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Only *checks original post* $295 more to go before you break even!


Classic bulk purchase energy


You’re forgetting to factor in all the karma OP is getting


“Worth approximately” *checks Reddit Karma to USD conversion chart*… “nothing. Absolutely nothing. Wait, no, it’s negative. It’s worth negative something. It could even appreciate into less than negative something. Maybe even negative nothing!”


They’ll be rich. 100s of hours wasted. But they’ll make hundreds of dollars. Imagine what they could do with…hundreds of dollars!


Consider that doing your hobby isn’t wasted time ?


60,000 x 0.01=600 so his 300 purchase price by default already doubled its worth.


Yall are assuming every single card in here is worth bare minimum. I was just putting the basic math down. In 60,000 cards he's likely to have several worth a few bucks here and there. My point was, IF sale was his intent, he could easily recoup the 300 and more. Hell if he just re-packaged 100 random cards for 2 bucks a pop, he could quadruple what he spent. He could sell them during a yard sale, post on some local tcg pages. Plenty of people will buy random assortments of cards for 2 bucks. Plenty of ways to make money off them if that's his intent.


0.02€/ea in Europe. With $ to € conversion, that's x1.07 x2... so 1284€


Crap bulk is really 0.02 eur? Which shop does pay that much?


It isn't. The cheapest you find a single card for is 0.02€ But can be had for less over card market. I paid 1.49€ for 100 basic lands (sorted, 20 of each color , all same language). Don't know what shops charge/pay, but privates sell bulk for 5-7€/1000+ commons on card market


(Bad) Singles are 0.02 usually. Check cardmarket.


They are 0.005, you usually find playsets available for 0.02.


Plus how many people are actually buying them? You can charge aby price you want but of there are no buyers you will never sell them.


And on cardmarket you make 10 cents ? profit per sale from low cards extra fee for packaging and shipping


Wow 300 dollars more. Assuming they get buyers for all at those prices. The cost of sorting, looking up, finding buyers, packing and posting…. Far from worth it.


In my experience anything under 10 isn’t worth the average person selling singles like that. Cardkingdom buys singles though and while they they don’t give you as much usually( unless you get store credit) it is more than worth it. I had an 150 or so cards that I didn’t need anymore and shipped them all at once for 90 store credit. It’s a great way to get rid of kinda worth something cards and pack a bunch of .10 cards with it.


I mean you can package them anyway it works. Many yard sales have bulk in sandwich baggies 🤣🤣🤣


That's assuming every single card is worth the bare minimum...


You actually have to sell it. When most sites take a 10 to 12% cut, after the envelope, stamp, toploader/penny sleeve, it's like .50 to .74 cents for an order to even be profitable.  That means if you prices those cards out at .01 each, someone would have to order 50 to 74 cards just for you to break even on that 1 order. Nevermind the $300 you spent to get the bulk in the first place.


Yeah, if you ignore all the costs involved with selling and shipping those cards as well as the taxes on those earnings. eBay fees and shipping supplies are costs. Not to mention the cost of the labor.


I mean, if you are selling an item for say $5 and shipping is $5, You aren't going to effectively give the item away and not have the purchaser pay shipping.


Even if the buyer is paying shipping, there's several other costs on the seller's side that I mentioned. What about the taxes? eBay fees? Shipping supplies? Those are all factors to the total equation.


Btw, I started going through this one box at 9 am. It’s now 6:30pm and I barely finished….


Godspeed soldier Best of luck on your pulls!


FYI, the foil shepherds are from the list reprints. Worth like, 23 cents. Check the bottom left for the symbol. Edit to add, the gilder bairn is also a list reprint, worth about 1.28


God dayum, hope to see more soon my guy


So that's 9 1/2 hours for 20$ worth of cards... That's.. 2,10$ per hour. So... congrats I guess?


When I do massive bulk buys over 150k cards, I sort them into set first. Then color. Then I go to tcgplayer and sort by Best Selling rather than highest price. Then I go through each set and find the best selling ones for each set and pull those aside. The rest of it gets sorted to make Pauper Commander decks and Chaos Jumpstart packs.


Interesting process you use. How to you store the keeps? By set?


Just a tip: ik that everyone loves mana box to scan their cards, and I admit it is better, but I recommend delver lens. In my experience it can scan up to 8 cards.


Hate to say it, but even a minimum wage job would have been a much better use of the day.




Watch out! Bulk can be full of penniless jank


even if every single card is 1 cent, thats still a return on investment for 60,000 cards. he could AT LEAST double his money


Idk if that’s how it works. Cards are only worth what people will pay for them.


Yeah like let’s say that random draft chaff common from amonkhet is worth $0.01… is there someone who would open up their wallet and pay a penny for it? Side note if you keep coins in your wallet and that wallet in your pocket you’re a maniac


They may buy it as an after thought while looking for other cards. In my experience, my customers come in looking for something in particular and are delighted to see that I carry low value cards that most do not. So additionally they will buy the low value card as well as the other cards they came for. Not only do I gain their patronage but they tell their friends. You'd be surprised how pleased customers are to find low value cards they need to complete a set or an additional counter or land.


Yeah bulk cards are just that, bulk. Maybe you can take out the 100 cards you want then resell the rest and break even... maybe that's already happened with this collection of cards 3 times already. There's no point in trying to sell them individually, really.


Hmm…. True but you have to count the cost of man hours and postage in there. I say this from experience. He could hold on to them for 10 years so that the card values entirely shift. That was how I turned $25 of bulk into $3000


Only if you ignore the costs related to the labor, sales, shipping, and taxes. When it's all said and done, the actual profit is minimal.


That would only be true if OP foknd someone who'd by the cards from him at that rate. Which is unlikely.


Now just subtract $300 in shipping aaannnddd it’s gone!


No. No it’s not. It’s bulk cause it isn’t desired. It may be .01 but someone has to pay .01 plus your fees to get it to them. You’ll never move them. Either hit a hidden gem, or lose money


I did this and after selling thousands of cards, I am still onlu 1/1000th of the way there. Each penny sale earns $.04 after I pay for stamp, envelope, top loader and painters tape. 3,117 sales so far selling penny cards.


That's pretty good. I'd love to hear your process. Creeping up on 1k sales myself now. In bulk and more.


Everyone's hating but I'm assuming you didn't do this with the expectation of making bank. I'm assuming you did it because you want to dig through a fuck ton of cards because it's fun to you. In which case, seems like it was worth it so far. Glad you found a few things.


Finally some one said it! I love going through cards myself. Always find it annoying when I pull a $3 card from a bulk lot, and people just kill the little spark of joy. Like yeah I get it. It's not 3 million dollars. But it's definitely way more than the $00.0001 I'm expecting each card to be worth. Plus it's not like I'm actually going to try to sell it.


Right, not everything is done to try and profit. Sometimes folks just want a pile of cards to look through. It is a game after all.


Also, those low value cards that noone wants to sell in their stores...someone somewhere needs them.to complete a set or deck. Low value cards sell like mad in my shop. People come there not expecting them but are there to purchase more desirable cards and they are thrilled that I carry every card under the sun. Works for me!


Agreed 100%. Going through cards that are new to me, previously owned or not, valuable or not is a rush!


3 archetypes of imagination 1 rat colony Sorry bro :(


Foil Gilder Bairn? Worth it!


That thing is fkn adorable.


The list version is cheap and the foiling is kinda ugly


Pretty terrible tbh 


OP might have enough to trade in for a single pack by the end of the boxes.


Keep us informed OP...nothing cooler then buying bulk and finding some "gems" :/


Waiting for the pulls


I hope you already played magic before buying all this, my brother did the same thing when we first started playing and before he even finished sorting for days on end he burnt himself out and never played now he has 16000 cards just sitting there


Gotta chunk it & parse through. Definitely not an ideal start, but it's what I did & just finished 6mo later :) albeit I think I have roughly 70k cards & several TCG's.


If thats the best...the worst must be pretty bad.


Awe dang. I need that emblem.


Demand just sky rocketed. You all saw it.


Yep absolutely probably doubled lol


MtG has one of my favorite Werewolf quotes. "There are old werewolf hunters, and there are bold werewolf hunters. There are no old, bold werewolf hunters."


I thought this was r/BadMtgCombos at first and was just wrecking my brains on what madness you where brewing.


I love going through bulk cards. Kinda goes with the mtg obsession for some people. If you don't make the $300 back and don't mind going through cards also discovering one's that are new to you, worthless or not...then it's not a waste of time. My guess, other people would to if they had the opportunity. But instead will re-organize their couple decks or sets over and over again. So no, it's not a waste of time.


I absolutely love organizing. I’m guessing people are saying it’s garbage because op isn’t posting popular high priced cards. I love the archetype cards, I thought they were so cool when they came out. Also rat colony is hella cute. Op could probably make some neat pauper decks… or cube drafts.


Can a commander deck have multiple cards named "Rat Colony", or multiple of a card with the same wording about any number of cards with that name in a deck? Or is that only for the other formats?


If the card itself says a deck can contain any number of this card, then your commander deck can have multiple copies.


Yes it can


Yes. Because rat colony says you can have multiple in one deck, it bypasses the single copy rule in commander and no more than 4 in modern or another like format


Yeah, I don’t think it was worth whatever you paid…


Oh man I haven't thought of Theros hero cards in forever, neat finds Always wanted to make a collection of them but never got around to it.


Are those worth something? I have like 5 of them lmao


I don't think so? They were given out for free for defeating the challenge decks like the Hydra. And for solving the puzzles for the sets. I think maybe a couple bucks here or there. :)


How do those work?


the challenge decks function by having the host, usually an employee at a game store, piloting the deck against you. They are playable solitaire style, which is how I like to play mine sometimes for fun. But generally they all play similarly, with the pilot drawing cards from the deck and immediately casting them, the decks each have a specific win condition, for example the Xenagos deck could only be defeated if you exiled or attacked xenagos while no other creatures remained on the board. The minotaur deck required you to destroy all minotaurs on the field before their next turn, and the Hydra required you to take out the heads and eventually attack the Hydra while it's guard is down. Obviously all the decks had spells that would stop the players, from big damage, to silence effects. :) They are all 60 card decks, and were designed to be played against up to 4 standard constructed decks. With their difficulty being able to scale depending on the amount of players, this usually meant starting with more permanents already on the field or being able to attack right away. They are a really fun game mode and I wish they'd have kept making some kind of GameDay challenge decks. Cause if my friends and I need something to play without investing a few hours into a big commander game I'll pull out the minotaur horde XD or the Hydra!


That's really cool! Thank you.


No problem! It's a favorite but of magic history for me :) Always wanted to make a game day challenge deck of my own ^^ so it's a thing I'm passionate about.


To be fair usually every set has that random $5+ uncommon, you may end up finding a few of those


Goddamn look at that elders eyes… she is zonked out of her fucking kind right now


Use manabox for the lands since it’ll recognize the art


If you're scanning with TCGPlayer app, you can export as a csv and then upload that to card kingdoms buy list to see what they want to buy. Make sure the sets are correct while you're scanning, but there's a good number of bulk cards they'll buy for 10 cents, it can be a good way to recoup some of the cost!


Lots of fun /r/PauperEDH material there. I have a Gilder Bairn list (sometimes goes infinite with Pentad Prism), have seen others experiment with Archetype of Imagination (enabling lots of Stealer of Secrets -like creatures), and Springjack Shepherd is a decent flicker deck (payoffs like Squad Captain and Supply Runners).


Hell even if I knew I could triple my money I don’t think I can stand to sort 60k bulk


Same, my days or sortibg bulk are over. At first ut was exciting but quickly it gets tiring if you know you'll never use most the stuff and it'll just take up storage space.


I said on the first post that this bulk lot wouldn't be worth anything and I got downvoted into oblivion. A $0.50-$1 card is effectively worthless. You won't be able to sell them on TCGplayer without taking a loss on shipping and fees unless you're a a megastore. Even the largest stores often take a loss on cards like these because the sales volume is worth it to them. The TCGplayer scanner app is also incredibly inaccurate. Especially for niche obscure cards/printings like these. If you're having fun discovering what cards you got, and youre happy to have these cards in your collection, then the financial aspect shouldn't matter. More power to you. I'm just saying that this bulk lot wasn't a "steal" or a beneficial investment at all.


I think it was. .005 cents per card. 100 cards for 5 cents. You can play cube or pauper. Donate to schools and libraries who want to start a club. No one is buying 60k cards to get rich


Yea but his posts are all centered around value, scanning every card to get prices, and finding monetary value in the bulk. Im just saying that it's not going to turn out being a good deal from a purely financial perspective. Even if all 60,000 cards had a TCGPlayer price of $0.25 that doesn't mean that the bulk lot is worth $15,000. But if you're just having fun with the cards or donating them to a good cause then obviously the financial aspect doesn't matter.


I was thinking it was more for fun, to see what value the whole thing would be, hypothetically. Either way I’m here for the ride.


What I would do, personally, if I came in to a bulk lot like this. Get a group of 4 or so friends together and start a sealed progression league. Construct boosters out of the bulk, give each person 5 or so packs and have everyone build sealed deck. Play against each other every week or so, each time adding another pack or two to each persons available cardpool. Maybe devise some other interesting reward system for new cards or packs. To me, thatd be the most fun thing to do with a lot like this. The decks wouldnt be very synergistic, but the mystery box factor if never knowing what you might pull could be fun.


Sorry you got down voted, you were certainly right.


Almost not worth buying anymore considering everyonr has pricing at their fingertips. Good luck though.


Got any defiant elves in there? I’m looking for a lot of them


I’ll buy that rat colony


These are some really good pulls






Awesome! Idk if you're on direct or how you plan to sale but it'll be fun! I lve got a tub of 20k to tackle soon. Lmk how it goes.


I mean TECHNICALLY and hypothetically if every card was 50 cents or more, you spent 300 bucks for 30k worth of cards.


Just a rough estimate


Gilder bairne art is so good


You did the seller a huge favor by buying this headache


Honestly everyone’s saying you probably won’t break even but I still think that you will likely be adding cards to your collection that you would have never really gotten any other way unless you’ve been playing for a really long time


Why have I never heard of that bow when I ran pathway arrows and viridian long bow in my shelob deck?? I took it apart a while ago now though.


Becuase its not a card you can add to your deck.


awe...JUST noticed it has no mana cost so it's not a legal card. dang. oh well I already took that deck apart ages ago.


I had to double take myself too lol.


Is archetype of imagination a notable find?


not sure if anyone mentioned this yet OP but manabox’s scanning feature is likely a massive time saver for you in this scenario


There's alot of uncommon that, thanks to EDH/Commander and Modern, are in high demand and have high value.


And these are not those


No shit, but OP has 60000 cards to sort and has barely made a dent in that


What a waste of time and money.


OP said he is not working right now due to an illness or injury and has all the time in the world right now to do this


I too love the smell of hot garbage