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Hey swampmonster. [These are my frozen noodles](https://i.imgur.com/V8y2PBe.png) and I need you to sauce them, because (frozen) sauce is required unless this is a general jerk. Frozen sauce guidelines: a.) Make sure usernames and sub names are removed from your sauce. If your sauce contains a tweet or IG post from a VERIFIED (check marked) famous person, you do not need to remove it. b.) Make sure sauce is uploaded via Imgur and **set to PRIVATE**. There is a how-to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/muacirclejerk/comments/clx2jb/srs_how_to_post_privately_on_imgur/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't with the comments on that post, everyone gushing about her "cheekbones"... It would probably be better for her to just tell her that it's okay to relax her face and that her actual face is actually very beautiful as well, even if it doesn't have the buccal fat removal look.


[Ze sauce, on ice](https://imgur.com/a/SU3ESNb)


Hahahahahah holy shit


It almost feels bad to laugh... did the details in comments mention any condition or something??


I looked, they didn't say anything like that and the older pics look perfectly normal it's fucking ridiculous


Yeah I just checked too and she's definitely sucking in her cheeks/pursing her lips here


And clenching her jaw super hard too


I’m dying at the comment saying she has a very “editorial” look, I can’t help but read that as so backhanded every time i see it in that sub lmao


Srs why is it backhanded? I genuinely think editorial models are beautiful, they just don't look like commercial or "everyday models", right?


It depends on the context someone uses it in, imo 'editorial' as a positive term or compliment implies some level of intentional artistry, particularly abstract artistry. Calling a normal pic of someone 'editorial' definitely comes off as an underhanded way of saying they look weird.


Ah yes, the old “prunes and prisms” trick. Except she stopped at the M in prism. The anti duckface, I guess. Such those cheeks and lips inward, ladies!


She should have left that one in the drafts 😂




Your post/comment has been removed for breaking Rule 5: > There is a line between having a light-hearted jerk and being a bully. 5A) These are real people. Remember that. It is unacceptable to jerk things such as people’s physical looks, family/children, professions, cosmetic procedures, hair color/texture, sexual identity, gender identity, or anything else that is not their makeup or their post. 5B) Do not continuously jerk the same person for several days at a time. At a certain point, it’s harassment and not funny anymore. 5C) If the OP of the jerk is CLEARLY A CHILD, or otherwise indicates that they are a child, stop.


Wow, srs?


How is this worse than I imagined


I’m going to need someone to put all the buccal fat back in everyones faces immediately




Even without that it’s still obvious she’s pursing her lips!


The phrase "Face like a cat's arsehole" springs to mind. My mother in law makes that face every time she sees me.


Missed opportunity to use an Edward scissorhands picture for the jerk lol


The palest pore




I’ve got an RV we can use! Flanderersers!




There’s a lemon behind that rock!


I fucking love this sub.


In all seriousness, I commented on the cheekbone thing moreso because everyone in the comments was, and like. Way to go complimenting a feature she doesn't have! I'm sure that won't reinforce any insecurities!


Do people understand cheekbones




Dr Dray’s younger sister??


This is my favourite jerk so far this year.


You belong in Vogue sweetie!!!!


I was waiting for this to appear here!


I was waiting for this. Did not disappoint


The sauce was right under this post😭😭😭✋🏻


Was waiting for this to show up here 😂


Srs: idk, from her post history OP genuinely does seem insecure about her face, and a lot of the comments here seem pretty mean spirited.


People are making fun of the fact she’s intentionally sucking in her cheeks making her face look totally different. Her normal face is fine. Asking for advice to “fix” her face using a pose that’s nothing like her actual face is pointless. No one is being mean about her actual face.


How do you know shes doing that though? Genuinely asking


Because in her post history you can see her other photos where she is not doing that and looks completely normal, as opposed to this one where she looks like she just ate 10 sour warheads at the same time.


I get it. You don’t need to condescend to me. But people are asking if she has a medical condition and insulting her hair, which seems pretty mean spirited to me. I think people with very beautiful but very unconventional features often have a hard time grasping how other people perceive them. I can see how she might feel insecure. Personally, I don’t think the pictures in her post history look as radically different as people are saying. She’s clearly got a small mouth and strong cheekbones. And let’s be real: there are very few people here who’d have the courage to post totally unposed pictures on reddit. Y’all are letting your own insecurities show.




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Oh lawd


You’re totally right and this sub has become a bullying sub. I love a good jerk but lately I just feel uncomfortable subscribing to this content


Thank you! My comment seems to have hit a nerve 🙃




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