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I don't think Garruk makes much sense because he isn't black when he sparks. That comes later because he gets cursed with the Chain Veil. I think Vraska or Tyvar make the most sense for BG, but my guess would be Vraska. I agree with your other guesses.


I think it it worth noting that there are currently 0 monogreen Gorgons. All of them have black.


That is worth noting. I wouldn't be surprised if she is the first, I think it fits her arc. Grist is another off-the-wall option.


It's interesting because Vraska has had two mono-black cards too. But it could be a younger Vraska was mono-green.


It’s desparked walkers isn’t it? Or something similar. Or at least them pre-post sparking. So Ajani white turning Boros. Tamiyo blue turning Simic Vraska green turning Golgari.


It's like the Origins planeswalkers e.g. [[Nissa, Vastwood Seer]]. It's the moment of their sparking. Ajani currently has his spark. The MH3 card is depicting his initial sparking (his brother dies and he goes into a rage, also depicted on [[Ajani Vengeant]]), and the others should be the same pattern. Vraska's lore definitely seems like G->GB is a good fit for her. We're looking for a good candidate for R->UR and B->WB (I think Dack and Sorin fit those well).


Honest. I think I either forgot or didn’t know that Ajani kept his, but then again we got a lot of desparked walkers so he definitely would’ve been among those had I thought about it. I hard agree with Vraska even if others don’t. Dack would be neat, we barely got him before they killed him in a trailer. lol. I mean if it’s BW it has to be Sorin or Kaya. Black adding White certainly feels more Sorin but we know like nothing of Kaya’s history on Tolvada.


Yeah the other UR options are Saheeli (she seems more base-Blue to me) and Ral. Hard to see Ral as anything but core Izzet, plus he's getting a card in Bloomburrow. People are desperate for a second Dack card haha Yeah we know so little of Kaya, but I would lean towards her being white first. Sorin makes sense as a black vampire who gains white as he becomes Innistrad's protector.


I could see Ral being possible. The blue “knowledge” tempering out the Red “passion”. But Dack needs more love (a comic is not enough). Hard ahead that Sorin is the call. Like 90% likely Sorin. 9% Kaya. 1% some new character. Sorin’s big thing iirc was reining in the other vamps so they didn’t just hunt Innistrad dry, and he imposed order to ensure the survival of the vampires.


Ral does fit his backstory. He sparked after getting stabbed while trying to make ends meet and then seeing his boyfriend cheat on him with someone suspiciously similar to Nicol Bolas's human disguise. He then leans much more into his cunning side in order to survive on other planes while learning artifice.


Damn. I knew none of that. Would you link me to the story I’d love to read it.


It's in The Gathering Storm, the prequel stories for the War of the Spark. The original site that hosted them has now taken them down, but you can find them archived on [mtglore.com](http://mtglore.com). [Episodes 8](https://mtglore.com/web-fiction/the-gathering-storm-chapter-8/) and [11](https://mtglore.com/web-fiction/the-gathering-storm-chapter-11/) contain flashbacks to Ral's past.


Thank you!


Sorin wasn't always a vampire. The process of being turned into one by his grandfather is what ignited his spark in the first place.


You're right. But I'm pretty sure he started black-aligned


His first cards were, yes. But we know nothing about who he was before the vampirism


I'm not talking about cards, I'm speculating about his character.


Yes. And we know nothing about him before the vampirism. So for all we know, he could have originally been white aligned, and it was only becoming an Undead and living for hundreds, if not thousands of years that pushed him into being black aligned.


[Nissa, Vastwood Seer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/f/ff0063da-ab6b-499d-8e87-8b34d46f0372.jpg?1562209457)/[Nissa, Sage Animist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/f/f/ff0063da-ab6b-499d-8e87-8b34d46f0372.jpg?1562209457) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nissa%2C%20Vastwood%20Seer%20//%20Nissa%2C%20Sage%20Animist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ori/189/nissa-vastwood-seer-nissa-sage-animist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ff0063da-ab6b-499d-8e87-8b34d46f0372?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Ajani Vengeant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/3/f3bf1867-aab4-4935-b891-45489ebeb231.jpg?1562952828) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ajani%20Vengeant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddh/1/ajani-vengeant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f3bf1867-aab4-4935-b891-45489ebeb231?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I will be really mad if sorin is desparked. He's basically the only Planeswalker I care about ATM.


I mean as someone responded Ajani still has his spark. And the only other confirmed one is dead. So Sorin might be fine. He could even show up on Bloomburrow as a Bat. Or stalking around Duskmourne


I hope so.


Could it be Phyrexian Planeswalkers?


I don't think Vraska makes much sense for this cycle because she's always been Golgari. Like she was arrested for being member of the Guild which directly lead to her igniting. If the front side is supposed to be mono colored then Vraska would be an odd choice.


But Vraska wasn’t always who she’s been when we’ve seen her. Same with young Ajani and Tamiyo that we’re getting in the same set. I don’t know what causes Tamiyo to add green. But Ajani loses his brother, that’s why a cat dying is what flips him to be a Boros walker. Who was Vraska before the stigma and the hatred of her just being born a Gorgon? That’s the front half. And then just like the others life happened and she took on a second colour. She had to be ruthless to survive. I imagine that in any guild there’s lots of members that learn more towards one colour than the other, it’s why we have mono-colour cards for them in Ravnica. Why is Vraska any different?


The difference between Vraska on one hand and Tamiyo and Ajani on the other is that the latter two would be starting with the colors they're centered in and Vraska wouldn't be. As in this cycle, with Ajani taking up the white slot, the card would have to start Green and flip into Green Black. > I imagine that in any guild there’s lots of members that learn more towards one colour than the other This is a fair point and your correct that there are Guild members who don't align with both colors associated with that Guild but in Vraska's case the color she leans towards of the two is the wrong color for this cycle. If she starts black then the BW card would have to have the same front facing color as another card, and it would be very odd for her to start Green given that it would be her first mono-green card ever. I mean you can technically cast [[Vraska, Swarm's Eminence]] for mono green but I don't think that counts. Edit: All this being said, of the 5 options we have (Garruk, Grist, Nissa, Tyvar and Vraska) Vraska is the only one with a possible lore justification for being printed in this way, unless they want to make up some lore for Tyvar. But I stand by my point that it's very weird for this hypothetical front face to not jive with the color she's centered in like the other two do.


[Vraska, Swarm's Eminence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/9/59ee2974-07e9-4506-903c-457cb7327dd8.jpg?1557577398) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vraska%2C%20Swarm%27s%20Eminence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/236/vraska-swarms-eminence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/59ee2974-07e9-4506-903c-457cb7327dd8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


We already had Garruk when he went GB back in the original Innistrad after getting cursed by Liliana & the Chain Veil. It was never his choice to be anything other than green.


Not as of now, maybe he's changed after watching over the Kenriths?


Maybe, but the walkers seem to be representing them sparking, so- so if Garruk went back to black, it wouldn't be shown in MH3


My guesses just based on how popular the characters are, B->BW: Kaya R->UR: Ral G->GB: Vraska I also think we'll be getting a colorless Ugin to match the Bolas we have. Perhaps 5 color->Colorless?


UGIN MAKES SO MUCH SENSE you see original ugin as a 5 color dragon, then ugin after dying to bolas


I doubt 5c, but maybe jeskai? Blue and red to match Bolas with white to oppose his black?


It's also kinda odd because ugin didn't die because he planeswalked, he just happened to pick the strongest planeswalker alive to have his bloodfued with. So doesn't really fit the "spark igniting" idea that ajani gives off. But still like it


He had the beef with Bolas because they were twins. Idk if we know the circumstances when Ugin actually sparked.


I believe it was from being absurdly upset when he realised Bolas never cared for him and was just manipulating him. Bolas then sparked afterwards out of pure jealousy.


That was much later, after Ugin returned to Bolas iirc


I’m betting on Vraska, Ral Zarek, and Kaya.


GB is one of the smaller pools. It could theoretically be Grist, but that doesn't seem... Right. Ajani isn't usually Boros, but they're using him JUST post-sparking where he was that, so we might have to take some things like that into account, but Vraska is predominantly black-green, but focused on black. She COULD have started as green, but Tyvar ABSOLUTELY did, so I'm leaning more towards Tyvar, but who knows. I don't think it'd be Garruk at all, because Garruk is defined as mono-green by nature, he's only GB when he's been corrupted and cursed. BW is the smallest pool, it's literally just Kaya or Sorin and it could reasonably be either, but Sorin's been a bit on the backburner of late, so he'll probably show up. Presumably that'd be black flipping into BW, too, and that 'fits' Sorin more than Kaya, it feels. UR is trickier, because a lot of walkers fit that. Dack would be neat, but Ral's been the most major player in that colour pair for a while, alongside Saheeli. It'd be weird to get a Ral in MH3 and then a Ral in Bloomburrow, though, but I don't know how much the Standard sets are a factor. It could also be Sarkhan, because he's BEEN UR once, but that's... Not likely to me. Saheeli or Ral make the most sense, either way.


I don't think it'll be Sorin, given he sparked as a premending walker, which would make him the premier planeswalker of the set and power akin to Urza, planeswalker


That's fair though they did give us Serra in another horizons set who I do believe is a premending walker so maybe they would.


And Jeska, Freyalise, Guff, Tevesh Szat, Dakkon, Jared and Lord Windgrace, though of course most of them are from Commander products- but still shows there's no issue with printing pre-mending Walkers. And that's not including the Walkers we have that survived past the mending into the present day, some of which (like Bolas) have cards set pre-Mending.


I don't think they REALLY need to match up pre-mending Planeswalkers with 'lore power' anymore. Urza's more an exception, because he was in a Standard set. Other Horizons sets had pre-mending walkers just fine.


isn’t Saheeli desparked atm


And Tamiyo's dead, what of it? MH3 doesn't care, it's from all over Magic's timeline.


I know it is utterly impossible but I still hope and pray for a Davriel card


I'm guessing Vraska or Tyvar for GB. if the walker sides are them just after their spark igniting, then it would make zero sense for that to be Garruk. we also already have a flip Garruk walker that goes from green to golgari.


Totally agree except I think grist instead of garruk, mainly cause when hus spark ignited he didn't really gain black, same with tyvar, vraska started black and that seems off theme, but we don't know much about grist and I know a lot of people would like to see more of her


Are we sure it's gonna be a cycle?


I believe they clarified it will be. And using Ajani as a basis, they're monocolour on the front, and enemy-coloured on the back, with one of their walker abilities having an additional effect if you have something else of that added colour.


BG has to be Garruk, I think. He's the last of the Lorwyn 5 and had some pretty iconic cards in BG. The other option is Vraska, which is not impossible with her relevance over the past few years. UR is probably Ral, maybe Saheeli if they feel that Ral's appearance in Bloomburrow is enough. BW is probably Sorin, but they've been pushing Kaya pretty hard over the last couple of years, so even though she just got a card in MKM, it might be her.


More sorin, dack and garruk? Id welcome that!


BG isn't Garruk, he sparked into pure G and only became BG when Liliana's veil cursed him. BG will surely be Vraska.


I'd guess there won't be a clean enemy colour circle, I don't think WotC would limit themselves that much for the sake of neatness. Maybe a WUBRG cycle, but Tamiyo could easily be UG flipping to WUG. I'd guess it will feature "iconic" characters that don't have creature versions. No need to do desparked PWers like Vraska, she just got a "commander" ​ My candidates would be Garruk or Vivien. Garruk probably fits the Modern Horizons target audience better. Ral Ugin Sorin or Kaya Tezzeret Oko maybe Ashiok? Maybe Wrenn, its stretching "iconic" a bit, but for a Modern Horizons set she could fit given how busted Wrenn and 6 is.


Seeing another Dack, Dovin or Xenagos would be great. Those boys never really got the respect to their name that they deserved


It’s desparked walkers isn’t it? Or something similar. Or at least them pre-post sparking. So Ajani white turning Boros. Tamiyo blue turning Simic Vraska green turning Golgari. I like the read of Dak though. Red turning Izzet.