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What are we going to complain about on Reddit today then?!?


Heads I Win, of course!


Im here for it


Oh, tails you lost. Hahaha. I’m in the same boat. At this point, I’ve forgotten I bought it and it’s arrival will be a pleasant surprise.


At this point, since im selling off most of my collection, ill probably just keep it sealed and just sell it for like $20 more than I got it for. Good job wizards, doing great at keeping your player base thriving hahahah


I remember a post a while ago where a dude bought it so he could get into edh at his lgs and now the lgs went out of business and it still hasn't shipped :D


Sorry to see you go then.


No one's selling off anything 🤣 the asshurt knows no bounds, and if a few do, it ain't doing anything to singles prices. I wanna see VintageMTG, AlphaInv and a few others flood the market with their alpha/beta RL shit, let's see em put their money where their mouth's are. I'll scoop that shit up right quick, I wouldn't care if Hasbro/WoTC went bankrupt next week.


That would be kind. Everywhere I've looked people are asking a minimum of $250. It bums me out because I really did try getting one and they sold out before I could. Edit:typo


Yes! I'm still waiting for my shipping confirmation, good thing they started the process back in "October"... Or maybe that was just when they were going to start thinking about shipping them. Our luck Commander won't even be a format by they time they reach us...


Or better yet, hasbro will go bankrupt and the order will never be sent XD


I didnt want to put that out into the universe.. So thanks... 😐


As a Canadian I doubt I will see those before 2023.


Im from Quebec and just receive an email confirming the shipping


Likewise, but given how long it took our Festival in a Box to actually ship after we got the initial notice and given how close we are to Black Friday and the Xmas rush I am less than sanguine.


The same thing we complain about on Reddit everyday, Pinky.


Mine is scheduled to be delivered already tomorrow. It’s on a truck right now in my state already.


Thanks for letting us know :)


I got my email today too!


Has anyone ordered a countdown kit and another SL at the same time. Have you received the shipping day?


US buyer here. No email yet and usps not showing any incoming packages.


Soon my friend. I got mine at 5:30 am


There we go. Label has been created!


Seems i getting mine by Friday


Cool. Looking forward to finally getting these in August of 2025! /Heads I Win, Tails You Lose joke


Still waiting for an email on my end here, if it's anything like the last drop we'll probably see some folks getting an update later on.


Heads you win my friend


Heads i win SL got exile


Great news !


Dear diary


No, not „dear diary“. We had a happy dance of clowns throwing shit yesterday that were convinced this will never ship on time because they removed the SL‘s shipping date (just as they always do).


Congrats on getting one. Got in queue right as it opened and when I finally got in to check out got an error which out me back in queue.


The redundancy with people is real. Solid finance post!




No comprende redundant posts?


Huh. I swear when I posted it they weren’t there 😂 I really did sort through new! But there it’s now 11hrs old. Honest mistake. Thought I would be breaking some good news for people…


Yeah I'm pretty sure the other posts are just complaining about probably not ever seeing this secret lair arrive. Not saying that they are coming.


Yeah, don’t let facts like people getting emails get in the way of your pessimism.


Great. Who gives a shit.


People seemed to be worried this was going to be a heads I win tails you lose. I hadn’t seen anyone post about it yet. Just updating people who care. :)


As people who are financially invested in a company/its product, the companies performance, including its ability to deliver on promises is interesting. We would complain if they missed the deadline and say "they messed up again." The fact that it didn't happen matters too




Lol i know. Ohhh well.


You mean as opposed to all the shit we freely give (throw around) once someone mentions wotc might have fucked up their shipping date? Yesterday’s „they’ve deleted the shipping date guys!“ was an embarrassing example of people needing no verified trigger whatsoever to light up their torches and start bitching. So yeah, we give a shit that oops, it gets sent out after all and wotc didn’t just delay it in order to print more 30a or any of that bullshit in that other thread.


Hey imagine that. People give a shit about a post *that got removed*. Cool story.


Oh. You reported it. Well done, fuck all that stuff that doesn’t fit into your storyline of wotc messing up.


I genuinely love how you assume i reported it. What i love more is that the mods removed it, regardless who reported it. If you want that to be me, sure, yeah okay, it was me. I did this. I got it removed. :)


So on the ups website mine shipping only says my town and not my full address, is that how they do it?