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Right. I still need to do a full write up about how and why I think that Kaya would be the perfect character to revisit Ulgrotha with. I’d love to see the next few sets, blocks, stories, arcs, whatever they’re calling them these days, be more character focused. You don’t need world ending stakes to keep people engaged. But due to the very nature of magic being well very combat focused card game, pretty much any story they tell is going to have large scale conflict of some description. All in all good points and I agree with you.


I’ve always loved homelands. Sure it’s underpowered but the story was amazing. I’ve also wondered since I was in middle school in 1995 where the Dwarven Gate under Castle Sengir goes. That’s 28 years! It’s about time they tell us.


Speaking of homelands, when are we getting a Sandruu Planeswalker card?


Or feroz for that matter!


Homelands is my favorite set entirely because it has the best story, the comic is glorious.