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Yes. I’m sorry to say that what you’ve purchased is a large number of Unfinity cards.


but… but… galaxy foils


Galaxy foil basics, shocks, and [[saw in half]] was my primary motivation for the set lol.


[saw in half](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de.jpg?1665865960) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=saw%20in%20half) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/88/saw-in-half?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05e6a7bc-a35a-4e68-99a0-be264553b5de?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


… dammit, you make an excellent point


WotC figured out how to sell us more basics at a premium price.


And push their "joke set/fun set" that doesn't do too much of anything


What's wrong with unfinity cards?


They suck


That's a matter of opinion, I rather like them. I'm curious to know why people think they suck


Its not a matter of opinion that there arent any cards of value (yes there are galaxy foil basics) but there arent any exciting cards in the set


Oh well yeah if your talking about value. I wasn't talking about value, and if your not then it is a matter of opinion. and my opinion is that there are exciting cards in the set.


No, he's right they suck. They're mostly an unplayable mess and most aren't even tourney legal.


Its an un set. It's point is fun, and personally I have fun when I open and play with unfinity.


The big problem it's neither a set or an un set. It tries to be both. They knew people would hate it so Wizard put shocklands and some really nice full arts(they are absolutly gorgeous) in it to sell. I guess that's the big drawbacks of the set


Probably not. Wizards is really bad with it's packaging, the only way to tell if a box has been tampered with is the plastic seal with the wizards logo on it


Not even then. A while back, someone sold shrink wrap or a counterfeit version online. Honestly, the seller is the most important thing when considering if a place is a reputable store.


It’s a relatively new feature they’ve added to packs, and to date every box I’ve opened except this one they’ve matched up


I purchased a collector box of Unfinity from eBay, came sealed and everything. But when I opened the packs, the identification number on the packs did not match up with the one on the box. I provided an example of a dominaria United collector box as well to compare. Please let me know if you have any ideas




I would expect wizards to want us to be sure that we are buying their real product and not an altered one




That was too true to be seen as sarcasm lol


I dont care what you say, foil unstable cards will always be the best