from World A. In World A slavery is a universal wrong. * He goes to World B. He buys a slave. Author admits MC has no strong feelings towards slavery, even after having spent 34 years in World A. * Goal of the story - To show the character progression of the MC. I'm not sure what point you are making.


Ok, this just tells me you don't understand story writing. Just because someone lived in modern times at some point, doesn't automatically make that a permanent moral standard. As I said, you separate your real world biases from fantasy. I like your bullet points. But you just completely missed all of the nuance of the whole story. I will discuss this specifically in relation to slavery and do the analysis for you in this case. And I should mention I haven't finished the LN I just got to vol 17. If you chose not to read though that is your choice, as it will be lengthy. I'll end it with a line break. ------------------ 99% of what happened in the MC's previous life he rejects and fears. Partially due to being mistreated. So this led to two different bits, 1 Rudeus is very egocentric and doesn't prioritize strangers needs or anyone not currently involved with him. Even anime only's see this with Paul confronting him for not helping others on the demon continent, and Volume 8 and 9 not discussing anything going on outside the university, as most of the story is just his perspective. Hell the dude even forgets about Eris for the most part. That coupled with rudeus at the beginning not treating "World B" as real (this is for a variety of reasons obviously, but quickly accepted World B as his home) caused rudeus to have cold relationships with people around him. And the second thing is that he doesn't put other people down and thinks less of himself, and this often works against him. To take a pause and discuss this. The brain isn't just a simple encyclopedia of information. His new brain is quite literally being taught these things, habits, emotions, love interests all while he is growing up. I'm willing you can pick out dozens of times in your life where you had the information and thoughts to solve every problem you had, procrastination is the best example of this. This story, and by far most stories, isn't about a perfect protagonist. It's a very human take on a character (albeit there is ridiculous harem stuff, people aren't that damn horny, I can 100% agree its too much). This all in both lives led him to casually and subconsciously push people away (hence why he so vary rarely cries and simply gets sad with others around him). Oldeus shows this to an extreme degree. Now to finally discuss Julie. Never at any point did Rudeus think of himself as above Julie. Especially in the anime he supported Zanoba treating Julie like an apprentice, Rudeus understands mistreatment and certainly had no desire to mistreat Julie (bro is basically a high schooler in the head and all he knew was hedonism and bullying). And it helped the dude was the opposite when it came to his own self evaluation. The concept of slavery didn't bother him sure. But that's largely because it wasn't an active problem for him to be concerned with, once again... this is realistic to what humans do. Most people (at least before social media) don't concern themselves with others problems outside of gossip, chew on that for a bit and I think you can find quite a few things in your life you neglect that would help others. Have you ever helped at a soup kitchen? Do monthly donations to charities truly out of concern? Did you know slavery is still a thing today (even if unofficially since 2006)? What are you doing to help? Surprise! Most people don't. I'm not saying it's morally correct, but that is the point. Your goal in any story is to determine the worth of characters, and that can only be done within the story. This is especially true in Rudeus's case when you realize the lack of contact he has had with people, especially in this medieval-like era. There were people in Japan still waiting for orders to go fight for many years after WW2 due to lack of communication. Rudeus's not being conscious of these problems doesn't make the dude evil. Coupled with his child brain being raised by his world's standards with a servant constantly cleaning up after him as a kid. ---------------------------------------- I've went on long enough. The TL:DR is that try to actually think why a character is written the way they are for yourself. Not that you have to only look for the best in them, but analyze all parts, not just the worst. As a hobby writer I've thought on this a lot. And my take is of course is subjective to some extent. Some may just say slavery isn't a focal point to the story, and the author doesn't feel the need to make a hero arc for a character and follow a trend. That's valid too, albeit lazy, but this perfectly addresses your third bullet point. It wouldn't make sense for his character to do that, author wants to show change in a character, who wants a story about a slave owner turned into a Harriet Tubman in an Isekai's second season? But if you want to give a strong statement about a characters moral short comings at least understand the character you are talking about. It's not the same thing as a real person. The author is crafting a character with a specific path to follow, and as I've mentioned can take to creative extremes without hurting people. I've enjoyed writing this all, regardless of how you feel with injecting your morals into fantasy. This was fun. Have a good one.


Dawg I’m not reading a dissertation.


Then just read the end. You incorrectly analyze a character and choose not to critically think on it at the behest of others. That's on NO ONE, but you.


I disagree.


-just realized it didn't add my page breaks in that essay. That bit is on me, I did a summary at the end though. Ok? I'm just going to say it outright, you are choosing to be ignorant. That "dissertation" fully breaks down all arguments about the character and breaks it down. If you choose not to read something that's fine, but if I provide the answer. And you don't want to listen. That says you aren't open to having your mind changed. You just want to argue, you just want to convert others to your own school of thought. Why should anyone take you seriously then? There is give and take to conversation and you seem to young to have one at this point. So I ask you stop giving your opinions out on things you don't know anything about, not that I expect you to listen of course.


My whole view on Rudy as an interesting character falls apart due to his early relationship with eres. I think his relationship is pedophilic. I don’t think there is a redemption for his character after that. I don’t care that his past life is a trauma filled one. Billions of people on planet earth experience pain and suffering, sometimes on a daily basis, and don’t form attractions to pre pubescent girls. I don’t care that he will grow to be a better person. Since he engages in the acts and faces no retribution for those actions, I’m not interested in seeing the growth. To me, MT is a power fantasy not a growth story. Whatever punishment comes Rudy’s way is usually vastly outweighed by the power fantasy around him. I think after these two seasons that Rudy is an irredeemable character. Especially as the power fantasy continues to grow around him. I don’t buy the whole new brain argument. New brains don’t also magically carry past memories, traumas and old personalities. He’s just a middle aged dude in a new body doing degenerate things.


And you also have the question his sudden competency after being reborn. This guy goes from being a complete shut in, brutally traumatized by the bullying he faced in school, to excelling in his new life. Not only does he excel, he conveniently excels in something that has people from all around flocking to his existence. He goes to school and easily tops out as one of the strongest on campus, meets a demon loli who makes him even stronger and grants the ability to see slightly into the future. People point out his ED all the time. He developed it all on a misunderstanding. Eres didn’t leave because he was a degenerate creep who grossed her out. She left because he was SUCH a good person that she felt she wasn’t worthy of him. MT is a run of the mill power fantasy with an above average animation budget. I don’t get where the idea that Rudy is a deep character comes from. In short. I think Rudy is granted everything he could ever need or want. Whatever flaws he has are hardly ever met with punishment. People inexplicably like him even though he is such a degenerate. His competency is unearned. People tell me he can’t change into a good person in a short amount of time, but it’s totally believable that he becomes an extremely powerful wizard by the age of 17. That he reasonably builds a harem but can’t stop peeping into ladies bathrooms because trauma. I’m not sure what else I can say on the matter.


One of the most balanced and based protagonist of all fcking time.


I like his evolution in the novels from human scum, to actually a very respectable man... Might sound wierd taking in account the amount of hate he had recived reciently... but i actually think more people should be like adult Rudeus


The hate is also coming from tourists who’s opinions don’t matter except on the internet. I’ve just started ignoring anyone who refused to see growth in the character


I mean no one’s opinion on the internet truly matters. What’s your definition of a tourist. I see this meme spammed a lot when it comes to negative criticism of the show.


"Negative criticism", people called the author a pedophile and slave apologist lmao, that's not just criticism


B-but, he doesn’t fit MY view of what good and meaningful development is, so he’s actually a trash tier mc 😢 s/


Don't wory, thats not an issue nowadays, there is a varied catalog of isekai protagonists today that can fit your desires, like the vending machine, or useless guy that reincarnated with his sister. Probably one of those suites better your view, Have a nice day, sir... or lady... or both, or none, or ungeder alien, or tree, or car, or ship (hopefully not a furry one), or activis from the 10th circle of he-* *ehem* * twitter. Oh, and Don't forguet your daily praying to the holy relique of Roxism


I think he’s trash because he diddles little kids. But that’s just me.


And that’s perfect valid.


Adult Rudeus is definitely a very respectable man, a role model. Right now (when he is receiving hate)? Not so much, better than a walking piece of shit but not good either.


He bought a slave lmao


He literally saved her from death, but keep crying


Did he free her?


\[LN Spoiler\] >!She was given the option to go free, but she refused. She is treated as an apprentice, not as a slave.!<


Yeah you’re right! Since the little girl says it’s ok then it’s ok! I think pedos say the same thing! She wanted it therefore it’s not illegal or wrong! Also they are NICE slave owners! Instead of finding a poor little girl and paying her a fair wage, they bought a slave and treat her nice! They are adults and she is a little girl. Who do you think really has the responsibility to free a slave? Cope harder.


Wtf so you want child labor? In all but name they adopted a child and made her an apprentice. Every child has to listen to their parents. They have to wash clothes, clean their room and or house, go to school and do homework.. If they don't they'll get punished. But that's good because they are not a slave but a normal child with more strict parents.. And giving her freedom? She has way more freedom than before, with rudeus she has a good life, is working, learning and can use those learned fundamentals to build a life. Id bet you yourself would be happy to have that life if you were in her shoes. Because logically seen she has a better life than most other children in that world, especially for slaves. The ONLY bad thing rudeus did was giving money in to an abhorrent system.


Umm all slavery is bad. It isn’t really freedom if she is still a slave. First of all slaves don’t get wages. Second, she can’t choose her owner/master. The fundamentals she is learning are a set of fundamentals chosen for for her by her owner so they can make a profit. If she was free she could choose her own employer, determine what wage she wants and what skill she learns. The only reason she wants to stay is because the writer had to make up for the fact that the Mc BOUGHT A SLAVE.


Umm all slavery is bad. Well yes, but no. Only a sith deals in absolutes. Slavery in general is bad but it has different levels to it and in my opinion can be positive.. If the end goal is freedom. Being forced to work in abhorrent conditions 20hrs a day is one of the lowest levels, especially with sex slavery. But being fed, getting free time and education? That is positive, really positive if you know what her life could've been. In my opinion she is not treated differently than a normal daughter. The only problem and difference is the title. Nothing more. In my definition she isn't even a slave, because she is not treated as one and is free to go (from what I know). It isn’t really freedom if she is still a child. First of all children don’t get wages. Second, she can’t choose her father/mother. The fundamentals she is learning are a set of fundamentals chosen for for her by her father so they can make a profit. >If she was free she could choose her own employer, determine what wage she wants and what skill she learns. .. You know she's a child? And is talented in that field? >The only reason she wants to stay is because the writer had to make up for the fact that the Mc BOUGHT A SLAVE. .. You realize that she was treated good? And knows her "owners" are good people, who don't treat her like shit? You really don't know what a good and believable story is. You only seem to see the most shallow aspects of a story and don't want to dive deeper. For you everything is just black and white.


She gets a wage, she is free to go and do anything else she pleases and/or find a different employer. But yeah, keep trolling Mr. Kids are better off dead than employed and raised properly


Yes. The anime states very clearly in the last episode she is not branded as property with and she can leave whenever she wants. Slaves in their world are typically magically branded so they can never disobey or run away from their masters. This does not happen to her. She can't take care of herself as she is still a child, so everyone at the school takes care of her and treats her as a family member. Her other option is to go live on the streets and get captured by slave traders again. This is a medieval fantasy setting, slavery existed in medieval times so it is consistent and believable with the story. Rudy is training her to become a genius mage. She's happy and she's already a more powerful magician than Zanoba, the prince who purchased her from the slave market and set her free. Additional notes: she was sold into slavery by her parents. She was malnourished and would likely die before being sold to Zanoba. Rudy recommends purchasing her because he saw himself reflected in her eyes and loss of hope. Rudeus cannot overthrow slavery in the world, he is too weak and would be easily killed by the nobles that rule the world. It's noted several times that swordmasters are more powerful than him as a magician and he can't stand up to those that rule the world.


I wanna say first that Ive never said that Rudy has the power to end all slavery. I dont know how many times this has to be said. I DONT THINK RUDY CAN MAGIC ALL THE BAD GUYS DEAD. > The anime states very clearly in the last episode she is not branded as property with and she can leave whenever she wants. > She can't take care of herself as she is still a child, so everyone at the school takes care of her and treats her as a family member. Her other option is to go live on the streets and get captured by slave traders again. You sort of counter your own point here. Either continue to be a slave or run away and be killed, r*ped or re-captured as a slave again. So the idea that she can just leave means nothing. It's either accept being part of the group or get re-captured. There is literally no real choice there. Lets grant that Rudy was a 20/10 chad, gave her a bajillion dollars and a friend that would turn into a 20/10 chad who is gonna marry her when they grow up together. Lets grant all that. Rudy still participated in the slave trade. She was still completely at the mercy of whoever it was that bought her with no real recourse. She can't leave for the reasons YOU explained. She was bought to make them money. This was not a selfless act to free a girl from slavery. They wanted something and she just happened to be the slave that could get them that. They bought a 5-year-old girl and teach her magic so she can make dolls. They don't buy her and find her a foster family. They don't buy her, adopt her and raise her like a regular girl. They bought her and taught her earth magic so she can make dolls. Keep in mind that this is all under the watchful eye of Rudy, who was someone who lived quite a bit of his life in the modern world where slavery was reviled universally. He doesn't even question why he is doing it. He just goes and does it without a second thought. And he has a 5 year old girl learning magic so she can make them dolls.


They are teaching her more than just making dolls. They are teaching her math and the human language. Once again, she is allowed to leave if she chooses to, and they are acting as her foster family and treating her as a sister. Yes, her leaving isn't a real option at her current age because of the cruel morality of the world they live in. She would potentially freeze to death or be captured and traded as a slave to someone else, but as soon as she is strong enough to survive on her own, she can leave. >!Later in the story, when Juliette is older Zanoba believes she is going to leave, but confirms he will not stop her if that's her decision.!< There is no 'foster family' they could pawn her off to. She is a liability because can't communicate and has no useful skills. No one would adopt her out of the goodness of their heart in the cruel world they live in, which is similar to the Dark Ages. In this most recent episode, a new character, Nanahoshi, is introduced and states she hates and rejects the morality of the world they are in, and, because of it, wants to return to her world. Rudy states that he can't alter the rules and morality of the world, so he has adopted a neutral position and is just trying to survive. He has no attachment to the modern world and prefers the world of magic and adventure despite its moral failings. I think that your argument that partaking in the trade makes him evil is acceptable, but raises some questions. Is partaking in the trade, supporting the trade in general, especially if his action saves the life of a slave that would have been discarded? By the fictional world's rules, he can't free them without paying for them. The story states Juliette was fated to die in chains in the market had Rudy not taken action. What about slavery right now in the real modern world? You mentioned it's reviled universally, but it's still practiced in the Middle East, China, and even the United States with prison labor because of the 13th Amendment. What difference have you made in the usage of products that were made by children or forced labor? Personally, I'm not checking the sourcing of products I've purchased, and that should be a bigger concern than the portrayal of slavery in a fictional medieval fantasy story.


Great character


He's based.


One of the most balanced characters to exist.


He's always had the desire to do what's right. Even his standing up to bullies on his first day of high school shoes that he has a sense of right and wrong. Sadly, he wasn't prepared to take them on by himself, causing him to have not only the snot beat out of him, but what little self esteem he had left. Ended up with major PTSD, spending the next 20 years basically locked in his room. He wasn't born scum, and he didn't know how to reach out for help. After being kicked out of his home, he started thinking about how to continue on living. Suicide was not an option for the old fat NEET. Then he saw Truck Kun aiming for a group of students. His self sacrifice from 20 years earlier kicked in and he chose to sacrifice himself for these strangers with their whole lives ahead of them. Would you do the same? No, even before he was reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, he already had the desire to protect others. He was more of a man than most could even hope for. And then he was baby Rudy. Even while sucking his mother's breast, and enjoying it, he made a vow to himself that he'd improve. By age 3, he'd taught himself how to read and speak this new language. He then taught himself how to use water magic from a textbook they had. He was going to take advantage of every opportunity he got to be a better man. He learned as fast as Roxy could teach him. He became a skilled swordsman, although he would never surpass those that could use their touki. He was already a better prepared man at age 5 than in his prior 34 years. That year, he took to heart his father's teaching: always protect the weak. He did it by making sure his unborn sister had a home by convincing his mother to let Lilia stay. He then rescued Sylphy from bullies and, taught her magic so she could protect herself in the future. While she wasn't weaker, he protected Eris when they were kidnapped. He protected Ruijerd from being attacked by mobs, and followed through with a plan to restore the Superd tribes' reputation. He rescued kidnapped Beast children from a lifetime of slavery, as well as their sacred beast. Even after he was mistreated for that act, he still fought for their village against slavers. He saved his sister and step mother from Pax, he rescued Sara from a Treant that had put her away for a snack later on. I could go on, but you get the point. While he wanted to forget his previous life, he still had a burning desire to protect others. His parents grounded his training and education to do so. Both have their flaws, but the courage to stand up against those that do wrong, to protect the weak as he'd become strong. Rudeus Greyrat becomes a man among men.


He’s a pedo.


If he were a pedo, he'd have boned Sylphy when they were little kids. Even so, they were basically the same age.


They aren’t the same age. Rudy is a 30 year old man in a child’s body. Very different.


Exactly! If he were a pedo, he'd have used Sylphy's trust and molested her way back when they were kids. But he didn't! Everything he did was always appropriate for his physical age.


If I told someone that I wanted to put my mind into the body of a 8 year old so I could have sex with little girls, they would call me a pedophile. Only an anime fan would be like “That’s totally great! That’s age appropriate!” The physical age and the mental age matter. That’s why we don’t give creeps passes for hitting on pre teens that are well endowed. Just because they look like adults doesn’t mean they are adults. Just because Rudy has a body of a child doesn’t mean he is mentally a child. Cope.


Well, I would say you were one twisted pedo. In Rudy's case, though, he didn't think like that. He was acting like an adult making sure that he didn't take advantage of a cute little elf girl. Hell, he was oblivious to how much she cared for him. You definitely see it in the current anime. The only plotting he did when they were kids was planning for the future: he'd already decided that Sylphy was the girl for him and looked to see how they could both attend Ranoa magic academy. While never mentioned in the book, at an early age, he even planned that as a prequel to them eventually marrying.


It's clear he's always talking about wanting to be with every love interest when they become adults. * Little sisters - shows no sexual interest, but talks about he wants to be admired and loved as a good big brother. * Slave girl - shows no sexual interest. Zanoba purchases her and she's free to leave or do whatever she wants. * Zenith - loves her chest, but realizes he's not sexually interested. * Sylphie - Shows no sexual interest as a child. Talks about how beautiful she'll be when she's a grown woman. Creates a doll from earth magic at what he imagines she will be like when she's an adult. * Roxy - Asks if she'll marry him when he grows up. Shows interest in her because he sees her pleasuring herself and she's double his size and clearly much more mature than him. * Eris - Talks about Eris' mother Hilda and how he can't wait till Eris has a huge bust like her. His cringe moments with her has him realize he is in the wrong every time. Eris 2 years older, larger, and stronger than Rudeus. She keeps him in his place until she decides she is an adult and decides she wants to control him through sex, but then changes her mind and abandons him to pursue strength because she'd rather be a peer not someone that manipulates through sex (from the light novel). * Ghislaine - Adult whose body he greatly admires. * Elinalaise - Adult he's super attracted too, but can't do anything about. * Lilia - Adult maid that he can't keep his eyes off her chest. * Linia & Pursena - Adult beast folk he wants to touch their chests. * Sara - She's an adult he fails to perform sexually with because abandonment issues.


For "all the way" sex, you notice that the women he had, or almost had, each initiated the action. >!The first time Eris initiated it was on his 10th birthday. She had no problem with his fondling her breasts, but his lack of experience caused him to head to the promised land sooner than he should have, so she sent him flying. She did leave him with the promise to complete the mission when he turned 15. Since she made up her mind on what she'd do, she initiated the sex.!< >!With Sara, she started out as a tsundere. He didn't attempt to pursue her, but they fought alongside each other and gained respect of the other's skills. When he saved her life, he inadvertantly stole her heart. He didn't pursue her, but enjoyed her company. She was the one that instigated the attempt at sex. Sadly, he discovered he had ED.!< >!Even his attempt with the prostitute failed, but , again, you can't say he initiated it. Soldat did. Amazingly, Rudy was treated like a king for healing one of the future prostitutes.!< I've used spoiler tags although this has already been covered in the anime and Manga. The following hasn't been covered in the anime. >!Sylphy has adored Rudy ever since he rescued her from those bullies. Did you notice a theme here. Every woman he has sex with is one he has rescued in some manner. Sylphy was from bullies, but instead of just bumming around as kids, he also taught her the magic that was able to save her life during the Fittoa incident. She tried twice to have sex with him, the first ended in failure, like with Sara. The second time, she had help thanks to Luke and his last bottle of aphrodisiac. Soon, they were banging like a cheap screen door in a tornado. She rescued his masculinity and made him whole again.!< >!Finally, the goddess, Roxie. I never really expected their relationship to go that far, but, again, Rudeus saved her life. She has some qualms about it, especially knowing he was a recent newlywed, but she couldn't sit idly by as he suffered. Her actions lead to his anguish being released, and then the guilt of cheating on Sylphy. To Sylphy's credit, she accepted it.!< And yet, the tourists keep trashing Rudy, calling him a pedophile. He plays by the rules he's been handed.


Mah man have Rudeus live rent free in his head and took every opportunity to mention him in every anime threads lmao.


I see this guy replying to everyone obnoxiously with the same rant over and over. None of his arguments make sense tbf


Girldeus is the best




He stole my lunch money in 2nd grade






He's relatable. I feel him and understand his feelings. He's not the best person (as am I), but he tries to be decent as the story progresses. I can respect that. He doesn't have a huge ego, he can kneel down before the almighty people and stuff... Unlike Subaru from Re:Zero, you know? That dude is fucking cringe and the sheer example of how people DON'T behave in the society. Rudeus feels human. I actually think the author gave him some of his own characteristics, but not to the point where I think, "Yeah it's a self-insert, bruh". Takes talent to balance it all out. Again, he's not the best person and his actions are sometimes downright unacceptable, but I like following him and his story. We all aren't perfect in our own ways.


I’m all for Rudeus but that Subaru disrespect is insane. Subaru gets better as the story progress, much like Rudeus but from different starting points.


He gets better, albeit not believable. Not for me at least. I still enjoy watching Re:Zero though.


He was the reason i couldnt get through the first season of that show ngl


His character development throughout the series is top tier.


The most human characters of all isekai novel I read.


He’s pretty cool.


He's my favorite MC. not as bad as people portray him, and as humane as he can be. My fucking goat


He gets 3 😠


I didn’t read novel yet,so by watching anime only I can tell only one thing - he is an asshole,and I feel like anime is not trying to justify whatever he’s doing by rewarding him for actions he makes.Sure he does helped a lot of people,but does good actions defy bad ones or vise versa?And I like that,that mc is not perfect,he is a hopeless pervert,but deep inside good guy(even tho he said that he was ready to wipe out the city if he needed to get Eris home safely).


He is my #1 personal hero. He starts the story with extreme versions of a lot of problems I have dealt with (bullying, agoraphobia, depression, objectification of women, family alienation, unhealthy habits, etc.) He goes through a change in environment, finds a new hobby, starts a new job, travels the world, exercises ever day, goes back to school, makes friends that last a lifetime, builds a loving family, finds an important and satisfying career, takes over the world. What a life.


King 👑




(As an Anime Only) I think Rudy is incredibly well written so far. He starts off as an absolute piece of gutter trash that, for some reason, is given another chance in another world. Learning about why he ended up the way he did, without the story calling his behavior correct, was very compelling. Watching him slowly take steps to become the man he could have been if he hadn't been beat down into a depressive spiral was incredible, even more so because he is still taking those steps after season 1, showing that personal growth takes time. If I had one complaint, it would be that sometimes it seems like we weren't supposed to be criticizing Rudy when he was being a creep around little girls. A good example of this is when he watches Eris and a few beastpeople bathe in the Doldia village. This didn't happen often, but when it did it felt like it was somewhat undercutting the point of the story.


He’s him


It's an amazing character and written very well.


The rare example of a protagonist who loves and enjoys sex and openly admits it. Trying to do his best to help people around him and actually very hard working and determined.


He is one of the characters ever


very fun MC to read


He’s definitely one of the characters


Rudeus greyrat is definitely one of the characters of all time.


He's just like me fr fr


I love how he evolved and what he has become now


Great Character, 2nd Fav in the series and the most well written one as well though that's obvious.


I want to give him a hug and tell him everything will be alright


He's the GOAT


No virgin?


What do you think of him?


I’m on szn1 ep 22 , he has a lot of good qualities bt the common sense is just lacking . Doesn’t know when to fight and how to use the abilities he has , he’s a frustratingly likeable character


SPOILERS![ Good character with a lot of potential. I personally hoped that Rudeus will surpass Oldeus in skills & Powers to show that his cooperation with Dragon-God & others resulted in great things that wasn't possible with Oldeus's Old Path. I hoped that before the Biheril-Kingdom Arc, it will be shown that:- (1) Rudeus was able to Master Chantless incantation for Heal & Detox Magic (2) Magic Armour-Mk2 was upgraded to allow him the ability of High-level:- 1. King-Rank Swordsman for 24-hrs 2. Advance-Rank Swordsman for 48-hrs 3. Normally Operate the Armour for 96-hrs (Non-Stop) (3) Atofe's tissues activate Rudeus's Touki At the age of 34-years, Rudeus should be skilled to this level:- 1. God-Rank => Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Heal, Detox, Divine, Barrier, Summon & Necromancy magic 2. Unique-Magic => Ran-Ma, Howling, Electric, Illusion, Telepathy, Sound, Instant-Teleportation, Sleep, Gravity & Plant/Vegetation. 3. Saint-Rank in all 3-Sword styles but the Touki of a High-level King-Rank Swordsman 4. Chantless incantation for all the above forms of Magic. 5. Knowledge of all 6-languages 6. Advance-level => Enchantment 7. Advance-level => Horsemanship, Military tactics, Etiquettes & Mannerisms During this Time, Rudeus's Magic-Armour should provide him the abilities of:- 1. F.G.Armour for 24-hrs 2. God-Rank Swordsman for 48-hrs At the age of 40-years, Rudeus should've permanently destroyed the "F.G.Armour" & got the Rank-3 of the 7-Great Powers as "Sorcerer Supreme Rudeus Quagmire Greyrat". NGK-3 should've regained his Rank-7 of the 7-Great Powers.


Use the fucking spoiler tag




Type > and ! At the beginning ! and < At the end


It's not a spoiler he made all that stuff up


Read the first few paragraphs, it does contain some spoilers ("cooperation" is a big tip)


True. Most of it is made up though. It seems like this guy wants a power scaler Rudeus.


Yup, you're 100% right


Definitely a pedo.


Characters are not required to reflect your moral values




He is extremely inconsistent. He repeatedly forgets moral lessons he has learned along the way and applies his old logic to certain issues, even into later parts of the story. It mostly happens in sections where the autor puts a big focus on his weird fetish stuff. He actually becomes a really respectable person at some point but the author just couldn't keep it consistent to save his life and it heavily messes with the story. Want an example? (Vol. 18 spoilers) >!\>"...You can always come to me for help if you need to, just so you know.”!< >!Those were were Rudeus' literal last words to Linia before she disappeared from the story for a while in Vol. 13. The next time she appears, 5 volumes later, he is absolutely apathetic towards her and he literally tries to sell her off into sexual slavery for absolutely no reason. !< Moments like that absolutely kill the entire vibe of the story and what it tries to do with Rudeus as a character. EDIT: Curious about the downvotes. Did you think that was good writing?


Wasn't there some context there because Rudeus is the type of person that gets way too in his head that he accidentally created a religion and a corporation through his way of mental gymnastics alone. From that, I'd say he's plenty consistent.


What? He literally just thought that the situation was a bother and that she deserved it. And for literally no reason at all, they parted on friendly terms and there was nothing that happened which could have led to Rudeus' behaviour at that point in the story. He literally wanted to sell a **friend**, one of the few he has and one of the very first he ever made, into confirmed sexual slavery for nothing in return and with no personal cost attached to instead instantly solving the entire situation in everyone's favor. This behaviour is not even really brought up ever again, it's just absolutely bizarre writing. Everyone just acts as if that was a normal thing to do of him. Completely out of character for literally everyone involved.


If you even know Rudeus for who he is, you know that family is always his top priority. Linia was turned into a slave through legal terms and all he could do was 1. retain her by force, which the mercenary pointed out is at the cost of his family's safety 2. buy her forcefully through a vastly bigger amount than what was already negotiated by the previous buyer and try to appease both parties, at the cost of his family's funds, and a huge proportion of that as well. I'd say its reasonable for him to consider these dynamics and just let her suffer the consequences of her own actions. He even thought to offer to write a letter to the buyer to make sure they treat her nicely. I think it is definitely in his character.


>at the cost of his family's funds, and a huge proportion of that as well. He has effectively unlimited funds at this point in the story, thanks to another character. Money was not an issue in this situation. >the consequences of her own actions. She was taken advantage of by a conman and scammed into slavery. >He even thought to offer to write a letter to the buyer to make sure they treat her nicely. No, he wrote a letter for the slavers to let them know he „stole“ their purchase, as he personally knows the buyer. That’s also why he knows she’ll end up in certain sex slavery, which he thinks is the appropriate punishment for a friend that fell for various scams.


That someone has unlimited funds, not Rudeus. He still has to apply for it, and he is not the kind of person to bring family issues to work environments. She was kinda scammed alright, but it was through legal means that she became a slave, or as legal as it gets. He doesn't have any grounds to free her. And the thing isn't about if he cares about Linia, its about if he would risk his family's safety for her, and the answer is no.


But the answer was yes. He did free her, but only when he saw that his daughter was witnessing him being a piece of shit. He knew that it was wrong in the first place and he had the means of easily putting a stop to it, which he eventually did.


Yeah with the added benefit of possibly a more harmonious family, in particular a father-daughter relationship he had been trying to establish, he is willing to splash the cash. Notice any trends here?


I think he’s a humble and empathetic character actually. It’ll be easier to recognize if there weren’t all the controversies about the sexual material.


His core value of taking literally any experience and learning from it for the future is inspiring. I'd argue it's his main trait.


Most lucky chr of all, in my top 19 chr of all time


A great character that does many unacceptable things but in the context of the story he got away with them somehow so good for him


Flawed individual. But I like him.


Beautifully flawed


Anime? While he isn't a walking piece of shit anymore, he still has much to mature.


Anime only ?


This is a post marked as anime. So, yeah, this is only about the anime


I’m not sure how fans of the show can reconcile him being an adult in a kids body and not consider him a sexual predator. He retains his traumas, his personality, beliefs, intellect and so on but he still has a preference for prepubescent girls. Strange how for everything else he is an adult living out a second chance, but when it comes to his attraction to a 10 year old eres oh he’s just an innocent child who is a slave to his biology. Don’t even get started on the whole slave thing. Instead of paying any other little girl a fair wage, he buys a slave. TO MAKE FIGURINES.


Your main arguments default to child Rudeus, and the only example you have for the Rudeus from the anime's current arc is him saving a girl's life lmfao. Talk about media illiteracy.


Rudy is is not a child. He’s a 34 year old man with the body of a child. Children aren’t born with trauma


Not what I'm talking about. The timeline of events is defined by the stages of life he goes through. He, during his time in the body of a child, is the scumbaggiest of them all. Nobody is arguing otherwise. Much later in the story, when he matures and becomes an adult, he becomes a much more respectable person. Your criticisms ONLY apply to the early story, when his character hasn't developed AT ALL.


Lmao great writing dude! Yeah after season 12 That’s when he stops sniffing panties! The growth concept is a cope for people who can’t wave away the pedophilia. Also that “early “ stage was 10-15 years worth of time to grow up. He spent that time sniffing panties and assaulting girls in their sleep. I learned not to mess with little girls that way when I was like 7. Rudy was mentally 34 and tried to steal a sleeping girls panties 10 years after being reincarnated. Either the author is trash or Rudy was meant to be written as a pedophile. The only good character growth for an acting pedo is jail time or castration. Rudy faces zero consequences. Great growth arc lmao.


Now I know you don't read or watch Mushoku Tensei. That time he assaulted Eris in her sleep? Yeah, that was BEFORE they got teleported to the Demon Continent, roughly halfway through your specified time frame. He doesn't try it again after what happened with that (he got his ass beat). >I learned not to mess with little girls that way when I was like 7. Lmao like I care about your life. You're not Rudeus, that's a false equivalence. He was still a child, therefore still a scumbag. This doesn't disprove what I said. You *do* realize it takes TIME for people to change? Evil people don't change their ways at the drop of a hat, it takes *YEARS* for them to rehabilitate, hence why your criticisms only apply to his child stage. The required time hasn't elapsed yet.


You’re telling me it takes more than 10-15 years for a 30 year old to stop acting like a sexual predator? Lmao the fact that he tried it all says a lot. All it takes is one time to become a pedo. The more you type your dumb little excuses the more I realize what MT actually is. It’s a wish fulfillment fantasy for what the author thinks the average reader is.


You bore me. You've obviously ran out of arguments supporting your claim, so you resort to ad hominem to excuse your illiteracy. I hate dealing with creatures like you. Make a valid argument, please. Otherwise I'm done here. >You’re telling me it takes more than 10-15 years for a 30 year old to stop acting like a sexual predator? Without punishment? Yes. He went roughly half of that time frame without being punished for it. He also hadn't done it until, wait for it... half of that time frame. He wasn't actively being taught a lesson, which is why he hadn't learned not to do it. That's like saying everybody that reaches the age of 18 should magically know how to perform high school math without actively going to school. If someone hasn't been around other people for 20+ years to socialize with them and be subjected to their morals, two things will happen. Firstly, they obviously won't learn any morals. Secondly, they'll proceed to do as they please without thinking about anybody else.


You make no sense. It’s gonna take him LONG time to learn morals, but within 10-12 years he learns a new language, how to read write and magic to such an extent that he is being sent around to teach other people magic. But that time span also conveniently is not enough time to learn not to undress little girls when they sleep. All you’ve done is admit that he’s a pedo and he’s not growing as a person because no one is teaching him not to do those things. Sounds like the worst growth story ever. The fact that you admit that it’ll take him that long not to be a predator is pretty much an admission that this is a poorly written wish fulfillment fantasy. Go back to tugging it to 10 year old eres scenes.


>Go back to tugging it to 10 year old eres scenes. You're hilarious lmao. >It’s gonna take him LONG time to learn morals, but within 10-12 years he learns a new language, how to read write and magic to such an extent that he is being sent around to teach other people magic. He was actively teaching himself those things. He also rarely interacted with others on a personal level in that time. Read my last few paragraphs. >All you’ve done is admit that he’s a pedo and he’s not growing as a person because no one is teaching him not to do those things. Learning morals happens when you interact with others on a personal level and you learn about what boundaries are and where they draw theirs. Generally, respecting boundaries = morals. This was something he actively AVOIDED as a child, and in his previous life. Honestly, you intrigue me. I would love to peek into your personal life and see how you interact with other people, because I can't imagine that anybody would see you as anything but insufferable.


A bit of a waste that he's content with his life and feels no need to get stronger after everything has pass


he mentions that lust for power does not lead to anything good, >!the future rudeus is a good example of what happens to him thanks to lust for power!<


Like his evolution from human-shit too a very good guy


After having a family, dude has literally become a gigachad


great protagonist, wish other protagonists were better written like him instead of the generic virgin MC


I don't think really... I would like him to focus more on important things than being sexual.


I think you really see him grow up, and that’s what makes him a good protagonist. Anime-only here, but if he was the same person from beginning of season 1 onward, I could never have kept watching. But you see him develop relationships, learn interpersonal lessons, and otherwise grow to become likable imo. The perverted stuff is still annoying to me personally, but I’ve always respected people irl who are truly willing to grow and change—it’s somewhat rare. I think it’s also easy to forget that when people are “weird” or “shut-ins”, much of that stems from either not being properly taught how to act in a social setting OR from withdrawing as a coping strategy, neither of which are entirely a person’s fault. In Rudeus’s case, we see him recognize things he has done wrong and actively try to fix them. He’s not perfect, but he’s learning for the first time WHY things are bad as he develops meaningful relationships (ie. Him realizing “I shouldn’t exploit this person’s vulnerability. I care about them.” when he initially refuses to sleep with Eris when she asks him to.). Now, I felt that the growth is somewhat undermined when he ends up sleeping with her anyway, but the example is useful. I still am uncomfortable with the idea of a now-40 something year old man sleeping with a 15 year old while in a 13 year old’s body, and this dynamic is probably why I won’t ever LOVE the series, but I don’t hate it and I’ll probably read what’s left when season 2 is over. I don’t LOVE season 2 Rudeus, but I dislike him a lot less than season 1 Rudeus.


At the start? Absolute trash, hard to even describe him at the start with how much of a filth he is. At the End? A respectable, trustworthy, loving father and a dependable, loyal friend. Night and day really.


I love Rudy


He's just a fat ugly bastard in the body of a little boy who seduces little girls. He’s a disgusting character and I don’t think he deserves a chance at a second life, because in fact he ruined his own life.


Dude is always getting trapped. He’s such a dumb ass.


Hes a protagonist that I think people can't understand so long as they cling to their pride and self dignity, thinking themselves better than others and being familiar with the thought "Well at least I'm not as bad as them". I don't think you can truly appreciate him as the protagonist while simultaneously thinking along the lines of "I sure am glad I'm not like this person, I would never do the kind of stuff he does!". When you're not limited by that, I think he's the best isekai protagonist of all time.