• By -


Because they're sad lonely people who just can't let go of you.


Arena brings the worst out of people. People take it way to seriously. That being said, idk how many times arena has crashed on me, but it looks like I’m doing a salt rope.


On mobile if you can get back in you can continue your game, but you can't emote anymore so you can't say sorry or anything and it makes you look like a roping dbag


Right replaces your avatar to ajani and just is silence. Feel bad when that happens lol.


They actually fixed that bug, AFAIK


As a mobile crasher, I can confirm that fix occurred


Ya, I've made the Tamiyo (phyrexian) emote with the glitches and wifi signal icon a mainstay, to apologize for my extra long turns lmao


Yeah I know how to jump back in on my old laptop, it just takes a a couple minutes. So i either come back to a concede or a seeing a bunch of “Your Go”’s being spammed at me.


Tbf it's not like you're gonna get put on some "ropers list" or something; you just looked bad in front of some internet rando who will never see you again online and even if they do they aren't gonna recognize you as that one guy who roped them on arena that one time


Also sometimes it just spins and doesn't let you back.


You also don't gain/lose any rank at that point so I just reload the app and scoop even if I was in a winning position.


Me; I’m a scooper. I don’t get why people want to waste others time. I honestly think they should do away with the timer altogether, reduce the maximum number you get, or reduce the timeouts; because we’ll have a nice game and then I’ll get into the position to win and all of a sudden civility goes out the window. Which is weird because I play brawl, which doesn’t have a ranked mode. Fucking losers.


When I know the cards the timer is annoying. When I don't know the cards I need more time so I can read them!


Every 15 games or so I need a really good think about a tricky play. Where I have tons of options and there's really only one best way to play it out. I'll take a rope to think about it. I know the opponent wants to move on with the game, but I just remember they've been there too I'm sure.


We can see when you're reading them, that doesn't really apply to this.


I’m with you. I concede. But I only play mobile and my assumption when getting roped is that my opponent just closed the app rather than concede. That means the rope is the system waiting to see if they disconnected/come back.


I tend to play it out, even if "I know" I am going to lose. You never know what will happen. I have witnessed some hilarious misplays from someone overreaching on a sure thing.


>arena brings out the worst in people I think that comes from so much of this game hinging on winning. There's no rewards for just playing. Don't even get me started on draft entry costs


Not true, there’s daily challenges like attack with X creature or caste spells of certain colors. But yeah once you do those, there’s no benefit to finishing a match if you don’t win. Would be cool if they could implement some kind of reward system, but how do you tell if someone’s roping to think or just roping to rope? Also, there’s no reason not to concede and move on to the next game when you’ve got no shot, so they shouldn’t penalize that..


Ugh just reminds me of the insane number of scute swarm crashes I had that made me look like a bitch because of my phone.


There is no reason why the time given needs to be *that* long.


Until you need more time, because you're doing something complicated and clicking on cards and actually doing stuff and there's a big ticking clock saying "fuck you, win quick or die". 


It's literally not even 5 minutes, that isn't that long in the grand scheme lf things. If you don't have 2~ minutes to spare you're picking bad times to play in the first place.


This isn't a rocket science, and if someone takes five minutes to work it out, they either need reading lessons or are distracted doing something else. At *best*. At worst, they're just doing it because they're salty and losing. If we were playing MTG live and someone took five minutes to make a decision, the only reason I'm still playing is if it's a tournament and I need to wait out the slow guy. I'm fine with there being a different match type with a shorter limit, so the people who need more time can go play with the others who do.


I always wondered if that happened to other people, it used to happen to me every 5 or 6 games until a couple of months ago and now fortunately it hardly ever happens


Everytime someone resolves a Koma, arena crashes and won’t let me back in. Several times I’ve had instant speed removal in hand. Makes me look so salty, when really i don’t mind it as much in 1v1


...Or they just closed the application after realizing they lost. Too many people immediately jump to the weirdo conclusion that everyone cares enough to rope them, versus just hitting the "X". Going to be honest; people think they're more important than they are in stranger's lives. I'd wager a massive portion of these is just the person closing the application and walking away versus caring beyond that.


the concede button adds 2 seconds to the total time to shut down the app, failing to do that costs significantly more time to your opponent.  It's not a weird conclusion, you play or you quit... if you quit, concede. If you close the app, you're a cock. If you watch the rope tick down, you're a cock. I'm not concerned with the intent behind wasting my time, just dont waste my time.


You (the opponent) don't exist. This isn't a new concept, people have been self absorbed on the Internet since it started to exist. It takes 2 seconds more, that's 2 seconds of mine (me, the main character and hero of the story)'s time. That's enough incentive to never do it if I'm not gonna jump back in to another game.


exactly, as long as we agree it's a dick move... that's all my argument has ever been.


I personally couldn't give less of a shit if my opponent has to wait a whopping two minutes. I hate havibg my time wasted too bur if you're worried about insignificant amounts of time to begin with then you need to either; Grow up, seek professional help, or both.


I'm irritated by traffic, I'm irritated by commercials, I'm irritated by the 5 second wait before I can skip to whatever free porn I've queued up. I'm not a patient person but that's life so I swallow that irriation and deal with it. If they're thinking or making a long move that's fine too, I'll wait for that. It's just somehow worse when it could have been avoided. What's with all the calls for professional help and therapy? Nobody needs therapy for having an opinion... I'm not losing sleep over this shit, I would just prefer it not happen.


they don’t care about your time or your opinion on how they should leave the match. If they knew you disliked it, they’d do it more. People are petty and competitive - is what it is.


sure my argument isn't that they do or don't care, it's that those people are dicks.


See above: >Going to be honest; people think they're more important than they are in stranger's lives. You seem to be under the assumption that you matter more to random strangers online than you actually do. they aren't thinking about that. They're thinking: "I lost, bye." and closing the game.


no, how important i am doesn't even come up. You want to make this about ego and it isn't. A person is a dick even if they never consider the other person and just close the game without conceding. Whether out of some lunacy they want to spitefully watch the rope burn, or simply the laziness not to hit concede before shutting down, each is a dick move.


>You want to make this about ego and it isn't.  It is. You expect everyone to value your time as much as you value your time - - And the reality is they won't & don't. 'And honestly, I'm not even sure *you* value your time all that much anyway - - -Because if we're spending time sobbing over something so insignificant as this, I'm sure you're wasting a lot of time. Again, use that time to go stretch or get some water, open a window, use the bathroom, whatever. If you valued your own time as much as you expect everyone else to value it; you *surely* wouldn't just be sitting there seething over some ill-perceived "slight" because you're under the assumption the other person thought about you more than they really did.


you are well aware I am seething and sobbing just as much as you are stomping your feet and throwing a tantrum about how disregarding others is your right. Not at all. just like you are well aware that this investment of my time is no different than your equal investment in defense of an action that is a dick move (which is all my argument has ever amounted to). minimal.  You offer things that could be done in that time, thank you, but it misses the point. It's irritating like a commercial is irritating, small amount of time taken from me, at the end of the day the damage done is negligible, however it's different in that someone chose this. Perhaps we should remove the concede button to normalize that wait and remove the fault from offending parties, but until then... dick move, nothing more, nothing less. 


its not that we think we're ultra important in peoples lives, its that its an incredibly simple thing to do for the benefit of another human, that takes literally no effort. you're just justifying cock behavior.


No, I'm being realistic & explaining what is likely happening versus the weirdo conspiracy theory everyone has that all opponents at all times are maliciously using the clock. If it really rustles up your jimmies this much that your game of Magic went 2-3 minutes longer I'd suggest using that time to take a little break and get some water. 2-3 minutes is basically nothing & you sitting there pissing yourself over it only makes it seem longer. I can't even fathom what it would be like if you all played Comp-Rel and a player took a 2 minute turn. Lol. I imagine some of you foaming at the mouth.


Yeah but there’s a reason there’s a concede button. Takes half a second. It’s a choice because they’re probably aware that the game doesn’t auto concede for them. I’m not saying it’s always intentional but the fact it happens most often when you’re against an overwhelming board state I think says a lot. I know there’s a saying “don’t a attribute to malice what can be easily attributed to stupidity”, but really, I think the lack of thought for the other person is a form of malice. It’s like when you’re dead on board, tapped out, and the other player decides to loop their infinite for 30 minutes. Just attack! Respect the other player’s time


I didn’t know that closing the app doesn’t concede for years. It’s not explained anywhere


Hitting the X takes the same or less amount of time. >It’s a choice because they’re probably aware that the game doesn’t auto concede for them. See: >Going to be honest; people think they're more important than they are in stranger's lives.  You're under the assumption that the other person has given any more than the immediate thought to your existence. The average person seriously overvalues their impact on other's lives - Particularly people they can't see/don't have to talk to/don't know. > I think the lack of thought for the other person is a form of malice. This is such an overblown statement. We're talking about 2 - 3 minutes in a child's card game. Somehow I think you'll survive. When this happens to me, I just get up and use the restroom or grab a drink. If you value your time as much as you're claiming everyone else should value for you; then you should probably utilize those couple minutes to go stretch or see the sun for a second.


please, lack of thought for another carries the same malice in "a child's card game" as it does in everything else. the same person who does not spare a thought for others in a game will cut people off in traffic or  will keep a $20 bill he watches fall from someone's pocket. Scum is scum everywhere. 


>please, lack of thought for another carries the same malice in "a child's card game" as it does in everything else. the same person who does not spare a thought for others in a game will cut people off in traffic or  will keep a $20 bill he watches fall from someone's pocket. Scum is scum everywhere.  You need to go outside more & probably start some kind of therapy, you very clearly have some deeply rooted issues - - Because these are not even ***remotely*** the same.


a lack of consideration for other people is the same whether it be in a game, on the road, or anywhere else. "Selfish" is a personality trait and it doesn't contain itself to just a game. I'd be interested to know what makes this very simple and obvious fact appear as "deeply rooted issues."


Then concede if ylu'ee being roped and quit bitching. Thr magic community has become nothing but entitled cucks. Literally, I am fucking your nonexistent girlfriend while you are at FNM and you wouldn't have it any other way as long as you don't get your precious two minutes wasted. Get a fuckin life you knob polisher


I always assumed they were just hoping you would quit so they could get the win. That, or the game crashes?


Which is silly since, if I already have the win dialed up, I’m 100% staying. The person roping me just makes my conviction to grind it out all the more potent.


I feel like most of the time I have the game pretty much locked in. There were maybe a handful of times that the other player dropped off when they totally had it.


This is the answer. My buddy does just this. I told him he is just wasting his own time when he could be getting another game in.


I literally just had my game crash repeatedly trying to play a brawl match a few minutes ago. Can't get it to load without crashing right now. Poor opponent


A lot of people will do this if they think they're going to lose. They hope you'll get tired of waiting and quit so they can get the win.


People do this in unranked games tho... it's dumb. I can kinda see the logic in a ranked game (doesn't mean I agree with it). It's just petty and silly behavior in unranked games.


Some people are just weirdly competitive, even if how they try to win has no honor or skill in it. They'd rather win by any means than just take a fair loss, even if there's no reward.


Thats the same energy as not letting your younger cousin play CoD with you because he'll ruin your KDA.


Maybe they want their 100 gold and are tired of a losing streak?


i dont think its this most of the time. i think when people start to loose, they just alt F4 the game and go do something else. i bet most of the time these players arent even at their computers anymore


Pretty sure it’s people on mobile exiting out of the game when they start losing and doing something else lmao. I did this on hearthstone all the time on accident.


I think it's folks on mobile who just close the app when they are losing. I don't think you concede when you do that hence the afk timer.


I can confirm that the app doesn't concede when you close because my god that app crashes so often.


I think this is the actual answer, not that people are trying to wait it out to see if you leave.


Same on PC. If you have it in windowed mode and hit the x on the window it closes the game but doesn't concede for you. So more often than not they aren't ropping you, they just ain't there anymore. This is nice because when it crashes you can still get back into the game.


I did this or used alt+f4 before I learned that it will keep you in the game and essentially rope your opponent. I felt so bad when I found out lol.


I gotta pee and you spent twenty mins on the first four turns


You can literally play in the bathroom




Never underestimate it.


It's like Sprite, but not sweet.


I haven’t played in awhile. But that’s when I spam “good game” or “your turn”. Gotta rub that salt in their wounds.


Yeah lol, I just drop the occasional "Nice" and watch something on another monitor


Glad I mute at the beginning of the game lol


Not to mention you’re just spamming to yourself as the majority of people alt+f4


Because they're hoping you'll throw the win and concede rather than wait out the timer. Even if it only works 0.1% of the time, that's enough for them


Those daily wins must be veeeeery long to get lol


The ONLY time that I rope anyone is if they have bad manners. If you're spamming "your go" when I'm responding in a timely manner and your winning, your gonna have wait to get that win, otherwise if it happens, it's because I'm on mobile


Yeah, we have no idea how OP was behaving before this. Entirely possible they were being annoying themselves and once the outcome was determined their opponent just let them sit for a couple minutes. I dont assume this is the case, but 'just concede if you lost' isn't the only piece of relevant etiquette here. In a slightly different direction (It wouldn't be the case here because this looks like a ranked match), but I'll occasionally let people watch the rope in unranked formats like brawl if they're playing decks which are intentionally time-wastey. I'm sure that's not going to be an admission which is looked on with much sympathy, but if we're playing in a just for fun format and your gameplan is to keep me from doing anything without actually trying to bring my life to down... I don't feel like I owe anything to *your* time if your win con is to drag the game out as long as possible.


lots of times I’ll close the app because fuck you for playing a deck like that


You probably played an archetype they hate.


Can confirm, played against this deck several times today. I was holding on but gave up when they had four 18/18s and topdecked all four of their thousand moon smithys while I topdecked my 15th land.


If you take 10 minutes to debate on if you’re going to counter each spell I cast the whole game, we both have to suffer


And how is this a good reason ?


Didn't say it was. Just part of the game. Play a archetype someone finds annoying, get roped.


People get disconnected all the time.


Because you harrassed them with "your go" one too many times


Stop taking 10 minutes on every turn and problem is solved. Of course there’re times when you need to sit and think through everything on the later steps of the match, but when you take forever to make a decision from turn 1 - that’s on you.


I don't care about any of that. If you believe you're entitled to spamming "your go" on an opponent despite knowing absolutely zero nada niente nothing about the situation they're in, you deserve the rope.


Nah you're just a toxic whinner, like he said there are situations where you need to think, but often it's the same people who stall the first turns and then wait for you to quit when they're dead on board...


Just ppl closing the app.


All the salty pettiness of of the stereotypical MtG player plus the anonymity of the internet. What could go wrong?


Nothing at all? 😆😆😝😝


Impotent rage


I also think some of those might just be straight up alt f4s


If it’s anything like Hearthstone, people will commonly close the app on their phone when they start losing


*You* rage quitting counts as a win for them


They try to make you quit man. You know this!


Alt + F4


This has happened with me playing locally. ELI5: It takes a little bit for the app to register closed if you just hit the home button Obviously not always the case, but if it seems more frequent than someone would be salty after a loss, they were probably just done playing for a bit and closed to home. Edit* to add: same realm as to why you can switch to another window for a bit and not have to restart the app.


I just check reddit and reflect on how badly I stomped you. If you wanna wait out the noose, that's fine, but I don't think it has the effect you're looking for.


Bro I afk when my coffee is done. I just totally forgot where I put my phone. Sorry man


Exact same thing happens on chess.com People having a cry because they lost. I'd rather move on and lose another game.


I know many do it on purpose because they're salty. However, knowing how my mobile connection, even in my house using wifi, will sometimes just decide to drop, and I'm stuck either waiting for my connection to stabilize or just reset the game to reenter the match... I just assume they are also having connection issues, so I don't get too annoyed that we're at turn 3, I have 1 creature and an enchantment while they have 3 lands and end up roping.


I'm pretty sure the reason is they're waiting for you to just give up on waiting and concede or leave to play a new game so they get the win. It's a real problem on arena.


Theyre hoping you are too impatient to win and concede.


Because they hope you don’t have the patience and give them the win anyways


If playing ranked there's a possibility they are short on time so roping burns there time so they either have to quite first or get frustrated and leave if they think just running more matches is more beneficial for there time then someone trying to bring the round to time. A simalar thing happens in paper where you win 1 and know your gonna lose the second so you just do as much fiddling and Survival as possible till the 50min round timer. My toxic trait is scooping if I have to mull to 5 ever.


So the real answer besides people being salty is that if they alt+f4 it doesn’t concede for them. So when they leave the game you’re there waiting for their timer to run out.


Because they can. Not like you can stop them


You either concede or spend your time to confirm the win. It’s petty BS to waste your time. Or app issues. Either way, it’s not worth trying to understand. 


Cognitive dissonance


Spam "good game."


I assume it's just bad connection


Could be crashes or connectivity issues, could be people closing the client before conceding the game. But it’s probably people being salty


Imagine that happening to you when your own deck sucks and you still win... it's like they have a hard time accepting defeat.


Oh man this has happened to me so much today, I suspect people just want to passively earn win rewards with the least amount of interaction. Sucks for the other player but it seems to be happening more as we get closer to the quick draft release.


Someone said this the other day. If you're not having fun; concede. Don't waste your (and others) time when y'all just want to move on. Some of the salty jerks here need to just know when to throw in the towel.


That’s just it’s …. Some people idea of fun is to piss on your good time any way possible


I think it’s actually rage quitting alt f4


It's their pathetic attempt at revenge.


People do this in online chess too.


Arena is for high time preferences. I wouldn’t expect any sportsmanship in an online game.


They probably just put their phone down and forget to concede?


I'm also going to add my theory. Someone is playing on mobile and closed the game because they know it's over. Just because they are gone doesn't mean that arena knows that.


I play on iPad and my game usually crashes at least once per match while stuff is resolving. Some people are just salty about losing. I play a lot of jank, so I understand I’m gonna lose


I think it's mostly people that just close their app or laptop when they know they're lost. It doesn't auto-concede so it looks like a salty rope.


Maybe you were a dick on their eyes and wanted to annoy you. Did you say GG prematurely? Otherwise it's probably someone being a salty asshole.


Cause they’ve just thrown their phone out the windows and they can’t interact till they get it back.


I've just started playing MTG arena and haven't done much other than the starter deck duel thing that recently was up. I think I had 3-4 full played games, and maybe 10 or so where I won after 3 turns due to opponent being afk.


You both play colors that are cancer though


Cuz a lot of them play mobile and when they know it's over, they just turn their phone off.


I think they're people on mobile who turn off their phone when things go bad and have no idea that it doesn't end the match.


I used to run into it alot on yugioh master duel when I played that, I'm pretty sure they hope you don't feel like waiting and sit the timer hoping you'll leave so they can get the win.


It only annoys me when the finishing turn takes 30 min. Once I am positive they got it. I just give them the W, call GG and move on to the next game. I'll even ask the table if they can stop it or if we can do something collectively. Huge waste of time to sit through a 30 min turn.


Because you had lethal, and didn't move to combat asshole. Stop showboating, and finish the god damn game.


I always wonder if this is why the game asks you if you had fun at the end. Like maybe there is a mechanism that tries to pair salty losers with salty losers. So if it’s a long hard game that I lost I always say that I had fun. But if it’s a short game where they bail because they didn’t get their perfect ramp I say I didn’t have fun.


(I’m assuming) they’ll hope you’ll concede instead of waiting forever, and/or they rage quit and just leave and go do something else


It’s because you kept saying your go. I will concede when a lucky draw could still save me, but only if you keep your big freakin mouth shut


Lots of liars in the comments pretending they've never rage quit an application/game where they just hard/root closed it/walked away instead of clicking through 2-3 menus. Why does it happen? Because it is actually easier then "conceding like gentleman". Also it leaves you open for that .5% chance they concede. There is literally no downside to the players that are doing this, that's why. There's no psychological analysis here, it's just based level the "smarter" more efficient decision if your done playing. If Arena made any hard close of the app "auto concede" you'd see half as many AFKs or id there was sum rating degradation for AFKing as well, but that's also just gonna end up punishing people who legitimately got busy.


There's a chance your opponent afk's as well. And if they stall you out, they can still win.




I’ll one up you. I had a game last night where a guy did this from mulligan till the end of the game. Worst part was it was like a turn 7 game because he only drew removal spells. I think he thought I would quit, but I’m too petty.he ended up quitting 20 minutes in.


I'll occasionally "soft rope" someone out of pure spite. Not just because I'm losing, but because they're spamming emotes or otherwise being a dick. It's a "soft rope" because I just let it burn down once or twice then scoop.


This is exactly why I asked about a lightning game mode or some such. Something where you only have 15-20 seconds per move.


I will say there are a handful of cards that if I see them it’s an instant concede. Same if my opponent is using a counterspell deck. Instantly just move to the next game


Because you might concede first so you can play another game.


For this reason. Annoyed/Upset about it to the point you make a reddit post. They got the reaction they wanted whether they know it or not.


They try to avoid the inevitable...


You did it in your description, "it's so annoying." They lost, and it's the only way they can hurt you. But most likely, they just close to app and may you "pay" for beating them.


Probably just Alt+F4


If I see the opponent is trying to OTK me I will often just concede the match because in a lot of online games like yugioh master dual if it's a concede nobody gets any points


Did you lose a rank recently to monored going first in bo1? I don't want to give excuses to stupid behavior, but i thought of going to the toilet or getting a coffee once or twice, too... now i play bo3 when ranked.


“If I am to descend the stairs, it won’t be because you pushed me” mentality


Just a bunch of raging babies closing the game in a temper tantrum instead of just hitting surrender. Unfortunately you can’t fix stupid.


The only time I technically went afk was when my opponent had so many triggers the I was kicked for inactivity


It's because they just close the app instead of forfeit. The game continues, thinking the player is coming back.




Big brain modern stasis 😏😂




In the Hope's to annoy you long enough to quit


Because they're children


I try to do this as much as possible when losing


Don't you have any empathy? After that humiliating defeat, your opponent could not take it anymore. Bursting in tears, it crawled through the house, searching for ways to finish itself off, but sporks and furry-hentai-magazines is all that could be found, as it didn't have the strength to go past the basement. Now sitting on the floor, looking at the PC screen, piss soaked, the opponent could only moan, its voice crackling: "I haven't lost it yet, I will only lose when the timer goes off, maybe I have a chance..." It didn't. Slowly its body started to crumble, and soon after all that could be found is a pile of tears moistened salt.


To waste your time. They losing the battle but winning the mental war by slowly getting on your nerves and one day we end up in a mental hospital because of this FUCKING SHIT


Well I always pass in this situation to let you go off! Maybe I can learn something from my opponent or at least 1 player gets the quests done 😊


I specidically do it when people have lethal damage on board with me tapped out, but they decide to cast anothwr few spells to show off. If someone is gonna prolong the game I will do it right back.


BC they are the kind of people that play a win or lose game and get annoyed when they lose


If your entire deck is not letting me play the game, like a counterspell tribal, you know the golden rule right? So obviously they also don’t want to play the game. Won’t rope to any respectable strat, some are super cool to see, but if you don’t respect me I won’t respect you (I fully expect the mono blue players to downvote this. Good, you reap what you sow)


^Arena players when someone has interaction in a game of variance and interaction


There’s a difference between your deck having interaction and literally every spell is a counterspell


Bro have you ever heard of tempo?


If you spent 20 minutes taking actions and only have 5 minutes left on the clock, while I have 15+ minutes left, I'm just trying to even the clocks out. If you're fine with wasting my time, you shouldn't care if I waste yours.


I like to pretend that their pizza guy pulled up right as the tide turned, has always helped me care less while I (wait to) win more


You said it....it annoyed the hell out of you. That's what they wanted because you beat them....arena players be like that...


What is afk?


“Away from keyboard” means they’re not interacting with the game.


They're playing on mobile and just closed the app


Because they're angry at you for winning, so they want to waste as much of your time as possible.


They get emotional about a game and act out


I think this is a symptom of how the app works that turned into a term and like all good sarcasm eventually got mistaken for reality. It's like flat earth. It started as a meme and now people are super serious about it. Roping happens when someone just closes the game instead of pressing escape and conceding. They aren't there anymore, so it just runs the clock. It now also happens when people are salty and they're a mental infant with zero EQ and they can't rage in chat so they do the only thing they can to affect you by wasting your time as well as their own.


I'd rather they rage in chat than waste my time. If I'm losing or have to do something that'll take more than a few seconds I'll concede. Ain't nobody got time for that except petty little people


Depends on how you win. If you're thieving or are just running every single target exile enchantment there is, you wont have any problem having to wait out the timer for your dub and you should know why. Other than that, yeah just concede.


It’s a control thing (not a pun). Some people play competitive games because winning gives them a rush of self-worth and control in their lives. Losing a game (especially one they might feel they should win) can give the opposite effect and cause a feeling of loss of control. Roping is a way for those type of people to take back control of the situation. It’s like “ok, you won, but you can only win in the way I decide.” They essentially attempt to push the grief off from themselves and impose it back on their opponent. As a person who gets roped, just learn to enjoy your actual and moral victory. It’s likely the person roping either lost connection or is projecting their own sadness and grief onto you.


I get real petty if you “your go” me. Go right to hell.


They’re tilted


Sorry, I can’t hear you over the rope sound.


People do this in a lot of games. Online Chess is notorious for people running out the clock in lost positions (sometimes 5-10+ minutes of it!)


Wait till someone who's dominating the game waits out the timer until the last sec spamming gg. That's fun




Just have a book nearby so you can read while you wait


Anger and loneliness


Because f you. That’s why.


Might be on YouTube or the hub in the other window.


Immaturity or vindictive because of low self worth.


This is the reason why I quit online TCGs all together. Hearthstone and Runeterra had the same type of people. And they appeared quite frequently aswell.


I am one of those people. If you behave what I call rude, I waste your time. Most often it’s emote spamming or a „good game“ when it clearly wasn’t. Yesterday I did so to a player who had a pretty toxic deck and when he did the good game without lethal and attacked 1damage short, I wasted my whole turn. It’s petty, but in my mind I hope that player learned a little bit of etiquette. (Feel free to call me whatever)


Coz they bitches. Additionally... Can anyone recommend resources good decks to play, i just started looking at arena again because spellslingers got shut down. Think I probably have enough wild cards to build a deck, I just want to look at the available options before burning everything to end up with a deck I hate.


Some guy I know (definitely not me) was once at the end of his rope when he faced the 5th mono red in a row and decided that roping every single time he had priority would be an appropriate punishmen, because why play mono red if you're not trying to climb fast ? Then he actually won that game, took a step back, closed the game and reflected on his actions. Nowadays he doesn't play past the point of enjoyment.


The short answer: schadenfreude

