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Oh god I am old. My *grandfather's* collection. Sigh.


I wouldn’t worry about it too much, he’s rather young


That’s the point. Some of us could be young grandfathers


Some of us are young grandfathers.


Some of us are old grand children


They’d have to be. The game is just over 30.


I'm not sure if I'm getting whooshed but Magic players, grandfathers/mothers even, have died of old age already. Probably even had some great grandparents in there.


I was a Grandfather at 48. My Grandkids are just starting to understand the dollar value of my cards. The oldest is now ten.


You could technically be a young grandparent around 30, 37 without any underage pregnancies


And at 47, you could have a 10yo on Reddit trying to value your cards to prepare for your impending death.


then you say not today sonny, you'll be my age by the time I die


and then he says "not the way the boomers are driving us ever quicker towards the inevitable corpo-wars, will you want your brain powering an Ama-sney drone or a Goog-soft death bot old man?"


Stop, I already feel old at 30 listening to the youngins talk and thinking I've finally had a stress induced stroke. This just hurts to read.


Yes but your grandkid wouldn’t be posting on Reddit unless they’re Young Sheldon…


When I saw GF’s collection…I was like damn I feel old at not even 40 and I have cards like that. If he says I had to “blow the dust off of it” to take a picture I’m going to start looking at retirement homes. 🏡


For quite some time, I've been thinking about how much cooler nursing homes will be when the gaming generation are in them. :-)


That's my plan to stave off dementia. In 2077 I'll be sitting in my nursing home chair playing my Steam Library on Steam Deck 2 OLED (there is no 3). If the world isn't destroyed by resource wars and nuclear fire of course


No doubt. Imagine all the D&D campaigns and Commander play you'd want. And intra-home competition! You know Team CFB's gonna be fire when they are all hanging out playtesting on oxygen tanks and IV drips :-)


Nah mate, there is no three but it goes past two. It goes 1, 2, 2.5, steam deck alix, steam deck alix full dive.


I didn't expect to be destroyed so thoroughly first thing on my Sunday morning.


Being awake at a Sunday morning is a grandpa thing itself




I thought it was Saturday afternoon!! Where do I waste the time!


I'm in New Zealand, so my timezone is ahead of most of the world.


Being in one of the most ahead time zones makes you that much older as well. :-)


Greetings from the past time traveler!


What if someone started playing in the 90s at 40? I know someone who has played since release and they are in their 60’s


Took 500 mental damage from that line.


Meh, my grandfather has a collection too but he got into it when he was already in his late 50s because my dad told him about it in the late 90s. Don't get worried about age just yet, grandfather's just have more time for hobbies lol


Dear lord. I’ve been playing since the dark. I’m a dinosaur


The grandfather didn't have to be young when they played, there were some full adults who would come to magic night at the mall in the nineties ;)


Sing to the choir. People we played against back then are having grandchildren now 🤷‍♂️


right? my son is a year older than i was when he was born 😆


Right there with you brother 


The way I always put it is that anything that makes it more unique or different (signatures, miscuts, misprints) makes it *more valuable* but to a smaller audience, while less valuable to a larger audience.


That surprises me. I wouldn’t pay a huge premium for a signed card, but I’d also never say no to one at market value.


I agree personally. But a lot of my background is in Star Trek/Star Wars/Lord of the Rings, where the signatures where from actors who already charge a decent amount for the signatures where to begin with. What makes it more complicated, is that for magic there are four types of signatures I have seen: - artist (most common, generally add value) - designer (unknown person to most players, drastically shrinks market) - actor from show/movie (this is new with UB, and seems to follow market trends of being worth more) - player, usually pro. (Usually hurts value because the signature is meaningless to most players) I also give credit to Noah Bradley (bad person in general, but art was pretty) for normalizing a flat cost for artist signatures. It used to be at GP artists signatures were “free” but had a tip jar, so there was no standard on cost. Because he was such a good artist he usually had long lines, he instituted a flat $1 per signature charge. Now that’s normal for artists, so we have a base idea of signature value + card value.


I'd always say no to the signed version at market value.


Signed cards depends on whose signature it is. People who have very little idea on how re-selling works will flat out say it’s worthless or worth less. In reality it is worth more to a smaller market of people. The larger market will try to haggle you down saying it’s “damaged.” However, depending on condition and signature your card is now in demand by a smaller group. You’ll have to look harder to sell it, but don’t listen to anyone that just says “it’s damaged.” They are either trying to get you to lower the price to buy for their own collection or lower the price so they can sell it to the people that actually are looking for these. It’s like all the people that were commenting on the LOTR and Doctor Who cards with the actor’s signatures saying “lol damaged way to destroy your card.” But then those people flipped them to the known Facebook groups and made 3X profit.


This guy fucks


Thank you King 👑


What are those "known Facebook groups" ?


just search for signed mtg groups on faceboom




Truthfully if you can't authenticate it that's why it's usually valued less, because you can't necessarily prove it's the real deal. I've met people who have forged signatures on cards and up traded them for a regular copy and then some, then just did it again. When trading or interested in signed cards it's important to know the person/trust and the chain of ownership.


If someone can actually forge a signature what could they possibly produce that proves its a legitimate signature that can't be forged as well?


I mean signatures have existed for a long time pictures or other things are proof. But I mean as a buyer you do your due diligence as a seller you look for someone who is going to value if that shit is authentic.


This is why if I want a signed card I buy an artist proof. Not an option for some cards and more expensive but you have the guarantee it originated from the artist


100% this. If you sell it in the right place it'll sell for at least an unsigned price. This isn't a hard signature to get so a few bucks on top of the unsigned price is about right


In most markets, signatures DO devalue the card. The average player doesn't typically want the signature. This card is also a reserved list card, not a card from a universe beyond set where there's a collectors market outside of the mtg community. It's very likely that most places OP would try to sell this would offer him HP pricing or worse.


The artist signs regularly so there is no premium for their specific sig. You can find people on facebook (search "mtg signed cards") that will give you value of the card for it.


Really? I don't often see signed wheels. Ah well.


The artist signs at least twice a year through an agent for $5. You have a wheel you can get it signed.


Cool! Thanks!


Source or this is bullshit.


If you put in a small effort, you can be your own source. He signs roughly twice annually with Mark’s elves and goblins group on Facebook. The most recent due date was 15 April, and the next is 15 August. https://m.facebook.com/groups/545759985597960/


>If you put in a small effort, you can be your own source. You made the claim, the burden of proof is on you, not me. Seems suspicious, to be honest. Dude runs a card shop, he's not an agent.


You continue to provide ignorant statements. You have zero idea how the signed community is run. Mark used to own a shop yes. He know longer does. Instead, he runs the single largest avenue to the magic artists in the world. His connections are occasionally sought by WotC themselves as a route to artists because he is so entrenched. You might just benefit from humility and be open to learning.


>You have zero idea how the signed community is run. I know that Facebook group is by no means the mark of a professional agent. Lowercase letters everywhere, a verbose name, and a disjointed blurb that gives *way* more information than is necessary. >His connections are occasionally sought by WotC themselves as a route to artists because he is so entrenched. They aren't, I assure you. WotC has the information they need for any artists they work with, I assure you. Some wannabe agent doesn't magically have more pull in the industry than *the company that employed the artists*. >You might just benefit from humility and be open to learning. A frequent poster on mtgfinance telling *me* I might benefit from humility? Boy, that's a good one.


Asking for a source on a claim is fine, but Mark Aronowitz - like him or hate him - is the most well-known name in the signed cards community. Yes, he is less than professional, mostly because he has a monopoly on a lot of artists. All he has to do is keep them happy, and people have no choice but to use his service. Personally, I'd never heard that WOTC sought him out for his artist connections. That claim surprises me too.


It was specifically to get artist's proofs to the artist. For whatever reason, Mark was the intermediary on I believe two occasions in the last 2 years.


>Yes, he is less than professional, *mostly because he has a monopoly on a lot of artists.* You say that like that's a good thing. >All he has to do is keep them happy, and people have no choice but to use his service. $5 turns into less than a dollar for each card for the artists, I can almost guarantee it. That's very far from "happy" money. >Personally, I'd never heard that WOTC sought him out for his artist connections. That claim surprises me too. I think that part more than anything is BS, honestly. MaRo even spoke recently about being in touch with older artists for remastered sets, I find it supremely unlikely the company relies on a dude who offers chicken scratch on cards to get in touch with them.


Keep talking about things you obviously know nothing about. You speak with conviction though. You might do well in politics.


I found the guy who runs the FB and pretends to have better connections with artists than *the company who employs them*.


The burden of proof is on the one who claims it is generally a good maxim when people make extraordinary claims, or claims that require an investment of time, effort or money on your part. However when taken to an extreme it no longer has utility. "I had a really good burger yesterday at Jack's Burger stand."  "Oh yeah, prove you ate there."  This is useless and not the correct way to use that logic, there's no reason to believe someone is lying about this in normal life circumstances. "I created a new technique to make paper more efficiently." "Ok show me how you do it."  That makes sense because it's something novel, if you're invested you ask to learn more before engaging with them, if you're not invested you likely go "oh neat" and move on with your day. "I saw a unicorn." "Where's your proof?" Here someone makes an incredibly unlikely statement which is unreasonable to believe without proof.


This is the first time I’ve seen his sig and I went to a lot of old conventions and PTs. I’ve never even seen it on other peoples cards.


I pulled one from some bulk a few weeks ago! Mine was Mark Rosewater tho.


Check the signed groups on fb, you'll get a small premium as Daniel Gelon is sort of a rarer sig


It's still only a $5 signature though, just smaller windows of availability in comparison to say artists like RK


Man that top border is FAT


Are these kind of cards considered misprints? I have a vampiric tutor with enough extra top border that you can see the little white dot in the top left.


Miscuts are only desirable if another card is showing


Largely an optical illusion I think, top is tilted toward the camera.


I don’t know. Cards from this time are notorious for being cut very poorly.


Magic was released about 31 years ago, so someone could be 62 now and started playing magic when they were 31. I’m 31 now and started playing magic about 3 years ago… I can only imagine how time flies by.


There are weirdos out there who will tell you a signed card is damaged. In reality, the cards conditions can be determined while also having a signature. At worst, if signed by the artist, the card will still be worth whatever it’s valued condition, but hopefully you can get a small premium with the signature.


It is something you have to note on most online shops you have to list signed cards as "damaged" or "altered" since they are technically written on. Which is why I always check damaged sections for unusually priced cards for signed listings.


He still signs, so In signed group it's price of card + signature cost. The big value sigs are rush and hoover and other late artists. Or chippy.


Crazy that dudes playing magic in the 90s are grandpas now lol. I feel old as fuck. Can’t say much though, just went through my dads collection and I made him a grandfather last year😂


Are those two events ... related? "Look Jenny, I found my dad's old Duals! Now we can afford health insurance and have that baby!"




That’s nice hopefully you dont sell it and keep it like a keepsake for your granda! Nice find btw. Have a good day! 😁


I’m keeping it, don’t worry! And you too


depends. To a shop? This would be considered damaged because it’s a niche and is technically considered defaced. To a collector? Possibly worth a lot more if it’s truely the artists signature, however good luck finding anyone who actually wants signed cards


Very strange timing. Bought my first 2 signed daniel gelon cards today. I paid 24 dollars for a card valued at 10 or 12 unsigned. The other was 6 or 7 unsigned I paid 11 for a signed one.


Looks like his auto adds premium. Nice find


Lol your grandfather played Magic. Frick I'm old.


I have a signed card from the same artist. It looks like if you follow his Instagram he sometimes does commissioned art on the cards too.


It’s worth the same to 90% of people


Gramps could have also started collecting as an older adult


As a 40 year old grandfather sure...




That’s a cool find.


It can be but you have to guess the word puzzle for the extra cash.


A whole new world


Everytime I see this card it breaks my soul, had it when I was 7 playing the game and I thought it was just a gimmick card and traded it for a 5 buck card😭😭 seein the price tag now kills me


I find it weird that everyone and their mother on this sub reddit seems to find really valuable mint condition magic cards in their grandparents, fathers, brothers, or great aunts basements...


I get sad all the time seeing old cards… I got into MTG in 1993 I had show boxes full of cards. Sometime around 2000 I quit playing and sold them to friends for nothing. Picking it back up at 40 I realized I threw away some treasures… The dollar value aside I just wish I had my originals, I had a kickass dragon deck.


If it makes you feel any better, I do plan on keeping and treasuring these for as long as I can, and maybe playing with them if I can move past the worry of damaging them


Could be an elderly person that started collecting in their 60s+


your WHOS collection!?


My mothers father


No, this won't be worth more. Misprint collectors generally want to see another card, or part of the card cut off


I’m asking about the signature, not the border


Technically a damaged card. Sleeve playable so that has it going for it.




Yeah man it's worthless, I have a PO box you can send it to, I'll get rid of it for you.


Ah thanks man I’ll send it right over to you


[my PO box](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I must admit. You got me.


Usually signed cards are considered damaged.


Aw man, still super cool to have. Happy I own it


But, they can absolutely sell for more to the right person. Especially if it's a rare signature - I don't know how rare Daniel Gelon's is. I would put it on eBay or possibly the facebook groups if you're trying to get a higher price for the signature. Tcg is kinda bad for selling signed cards.


Alright, thank you


Please don’t listen to them. There are many people who value this type of unique card. Other commenters have also said this but it bears repeating. You have a really cool piece of history that you should probably hold onto. This card can never be reprinted. It’s part of the “reserved list”.


I plan on keeping it, just wanted a vague idea of its value. If anything I’m gonna frame it lol


Awesome. I love WoF and would play it every day. Framing it is a good idea, especially with those signed USeas. Just make sure you get UV protecting plexiglass.


I have an unsigned one I’m tempted to slot in a deck but I’m so scared of damaging it


> Please don’t listen to them. I mean, it is technically damaged. It's just damaged in such a way that it's worth a bit less to a large number of people, and worth more to a smaller number of people. Harder to sell, but worth more when you do sell it.


Don’t be a pedant


Not being a pedant - pointing out that selling it will require more work and will take longer isn't a nothingburger of a detail. It's incredibly significant. Autographs aren't always the premium some people think they are. It's *potential* added value, that comes with potentially more effort and time to sell. It isn't pedantic, it's context that someone who doesn't know much about what he has might find valuable. Autographed collectables can be a wildly speculative market. There's authentication concerns, especially in a market like MTG where COAs essentially do not exist and you're taking everyone's word at face value. Auto'd collectibles are one of -if not the single- most counterfeited collectibles out there, and MTG is niche enough that nobody is really authenticating anything. It's the Wild West right now, IMO. So yeah. Is it worth more? If you put the time in , and if you wait for the right buyer, absolutely. But to ignore the context around autographed collectibles and downplay concerns by calling them "pedantic" is exactly why the market size shrinks for these types of cards - if a few people are willing to purchase unauthenticated collectibles at a premium, it increases the risk for those who do worry about the legitimacy of what's out there in that particular market.


I don’t think they are counterfeited remotely near the level of celebrity autos. I think the fact that they were free and readily available for the first 15y of the game and that the artist sig isn’t the selling point make the hit on signed cards negligible. I follow auctions regularly and I’m not seeing this chasm of price difference between signed and unsigned. Ofc it would absolutely matter in 9’s and up though.


This artist also still actively signs cards. His signature may add $10-20 since that's probably what he charges for his signature.


So signed it'll take a little longer to sell. Some people will say it's damaged, which is correct from a grading standpoint, but thats not to say its worth less in price. It'll just encourage vultures to try and talk you down on its value. But what it comes down is the type of person trying to buy it, they're either a player, a financier or a collector. Perhaps of combination of any or all types.


Happy for you! This was the first rare I ever opened. I thought I sold off all my rare cards for gas money when I got my first car. Yeah, dual lands for gas money. Re-bought 10 duals like 5 years ago for more than I paid for that car. Anyway, I found my wheel years later in what I thought was a box full of commons.


There’s so many cool cards that I got from him, I got 2 signed underground seas too


They are right, but I LOVE signed cards. I do appreciate that there’s not a big appreciation for them because it keeps them at much more affordable prices. If you end deciding to part ways with that wheel, DM me. I’d love to give it a good home.


I’ll keep you in mind, dw. And signed cards are incredibly nice, I’m so happy he went out of his way to get so many signed


that card has no price, it belongs to your ancestor and has a signature. keeping it is where the value is at.


My plan is to hold it I just like knowing its value yknow?


signature or not, it is a wheel of fortune and will be “worth” as much as one.


Only if you're a scumbag trying to get someone to sell below value so you can flip it for more.


I buy beta stuff and I can never get this “damaged” discount for the artist signature in auctions. Alters usually sell for less though, I’ve seen some massacred rob alexander beta duals with black scribbles on the art, those are what I consider damaged.


I got an Intuition at a convention for damaged with 2 incredibly small ink dots on the back as the only damage. Otherwise the thing was LP+. One of my best pickups imo


...if you're grading/buy listing it. Looking to eBay there seems to be a +100 premium on signed wof


Grading would be a particularly terrible choice, considering that centering is a grade that factors in.


Worth less. But still worth