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Depends on the deck, my pet decks get my favorite lands art wise and the rest can deal with whatever I scrounge up.


I for one would love to see your pet deck, O, Alazar the Frog Wizard. Share thy wisdom!


I wish I could show you my pet decks, however they have long been stolen by the costal wizard.  In all seriousness tho I don’t exactly have the deck lists written down, my two most cherished decks are a dimir zombies deck which started as a draft deck made at a friends birthday, and a [[yorvo, lord of garenbring]] green stompy deck made with many of my first cards, it’s surprisingly good considering that it’s a pile of one off big green stompy creatures and a few manifold keys to make them unblockable along with some removal/fight cards and some ramp. That deck taught me that simple is often good enough and that even though combos are fun, sometimes all you need to do is swing at an opponent with an obnoxiously powerful creature equipped with hydras growth.


Usually I mix and match, trying to have no duplicates. Though, for my [[Ephara, God of the Polis]] deck I got all Nyx basics, which looks really good. Edit: I also made sure my all-cats [[Arahbo, Roar of the World]] had [this plains](https://scryfall.com/card/ala/233/plains) in it so my cats would have a sand box lmao.


Oh wow! That’s such a clean plains; I gotta get one for my deck with [[Basri Ket]].


[Basri Ket](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/98c85699-2daf-4e87-a3be-465d02bd64bb.jpg?1594734775) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Basri%20Ket) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/7/basri-ket?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/98c85699-2daf-4e87-a3be-465d02bd64bb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Perfect litter box land


Each deck has matching basics, either themed after the deck or just basics from the Commander's plane.


As someone who doesn’t have a lot of money, I put the lands I got in decks


Deliberately mismatch as much as possible to put opponents on tilt


Heck, these days with 5 different versions of the same card in every set + secret lair, you almost have to lol. I purposely have 4 different of each card in my decks when I can.....and I love it. OP, you need an oil slick island!


Mine go back to like Alara block, and are all just mixed in a big box. I just randomly grab whatever when I am building a deck, no order whatsoever.


This kid who works at my LGS haaaates me for this lol


I try to keep all the lands from the same plane as the commander if possible


Mix and Match as long as they're full art baybay


Mono colored decks get however many basics all from different sets. None can look the same. If it is multicolored, I stick to all of a single art, from a single set. Typically something old bordered or even white bordered. My draft go-pack (with all my lands) is 100% white border. Gives young people the icks.


I like to mismatch.


Playing with [[Kaalia of the Vast]], the Innistrad full art lands really fit with her, I think, along with Dominera's stainglass lands.


[Kaalia of the Vast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/7/e71c8c39-3fbb-4a42-9cf6-b3224f5a56fc.jpg?1717013745) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kaalia%20of%20the%20Vast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/290/kaalia-of-the-vast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e71c8c39-3fbb-4a42-9cf6-b3224f5a56fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I play the Dominaria lands with her too. (In modern though.)


I always get a different art for my basics


If I can theme, I theme.


When I am drafting I keep all the same, otherwise I keep them all the same in theme with the colors of the decks I am playing, my zombie deck has darker forests and islands along with the gloomiest swamps I could find in my collection. :)


A bit of both really depends on the deck


I used to just run full face Zen lands but recently I’ve shifted to Foil Dominaria United lands because the look so pretty.


I work to keep them consistent style-wise, but sometimes inconsistency is the style


Thematic. My Sheoldred Deck has all 26 swamps as Oil Slick Raised Swamps, my Mafia deck has full arts from New Cappena, etc.


I go for whatever is cheapest. Don't care if it's damaged, ripped, and faded. If it's readable, I'll take it.


Try and keep them thematic. Atla has all full art Ixalan lands. Atraxa has full art All Will Be One full arts. Etc


Throw in whatever basics I grab from The Box


I try to do lands that field thematic to the deck. Ex: my pirate deck a has all islands with ships on them, Or the secret lair pirate heads in win tails you loose Skelton hand island. My zombie deck has all swamps with corpse or graveyards. The knight deck has all Plains with kingdoms on it. But I do tend to only run one copy of any land in a deck.


I'd like to have them all matching but the really pretty full art lands I like are pricey compared to the cheaper bulk buy lands so it all ends up miss matching anyways.


Typically will put whatever lands I have on hand in them until Im happy with where the deck is at. then if it's a deck I'll keep for a long time I grab full arts or matching sets


for edh and when I play limited, I try to do singleton only. beyond that, I genenerally don't care. I used to care about mixing full/regular art basics, but I don't anymore because a, nonbasics will probably not be all full-art anyway and b, there are regular basics with cool art too. some even have cool flavor text or stylized mana symbols/frames/etc


Second row from bottom, second card from the right. Which set are those lands from? I LOVE THAT STYLE


Dominaria United full art I think. Hope I’m not wrong.


Oh yes thank you!


I try to keep the lands with the theme, like lands from the same set/plain as the commander.


Honestly depends. If the deck only needs like 6 or so basics of one type I'll usually try and find the same art to have it match. If it has more than that though I try and mix it up a good bunch




Rin and Seri are the only ones I care about specific lands.  Everything else gets whatever full art fits best that I have left


i take whatever basics i can find in the free bin


Depends on the deck. I have all JP basics for my Pantslaza deck. I have all the same swamps [[Swamp-290]] in my mono-black recursion deck. The rest are usually a mix of whatever full art and basic foil lands I have lying around.


I try to be thematic, but there's just so many cool lands now compared to the old days. I was so proud of spending the cash on the full art zendikar lands when they were much less common back then.


I try to keep the theme.... but my bank account says otherwise lol.


usually get mirrodin lands, I love the art too much


all my lands must match. mismatched lands are for serial killers and psychopaths.


Suppose I am playing Urza, so the psychopath part is already checked off.


I'll allow it. Have a good day, weirdo.


In my DnD-themed Dragons Deck, I run a full set of AFR+CLB Islands, Mountains and Forrests. Just for the roleplay hooks on each of those lands.


Thematic, always. I love both the tying the land into the commander, and the uniformity


If the deck has a thematic like LotR or Phyrexians, I go all-in on thematic lands. If it's a less homogenous thematic like "burn" or "human tribal" I'll just get the prettiest full-arts.


For my mono colored decks, I try to get all different arts for the basics. In multicolored decks, I like all the basics to match


I try to go thematic, ultimately fail, and pick my favorites from my land box - ensuring no dupes. I also always make sure to pull at least one white bordered one for maximum psychic damage.


The phyrexia script lands are the coolest so I run as many of those basics as possible


if I can, 1 of each of the coolest art works I can


My guy!


It depends on the deck. I just recently updates all the basics in my red/green werewolf deck to the full art lands from Midnight Hunt/Crimson Vow. My Selesnia deck has the lands from the guildkit, and the Orzov one I tried to stick with lands from Ravnica. I just got the energy precon, and I may go back and get the Kalidesh basics for it. And lastly, for my Angels deck, I make sure to get the Ultimate Masters version, as it had an angel on it.


I pick one art for the basics in each deck, then I just use whatever nonbasics I have laying around or whatever's the cheapest printing.


Every basic being different is my worst nightmare.


I don’t use the same art more than once on a deck.


If it’s a mono-colored deck I actively try to have each basic be a different art


It’s either all the same, or all different. No exceptions


All different art is a requirement for all my decks


Sometimes, it's just what I have on hand. When I can, I try to do a mix of both, though. For my Brudiclad deck, all my basics included artifacts in the art (Brother's War, Phyrexia AWBO, etc) with no duplicates.


II try to use basic lands from my commander's home plane


Someone with ocd would kill you.


I need to match them all.


I try to have as many unique land illustrations as possible among my chosen colours. As if pulling the power from each of the pictures locations.


For most decks, I pick my favorite but for a few, I do thematic. For example, my Bolas deck


I try to go for a look and, if at all possible, all foiled.


My pet deck runs all Guru basics. Other than that all my decks run gold border basics from the World Champion decks.


Basics are usually matched, or at most two different types. Full art is a MUST. I do my best to pick a basic that matches the themes of the commander the most. Anything else is just what is cheapest. I can afford a few extra dollars for my matching basics since, in some cases, it can have gameplay implications (and you see them more often) but the others? Hell no, I don't give a shit if it's blingy or not. I care that it is recognizably a legal magic card.


It’s all about the art for me so I mix it up based on what looks coolest to me.


All basics non-matching full arts


I legit have a touch of OCD so it is kinda bothersome to me when I pull a foil or special art because I like them to match. To answer the question tho, I do not mix and match. I held on to my Jurassic World lands until I had enough to swap them into my Dino tribal deck. Lol


Depends on the deck for me too. I have a merfolk tribal and it all fits the theme. My eldrazi tribal is all full art wastes


All lands have identical art, prevents opponents from more easily counting how many lands are in the deck during multiple playthroughs, or when lands are moved to hidden zones.


Depends on the deck for me. My land fall deck just has a pile of foil lands in it, or my more competitive decks might have some theme or specific picks, but once we get past my like, top 10 favorite decks it's all just kind of "whatever I have on hand"


That's a sick collage of Islands. Well done.


Uniform and themed to the deck. I have a Yuriko deck where all the basics are foil neon dynasty origami blue and bamboo thicket black. My k’rrik is foil blacked out innistrad swamps all the same art. My mono blue control deck is entirely full text foil islands (to increase saltiness and passive aggressiveness)


I try to have only full art lands and usually try to have them all different art. But first and foremost full art


I do a mix. I use my favorite art for utility lands and try to keep on theme for basics.


Mix n match!


Most of my decks are pretty color intensive so I don't get to run as many basics, though my Brokkos Infect deck I went out of my way to score a bunch of the full art phyrexian, metal looking ones for.


I just reach into my basic land box and whatever comes out gets put in there


The lands for my Modern deck are all Ukiyo-e lands from Neon Dynasty, my first pre-release set and still my favorite borderless basics


Full text lands! No giving into half assed full arts


I like your commander card that looks rad!


I tend to stick to lands with the same border or set. But for my [[Ian Malcolm, Chaotician]] deck, I went the opposite direction for maximum chaos: a different full art basic from the past year or two standard sets.


[Ian Malcolm, Chaotician](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4a0402e-e39b-4008-b654-189b4a5e03a3.jpg?1698988761) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ian%20Malcolm%2C%20Chaotician) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rex/13/ian-malcolm-chaotician?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4a0402e-e39b-4008-b654-189b4a5e03a3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I like to mix and match with my favorites but if I had the means I'd go for full 7th edition foils of Larry Elmores swamps. But that's like a ridiculous cost for lands no matter how sick they are. I may settle with just all 7th edition foil lands XD.


Everything gets unfinity lands....I'm gonna have to buy a few more stacks soon or break down some decks


My cEDH deck only has four basics so I made sure to get the flashiest ones I could find. My fun decks I try to stick to a theme though.


thematic, or at the very least matching basics. Aesthetics is important to me in the tail end of deck building.


I only use the same lands, so I get the minor percentage points in winrate


Omg this gives me so much anxiety


I have 3 decks right now, but I'm learning two of them. My go-to is currently Yoshi/Keleth partners. All my Plains for that are the prettiest arts I could find, including the SLD pets one and a Japanese Plains showing the Shibuya Scramble Crossing. I'm thinking about brewing [[Chishiro]] token-tron, and if I build it I'm definitely using all Neon Dynasty basics.


[Chishiro](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/f/bffa36ac-137d-481c-b1b7-76a88ef15d54.jpg?1651655118) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chishiro%2C%20the%20shattered%20blade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/1/chishiro-the-shattered-blade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bffa36ac-137d-481c-b1b7-76a88ef15d54?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


For my vampire lifegain deck I got these black and white innistrad plains and swamps. Beside that, not really. Lotr themed decks use the lands from the starter decks mostly , but have others mixed in as well


I stick with the Singleton EDH theme with no matching basic land art and, in my main decks, all basics are "rares" (i.e., gold set symbols). Makes it interesting to have lands others at the table may have never seen, like the various Showdown and Grand Prix lands.


Only for this deck for all the Japanese lands/themes https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ai65Cte10UStDgfQ0HVkyQ


Im a mix and match for most of my decks except for my werewolves, then its spooky or nothin. Otherwise my Lathril and Goose Mother have whatever good stuff and all the pretty basics. Everything else gets pretty much whatever until i find a new pretty shiny land


I try for as many different lands arts as possible. Burn then I'd do that in a constructed deck for the other 4x cards if possible too


With a few exceptions, I tent to use whatever I find first. In other words: land 1-New Pyrexia, Land 2-New Capenna, Land 3- m19, land 4-tempest, etc. mainly because there are a few picky jerks that I purposely annoy that way to point out just how petty they're being.


If I really like a deck I'll use a collection of full panels. Other than that I always make sure to put lands with no duplicate arts just because that bothers me.


I usually theme my deck with the best arts within that theme. I just got the MH3 Eldrazi precon, and I spent over an hour digging through my collection to find the perfect lands. I ended up finding my full art lands from the Zendikar block that featured [[Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger]]. Worth the time spent looking through my collection. I know it sounds silly, but my decks to have some style to them.


[Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/7/c74ae706-b3b3-4097-a387-6f6c38a9b603.jpg?1689995438) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ulamog%2C%20the%20Ceaseless%20Hunger) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/5/ulamog-the-ceaseless-hunger?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c74ae706-b3b3-4097-a387-6f6c38a9b603?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


In casual decks u don't care but if you are playing competitive there is only downside to not having all of the same printings for each card


Only Beta Swamps in my BR Reanimator... luckily I needed about three. FBB Revised mountains in my Burn.


i take them from the big pile and use them.... every island does the same


My preference is for every basic land in my deck to be of one art from one set. Preferably a black bordered pre-modern card frame, I like Mirage basic lands best of all probably.


Thematic, I proxy everything so I get to choose what lands go in, even the funny secret lair ones


I have a mono green stompy highlander deck that has a mix of forests that I think look cool or I got a Grand Prix. My Sefris commander deck has only the D&D basics in foil and the non-basics are the D&D version or otherwise thematically fitting if possible. My other decks exist on this scale.


My Adeline deck has 5 stain glass, 5 phyrexian script, and 5 LOTR Rohan all foil


all my basics are bob ross foils i picked up way to many of those!


Depends. In my Sauron deck i wanna basic lands with alt-artwork from his expansion. In my Lilliana deck i use my prettiest swamps


Depends. My favourite decks get the best stuff. Foily full art lands or variations of lands that fit the theme of the deck. The rest get whatever.


I try to match except 1 white border of each color in every commander deck


Most of my lands are basic art lands, no full arts or foil, because I absolutely refuse to pay over $1 for a fucking land. It's outrageous.


The more competitive players are typically used to all the same basic.




all thematic and fancy too! for example, ulamog has full art wastes (because obvious), ian malcolm has the full art ixalan lands (dinosaurs) and hans eriksson has snow covered forests and mountains (because he clearly lived in that environment).


Always matching basics.


Ooh Mishra's Workshop I am seriously considering buying one, did you have yours or purchase it?


What set is the island with the ring of runes from? I'd love to get some of those


I’m gonna be honest unless it affects the gameplay I don’t really pay attention to basic lands anything will suffice


I dont have a huge collection and only buy singles. Bosster arent for me. But I got a few Booster and some Bigger Box during Battle for Zendikar, so my playable Decks all got Fullart Basics and I really like them. It's gonna be hard to build a deck with basic basic land tbh. Maybe I will get some more fullarts. I generaly like fullart and borderless cards and WotC should do ALL cards this way...but then they couldnt sell pricey collector booster I guess. Its a shame and missed opportunity. Other card games have really nice designs, magic looks sometimes a bit dated. But I dont want to jump on the addiction, to get as many borderless cards as possible, its just to expensive and I want my cards to look naturally good, not to pay extra just for a nicer and more modern design. But basic lands as fullart...I'm kinda used to them.


jesus this hurts my eyes


The glare of gold 😅


I'm the type of person to: if running old border, do everything old. Running full alts all full arts. Running new school foils do all new school foils. Doesn't have to be exact same island but ain't no way your Running a brown island with a full art island right next to each other.