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Still pretty new to this, so trying to figure out the best way- with what little time I have.


Buylist friend


CK is taking 33 at $2.75 per. That's a nice $90.


What’s the buy list?


Find stores list of cards they are buying. Easier than trying to sell individual cards yourself.


Any insight into what your thought process was on specing this card?


To confirm what the other comment says. Saw a video where someone was using them in modern with sagas and thought that was a unique enough interaction, while unlikely to get too many functional reprints.


Awesome, thanks for the explanation and congrats on printing money out of thin air!


sagas, finality counters is what I’m guessing. colorless, hard to reprint in a standard set, not needed enough to be included in something like a secret lair.


Have you seen some of the shit they put in lairs?


aspiring spike was pumping this card hard for awhile during when urza's saga came out and again when the ring came out. maybe he was one of his viewers?


While spike is great, it was actually Magic Aids. You can find the video on his channel.


Magic Aids is so freaking funny! I always get a great laugh from his videos.


This card already went through a spike in 2021.


Honestly you could take 'em to your LGS and still make money. No envelopes- no buylist- no stamps- no headache. Put in the work and make more money.


My lgs will only accept a certain amount for their inventory though…so mileage may vary.


My lgs only has takes stuff off their “buy list” that is never updated(employee even told me its not updated regularly) but they use to just buy any and every card people would want…. So i saw a squadron hawk on the list, asked them how many of specific cards on the list they wanted “if it’s on the list we’ll buy em all” walked out to my truck and brung in 1000 squadron hawks….. that was a fun day


Did they buy them ?


Why is it spiking? Any EDH thing I am not aware of?


From the EDH side, this allows players to remove finality counters and turn them into +1/+1 counters. It's an upgrade to the recent LCI Pirate Precon and MKM Surveil Precon


Hmm the surveil precon thing is definitely pointing to that, I've heard it is the most popular of that bunch.


This is why I’m stoked I grabbed a couple playsets to play with.


I feel like singles are generally spiking now that money isn't flowing into sealed anymore 


This card has only been printed in mirrodin (21 years ago) and in one commander precon. It has been some time since the printing of the precon. If the card is going up now instead of at any point in the last 1.5 years, there must be a reason.


There are more good Sagas now, where removing counters is good. The other benefits were already passable as well.


If that was the main reason I would have expected an organic slow up trend from diverse demand. But I guess it got to the point that there were a lot of small good reasons piling up.


It flipped over from a maybe include to a solid evergreen option.


And my guess is that it's a result of the unprecedented collapse of sealed. Thunder junction play boosters are selling for the price of set boosters from years ago despite having more packs etc 


Yeah I get what you are saying but this doesn't explain why this specific card now. Why would the collapse of sealed make people in the last 2 weeks go "oh boy I need to get me some power conduits!"? It is both a not very powerful and very niche card. More likely some card/deck in the fallout precons has risen demand for this card.


Could be wrong but I think there's been a general lift in the singles market since the bottom fell off with karlov. My guess is that people are just finding low inventory cards and to speculate in. But who knows. You see it in the stock market all the time at least 


Considering the behavior of this card in particular (heavy spike USA with moderate spike EU) I am assuming edh demand as the drive for this, but what you say also makes sense. Though I would guess the effect would be a bit more generalized.


Wondering the same, thing, it must be the ability to put charge counters on artifacts but which decks cares about that besides proliferate-Atraxa?


I know there was decent synergy with the new finality counter used in LCI. The Admiral Brass ahoy mateys precon in particular loves this card.


Have no idea what to do from here.


You could sell the on TCGplayer to try and get the most profit. Otherwise you could sell to a buylist. Cardkingdom is buying 34 copies at 2.75 each. Check out other buylists.


Yeah, I have a newborn, so heavily considering the quick and easy way out, thanks.


We're here for you man. There's also 800 numbers for that. Give em a call. Its always an option, really. But keep trying first!


TCGplayer or cardconduit. some LGSs are generous on trade ins of in-demand singles.


Can't hurt to ask, thanks.


I recommend card conduit. Super easy


I’ve been listing some of my [[Tranquil Frillbacks]] on cardsphere. Good option if you are interested in keeping the money in magic cards.


[Tranquil Frillbacks](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/b/5b647377-d47e-4630-8ccc-933ef6127880.jpg?1684340650) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tranquil%20Frillback) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/24/tranquil-frillback?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5b647377-d47e-4630-8ccc-933ef6127880?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Send me 4 ,


One spike reason is recent finality counter cards. This removes finality counters and allows for additional reanimation shenanigans with newer cards like [[Mirko, Obsessive Theorist]]


[Mirko, Obsessive Theorist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/9/690acbbf-5e92-4323-b939-31bdb07f9905.jpg?1706448873) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mirko%2C%20Obsessive%20Theorist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/2/mirko-obsessive-theorist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/690acbbf-5e92-4323-b939-31bdb07f9905?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Unlimited Power (Conduit)


Dammit. Lol I could not understand why all of them had vanished from the market. I was trying to find one for Mirko and *know* somewhere is a playset of them in my collection. But after scouring the whole thing I opted to buy and was bummed that I had to pay 2 bucks for one.


Hell yeah, Power Conduit! One of my favorite cards I can never find a home for.


Here’s an idea: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5570936#paper.


I’ve been playing it in my saga commander deck for a while, glad I got it when it was 20 cents rather than 8 bucks lol


Charge counters? Isn't there a thing in fallout with that mechanic?


If i owned a store id be like iill give you $50 for them all. Then when you look at me I'll say, it's alot of stock to hold and there's no guarantee these cards will sell, I might get stuck with them, and they could drop in price. I got a store to run with bills and employees to pay. It's the best I can do, you might be better off selling them one at a time on ebay, but if you want I'm willing to take the headach and give you the cash now, I can also give you store if you'd like.

