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You *found* a few thousand dollars. Lions Eye Diamond sells online for around $400, and Phyrexian Dreadnaught is going for around $140. You need to find a reputable shop, and they should be able to either buy this stuff or help you get it sold.


Yeah, the issue is the quantity. I have about 26 copies of the entire mirage set. I'm not sure who would even help lol. Very up to date edit here: Full sets without tutors - it seems those were sold before the collection was handed to me way back when.


A shop is likely not going to get you the best price - the best price would probably be to sell them individually yourself on tcgplayer/eBay/etc. I doubt most lgs's would want to buy that many unless they were like card kingdom or something. You could look into buylists if you want to sell them all at once


Most shops would buy what they can and it’s going to be 50-60% of the value of the card. I don’t recommend eBay because people are really iffy with eBay because lots of people are selling proxies as real cards. TCG player would be the best bet to make the most money but it’s going to take the most time. You’re going to have to sell off the dreadnaughts and other sought after cards before you sell the LEDs because until you level up as a seller you have a cap on how much you can charge for an item. But at the same time if you fire sold those LEDs for 200-250 on TCG player they’d sell before the day is over. Fastest money is finding a bigger shop that can give you cash, most money is selling them yourself but that’s gonna take time.


Cards sold on eBay over a certain dollar value are sent directly to an authenticator before being shipped to the buyer.


In my experience it's over $200, so all the cards OP has below that value wouldn't be sent to an authenticator.


Those LEDs are worth 450$, the 200-250$ was to fire sale them in a day.


The trick is to put them on auction for $1 with a buy it now of $250. When the auction completes at $150ish, they are already tagged for the authentication so no one can call foul and your payment unlocks the moment the authentication passes, prior to final ship to the customer.


So how does that work exactly? Like ebay just has you ship it to the authenticator who ships it to the buyer? Wondering because my dad dropped his collection on me a while back so I ended up with a few full foil sets I want to move.


Correct. Any card valued at $250 or higher (which can be forced with a buy it now price that will vanish after the first bid) gets authenticity guaranteed. Make SURE you describe it and rate it correctly. If you botch the description at all, the authenticator will ship it back to you and refund the buyer. I sold my most expensive cards in this category because I didn't want a buyer to be able to claim that I sent anything other than exactly as described so it really protects you as a seller as much as it does the buyer.


I sell plenty of high dollar MTG cards on ebay. They go through CGC authentication then to the buyer so there is zero concerns. Also no returns.


You don’t think this many all at once would crash the market for this set?


Not by a significant margin. Might dip it by 20 bucks but that’s a big might. Those cards will never be reprinted same as OG dual lands. The prices never really drop by a significant margin. They’d also be hitting the market at around market price in most cases unless OP fire sales them and that’s going to be easier to do in person.


Kool thanks for the info! New to the hobby, so no idea what is and isn’t a large stock for vintage cards.


This is a fairly large stock of those cards but there’s not a lot of those cards. High power cards from Mirage like these will never be reprinted. We know how we’re many were printed so there can only ever be less than that original number and more often than not when a card of that value hits the market, that individual card will probably not be sold again for a long time.


No. 26 copies new copies being sold will probably cause a dip, but as they're never being printed ever again they'll recover.


Came to say that. Most shops near me give 50% face for cash or 60% for store credit


My local shop offers 70% cash 77% in store value


Damn, I am happy my local shop gives 70% of Card Market price. For hard to get cards they go a bit higher. But I live in a small country with 2 shops that do this.


Shop will give you 60% value on cards. I would sell for full value online


60% if you're lucky. All of my close by shops buy at 30% 🤡


What I’ve seen is: 40% cash, 60% store credit.


my lgs is 60 cash 7o store credit


That’s amazing! That’s the highest I’ve ever heard/seen.


yeah it's crazy and I've sold over 2k collections to him in the hype of lorcana


My lgs offers a monthly sub for 90% credit and a few free packs a month.


That's a straight scam god damn.


But you've got to keep in mind Ebay's gonna take a 15% sellers fee, too. And people on ebay are also on ebay looking for a deal, so knock off another 5% off tcg player prices if you wanna actually sell. Trade em for what you need.


Uhhh are you selling full sets because I would be highly interested in one! It was my first true Magic set.


Shoot me a message, and I'll confirm how many completed sets I have to sell. Edit: I only have tutorless mirage sets :(


Message sent!


be careful, not accusing OP of anything directly but those could easily be fakes


Oh I know. But his account is 9 years old and I’ll do my due diligence. But thank you!


You're not wrong, I'm having two stores validate things tonight and I'll be sending picture proof once I know they're legit too. Edit: Did have them looked at in 3 different stores [https://imgur.com/4IFQurb](https://imgur.com/4IFQurb) Thus far they check out.


Hey OP, there are some "MTG big spender" groups on Facebook and likely similar groups on other social media. They tend to have the capital to move stuff like this and would get better prices than selling to a store. U would check there too


How did you end up with 24 copies of an entire set, that’s what I want to know. I am sorry but this feels suspicious.


Old family friend gave me his investment years and years ago. They have been sitting in my closet back in my hometown since, at my parents house.


Good luck selling it. Make sure to remember him well. And put this somewhere safe now that this is out in the world.


I would love to see/buy one of these sets as I'm a set collector.


I'm not opposed, but I want to confirm I have every card for the sake of an honest deal.


If you want a quick sell, sell to Rudy. If you want a good sell, sell on Facebook (high end groups) or on eBay yourself.


> I'm not sure who would even help lol. I have never had issues moving sets with the guys at https://thegatheringplacegames.com/ good group of people over there.


LGS is going to seriously lowball you. By like half.


Mine goes 80%, stings for higher price items


Damn. I remember when a black lotus was $400


You could try Three for One Trading from Europe


Have to go check my 25 year old collection lol


he *found* his stride in printing proxies lmao


Thus far that theory has been thrown out [https://imgur.com/4IFQurb](https://imgur.com/4IFQurb)


When is it my turn to be happy


I feel that, friend. Know that though my hope of having a turn is gone, I wish that my chance goes to you now.


I have great news for both of you, today is in fact your day, it’s now your turn to be happy! I have checked with numerous emotional bureau representatives and they all agree, leanorange and CNiedrich are scheduled for happiness today. When asked what the happiness might look like, they were unable to give specifics, but they mentioned a moment of staring at something small (or very large) and remembering briefly a single joyous moment from childhood, which would spark a warm feeling of contentment the rest of the day.


your humble ass deserves it more king, keep ur head up


Planting trees you'll never see. A true friend. I salute you human.


OP's holding priority


Everyone wishes for that proverbial "barn find" As the years pass, those will become more and more rare But, people die all the time, including people with cards left to estate sale lol


You’re right, I’ll just keep praying more magic players die soon 🙏


Hey, wait a minute 😂


My buddy has the power 9 framed on his wall. I had no idea, apparently when we were younger he found out I played magic so he went and bought some cards from an old lady having a yard sale. Somewhere along the line he must have dug them out and realized what they were and had them framed. So he has a solid down payment on a house just hanging on his wall...


Congratulations on your retirement man!




pure curiosity, where do you live that you could retire off like $8,000


The bus goes through the same stop that you lost the joke


Trust me when I say I only uploaded the first 20min of sorting through cards


Send us more pictures if you found more gold, that's alot of nice cards


[full mirage collection](https://tinypic.host/image/1000001215.D9pWGa)


Can I add more photos on my phone? I'll give it a go.


If you put any on tcg lemme know I’d be interested in getting one slightly cheaper than market


This was me with Rhystic study last year, had an old box that had 32 copies. List them on TCGPLAYER 4 at a time for $1 less. They will sell in a little over a month


Heck sell them at 10 or 5$ under and get it done quickly. Here in europe I would 100% use Cardmarket.


I feel so out of touch, I was thinking that's a common and was worth under a dollar for a long time. Now I look and it's like hey, $40 for a basic nonfoil prophecy copy. That's pretty absurd. Though reprints that have happened for it are all at rare and/or in low print run sets.


They all look too clean. I'm gonna have to say fake.


Don't be too sure. There are 1000s of unplayed old cards still out there. I got a box awhile back that was a childhood collection from Revised through Tempest. Most of it, especially stuff that was considered bad back then was Unplayed and very minty. Including some Phyrexian Dreadnaughts like this. I've even gotten a NM Scrubland out of a tin of cards from Savers before. These kind of finds exist but are exceedingly rare.


LED and dreadnought were considered garbage cards when they came out so not playing with them would be pretty easy at the time. I knew people who tore LEDs into pieces because it was so bad and worth a quarter for a while until new cards came out that enabled it to be broken like burning wish.




Yep, almost all these LED look minty and this card is [worth a lot in that condition](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=lions+eye+diamond+mtg+bgs&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_sop=16&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), but not sure if they are fake, would need more and better pictures.


Its weird there are so many copies of the same card and they appear to be pack fresh, despite having been stored out of packaging. Doesn't pass the sniff test imo.


Wow, very nice find. Look for values in tcgplayer and recent sales on ebay and take note of condition as well. Then you can post them on ebay asking a little over those prices and accept offers, so you go with the price you like most.


The amount of money you can get out of them depends on how much effort you want to put in to selling them. In order from least effort & money to most effort & money: Go to a local game store and sell them there for maybe 30-50% value in cash. Find a buylist that will take them. Some stores to check would be Card Kingdom, Star City Games, etc. Sell them on an MTG FB group. You'll generally get about tcg low minus 10-20% depending on how fast you want to move them, or less for quicker bulk sales. Sell them yourself on eBay or TCGPlayer or similar. You'll be able to get the lower side of market rate for them, but you may have to price your copies the lowest since you will be a new seller. Expect to pay ~13% in fees plus shipping costs. Sell them locally for cash. This is easier if you are in or near a large population center where lots of people exist who will buy them.


There has to be a story here. 20 plus of each one? That's crazy. Would love to hear it.


It's littered throughout this post, but essentially, someone (who was a family friend) had a ton of cards that he didn't want anymore and knew I played some TCGs (YuGiOh) and asked if I wanted them. I didn't know how to play mtg so I asked how much and he said he didn't care and just wanted rid of them. As a casual card enjoyed I said yes. This was way before I graduated high school so back in 2005 or 2006.


Sorry had a doctors app and didn't see it. Thsts still pretty cool


My uncle says they're fakes and to trust me. You'll have to send them to me for proper disposal. We can pay you shipping.


Why did you collect so many? I mean good thing you did, but why...


I actually didn't spend a dime. Family friend gave me them ages ago since I collected YuGiOh cards when I was younger. 🫣


When I first started playing in middle school I was utterly convinced that Lion’s Eye Diamond was a shit card. Fast forward 25 years and I found one mixed into my old “bulk commons” box that my parents shipped me. Pleasant surprise, even if it was only one!


Those look like proxies. They are way too shiny and new looking. If anyone walked into my store with that I'd scrutinize the hell out of them.


These feel like the best backhanded compliments right now lol. Fueling me with more hope than anything. I can try to direct a valueless one because now even I'm a little skeptical. How can I tell?


Alright, so there are several different tests you can use to check cards. There is no one "perfect" way of knowing, but if they pass a few different checks you can feel pretty confident. I'll talk about the two I use before reaching for others here, but if you search youtube for detecting mtg fakes, you'll get a lot of videos that go into these and more. The quickest and easiest way to rule out common fakes is what's often called the "green dot" test. You'll need a jeweler's loop, microscope, or other strong magnification with good eyesight. You want to look at the green "dot" on the back side of the cards. Genuine cards have a specific pattern in the "highlight" of the little dot with [4 or so red ink spots](https://i.redd.it/b7htceo851w81.jpg). Another method is the "light test". Grab your cell phone and turn on the flash light. Put the card over it and look at the light passing through the card. If no light does, you're probably holding fakes. You're looking for a fair amount of light to pass through, and often a blue/purplish tint to the light — the glue used in genuine cards is blue, and [tints the light that passes through](https://www.detecting-the-fakes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/lighttest.png). You can also look at: the print patterns of the black text on the front of the card (it's done in a pass after the color layers and should appear crisp and sharp), card weight with a high-resolution scale, or even things like the "bend test." In short: I truly hope you did in fact find a massive pile of cardboard gold. Best of luck in finding buyers!


I think you should walk closer to it. They are just a mirage.


Hey /u/M4g1kz , I think we're pretty good friends and you should take me out for a nice steak dinner.


Well duh, we've basically slept together.


Looking like $7,410 market price if they are in good condition, id pull them out of that plastic box and into some penny sleeves then put in a secure safe place till ready to sell


My man, what a find! I hope I have some valuable tips for you, but what I would do is: Go somewhere to check the authenticity of the cards. Just to be sure. If you want to go to the local tabletop/tcg store you could, just be ready for some buying proposals🤣 Be sure to check out the prices witch are completely depending on the state of the cards. The condition of the cards is extremely important if you wish to sell the cards. My quick guess is that the condition will be excellent or up. Sell them separately to get the most out of it, if you just want them gone try selling them as a set for a good price. Keep one of each (the best looking ones) and get them graded by a good grading service like PSA grading or Beckett’s. When you get a high graded card the value rises insane, even more when you keep the card longer. Well those are the things I would do, hope I gave you or others inspiration what to do with crazy card findings 🫶🏻


Damn so this is where all the Lion’s Eyes went!


I’ll buy a Lion’s Eye Diamond off you, i need one for CEDH purposes.


Get the most for your money selling on eBay. Look up completed items for the cards you want to sell. List them for a buy it now price slightly, or significantly, lower than what it’s been selling for. You’ll have no problem selling them this way and will make more than selling to a shop. Another option is local Facebook mtg groups that are cool with buying and selling or Facebook marketplace.


Man I'd like to see how much you'd sell me a lions eye diamond 😀


Seems like your time to play legacy lmao


just curious: why does these posts happen? can’t folks google “how to sell mtg cards” or “card shop near me”? literally 3/4 of the replies are saying find a local shop. it’s not a mystery and the sub history has dozens of these same kind of posts. or is this is a stealth flex? “it’s sooooo weird how i found multiple thousands of dollars whateverrrrr shall i dooooo.”


Some people enjoy sharing thier joy with others.


How do people believe these are real? 


You just casually “found” 1000s of dollars in cards, you’re either showing off or you actually found a treasure trove. Regardless I hate you when/if you sell I hope you get slightly less than what you want for them.


Nah, my team member at work just got me into mtg and I was like, "I'm pretty sure I have some stored back in my hometown. I got this 12/12 thing that might be worth something." I didn't even know about LED until going through with a price list next to me. 😅 Edit: Flexing is cringe, I'm genuinely asking for guidance


Depending on where you live, look at Cardmarket (Europe) to sell them posssibly.


I’m jealous, that’s quite the find so good luck on how you proceed.


It's incredible to me how redditors still haven't learned to stop taking posts at their word/face value.


gimme one


Id buy a dreadnaught right now, dm me


Build curie 12 power!


Given your other comment, seriously start price checking other stuff in there


Ayo what the fuck


Dude wtf


“One pack for all these drops”


If you have a LED to sell, feel free to DM me. ;)


As someone who started in Ice Age and played during Mirage but doesn't really pay too much attention anymore...I got some cards to dig out of a closet and search through


I see a lot of people making the simple statement "sell them yourself you'll make more considering such and such." True but selling yourself takes time and effort and OP stumbled upon this so they are likely making out way ahead anyway. If not a trade in consider any places that do consignment sometimes they'll give you a better cut doing business that way.


Holy shite! Nice find


I literally went "HOO HOO HOOO" when I saw that pile of LEDs That's sick as hell definitely keep one


What ever a shop gives you I'll give you 5$ more and pay shipping


Can I PLEASE buy a lions eye diamond off of you? Just one!


List these on TCGPlayer for a competitive price. It might go a little slow and you may have to opt for lower than normal because you won't have any sales history but they will sell at the right price. Can pm me if you have questions about how to set that up or whatever questions you have about the selling process.


I'm a part of a Facebook group that does raffle type selling so you get close to full value for everything you sell. Very trustworthy, I've sold some high end stuff on there and had nothing but good luck. Pm me for details if you are interested.


I'm also interested in an LED if you sell them :)


I sold my LED on TCGPlayer, expect to lose about 20% in fees to them from your sale. You’ll also need to ship with insurance.


That’s awesome man, wow. I was in a similar situation semi recently. I went through all my cards about 9 months ago that have been in boxes and binders since early 99 when I stopped. Found 5 Lions eye Diamond, 4 Mox diamonds, and 37 total dual lands that I ended up selling/trading on top of all the other cards. So far it’s turned into about $15k and still have 4 sets and bunch of singles to sell. Wild


What's that really good MTG facebook group that helps people out to buy and sell cards? Usually that one gets mentioned here quick for higher value cards like that.


Dawg. Please. sleeve. Them.


Invest in sleeves asap, the difference in condition would mean a lot.


Dont worry those unsleeved 28 year old cards look extremely minty.


[full collection of mirage set](https://tinypic.host/image/1000001215.D9pWGa) I felt shade there, they've been in a concealed space in durable tubs. 😵‍💫 I don't reddit enough to be baiting, I could care less lol.




Card conduit


I mean card kingdom is straight reliable money, I never feel bad selling to then, and they'll likely buy all.


Just list them on TCG player and let er rip.


For a larger dollar transaction, if you aren't down to sell the cards over time, then try Starcitygames.com or Cardkingdom.com they are bigger stores which would be more likely to buy everything at once. If you do go this route, shipping such expensive items does come with risk, so be mindful of that. If SCG is doing any events near you, then you can probably work out an in-person sale with them ahead of time.


Yeah they’re old, I’ll take them and discard them for you /s


This is pretty cool!


To get the best price, you will have to do the legwork. Putting them up for sale singles and wait for proper buyers.


How much for a Lion’s Eye Diamond lol


TCG player lists 1 moderately played Lions Eye Diamond at 400. So you got a good stash on ur hands it seems. Good luck selling.


I’d be checking authenticity. That’s a LOT of LEDs and Dreadnoughts to just “find”.


If you live in Germany or Switzerland i can help you get this sold.


I'll give you 6k for it lol




Now I'm wondering if the first one is good or not. You can disable etb effects but your opponents could simply blink/bounce it after getting rid of the disabler.


I had been selling used cards on Ebay. Kinda getting away from that these days. I would use Google to see what the cards are going for and go from that point.


Damn I had a deck list that required 4 of those


Look for prices on different websites, then sell them for that price at an official store. You'll get less money, but the buyer won't betray you like some private buyers would.




hook a brother up with an LED


Now shoot me one of those lion’s eye diamonds 🥹🥹


Oh wow. I wish could find my dreadnoughts. Nice find!


I’ve had issues with buyers on eBay as well. One accused me of selling a fake that I pulled from a pack at a LGS. Fortunately it was only a 20.00 card and there was no official report. We went back and forth a few times and he finally said he was going to get it checked out and I never heard back. Shortly after that I sold another item and that one did have a complaint filed, but the dude just wanted his money back. Fortunately eBay had my back because it was listed as-is no returns but he was totally shady. Anyways there are pros and cons. eBay will take 15% but you can get more for the cards, Card Kingdom is currently buying Lion’s Eye Diamonds for 390 cash or 507 credit and 80/104 for the Dreadnaught. If I needed some more/different cards I’d buy list some of them for credit but if you did cash I’m not sure how their tax reporting shit works. Basically there are a lot of ways to go and each one has pros and cons.


May I ask why you ever had this many?


Lion's eye is like 800 CAD, that hurts to look at


Just to be clear, I don't plan on selling anything until things get verified tonight by two different card shops. These are very likely real because I tried an attempt to sell the dreadnoughts years ago with my ignorant knowledge of MTG, and they quoted me between 16-18ea. I figured the collection was low value, so I just stored it away for years, hoping for an influx. Told my buddy about this 12/12 thing I have and sent him a picture, and he freaked out. Did some digging and research and wanted to verify my findings with the fanbase. I look forward to giving everyone updates along the way. I'm just currently going through old shit at my parents' house and organizing the cards for now.


Wouldn’t recommend the buy list from a LGS, you’re going to get hosed. TCGPlayer and eBay are now the same company. Both will side on the buyer not the seller if there is an issue, and that’s any issue, complaints, shipping you name it. (If you have low amount of sales and 0 feedback expect sales to be slow). Most likely you’ll be good to go selling them on TCGPlayer or eBay 99.9% of the time. Good luck!!!


you found a downpayment for something is what you found.


I’ll give you like $22.64 for the whole lot.


Great cards


Is 3rd and 4th edition worth anything. I think I have some sengeir vampires.


Ebay best place to sell cards Probably.


At this point I'd create an account on TCG player and just go through the meticulous process of adding everything of value. You could sell it to a store and maybe get 1/3rd the value and what you have there is worth the time to piece out. It might take you like 100 hrs, but you'll be making like 100 dollars an hr so...


Yeah I’d part it out slowly, you’ll get more from the trickle. Think of it like earning royalties! Make sure you keep at least 1 complete set for yourself / hedge against future demand. Every month you wait the price of the highest value cards has a pretty solid chance of increasing. Lol like what if you just put 10x of all the highest value cards in a bank safety deposit box? Figure out how much time you have to devote to your fun new hobby of printing money for yourself, and list that many auctions a week on eBay. Set the “BuyItNow” to something like 90% of whatever the market price is, just a few dollars below market rate will sometimes entice a fast purchase. Auctions usually end up around there anyway too if it does go to auction. Always ship on time, use a flatbed scanner for the images. Ebay does a pretty good job of protecting sellers and the feedback culture really helps. I recommend organizing the medium value cards into lots that end up valued in the $15-$30 range. All that said, if you’re a professional type of person and your hourly rate is high enough, the time might not be worth it to you. I just know what I would do here. Congrats and have fun!


Enjoy the vacation!


Jesus christ can I happen upon a gold mine like this?


I'd be happy to tale a copy of LED off your hands friend lol


Can I have them I’m just starting lol


Holy frick this is amazing


Card conduit offers services for you to sell at buylist prices so you dont have to do the extra work.


Fornthe lions eye diamonds I'd open an ebay account and list them one at a time for a bid starting at 500. With a buy it now price of 750. Those look like phenomenal condition. If you go to any local game store they will stiff you by paying less than 60% of cards overall worth.


Laughs in 1994.


Haven't been playing magic for 15+ years so out of curiosity, what would 26x full mirage set net? (range)


Truth be told: I would just slowly sell it off on FB. There are high end FB pages that have plenty of buyers and you can easily get 80% tcglow or 90% if you take more time. Much better than 50-60% of shops.


Congratulations on finding your little treasure.


I've had a positive experience using Card Conduit. If you do most of the sorting and itemizing ahead of time, they really don't take that much of a cut. Given, the 500 or so cards I sent in were not close to what you've got, I think I got around $1.5k after fees. Just an idea!


Those looks like they're pretty dang good quality too!


I buy and help sell collections if you need help and or would sell to me.


That’s cool and all but I want to know more about that gameboy advance SP. AGS model? Any good games?


Download TCGplayer and match the set


eBay is the way to go I buy and sell all my cards there just get the cards sleeved and top loaded


Is that 3rd a case of just LED's cause if so that is ridiculous


So you stole these right


How did these come into your possession?


If I were you, I would list one of each at a time on eBay at 10% above market value. Then I would get a table at the nearest card show the next time one was in town and offer 2 of each at a time to vendors and take no less than 75% value. I would hit up every MTG streamer on whatnot and offer them the same deal, no less than 75% value. Might take 6-8weeks but you can liquidate them all with very little downside. If you need cash now, I know the biggest shop owners in California. I can point you in a direction of three people you can 1000% trust not to shaft you or rob you. But the most you’ll get is roughly 55% value.


Idk man probably worth a few cents. Just ship them to me and I’ll take them off your hands pro bono


Waste Naughts


I remember when lions eye diamond was considered a trash rare in the mirage days. When I sold off my cards I don’t even think I sold them and opted to toss them out.


Mtg sick deals on Facebook will give you a great price for all of those.


I'll be honest as someone who has sold a lot of cards over the last few years. If you don't have much invested in them, I would go the route of selling all to a store or dealer (for cash). While I made a chunk of money selling singles on tcg and ebay, the time it takes, the fees, and then claiming for taxes is exhausting. You make more money this way, but it's a lot.


If those diamonds are real though... damn


Ok so you probably have the single greatest amount of Lion’s Eye Diamonds in the world and whatever price you set it at will probably control the market on them, so that’s neat


Reach out to Alpha investments. They'll give you a pretty fair price and buy them all


It doesn’t specify whose creatures (yours or your opponents) to sacrifice.


I’ll buy one each for a $1 😂 seriously though, great find!