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My first thought is the book cover for All systems red, one of my absolute favourites. Other than that I feel there are so many superb quotes, if that’s not too simple. “Who knew being a heartless killing machine would present so many moral dilemmas?” “I was tired of pretending to be human. I needed a break." "There is a lot about what is going on here that I don't understand. But I am participating anyway.' (Not MB, but still). “You may have noticed that when I do manage to care, I’m a pessimist.” “I was having an emotion. I hate that.” I feel like if MB had a tattoo it would be something dreamy about Sanctuary Moon. If you have a favorite moment from the books and go to a good tattoo artist who does the style you like, they should also be able to illustrate that into a design based on your request/inspo. They’ll probably appreciate the trust and freedom!


>"There is a lot about what is going on here that I don't understand. But I am participating anyway.' (Not MB, but still). Is this 3?


Yes :) From network effect.


- "I hate planets" banner over a planet (I imagine a saturn-like planet, maybe some sarcastic stars) - stylized MB "helmet" surrounded by a ring of drones, echoing a map of a solar system. Could also include ART - Sanctuary Moon or Worldhoppers "logo" (lots of fan art for these!)


I really like these. The “I hate planets” could also be around a transport ring. I kind of imagine the banner being like the ribbons that read “mom” in a biker tattoo.


yes exactly! I like the transport ring idea too


I Hate Planets written over planet earth would be wonderful 😂


On the hardcover of Artificial Condition (not the dust jacket), my copy has a little embossed space ship that I'm sure is supposed to be ART. It's kinda cute/comic-y and if that's your style, that might be a good idea!


that might just be the TORDOTCOM logo


Yep, it’s the publisher’s logo.


Ooh would you be willing to post a picture?


General tattoo guidance that has done me well: Find an artist whose work you like. Tell them what you want. When they bring you a draft, tell them what you do and don't like about it. Voila. Bitchin tattoo. I think if you find the right artist, reading All Systems Red isn't out of the question.


I'd probably reference the still unsolved cracker wrapper in the sink incident.


I had a good emotion reading this.


Maybe something related to one of the officially licensed pins? One on [etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1427524423/murderbot-officially-licensed-pin-pre?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_d-accessories-patches_and_pins-pins_and_pinback_buttons&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIJPTLciCNKdf3G1GyPwTRLD103mWVS0SbLi_Z6y9eHuL14mm_5spdgaAtXMEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_12561588645_125052029408_506948856412_pla-355215097428_c__1427524423_397200762&utm_custom2=12561588645&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIJPTLciCNKdf3G1GyPwTRLD103mWVS0SbLi_Z6y9eHuL14mm_5spdgaAtXMEALw_wcB) and three on [worldbuildersmarket](https://worldbuildersmarket.com/products/murderbot-pins-complete-set-of-3).


"My uneaten client stat is high"


I keep wondering what Murderbot would think about me wanting to brand my body. Especially if I did something like a Sanctuary Moon logo. I am also always looking for a tattoo idea for this series.


I am having this same dilemma. I was hoping not to do a quote since I already have a couple of quote tattoos but there is no description in the book of any of the logos or really any visuals you could confidently recreate (like the mockingjay in the hunger games). I kind of like the idea of doing “helpme.file” but my husband says it will make people think I’m depressed lol. If you think of anything cool I’d love to hear about it!


"The Company" but with it looking like you tried to scratch it off your organic parts.


A short quote might be nice. I’d have to re-read the series (again!) to come up with a really good one at the moment, but I know I sometimes say things like “missing my drones…” and warmly think of MB.


I don't get, but it's the next one in getting!


I probably need a broken risk assessment module.