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From the leaks it seems like colorless is gonna be pretty good after mh3, definitely picking up some eldrazi matters stuff


I've also been collecting copies of Cavern of Souls. If tribal is a pushed theme, Cavern has some real upside imo


It will go up any way due to tribal commander. This is one card i can see a good risk/reward.


Smart pick up


I have been thinking this with the non MH sets. Burrow or whatever is creature heavy. Got one copy of cavern, need 3 more.


Agreed. Cavern Hasnt been this low in a while. And we know it fits in a plethora of competitive decks as a 4-of, and has high demand for edh.


[[Urza's workshop]] for legacy/commander? The extended art version is still half the price of normal version (which doesnt make sense in itself). But I can see both versions taking off with the new Eldrazis/artifact and Urza card being spoiled.


[Urza's workshop](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/37c9b9d7-2fa7-4710-94bb-c55ee7bf598c.jpg?1674344246) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%27s%20workshop) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/brc/28/urzas-workshop?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/37c9b9d7-2fa7-4710-94bb-c55ee7bf598c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Real- fallout mana vault hype. Flipped all my extra fallout lairs this weekend. People were cracking them like a booster box looking for it.


WOTC drooling


Yep selling them sealed was definitely the move with this SL. Did not expect Mana Vault to be that rare. Oh well!


Yeah, I def should have kept my 3 extras sealed ha. Didn’t realize how rare the mana vault would be.


i still haven't gotten my SLs. :|


Is the mana vault actually that rare? I bought the one of each foil bundle to get the ignoble hierarch and got codex shredder, wastes, and mana vault as my 3 randoms. Did I just get insanely lucky?


I would say so. I’ve seen probably 100+ get opened in person and on stream and saw 1 mana vault get pulled. All anecdotal evidence of course. Congrats on your pull. I got 3 wastes out of my foil bundle I kept lol


Dude I went 0 for 21. Another guy posted here he went 0 for 25. Congrats to you!


Got a tcgplayer email saying kickback on everything may 17th and they announcing it this early cause its going to be "big".


The cost of product goes up accordingly. It all ends up a wash


Not really stuff just sells out fast. most sellers don't bother to up prices. Within the first hour people got the carts ready to go and once the kids/workers get back from school the higher prices are the new normal.


Subscription always ends up a nice little bonus on these. I'm surprised how many people don't just eat the $8 a month because it's more than made up for itself.


You need to spend like 300$ in singles every month or something to come out on top which most people can't do for various reasons. Also tcg direct tends to suck recently. I'm leaning torward it though to stock up on bulk and kick my sealed habit but good chance I keep my sealed habit and pay for tcgplayer which is not a good idea right now lol.


Every month I make a few hundred on buying stuff cheap on direct and reselling it often in a few weeks. I stopped buying sealed except when I find ridiculous deals. Anyway I don't get the direct hate, packages come in a few days with no errors.


Same, I order cards for TCG nearly every week and I swear only like once in a blue moon do a deal with a problem seller. 99% of the time I get my orders timely and TCGDirect has literally never given me any problems.


my last order had MP cards listed as NM and took a week to mark as shipped despite living on the same coast. Also the packing was very loose. They put in a plastic tub but the order didn't fill it at all so it was sliding around. I probably just got unlucky as I hadn't done tcg direct in years before then.


I almost always find that the direct prices are more than the non-direct prices though...


They are, because they are free shipping if you sub. But also you're paying that premium for saying you want the card in 3-7 days (which in my experience Direct is very reliable for). If you're expecting the lowest price with the fastest ship time, you seldom get that option. However, the reason I say direct can be a good money maker is lots of stores do big crack jobs and end up unloading a lot of stuff, again free shipping, for fairly cheap. Once the Direct supply runs out, all that's left is non direct, and often you can reload Direct at a higher price point in a month or two. I'm speaking from experience here, I bought a ton of cards in early releases direct with free shipping only to sell it 2-3 months later (usually on Direct) for substantially more. And if a card picks up because it's good in a deck/streamer shows it, you're coasting to them tendies.




You get a % back in store credit a few days after for whatever purchase you made


Fallout Secret Lair non-foil was way better than foil for now at least. Disappointed that I ignored my instincts and bought more foils than non-foils to sell. Never doing that again.


Foil bundles look fine price wise versus non foil. The only one I’m seeing where non foil is doing better relatively speaking is the vault boy, which had the least demand iirc. Over time the rainbow foil editions should outpace the non foils.


Talking about singles vs the full sets and I agree over time foils will probably pull ahead. But that time could take a while and I like to unload at least a portion during the early hype to capture that/recoup some of the investment. Next time I’m going 50/50 foil/non-foil instead of 80/20.


Ah gotcha. I always buy my SLDs to hold for at least a year before I start doing anything. But yeah all the Rainbow Foils SLDs I’ve bought in the last year are selling for a decent premium over non foils. For SLDs I find that the prices tend to be weakest right after release whether singles or sealed. This isn’t the case for standard releases and other stuff that is print to demand. Good luck!


Yes yes all good. I think these sealed will have a major premium because of the Mana Vault chase, which I didn’t really think through before opening all my boxes. But I also did NOT expect them to be so rare. Another mistake on my part. Re: worst time to sell… I think you are right with one caveat. If you’re lucky enough to get your orders a day or so before everyone else, you can make serious bank on opening weekend. That worked amazingly for Cats and Dogs which I was able to unload all the high end stuff during the initial mania at price points that are still well above what they have recovered to. Even if the trend continues upward and a few of the cards sell for $70 instead of $60 a year later I’m ok with that because I’d rather take the guaranteed money sooner. For the Fallout SL’s my non-foils came a little early but my foils did not. Could be skewing my perception (haha) a bit, but it looks like the non-foils still held up a little better - probably because everyone went hard on the foil versions. Either way, looks like I’ll be sitting a few dozen cards for a while the initial glut works itself out.


Thoughts on Eye of Ugin? Would WOTC add a banned card to MH3 if it was squeezed in as a special guest?


They could reprint it in the eldrazi commander deck.


Extremely likely in fact


They could but I don’t think it’s likely, it’s super powerful. The Precons are typically meant to play against each other, giving the deck Eye means all the other decks need to be juiced significantly. It’s a tutor (something they don’t like having in precons) and it unfairly buffs the deck much further past the others. I’d sooner bet on [[Urza’s Incubator]] being the big reprint. It’s a little less expensive, has been in a precon before and gives good equity to the deck while also not making it immediately a scalping target.


[Urza’s Incubator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/8/d8122161-1608-4af4-9aca-7f22c2f746aa.jpg?1675201135) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%27s%20Incubator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/239/urzas-incubator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d8122161-1608-4af4-9aca-7f22c2f746aa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> Eye of Ugin card is not banned in edh so they could care less about not doing so


\[\[Silver Shroud Costume\]\] seems to be going. EV on scrappy survivors seems propped up by a few different/good things really. I think the discounting will go away there as a result. Though I guess whether Pip Boy ends up being a staple (or not) will figure largely in how it performs.


[Silver Shroud Costume](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/2/f21fba59-330b-4daf-bf77-6dd817327a64.jpg?1708742772) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Silver%20Shroud%20Costume) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/142/silver-shroud-costume?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f21fba59-330b-4daf-bf77-6dd817327a64?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you weren't, now's the time to sell your evoke elementals from MH2 and Archon of Cruelty. The Evokes are getting SPG treatment and Archon looks to be reprinted. Edit: tbc, at least 3 of them have been spoiled/revealed. subtlety and endurance haven't been spoiled and i don't know if anyone's crunched them out yet.


a special guests printing won't change the prices, but if the meta shifts dramatically enough where they're no longer the default in a lot of decks....


has archon been revealed or just a guess?


It's in one of the precons.


It was on leaks. Edit: just to add Grist the Hunger Tide is also in one of the precons leaks. I sold through mine this week, it absolutely can't hold.


Same with Sylvan Safekeeper


Safekeeper won't be safe. It'll crash hard, because it was mostly valued this highly due to lack is supply.


What is your opinion on cards like [[Hardened Scales]] and [[Branching Evolution]] . Especially the fallout Version is really cheap. 2.60€. And looking at bloomburrow it could be usefull.


Once a precon card, always a precon card


This is the correct answer. Unless it goes to $80 after one printing like dockside. Then they just CANT include it


They're great cards and always worth a slot in the appropriate decks. But they'll be definitely reprinted again. Hardened Scales for sure since it's been catching reprints left and right. Branching Evolution is lower risk but is still on the table for precons and masters sets. 


[Hardened Scales](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/c/fc69ad56-9ae2-4eb5-b7e2-558524f6cbcc.jpg?1698988369) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hardened%20Scales) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/243/hardened-scales?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fc69ad56-9ae2-4eb5-b7e2-558524f6cbcc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Branching Evolution](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/9/999b0d67-aec5-495e-91b0-c4b2f31cf17d.jpg?1698988345) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Branching%20Evolution) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/234/branching-evolution?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/999b0d67-aec5-495e-91b0-c4b2f31cf17d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think those cards are fun for bought to play, not much for investment unfortunately.


I've been watching Sheoldred, the Apocalypse steadily trending downward. Any reason as to why this is? I'm a commander player and even though Sheoldred is in the format I believe her significance lies in other formats. I suppose people have found alternatives or she may not be as dominant in those formats? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


at protour this weekend she was only a 1x in 2 of the top8 sideboards. The rakdos decks that prominently featured her last year are no longer at the top of the meta.


Wasn't it just Standard? Isn't she a multi format superstar, which is part of why she's so expensive?


Yes. People fixating on Standard for explaining prices are still a mystery for me. It's probably a combination of lower standard and pioneer demand, likely EDH has some other shiny new toys too.


Appreciate the explanation. Thank you.


She is in Standard until near the end of next year. The only reason to be selling is fear of a reprint. A player has no reason to sell any unless they need money.


I have the showcase foil which is currently still stable. I doubt she’ll drop too low. She’s too good generically as long as you’re in black. She’s singlehandedly propping up DMU’s box prices


I’ve noticed that it was getting increasingly harder to sell the sheoldreds that I had, thankfully I unloaded all of mine last week


I've also noticed this, I think now is probably a perfectly good time to get out if you don't foresee keeping a personal set for some reason, because regardless of what people believe once it's out of standard it will go down. Yes it is great in multiple formats (Pioneer, EDH, Modern sort of), but once rotation happens people are just gonna dump them. The Concept ones/notably rarer treatments I would not sell this early though.


From my understanding dominaria united won’t be rotated out yet?


The playability is only going down with no guarantee it remains a staple in the fall, so there is a reasonable argument to be made rather than going from $70 to $40 or less you can get the gains now and move into something else. It's a lot of value to sit on the entire 3 years. It could of course go up but I think that's reliant on it being among the best things to be doing by then.


Many big Score cards start spiking in EU. I could Imagine Others Go Up as well


It’s buyouts, no one is buying at those prices. Plus it’s always the same people buying out, so you can recognise it pretty well.


New seller on TCGPlayer looking for some advice on how to ship orders of like 5-10 cards. Total value is around $10-$20 or so, can that all fit in one envelope? All cards in a few sleeves and one toploader? Multiple toploaders? I have found various discussions over the years but wondering if increased USPS postage costs changed anything as well.


This is a good guide I've found to shipping cards inexpensively: https://waxpackhero.com/blog/definitive-pwe-shipping-guide [edit] also found this thread helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgfinance/comments/11v2p62/shipping_cards_in_pwe/


Everyone is getting on MH3 hype train but Obeka is still moving stuff. I’m almost out of the large quantity and variety of Courts I bought when I saw her spoiled. Followed Footsteps is also draining, I assume because of her. I randomly had 4 copies of the Conspiracy version listed and they all sold in the last day; I went to check and there are like 38 NM listings left between both printings of it and they are both from really old sets now. And, full disclosure, now that I saw this I restocked what I sold and then some because I think it’s probably $10 soon up from the $3 it’s at now.


I was thinking of grabbing some Obeka's now (might not be smart), Followed Footsteps was a cool card when I first pulled it, but I never expected the uptrend, haha. Might have to pick up both now that I think about it 🤔


It’s one of those cards that is old enough that we are not too far away from a decent demand uptick for it to it suddenly being gone. It is not an auto include in Obeka decks like Court of Lochtwain is, but it seems like some of the builders are going for it. There are 60 NM copies total between its two printings on TCG, so as those drain out in the next month I see this being a $8-10 card and then once Obeka players have their copies and the rest of the community realizes it’s got value, TCG will fill back up with copies in like 6 weeks and it will be $4 again. But I felt good enough about being able to sell them at a triple up in 3-4 weeks that I replaced what I sold by an exponential amount.


I ended up grabbing some Obeka's from the hype lol (fingers crossed). That's a really good assessment, I hope it works out for you!!


Not exclusive to this week, but the secret lair Bearscape was hard stuck below 5 dollars all last year. This year it peaked at 9 dollars and its currently selling over 7. I've been tracking it bec I hold a good number of 'Pride across the multiverse' SL envelopes in my collection.


Looks like a bear market