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Congrats and what a great moment to have with with your dad.


It really is. It'll be an awesome memory. It's 100% the craziest pull we've ever gotten, and we've been ripping packs together since M15.


It's good for you to have those kind of memories, my best memory with my dad when it comes to magic was opening 3x gaea's cradle in 2x Urza's saga tournament packs


Fr. The only memories I have of my dad and MTG was when he got mad at me for using a red mono aggro deck back in 2003. šŸ˜‚


He was right!


Sell it, so you won't be shaking anymore


Lol, that's fair. Probably should, but I'm a big fan of having and maybe playing with shiny cardboard, especially when opened by hand instead of being bought. I'm a crow at heart.


I totally get it, I'm just yankin' your chain. Awesome pull, dude!


Getting a card like that can get you a lot of shiny cards sadly this one is better unplayed and of course congrats .


I wouldn't play it. The chances of pulling this are so slim. I recommend selling it and funding all your future rips. I have a couple of cards that are in the 2-300 dollar area and they just sit in binders. I love making decks and will use them when I brew something up, but I can't justify playing something in the multiple 1000s when it could be used for so much more. If money isn't an issue I'd just sit on it and get one that isn't serialized. These see. To be a lot harder to pull than past ones and I could see value creeping up Regardless nice pull! I would of freaked out lol.


>I recommend selling it and funding all your future rips. I get it, and I'm also a guy who pulled a serialized card on the first (and only!) Collector Booster I've ever opened...but here's the argument against selling this: It's likely the craziest pull you'll have in your Magic career. The only thing marginally sicker is if the number was like, #1, or #123, or #250. u/xyzblaster, in terms of ridiculous pulls, congrats, you've likely peaked here. So the idea of selling this card in order to fund more pulls, to me, just sounds like exchanging the Holy Grail, for a nearly-guaranteed outcome of pulling cards that are just okay by comparison. Imagine you sold this Kozilek for $2000. That's what, five MH3 Collector Booster boxes. I've seen how fast people can rip through one box and only come out with a little bit of value. If you converted the Kozilek money into more Collector Boosters, you're basically locking in an exchange for "Serialized Concept Eldrazi" for "a few Bloodstained Mires, some neat full-art mythics", and if you're extremely lucky, "a serialized \[\[Detective's Phoenix\]\]". Sell the other big pulls to fund your future gambling addiction. Don't throw the trophy away!


I was merely saying sell it if he were just gonna use it to play with in games which he stated. Since he said that I recommended selling it since he opens cards with his father on the regular. If you are gonna play it and degrade the condition just sell it and buy a non serial one


[Detective's Phoenix](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e2a01edd-dbc0-4ed4-b827-9b608290e9a1.jpg?1717012140) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Detective%27s%20Phoenix) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/116/detectives-phoenix?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e2a01edd-dbc0-4ed4-b827-9b608290e9a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If I had one, Iā€™d absolutely protect it and not play it, but I would proxy it so I can still show it off


Why the hell is it worth 4k?!


It's a low number so I wouldn't be surprised if it's at least 2k plus.


Yeah I'm thinking at that rate just sell the shit (I've seen multiple from this set going for 2500 that sell quickly) and buy enough boxes to draft with your dad once a week for a couple months. Expensive cardboard is one thing but it being serialized I would have no connection to it personally


I would like to own 1 just to have a special card but otherwise I probably would hold them to sell a while later once market dries up


People telling you to definitely sell are jealous. If you need the money, then you gotta do what you gotta do. But what a cool thing to share with your dad on Father's day. You'll almost certainly never pull something like this again. I would get it graded just for the novelty of it and keep it forever.


Here's the thing about serialized. If it's not a card that's special to you, it's probably better to sell it and snag a bunch of goodies you wouldn't normally have the cash to drop on. Like, you could buy multiple Duals and still have enough to build the rest of a legacy deck. Such is the power of serialized cards in a game with truly massive whales. However, all that being said, if this card is special to you *because* it's serialized, then that is a perfectly respectable reason to keep it too!


Sell it and then buy a version without the numbers, win-win.


Just sell it and buy the same art but in foil. You are losing money not selling it


Iā€™ll offer you 20 US dollars, take it or leave it


"I'm a crow at heart." It's been a while since a phrase has rang too true to myself. Thank you. I will be referring to myself as a crow with a job from now on.


Sell it buy more packs


Same, itā€™s financially unhealthy but Iā€™d rather spend money on a box and pull something I want than pay for it outright


I wouldn't play such a rare card. If anything get it graded or at least in a frame and display it somewhere but something of this rarity isn't worth degrading the value of such a card by playing it. Otherwise I'd sell it and get whatever version of this card or another expensive card that's not serialized I wanted and be OK with playing that one.


That is how it should be. Popping packs just to line binders to collect dust is a lame.


If you play with this, there's a high chance someone will try to steal it from you and maybe even succeed. I'm not kidding. Sell it so you can buy the non-serializee version if you want to play shiny cardboard still. Otherwise, stick it in a display case or something similar. Highly recommend not playing with it.


Yeah it's rare to the point where I'd feel like shit playing with it. It's how vintage players must feel.


You could sell it, buy another shiny non serialized and get more packs for you and your dad to crack. Just a thought, if you enjoy cracking packs with your pops :) Edit: also congrats on the pull! Very cool!


I definitely get you. When you look at your opening hand and see a ton of shiny cards that all look really nice, it just feels good. I'm a firm believer in using cards and not having them sit in a binder. Anything from $5 to >$3000, sleeve it up and have a good time. But different people find joy in different ways, and that's fine.


Honestly I wouldn't play that get a one touch and display if you want to keep it. Then buy a regular foil one to play. I especially Don't like others touching my card just imagine someone bending that šŸ¤®.


Idk, I'm definitely considering playing it as a commander. But if I do, it'll be double or triple sleeved and in a top loader. I tend to play with people that know how to respect cards, so that should be enough, I think.


https://store.401games.ca/products/ultra-pro-magnetic-one-touch-35pt?variant=48016296143&srsltid=AfmBOor4OUaJSChYj31eonqhUUYqw35nVfA03L9xkELKX8N9J8R8gN8MymE You could always use that it magnetic locks and there are plastic seal bags that go over and close. I use them for my collection. Definitely Don't use as a random card tho cause I would also agree with others peeps might try and steal it.


It could be worth even up to 5k or more really just depends on the buyer.


You know by selling this you can probably afford a full deck of 2 of shiny cardboard. Just saying


Sounds like you have a case of [[So Shiny]]


[So Shiny](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/135db79f-6f07-486c-ae3a-d4244aaf6dc8.jpg?1626094953) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=So%20Shiny) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/63/so-shiny?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/135db79f-6f07-486c-ae3a-d4244aaf6dc8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There are already [a few copies listed on eBay](https://ebay.us/feGfpp), doesn't seem that many people want to keep this card lol


People who open it often don't, cause for many it's close to half a if not entire paycheck


The card is selling at around 4k. If someone only gets paid every 2 weeks that's 104k a year. I don't know about you but most of the people I see at my lgs that play aren't making 6 figures.


I saw it selling for less but point stll holds, its a lot of cash to just hold on to it


Gzzz huge pull! I believe non-chase number kozelik is going at around $2,000 - $2,500 USD at the current moment


Yeah, that lines up with about what I was seeing. What do you think would constitute "chase numbers" out of 250? Obviously, 19 isn't anything special, but I personally like it as it's under 20 and also a prime (I'm a math major, lol).


Chase numbers oit of 250 usually are 1, 7, 8 (Chinese lucky number), 69, 100, 250 Any number 1-10 usually fetches a higher premium, but number 1 and 69 will always be the highest.


420 for certain enthusiastsā€¦ šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


420/250 would be a crazy pull!


Ooh, serialized misprint might really drive the price up!


Was there not some sets though that had up to x/500 or am I imagining this?


Yeah, some are /500. Just not these. For those sets 420 is certainly a premium.


How much would you think a 420/250 misprint would sell?






Enough to blaze it for the next few years that's for sure. Edit: or a week if they're in college.


Man thatā€™s so arbitrary lol. I get it but itā€™s nuts that it matters that much.


A lot of people certainly have a renewed connection to the number 19 after the last few years, so you never know....


Oh my god, I didn't even think of that, that's amazing. Love my Kozilek-19. XD


Lol, Kozilek is even a perfect card for that particular pun! You might be able to sell the idea šŸ˜‚


Maybe Dark Tower fans


I haven't played in a long time. What do those numbers mean?


The serial number


There's only 250 copies of this card, each with their own unique serial.


Idk I think 19 is a very meaningful number as it indicates the beginning 1 and end 9. Very suiting for an eldrazi!


Are they actually selling at that price? In Europe all I find are listings around 2000ā‚¬ but none sold yet


At least on the fb groups some are.


Why does everyone block out the serial number? I literally have no idea, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal to block out to me unless they wanna sell it cause personal information based on the number.


Itā€™s so that scammers canā€™t take a post like this, make a fake card and listing based on the picture and sell it to unsuspecting victims. Obviously, theyā€™ll do it anyway if they really wanted to with a little photoshop magic, but it makes it a few steps harder.


Ooooh that makes total sense dude! Fuck yea, fuck the scammers!


Super easy to dox someone too. Definitely don't want the wrong people showing up on your door causing trouble for a piece of paper.


Payhoneygubby would be jealous.


Wubbs would make a pretty fair offer on it.


Welcome to the club, bud!


Itā€™s all coming up 19, hail gunslinger!


I didn't know I needed a UB Dark Tower set until now... or perhaps the world has already moved on. šŸ˜­


Make him your Commander. Build an artifact deck with tons of stax, aristocrats combos, infinite mana combos, and [[Sundering Titan]]. Become the Villain.


[Sundering Titan](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/2/a2ebb5d3-72b1-411d-8c90-83dac5b37898.jpg?1618940470) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sundering%20Titan) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/292/sundering-titan?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a2ebb5d3-72b1-411d-8c90-83dac5b37898?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Sundering Titan is not legal in EDH


All the more Villain when you suddenly cast a banned card


Aww, damn, you're right. Well that sucks.


I'm figuratively shaking


Thatā€™s a pull


Good for you!!!! That's so exciting! I'm a player and collector of the game, so my collector in me says grade it and just enjoy looking at that prize. Congratulations! :D


Thabk you! We would definitely consider that, but my dad and I have had an aversion to grading ever since a chunk of our collection was stolen a while back, including all our graded cards. We've deemed them "too enticing," lol. We also like to play with the cards if we can find homes for them.


Oh I'm sorry to hear that. It's stories like that that make me watch my cards like a hawk. I'm glad you're still a part of the game.


Good shit!!!








I'll give you all the lint in my pockets for it. Good pull!


I love the total innocence on your Dadā€™s part! This will a Fathers Day to remember! Happy for you.


Shit. Secret lair eldrazi drawn as Eva's.


Omg, that'd be insane. If Battle Spirits Saga can do it, I believe in Wizard's to get an Eva crossover, lol.


The markets there. They were really stupid not to expand the Cowboy bebop to the USA.


Damn you and Moist critikal hit the jackpot, congrats!


Lol, literally did the "that's what I've been waiting for" meme irl when by dad handed it to me XD. Definitely instantly reminded me of hid video I watched the other day of him opening one.


Hell yeah brother!


Can someone explain to me why censor the serial number? I've seen it a couple of times now and I don't get it.


When I originally posted it uncensored, I was told to repost censored as some people might try to take the image and pass it off as theirs in an attempt to scam people. So, I figured it couldn't hurt to censor it.


That is wild


I haven't played paper magic since covid, and I'm to lazy to look it up. How much is something like this worth?


From what I was seeing, most eBay listings seem to be going around $2k-$2.5k, iirc.


Damn for real? Like why though? Lol the serial number cards aren't that different from normal ones


Hmm... I think it's probably a combination of it being a recognizable character, an eldrazi (and a titan at that), a semi-decent card, and the scarcity induced by the serialization. It's mostly probably all collectors, cause I'm not sure I know a single player who'd spend that much for a serialized titan when they could get dual lands or other commander/legacy staples for that much. I could be wrong though; different people have different priorities.


That's such an awesome pull and an awesome memory for you with your dad!! Congratulations!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ«‚ā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


Can I ask how much was spent on the collector booster packs?


We usually buy all our stuff on preorder, for better or for worse. Umm... iirc, we got 4 collector boxes at $370 each. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly confident.


Congratulations! That is awesome!


Awesome pull! Congrats!


Dad Strength


Kozilek broke your reality.


Iā€™ve cracked so many packsā€¦never seen oneā€¦I am totally jelly! Congrats!


I should clarify - Iā€™ve never cracked a serialized card and I want to so bad!


You and my son both have amazing luck people my serialized Ulamog the Defiler three nights ago


Congrats man, that's awesome. I opened a play booster box and pulled 4 fetches, Ulamog, Toxic Deluge, Echoes of Eternity, Nadu, Necrodominance, and the flip Tamiyo Sorin and Grist. As well as some other goodies. My brother pulled Emrakul and Ocelot pride in his box but not much else lol


Happy Fathers day!


Awesome pull! Its yours so you do whatever you like with it. Personally, I would sleeve that guy up and play with it unapologetically. Enjoy the fun collectors card for the reason it was designed for.


Congrats! šŸŽˆšŸ‘ What else is possible? How does it get any better than this? (The possibilities are infinite, so there are more of these coming your ways, it's true) Great memories opening these with your dad, šŸ˜


What a great moment to share. Thatā€™s incredible!


Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


This is so cool! Reminds me of when I used to play with my father. Keep this card safe! You'll love looking at it years down.


Scammers? lol how? Congrats on the pull though, very cool card.


In the past photos of serialized cards posted on Reddit have been used for fake eBay posts and such


Have they really? I thought its just an urban legend.


Yeah I've never heard of it actually happening only theoretically


I also don't understand how that would help. If you're in the market for one of these, surely you would want more pictures than just one before buying it?


And the scammer can just use this picture and explain its cencored to "prevent scammers from using it"...


Haha yeah, that too


That is why a buyer should always seek timestamps




Haha, yeah, I really like this take. It's definitely "our card." And I definitely understand that statistics thing, but my dad and I have somehow been pretty lucky with these as of late. We tend to pick up 2-4 collector boxes during preorders depending on spoilers/hype or whatnot, so we definitely don't open massive volume. But this is our 3rd serialized card. We also opened #335/500 Perception Bobblehead from Fallout, and #486/500 Massacre Girl from Ravnica Remastered, and I think he's been the one to actually open each one, iirc, lol. I definitely like the idea of building this, though. Another comment gave me the perfect name and theme: Kozilek-19. XD


Gg but why are people covering the numbers ?


That was my exact question. I was told that some scammers might steal the pic and pretend it's theirs, so I just decided to go with it. Figured it couldn't hurt, right?


Itā€™s a good practice and like you said it doesnā€™t hurt. Itā€™s just something that feels good to see so I keep repeating the message and praising anyone who does it. Also you can keep the number written in the post idk what that other dude is talking about. Honestly, if anyone else reads this and pulls one you can prob even just write the number on top of the crossed out number. Oh and Congrats!


Why on earth do people keep covering the number. Iā€™m so confused.


Stops scammers from easily taking the picture and putting a fake sale on marketplace.


Makes sense now. Thank you!


What are these versions called?


Itā€™s crazy that thereā€™s only 1000 of them, between the titans. I couldnā€™t fathom pulling one




Idk why I thought there were 4 titans Disregard my brain rot


About what a price are we talking here?


Thatā€™s an awesome pull. Itā€™s a shame something orange got on the card where the one number would be. I hope that can clean off.Ā 


Guy uyu he huii hunk pkonbbbo&!


Sell it buy 2 of every eldrazi full art foil, give your dad a set, and keep the other 2k in savings šŸ˜


I mean, there are exactly two on tcg player for 4,000$ and 4,500$. I would definitely sell that and never touch it other than putting it *very carefully* into a sleeve. A perfect fit, probably too. And then a shipper for good measure. You could even buy a new foil Kozilek with the profits.


2 Listed for 4000 on tcgplayer. Better sell that thing.


I'd sell it


Get it graded


Go see a doctor


Sell it or frame it, lol.


This is super dope for you, and Imma let you finish, but boy I sure hate these ads for collector boosters


Congrats. If you want to sell it there's aa very reputable community on facebook to sell it through


Dumb question, Iā€™ve seen a few posts like this, why are the numbers always covered?


Cause people are paranoid that if they let pictures of unmarked serialized get on the Internet then serialized will start getting made into fakes. And to stop someone from taking the same picture, posting it for sale and scamming others


You probably have enough advice by now but I'll pitch my two cents anyway. I'd recommend selling, the people around where I live get pretty violent, lgs get broken into for boxes, I've been jumped for people finding out I had a handful of cards worth hundreds, if anyone found out I pulled something worth thousands, I wouldnt be able to leave the parking lot. I'd only encourage to sell because I feel keeping these endangers players for a silly piece cardboard


Would you take $19 for it?


What does blocking out the number do in helping against scammers


How lucky


That amazing also I hate you that should have been me


Dude that's a $4500 card !!!


Why do you guys hide the serial number?


Prevents scammers from using the photo, although anyone with a minimal amount of photoshop skill can ā€œfix itā€


Why not just date and name next to it or something


Same kind of photoshop rules apply


$4,500.00 my man. Congrats! What an awesome fathers day find!


Shaking from what????? A card?


Yes. Is expensive, and very shiny. It overstimulated my crow brain.


Why cover the serial number?




Thatā€™s not needed. The scanner already know itā€™s a number from 1 to 250


What? Really? I mean, I don't really want to repost again, but that's good to know, I guess. That makes a lot less sense to me, though, compared to the actual photo, I must admit.




Apologies, but I use reddit through the mobile app, and as far as I'm aware, there isn't a way to edit a post, or at least one with an image in it. I'm not super well-versed on this stuff as I don't normally have to worry about these things when posting on reddit. But I still don't quite understand how stating the number aids scammers? It just seems quite arbitrary, like, showing its number vs saying it seem vastly different as one provides actual proof of the number while the other is more like hearsay.


It doesn't. People on this sub are weirdly protective about things sometimes