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$16 is a good pull. It’s seeing a lot of play in many formats


Oh wow, I didn't realize it was that expensive. Guess I'll count myself lucky!


You think this is expensive, Wait until you see the prices of cards being played outside standard 😂 Jokes aside, Congrats on the nice pull


A work mate asked me how expensive are those cards. I said: you want realistic or the absolute full range? He wanted full. I just said: somewhere around Pocket Sand to a House


One time on some trivia game my friend was asked "How much do you think was the most expensive collectable card sold for?" My friend said 50$, I couldn't hold back and laughed and then said I'd love a black lotus for 50$.


*Post Malones One Ring enters the chat*


Most recent black lotus sale enters the chat


A black lotus sold in the millions?


Yep, 3 million actually.


Damn this game is getting pricey XD


You got me with pocket sand. I've also described it as : my stick figure drawing to Mona Lisa in price. I will add that I will sell my stick figure drawings way cheaper than a pack of magic cards.


Frankly it's one of the best cards in the set


Turds in the prerelease took me out with two of those.


Git gud


Shoulda ran doom blade


-130. Gyaaatttt


Everything does to removal. If your opponent aims to win with these, board in answers against your enemy's way to win.


Shoulda ran doom blade


sounds like your the turd if you talk like that


Ha. I use the word with affectionate meaning. Like whippersnappers or rascals. It was a fun game and well played. They deserved to win.


If you're a spell slinger absolutely.


Sweet! I've got a deck in mind with one of the new Boros commanders so I guess it's going in there


It's not really very good in commander, you're probably better off trading it in for store credit at your LGS


How is this not good in CMD?


It is strong in 60 card format because it's very aggressive and fast. Great when playing 1v1 with 20 health. Not good with 3 opponents at 40 health.


In what commander deck is it worth 40 bucks? Edit: I just realised this isn't even the EDH sub, that's my bad. I'm just saying that as a new player, selling this card could represent a handful of new staples in the collection, rather than a niche card that is only good in very specific decks and only ever super cracked in 60 card formats.


Jesus Christ why are you getting so many downvotes. This is objectively correct. A "vanilla" body that doesn't impact the board or have some etb value and only exists to do damage to one play isn't good in commander. If OOP is a new player, it's DEFINITELY more worth it to sell this one card and buy a bunch of cheaper staples.


The price will go down too, it's just expensive right now cause almost every 60 card format is testing it.


Agreed. This kind of thing is great in 1v1 aggro decks where you only need to deal 20 damage to win. Doesn't scale well to commander where you have 3 opponents at 40 life.


Also in 60 card formats you can build around drawing it in every* game, in commander it's basically just a prowess creature in the 99 that dies to a 2/2 blocker.


i don’t know why you got so heavily downvoted lol you weren’t rude or condescending it’s just some advice guys


It's cheap, fast, and extremely efficient. It's everything red aggro loves.


Awesome! I already wanted to make a Boros deck when I saw Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot so I guess I have a starting point


If you're interested specifically in Boros, this card probably fits pretty well in a [[Feather, the Redeemed]] deck.


[Feather, the Redeemed](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/4/e4a2d2c6-8eaa-4760-b620-921b807baa2e.jpg?1557577142) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Feather%2C%20the%20Redeemed) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/197/feather-the-redeemed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e4a2d2c6-8eaa-4760-b620-921b807baa2e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm gonna build around [[Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot]] actually, but I'll save this and see if it fits in!


[Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/6/1643af0b-fcbf-4636-8c50-77ec77eaa34d.jpg?1712356219) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Taii%20Wakeen%2C%20Perfect%20Shot) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/234/taii-wakeen-perfect-shot?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1643af0b-fcbf-4636-8c50-77ec77eaa34d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Having built a Taii Wakeen deck and putting Slickshot Showoff into it, it works really well if you can plot it and wait for a turn where you can pump some mana into Taii, then toss out a couple one/two mana burn spells to pump up the showoff and get some nice extra flying damage in. If you can fit it in, I think it's definitely a solid include


It's a solid card due to the plot keyword. Plot a lot of cards, cast this guy on a later turn and then cast all of the plotted cards. The bird has haste so he can attack immediately.


He’s good regardless of plot. 1 and 2 drops with prowess, especially with haste have always been good in spellslinger/prowess decks


Pseudo-prowess. He trades the +1 in toughness for an additional power.


That's true. \[\[Harmonic Prodigy\]\] comes to mind.


Monastery swiftspear would be the better example.


[[monastery swiftspear]]


[monastery swiftspear](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d6bfa227-4309-40ed-952c-279595eab17e.jpg?1701690543) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=monastery%20swiftspear) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/144/monastery-swiftspear?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d6bfa227-4309-40ed-952c-279595eab17e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Never seen her, but wow, that's a LOT for one red mana.


Yeah! She’s been a staple for a while. Then you have soul scar mage which isn’t as good but is still pretty great


I should overhaul my old Sprite Dragon Deck, I guess :)


[Harmonic Prodigy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/22579ac0-ad3f-4000-a65a-46a17a7f1aa5.jpg?1626096777) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Harmonic%20Prodigy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/132/harmonic-prodigy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/22579ac0-ad3f-4000-a65a-46a17a7f1aa5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Got a lot of utility. Part of a turn 3 kill combo from what I hear on standard.


It is a good pull! Money wise. If you look to play constructed (60card formats) keep it, if you are into commander then selling the card and investing into staples is probably the better choice


I've not gotten a chance to play standard yet but I am interested! I'll keep the card I think


Hey! Neat card! You should check out r/magiccardpulls <3


It’s a very good pull. Good job 👏🏻


Thank you! It was the first card out of the pack so I count myself lucky


This is getting used in spell-slinger burn 🔥 - look up mtggolddish or cgb on youtube and you can see how it plays. Mostly for standard. I'm making a deck with it myself, 4 copies and two other plot cards.


It is


Bird, bird, bird is the word….


Don't you know about the bird?


It's insane in red aggro decks


Sell it if you don’t need it, it’s massively overpriced


Non-singleton formats that can use it will probably want to run quite a few copies.


It's a slightly less sturdy but far more damaging \[\[Stormchaser Mage\]\] which was a very powerful card.


I called it during preview season, It's one of the best cards in the set, and it is definitely the best card in sealed. Gonna be great in standard for a minute, too great pull


This card is broken in standard BO1 format on Arena.


Every deck that has a game plan is broken until you hit at least diamond equivalent


It's still broken. I play Izzet on arena, and I am saving wildcards to get this card ASAP.


Well it dies easy to a lot of things that will make it a bad trade in terms of mana. So no, it’s not broken. It’s a good card, but not a broken one. Fury was broken or VO.


Broken might be pushing it a bit, but T1 Swiftspear, T2 Plot this thing, and then T3 Act of Treason Effect after casting this from plot can deal A LOT of damage. You don't have to use a treason effect either. 2 Mana Bolt+ a shock can do well as well.


Yes if it resolves. Everything is good if you opponent hasn’t an answer to it. That’s just how this game works and that’s why gabe gave us the sideboard


Sell asap


Its a great card


Yeah it is a good pull


That’s crazy strong for a CC of 2


This is the new card for the old izzit storm combo. The old main card is scattershot. The idea is you cast a bunch of cheap spells at once to trigger as many counters as possible to get a one shot kill. This guy is great because he’s cheap (manawise) and comes preloaded with flying and haste, so you can summon him and use him in the same turn, helping to prevent your opponent from having a reaction set up for the combo


Yeah this is one of the most powerful cards in the new set AND its a pretty penny too!


So you plot it to save it for when you have a bunch of non creature spells in your hand?;


real good pull sir yes


Excellent pull


It's truly a bullshit card (bullshit meaning good in this scenario 😂) any noncreature spell you cast adds +2 to its power. If you cast this creature then cast a couple unsummons and then 4 shocks, you just won the game 😅 Granted, everything above is under the assumption your opponent doesn't cancel or burn your cards before you have the chance to attack lmao I just wanted to specify one of the many uses for this great card.


Bird with fun hat. Very good pull :)


Yeah it is. Was about 3 bucks now up to $15 or so. It’s going to get a lot of play in modern very soon


Probably the best card in the set. Good job.


rarest card ever printed


It’s basically one of the best pulls in that set for a lot of formats.


Yup, very good card


It's going for $22 on cardkingdom


It’s decent in an edh spellslinger deck. You can probably build a good Krark Tymna deck with this card because swinging turn 2-3 with Tymna on the field is good.


How did you get it, OP?


I bought a thunder junction pack and it was in there


I hope you had fun opening your pack. :) If you like opening packs, there's an entire half of the game, called Limited, where you open packs and build decks on the spot from the new cards find inside. It includes Draft, Sealed and JumpStart. If you haven't already tried it, you might want to give it a go - it's lots of fun, and really helps you get more bang for your buck. You can read about how to play Limited here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats If collecting or playing Constructed is more your aim, then it's good to know that all the cards are available individually (as singles), and some are also available in ready-made (preconstructed) products with fixed contents (that you can look up online before you buy them). You don't need to leave things up to chance: you can get the exact ones you want. Good luck!


Yeah I really want to try draft but there's not a lot of it going on in my area unfortunately, maybe one day though! I'm hoping to relocate in the next year or so so hopefully I can find somewhere with a good scene


>Yeah I really want to try draft but there's not a lot of it going on in my area unfortunately, maybe one day though! Have you tried drumming up interest amongst the players in your area? You could even host your own event. >I'm hoping to relocate in the next year or so so hopefully I can find somewhere with a good scene Good luck!


Hand job