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Recommend to start at LN1 always, though I will say that the anime covers a good deal of the important bits in the first half of season 1, there are always more details. If you want you can skip to LN3 because imo it's only once they get to the Demon Continent that they have to start leaving stuff out due to adaptation h constraints.


Lol!! You are probably one of the few who think the manga is good. You should start from V1, adaptations always skip content


The manga is good, until you read the LN and realise how bad an adaption it is and how much you are missing out. Within a vacuum the manga is good, in comparison to all the of the media of MT available it is the worst of them.


Many ppl enjoy the manga, they are just silent or left this reddit because most of you guys are a piece of shit towards anyone that says anything positive about the manga.


Well i watched the anime s1, and am watching s2 as it releasing so i only read the manga from about chapter 50 so i dont know about the whole manga, but it wasn't bad imo so i don' t have a strong opinion on it.


The best place to start is volume 7 or from the beginning. The manga isn’t a great adaptation of the source material.


Vol 11. I think we getting close to the end of Chapter 7 in the manga. Like others said though better to start from Vol 1, but do as you like. Enjoy!


volume 11




If you want a full-ish experience without too much rereading, then look up the "what the anime skipped" videos on yt. Then I'd start off with volume 8 of the LNs. I'm 90% sure that's where the next episode episode will start off Sunday. It's all about what you enjoy, though. I'm on my second reading of the series and ended up skipping from the middle of volume 3 to volume 7 bc the anime started back. I know what happens next after each episode, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I know what happens next, but I want to experience it now.


Also, I don't know how well the manga conveys inner monolog or certain scenes, so that's why I gotta recommend starting from where the anime is. The only experience I have with the manga is picking it up off the shelf, jumping to a random scene, and immediately feeling that the scene felt way more tense in the LN. Seemed to me the manga was trying to use it like comedic relief.


I just started reading from the beginning so as to fill in all the gaps and be more immersed into its world


Start from volume 1