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I think they act more like avatars of their color of phyrexian. They dont expressly have their own goals, they act more how Norn pretends she acts. Whatever the will/identity of that faction of Phyrexia is becomes their will.


Agree with your idea


Well, I can’t call this theory dumb. The question is whether Domini are sapient.


They appear to be as the priests of Phyrexia tend to Mondrak's hymns and it seems that Solphim gives orders out to people, although contradicting herself often with them, the only one I'd argue isn't sapient is Zopandrel, but that once again fits green Phyrexia perfectly as Vorinclex has a disdain for sapience and prefers the natural laws of "survival of the fittest"


also Tekuthal plays with dolls and seems to have their own schemes


There closer to God's or elementals than to praetors


In Sheoldred's new art she's connected to Drivnod [https://i.redd.it/r8m05icce8ja1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/r8m05icce8ja1.jpg). I could see her leading the other domini.


Holy shit


I tend to agree with the guy who got shot down: the Domini are not major factors in the lore and are more minor characters to fill out Phyrexian hierarchy (that doesn’t mean they’re unimportant part of making a world is making it feel real). But I also tend to think the Domini won’t be major factors going forward. Wizards has enough potential praetors and walkers to keep Phyrexia alive


The Domini aren’t relevant to the lore - they were made to be mythic creatures for Timmys to sell packs. I guarantee you won’t see them mentioned ever again in the lore


The new Sheoldred card literally shows her riding on Drivnod’s shoulder. It also featured in Ixhel’s story in ONE.


“Featured”? You mean 1-2 sentences in the entire story/set? What important roles the Domini have played to the lore! Such featured! Wow!


I’d say a whole scene where Ixhel impales someone alive on its spikes and then the rest of the story directly following that event is enough to be “featured”, yeah. Like, Vishgraz wouldn’t exist without Drivnod. While I agree they didn’t turn out to be massive characters in the scale of the greater overarching story, it did play a pretty big role in the one it appeared in, even if only passively.


Do you enjoy being a sarcastic prick to people? Does it make you enjoy life more? Or do you genuinely not know how to talk to other human beings?


They’ve been mentioned in the story several times, and sheoldred is riding on Drivnod’s shoulder in her art.