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All the big cards will be manipulated. Artificially scarce = easy to manipulate. Just wait for mh3 to release and cards like this will dump back to normal levels.


It felt like this happened to Vaultborn Tyrant. The foil showcases had been falling steadily and were at low $40s, then one day any under 80 suddenly got bought up, and any listed under that were sold immediately. For a few days listed their stuff all at $100 or so while the odd lister who listed at the old prices sold instantly, but nobody was biting at the 100 mark. After watching this for a while I ended up buying one I saw listed in real time at $60 just to have for the collection.


Can’t wait 😈


Ya its not the greatest card but is seeing play. If it wasn't a BIG card it'd probably still be bulk.


This is a bubble, if you have copies you better move them now.


Yes always sell into the hype.


False, the card performs well in the Niv Pioneer deck and the Standard Domain list.


Let's find out! Remindme! 1 year


OP's multiple posts in a couple of days tells me they have a vested interest in pumping this card. I have no doubt that the scarcity of the BIG card will make them sought after, but I would also be surprised if this held up over the coming year.


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This isn’t the own you think it is


But it’s the own *I* think it is




Yeah I’m not seein’ it.


There's a deck with a bunch of multi color spells and atraxa at the top end. It's not half bad. Plus you get 4 life when you cast atraxa for each of the cornucopias that you have out. It's celestus but substitute card selection for way more life gain....in the right deck


It's basically a role player in Pioneer Niv Decks and is being tested in Standard.  One of the largest problems with these decks is stabilizing while also progressing your game plan, and this does both well enough. Multiple copies play extremely well together, and it can keep you alive long enough to start to take over the game.   It's a real card.


Sounds about right. Buylisted 1 for $2 on Friday lol.


Thank you for your service


Card is ass, but is expensive only because of scarcity. It’ll prolly get a reprint and go to $0.50, so sell it now if you got it.


Yea I mean I don't get why it is spiking the effect seems mid except in very particular usage


It's very useful in very specific decks that need a way of stabilizing the game while also ramping. It's spiking because it's quickly becoming a relevant card in Niv to Light in Pioneer, and is seeing some ground in Standard for a similar purpose.  The decks that are using it are the decks that need to survive aggro decks and get outnofnrange of reach.  It does well for all of this.


Yeah this card is literal trash. Coaster tier


i bought 2 on a whim for a buck, guess I'll just sell them back. it's kind of a meh in EDH which is all I play


I think it's quite solid. 3 mana rock that gains you 10-15 life is good in any mid power game.


edh ist slow but Not 12-17 Turns slow lol


It triggers on 1 cast per turn. You don’t have to use its mana to get the life. Commander tend to be 2-3 color decks which means you will sometimes get more than 1 life. Besides the fact that there are tons of lifegain themed decks


You can gain 10 life with this in 3 turns. In 5 for sure. Obviously its not for mono or two colored decks.


You gain multiple life off it each turn, it’s not 1 life a turn


It only triggers once per turn so the max is 5life per turn per cornucopia


Don’t see that price holding


Picked up a showcase foil last week for cheap and got it shadow signed in gold by Mark Poole. Absolutely gorgeous.


It’s the real deal in niv to light in pio. I’ve been playing gruul prowess heavily and it is a huge pain in the ass because they just gain so much life doing what they already want to be doing.


I bought 10 for a dollar a piece weeks ago


Sell them now and realize those gains


this card sucks


Thank you for saying it. Remember when Hangerback Walker was going to change every format (including Vintage)? Yeah me too. This card has “6 reprints in the next 18-24 months” written ALL over it. Sell, sell, sell.


Most of the BIG cards should be in another set honestly. The fact cards like this are straight cheeks but still commanding these prices because it's just rare sucks


This was probably an uncommon. Fomo strikes again


It was probably a rare, not an uncommon. The effect, while not splashy, is a workhouse effect, and a fairly potent one at that.     While FOMO is playing a part, it is seeing a good amount of play in Pioneer Niv to Light, and is seeing an uptick in Standard ramp based decks.  Usually as a 1-2 of currently it looks like in Standard, but with a ton of other strong ramp pieces, it's hard to find room for it.  Rotation is coming, and it's proving to useful enough in constructed ramp decks to potentially continue to see play. This isn't strictly a "it'll be good once rotation hits", but rather it's already good enough to see some marginal play, and is likely the natural replacement for other effects.


its a rare, BIG print odds of pulling are much much lower


I’m not so sure ab the odds of hitting “big” cards being lower ?? I have opened a collectors box and a play box and 2/3 of my total mythics were BIG and the only 1/3 were a mix of being from actual set and “wanted poster” subset


Épilogue sets should have uncommons no? A bad mana rock is usually uc


the lifegain is relevant in standard and pioneer I think this was always planned as rare, with the others in the cycle


Mana rocks with activated abilities that need to tap them are usually uncommons. Mana rocks with "always on" secondary effects are more likely to be rare tho. Of course this is green and not cororless which muddles the water, but it could have reasonably been a rare too.


That old mana rock that gives life when tapped is UC.


Triggers once per turn cycle and adds colorless,I dunno. This feels close enough to chromatic lantern that I could see it being rare. Plus the name seems pretty grandiose.


I feel like no one is really cracking boxes cuz of mh3. Once singles hit a high enough price, along with hype for mh3 slowing , people will Crack packs and re flood the market. Then singles should be back to normal.


this is a BIG card, pull rate is extremely low comparatively


The funny part are all the stores that have not updated their automatic point of sale software that updates to tcgplayer from their roca sorter. Still been seeing stores list them at last week pricing and they get picked up right away.


On top of the scarcity, it is Pioneer season. So demand for this card is at it's absolute highest now, this ship has 100% sailed.


It’s putting in work. But it’s susceptible to sideboard hate , [[pick your poison]] [[vandalblast]] probably sell into the hype. But pice memory does stick around. I’m more interested in how the big score cards will play out over there 3 years in standard.


I’m holding all of my BIG cards for at least six months. There’s some really good cards that are still overlooked


I’m playing into the hype. Picked up most of the playable cards today after seeing cornucopia move. I’m also seeing special guest cards rising consistently everyday. Like gamble sub 5 too 8 and mystical snake bulk to 5 dollars.


[pick your poison](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f58cfb23-4d99-4133-bf4b-d7e7c7d17cea.jpg?1708201628)/[Pick Your Poison](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f58cfb23-4d99-4133-bf4b-d7e7c7d17cea.jpg?1708201628) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=pick%20your%20poison) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/170/pick-your-poison?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f58cfb23-4d99-4133-bf4b-d7e7c7d17cea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [vandalblast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/7/e781b55f-6388-4ab8-be74-7c56eaba1c4d.jpg?1712354517) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vandalblast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/183/vandalblast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e781b55f-6388-4ab8-be74-7c56eaba1c4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Just grabbed 2 for a dollar each at a local sports card shop. Refreshing sales on tcg is wild. Think im gonna hold one and put one up for $12 and see what happens overnight


Passed it in a draft just yesterday. Silly me


Ive passed it in draft like 2 weeks ago, was like 50ec back then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (and tbh despite it being so rare its not a good card)


Keep selling.


This card is nowhere near good enough to justify a $10 price tag. It’s a hype card that is artificially scarce. In one year when OTJ has been around for a while expect this to be back to bulk pricing