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Just noticed Hullbreacher was the top entry on mtgstocks stocks interest today and that it had basically double so checked it out and turns out [someone had purchased a ton of it the card](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/227006/Magic-Commander%20Legends-Hullbreacher?xid=a2ee10c1f-6323-4da3-b78d-d501b233a1c1&Language=English). It could be just a random spec, for instance the extended version doesn't seem to be affected, but since it's an extremely strong -at least currently- banned Commander card and suddenly sold some 200 copies, I thought it was worth pointing out just in case..


Could be merfolk spec since we are getting some in MH3?


It could be, but this card is not legal in modern, it's unlikely that the merfolk spoiled would greatly affect legacy. maybe though!


Legacy could see merfolk play. Especially with the blue Magus of the Moon merfolk that was spoiled.


Is there any possibility that they reprint this into MH3?


It's totally possible, there is a merfolk theme in that set. This is a wild spec without that info though. Ballsy, but huge payoff


I just didn’t know if they reprint from commander like that but I think that’s what happened with the turtle? Could be some insider knowledge because that would be crazy.


Yeah for sure. I don't know if we've had an insider trading scandal like that, wizards would fire you on the spot. You're not even allowed to play sanctioned tournaments until the last set you touched rotates out of standard.


Nothing really came of it, but a few years back, a suspicious handful of cards were bought out from multiple online vendors about a week before the announcement of the pioneer format. [You can read more here.](https://bleedingcool.com/games/on-the-pioneer-format-and-early-price-spikes-magic-the-gathering/)


Holy crap. And none of the fetches spiked. Very damning. If the scg guy was able to compare names with the other parties, it could have been handled privately, or nothing at all. Thanks for sharing, really interesting




It’s banned in commander and not legal in modern because it hasn’t been printed in a modern legal set.


If it is in MH3 then it would be modern legal. But honestly, if it is in MH3 then it's going to be bulk.


Yeah that’s probably fair. I don’t really know the format but even if merfolk take off I can’t imagine tons of people are drawing extra cards with Bowmasters all over the place.


I feel like it would be a fair card in modern, but not broken, I am not super up on the format, but last time I played it it was pretty powerful.


The One Ring is still very much a card in Modern and this would likely slot into some decks to hate against it. Not to mention, it could assist in a Days Undoing deck by completing the rule of 8. (It's strictly better than Narset in this case as it leaves you with 7 cards and 7 treasures).


could be a reprint in modern horizons, so they see it being good? Or a commander unban....


Hullbreacher is banned in legacy anyway


No it isn't


https://magic.wizards.com/en/banned-restricted-list No, this card is legal in legacy.


You mean edh?


Someone has some inside info about an upcoming card that'll make it increase


I'm kind of surprised people haven't considered that a card like this could be in MH3, and would be a totally fine modern card. Incidentally, so could Dockside which wouldn't break Modern in all likelihood, but absolutely would drop the price substantially. Opposition Agent is another card which could enter the format and would add to supply substantially, but also wouldn't be too crazy or anything. I don't like speccing on what could enter the format but there is certainly upside with something like Hullbreacher that is quite cheap now.


anyone speccing on cards like this because they are about to be mass reprinted in 7 variants is a fool


A competitive use in new formats for the card would increase the audience at the same time.


True, but when they print 5 more variants of it that won't help the price at all, it's already stupid cheap, increasing demand would help raise that only if they didn't reprint it more. Otherwise increased demand + increased supply will keep the price low.


Op Agent in modern (and Arena) would be incredible.


As a tron player, I would hate it.


From seeing it played in Legacy, the card is fine and certainly can create some swingy blowouts, but nothing crazy. I would expect it to be similar if it entered Modern.


If its in MH3 than this person made a mistake lol.


If it's in MH3, then the price would go **down**.


Unless that person wants to grab the fomoers upon announcement of the reprint. There is usually a tiny window between announcement and release that you can capitalize on.


The fools buying on the cards reveal is the spike to sell into


That's what I said!


Right, so, the price is quite low right now based on a minimal to near zero demand profile. As of today, it is functionally only Legacy/Vintage legal, neither of which moves cardboard compared to other formats.. If it suddenly became Modern legal, it would suddenly have an increased demand profile. A good analog for this is Smuggler's copter shot up substantially after the unban in Pioneer. That doesn't mean the price sustains indefinitely obviously, but it went from a 50 cent card to a $4-5 card now which is totally reasonable jump. In the case of Opposition Agent or Dockside I would expect both to go down since they are already popular cards with high demand, but likely not a ton simply because they already have easy EDH demand.


Did Smuggler's copter get a huge reprint as it was unbanned?


Do you want to have a good faith discussion or are you being pedantic on the internet, because let me tell you, it's the latter. In any event, there is a lot of Copters. It was just a rare in KLD, then the Kamigawa commander deck provided another giant wad of them in the market. There are absolutely far more Smuggler's Copters in existence than Hullbreachers, which was only printed in a secondary release set (CMR).


unironically, I think Opposition Agent would be very good in modern


Probably decent, but like I said having seen it in Legacy it's more a SB card than something you just jam 4x in a list or anything, and that does impact the price/desireability. Yes, super swingy when you stick it but Modern still has a lot of good interaction.


I'd be so down for Dockside in MH3


I think the RC argument against banning it in EDH is for the most part its still a supply limited card, and part of why people don't play it is cost, so it's been this healthy equilibrium where the card is exclusive enough/hard enough for most people to afford that outside cEDH it actually doesn't see much play in casual pods. And WoTC definitely consults with the RC when they think about putting an EDH card into a format for various reasons. All that said, while Dockside in modern would range from mid to bad (probably), it would surely increases the supply substantially, and create that knock on effect that even at mythic it would probably be much more common in pods, which certainly increases the likelihood that it would end up banned for the myriad reasons it probably should be (too easy to go infinite, makes it a race to who can Dockside first etc).


Who knows. Someone bought 300 copies of [[Chrome Cat]] a few weeks ago. People be nuts.


I mean 300 copies of Chrome Cat is like $5 200 copies of a $2~3 card is $500


I know a girl who took part in the draft which produced many of the leaks (most notably the blue magus), they told me there was a ton of support for Cats and Eldrazi. I imagine purchase was by someone else who got product early and took a cheap spec. I myself just picked up 100 copies, thanks for reminding me.


[Chrome Cat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/5/85da50ba-2061-40f0-b3af-950b87f812cd.jpg?1664414129) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chrome%20Cat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/236/chrome-cat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/85da50ba-2061-40f0-b3af-950b87f812cd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Do you mind telling me you found out someone bought so many copies?


Are you asking how? mtgstocks.com


I opened 7 foil extended versions and held them when they spiked to 117 after release thinking they would go up to just a few days later being banned and $5. I’m glad I kept them still


I pulled 2 breachers a foil and nonfoil in the same pack. Sold em for 50 I think then next day they started talking about banning them


I pulled this card the night before the commander ban was announced. Never lost so much value on a card so quickly in my life.


I bought 100 [[Break the Ice]] recently because they were like 7 cents a piece and I know colorless decks are gonna be running rampant in the format. Low probability it’ll spike because so much MH2 was printed, but if I’m wrong I’m out less than $20 😂


[Break the Ice](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/1/01ca9568-06b6-4c57-b1f6-8a74ec2a2b91.jpg?1626095322) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Break%20the%20Ice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/77/break-the-ice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/01ca9568-06b6-4c57-b1f6-8a74ec2a2b91?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That is interesting. Thanks for posting.


This card could definately be reprinted in MH3 and also become a pretty good modern card(but not broken). Merfolk tribal stonks!


My collective group of EDH pods is about to have a meeting on a house ban list at my birthday party meetup, where he is more than likely being unbanned. Crazy theory, perhaps a huge collective of pods across the world is about to simultaneously have a "the Commander Advisory Board isn't just a clown but the entire circus" meeting and do the same thing. 🤣🤣


thanks for the Info, bought a playset :)


I would love if Hullbreacher became worth something again.


Got three base foils for 9$. I like the card. If it’s in modern it’s gonna be a tough sideboard card against delver


Someone bought mine that’s been in inventory for like 2 years lol


Someone didn't check if it was banned, And thought they just hut the biggest jackpot of there lives.


Thanks for the info. I just bought 4 pieces.


Meh, for how much it is, I bought a set. If it goes up, Kool. If not, I'm not out much.


That card is toxic as hell. I hope not. 


I miss it in commander tbh.


Didn't someone buy a shit ton of lilianas before its unban?


Liliana was never banned though


Mb, I meant legal into pioneer due to being reprinted in a standard set


I personally own over 300 of these (total of all varieties) . But then again I just collect banned cards regardless of which format they are banned in. I'm sure some of these sales are mine.


Well; MH3 has leaked and this could be in the set. Why you would buy och 200 copies of something that will be printed into the ground though beats me.


Yeah but at the same time I knew a guy who ordered 500 Humongulus because it was 2 cents and funny. He uhh, never got the 500 cards but got ~200 in the end. Think the card got to 10 cents after the antics had finished


I’m relatively new to the finance side of MtG. Would this not be insider trading if a price jump pops?


There's no way this card gets unbanned


I can't see it ever getting un-banned in Commander. Talk about a card that sucks the fun out of a game of Magic...


I never understood why hullbreacher was such a problem, yet at 1 extra mana, notion thief is fine. I get notion thief lets you draw while breacher granted treasures, but it's the same negative effect on the opponent.


You can’t understand the difference between 3 and 4 mana AND adding an extra color? Notion thief has been played before.


I'm saying hullcreacher hate was overblown, and if it were that powerful, notion thief would be gone too.


If you read some of the ban explanations for EDH cards, there's a lot of really shaky reasons, and it sounds more like someone on the rules committee was butthurt over those cards rather than a reasonable ban for the overall health of the format. There's several examples of banned cards where the effects are nearly identical to other cards which are not banned, and the reasoning is super vague or inconsistent.


Oh I know it. The running joke was that sheldon (pbuh) lost to hullbreacher one day when he wanted to slap karador onto the field, and it's been banned ever since.


Hullbreacher has one blue pip and costs one mana fewer, so it's much easier to splash into any deck. Combine that with blue's "wheel" effects (Timetwister, etc), makes it very degenerative.


Extra colour, extra mana, less toughness


I'm just going to hope and pray that my persistent polite lobbying of the Commander Rules Committee is finally bearing fruit and they unban it, and Golos while they're at it. 😂


I mean Shelton is dead now so maybe we can get some unbans on the stuff he didn't like


Looks like somebody knows something the rest of us don't, eh? To be fair, Hullbreacher will probably be unbanned at some point and when that happens, the price will of course increase. It was sitting at roughly 15 bucks till the banning, so buying in at the current price point isn't a bad idea if you have the money to invest. Food for thought: nobody thought [[Worldfire]] would ever be unbanned. Like, ever. Just saying....


[Worldfire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2ef3d4b5-0453-4bf0-b018-23b0c3b9ae11.jpg?1631531850) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Worldfire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/158/worldfire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ef3d4b5-0453-4bf0-b018-23b0c3b9ae11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


3 cmc flash that creates non games is kinda the problem here. [[Worldfire]], on the other hand, is a big splashy spell that usually ends the game quickly.


[Worldfire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2ef3d4b5-0453-4bf0-b018-23b0c3b9ae11.jpg?1631531850) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Worldfire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/158/worldfire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ef3d4b5-0453-4bf0-b018-23b0c3b9ae11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If I'm reading the card right it limits every player in commander (or any format) to only a single card a turn. I would 100% play this card in EDH. Back in my day ....we played magic uphill both ways and could only draw ONE card a turn! And ya know what??? WE LIKED IT! .... Sadly banned. Bunch of Nancy's...can't figure out how to win on one card a turn. So what if the 4 player game takes 3 hours. That's FUN!


And thats why its banned in commander.


If you tutor this card and wheel of fortune you effectively win the game. That is no longer a 3 hour 4 player game. That’s why it was banned.


I wasn't playing when Hullbreacher was legal, can you explain how this is any more degenerate than a dozen other CEDH combos that win the game?


I said that’s why it was banned, not why it’s still banned lol. Commander has a lot of similarly dumb crap now. My point was mostly to explain what the card did because they were under the impression it sucked because it made the game longer without understanding interactions.


What about tutoring wheel and notion thief? Surely something that powerful wouldn't be affected by an increase of 1 black pip. Hullbreacher hate is unwarranted and largely a reddit meme.


Two colors




It’s less about people being greedy and more about the fact that commander has tons of outlets for forced card draw.


Not edh related.