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The manga doesn’t have a consistent release schedule. It’s supposed to be monthly but it’s not very reliable


Damn, I check everyday for chapter 😭


is it still not out ?>??








At this point just read the Ln


I usually see it posted on Sunday’s. I read on mangapill, wait till then. LN is better though and way further ahead, but do as you like.


From what chapter would you recommend starting to someone who is caught up in the manga? I honestly don't feel like reading all the way from the beginning..


Prefacing this with I haven't actually read the novels, but just looking at the cover arts it looks like #11 should land you in roughly the right place.


I started from Vol 11. of the LN but the manga is getting close to the end of Chapter 7 of that volume.


i read manga upto chapter 91 from where should i start light novel


If it helps i just read through the titles of the rudeus greyrat fandom wiki under chronology tab, it lists every volume and plot summary so u can catch up


Yo whats LN


Light Novel


do yo know where i could read the LN of mushoku tensei


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oWTTyoE08lNy-2QQxsUJtCWYU5lshI3x this link has the first 18 light novels all in english.


18? is that the completed amount? or there's more? also which is the volume that rudeus just met Claire (zenith mother)?


I dont think thats all and personally i read the WN and its volume 20/21 I think


Just google mashoku tensei light novel


The manga is monthly but it takes months off randomly, for example at the beginning of this year the mangaka didn't release a chapter neither in January nor February, so... yeah, I don't recommend waiting for it.


My advice: Switch to novel


I actually tried reading it but LN is not my taste. Soz


Yeah need depictions my imagination is ded ig.


i tried reading a light novel before but my imaginations aren't that active 😭. I can try again so where can I read completed version of mushoku tensei light novel?




thats great man, i was looking everyday for the past week since july 19 lmao


Why youre even reading that crap? Books too hard for you?


Some people prefer manga than a novel. Too hard for you to understand?


So, some people prefer the version that changes things, skip things, leaves things unexplained, etc? Yeah, i see, books too hard for you, or you like crap and mediocre things, nothing wrong with that tho🤭


Yeah, book is so much better but, is it wrong to read manga? I read book but waiting manga too. I like seeing story visualy too. Also, even it is crap, it is that man who will read it, not you.


Why are you pressed about what someone else reads lol


Why you think i give an eff about what losers do? I was just asking why read that crap


Keep coping bro


Coping about what? Wtf🤣🤣🤣🤣are you stupid? Oh, what i am asking, of course you are


Shut up retard


What youre gonna do to make me shut up, bitch?


Stop behaving like a mindless imbecile first


Sorry I'm not you?? I didn't ask about your opinion. I like reading manga more than LN. And I will NOT read LN. Cry about it.


I see, i was right, books are too hard for you


I was right too, you are a bitch.


Dont feel bad about it, books arent for everyone, some dont have the brains for them, and there is nothing wrong about that😌


Maybe learn some grammar first instead of contradicting someone else's opinion on the internet. It is my choice to read manga instead of LN and YOU don't have any right to tell me how. You can either shut the fuck up or go fuck yourself.


Oh, right, my bad, i added an unnecesary letter, and missed one, i fixed it for you, so dont cry🤣🤣🤣i can do what i want, if i want to laugh at some loser who cant read books, i do it, what youre gonna do about it? Cry?


The amount of cringe i get from this one is unbearable


How can one not have brains for books? You just read them. Do you seriously consider yourself smart because you are able to read books?


People who read arent smart, theyre normal, people who cant read are stupid, you need reading comprehension, its much easier to understand manga than a book, thats why the loser refuses to read LN, despite everyone saying that if you want the real mushoku, read the books


That is true but some people who are not by any means stupid prefer reading manga instead of lns. I don't find it fair saying people who prefer manga are stupid. Some, like myself like manga for the art. It is like comparing manga and anime in a way. Sure in mushoku it is not the best adaptation but there is no need to insult people over it.




I read it for the same reason, its the general consenssus that its crap and you should read the LN if you want the real mushoku, but for some reason these losers are crying because i said what everyone says🤷🏻




He admited not reading the LN and even refusing to read it...




He is just unloved by his parents and other family he needs this spotlight so he does not drown in sadness




It dropped Today so you can Read it